Page 114 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 114
SCRIMSHAW - - LeHers to the -Editor WMC-On the Air? BSU Gets too Much, Yearbook too Little Dear Sir, - which was produced last year. R-A-O-I-O. Radio! The word brings music lethe ear and consoling news I would like to take this op- Have government mandated price stressed. When addressing the to the heart. Systems broadcast as widely as around the world and as portunity to express my increases reached Western Senate, the rules of Parliamentary close to home as around the corner. It seems as If every city, town, dissatisfaction with the SGA Maryland College? If the SGA's procedure should be followed. All universIty or college has a station to gIve personality and Indlvludallty to budget for 1978-79 as approved by allocation of funds to the Yearbook comments should be addressed to the local lurlsdlcflon.-excepf at Western Maryland COllege. the Senate on Monday, March 20. I is any indication, I think they have. the chair, all should be relevant to There has never been the opportunity hereon the HIli to serve the WMC am particularly concerned with In the proposed budget for 1978- the matter at hand and none should community directly through the use of the airwaves. This does not mean the unjustified allocation of funds 79, the BSU was to receive $475. be used to cast personal disper- that the Idee.has not been though of. In the past, according to people who to the Yearbook and Black Student This was a $25 increase over its sions against another member of were around at the time, the Idea of a Western Maryland radio station Union. Confronted with the 1977-78 allotment and $225 more the association. Violations of these had been discussed by people who had the drive and conviction to actually necessity of reducing the proposed than any other club on campus. rules became' extremely evident in try to rectify the situation. Unfortunately, they did net-the students who budget to match the total allocated But apparently this was not the response of the BSU considered the poSSIbility either scrapped It early or left the school to the SGA for 1978-79, the Senate enough. As the budget meeting representative to opponents of his (through graduation and otherwise) before they had the opportunity to proceeded to reduce the allotments progressed it became evident that motion at. the budget meeting. In make any of the necessary arrangements. to the Yearbook and Social a surplus existed from the 1977-78 the future, participants in the SGA Well, rumor has It that the proposal for a radio station Is once again up Committee, these organizations SGA budget. In response to this should be advised that the for discussion ene.or possible action. We are hoping that It will not lust receiving $2900 less than fact, the BSU representative meetings are governed by the rules fade away quickly, as It has In the past. requested. At the same time the motioned that the BSU be alloted of Parliamentary procedure, these The major holdup In the Ideas has always been the cost Involved with allocation to the BSU was in- an additional $100 in order for the rules being strictly enforced to setting up_the Initial equlpmen;$and materials for an adequate breed- creased by $100. I am forced to BSU to sponsor luncheons to meet enhance the efficient operation of casting base. The latest word out Is that It could cost anywhere between question the wisdom of these with representatives of the Ad- the proceedings. $3000 and 54500 for such an effort. The cost varies according to quality and decisions. ministration and the SGA Keith H. Patterson the type of system selected. For its fiscal year 1978 the executive committee. I am forced Murder Meet The main Instigator behind the movi this year is Tim Windsor, a Yearbook was granted $8000 in the to take issue with this additional Dear Sir, musically Inclined and Interested Freshman et tne college. Tim has three SGA budget. By initiating a sales allotment. The SGA budget should Brett Schurmann's article on' good years ahead of him with which to carry out his long-range plan. campaign in conjunction with the not be allocated to campus capital punishment was well' Attempts are being made preSently to solicit the needed funds from Sigma Sigma Tau and Delta Sigma organizations for the purpose of written and to the point. However, several sources, the SGA end-the Student Affairs Office In particular. For Kappa sororities, the Yearbook establishing meal plans for has Mr. Schurmann ever had a these organizations to come through, however, there Is a need for student was able to sell 150 books more students. The BSU has every right close friend or relative killed in a support to show that the campus is firmly behind the idea before the than any previous year and hold to meet with the Administration store robbery? I'm not talking money can be appropriated. the price per book to $10. In its and the executive committee and about crimes of pesstcn, where Another possible source of revenue being explored Is through the sale of budget request for 1978-79, the only should be encouraged to do so. someone is half-insane from memberships to the general student body. This would essentially increase sought was $400 to cover However, if these meetings are to madness or jealousy. Nothing can represent the same form of Income that Public Television must depend the cost of an expected 5 per cent take place over lunch, they should be done about these crimes, unless upon In order to operate. It Is based upon the premise that by monetarily inflation (a conservative request not be subsidized by the SGA. We you can find a way to eliminate: supporting a stettcn. the "members" are hoping to provIde a needed when, in fact, many economists have all been told that there's no human emotions. I'm referring to service tothecampus. At the present time, the station's inttletcrs are not are forecasting 6 per cent inflation such thing as a free lunch, but the well-planned, well-thought-out sure of what material benefits the contributors will receive, but they are for 1978). Despite these facts, the BSU is apparently trying to find crimes, where murder is part of-' open to suggestions. Senate proceeded to trim the one in the SGA budget. the original game plan. The reason behind thIs hub-bob over the radio statlo~ Is simple. Some Yearbook's request by $1900, to One final point needs to be . Has Mr. S~hurmann e~er ~d ~ people feel that the campus deserves an Informative, up-to-the-mlnuta, $6500. In light of this decision, the Leave Us Alone Sl~ up at n~ght wondering If .hls personal form of media. Through a WMC broadcasting center, we can be price of yearbooks for the 1978-79 Wife, a ~h.c~woman, IS commg served with both entertainment and I ~ormatlon on a consistent basis. It school year will be forced to in- Dear Editor, home or If It s too late to worry c'ould revolutionize the way students are involved In and informed of crease. Without considering the This is the usual kind of letter anymore. Obviously, his father campus events. And the muslcel airplay can be sulted to the lndlv l dual effects of inflation in the upcoming which is familiar to the Scrimshaw was never a cop. .. tastes of different campus groups. _ year, the cost of producing a this time of year. It deals with the Mr. Schurmann, you. hve In a We hope that these are reason enough to lustlfy the establishment of ~ yearbook identical to the 1978 fraternities. This is a little dU- dream world, .where allis love and station here at Western Maryland. Because of them. SCRIMSHAW would- edition will be $15,500. If the same ferent, though, in that it will be the system. IS P'7rfect. In your like to thrust its full support behind the Idea. Hopefully. In the near future, number of copies are sold next aimed not only to the four Greek world,. '!lan. IS basically good, our "t others will, too. T k Sh t L year (750) the cost per book will fraternities but to those unofficial rehabilitation programs are EdI or a es or eave semester economics student can alsohavetables~thecafeteria~or which ~a"",:l~, ~d. killing is never as any first rise to $12. However, here on campus fraternities JUStifled.ltshmey.o~en~redthe . tell you, if the price of any item meIl_lbers, and which also ostracize rea~ world, where killing IS a way Editor's Note: possible and not probable) that I increases the demand for that item outsiders. All of us who have of hfe for some people, and wher.e During the next several weeks I feel that should relinquish my will decrease. Therefore, chosen not to rush either the Greek man often is 100 t~m~ more e~ll will be Involved In the campaign responslb1l1tles with "the assumingtbenumberofbookssold fraternities or the others would than good. If the:nmmal commits for the presidency of the SGA. It newspaper. will decrease to its traditional level appreciate a little civility-- murder, let him accept the has not been often In the past that For those of you who may be of 600 books, the price per book will refraining from sticking ice cubes responsibilities for his actions. this situation has arlsen--that the cvertcvee by this prospect, please rise to $15. Inflation will push this down our backs, calling us names Come out of your dream world. editor of a school's only newspaper realize this move Is only tern- price even higher. Only by and treating us as a second class Never stop dreaming, fo~ the world Is simultaneously running for a porary and that I w11l resume producing a poorer quality product member of the community. In needs all the dreamers It can get. relatively high ccerttcn In the control of the paper Immediately can the price per book be keptatits other words, we have not rushed Just live one day a week in the real college's student governing following the election and continue present level. I think I need not your fraternity, don't treat us like "",:orld,. and s~ whether your organlzstlon. It Is because of this unt1l the end of the semester. remind=you of the response of your poor pledges. vtewpotnt remains the sa!D . e conflicting dual Interests that I Hopefully. this abbreviated period students to the poorer Quality book Name Withheld by Request BIll Spring must make the step of taking a that SCR IMSHAW will be without temporary leave of abs from the "RobInson presence" will give the Edltor·in-chlef position. It the air of unblasedness that a ToughQuestions.! •••••••••• The reasons behInd this move campus newspaper truly deserves. should be explained. The I feel that I have faith enough In Gamma Beta Chi 3. Yes. this fr~ternity. What the other possibility always exists that the my trusty assistant editors that I I. Yes, explicit guidelines are set 4. Absolutely not. Gamma Beta fraternities do or have done, we head of the campus's main media can leave the paper In their hands up for all fraternities through the Chi has had in recent years a strict are in no position to say for sure source might attempt to and they will continue to try to Dean of StUdent Affairs in con, policy against striking any pledge. what takes place. Many miscon- manIpulate the outcome of any inform the college community of junction with the I.F.C. No paddling is allowed at any time. ceptions are held by non-fraternity Important school-wide electron. current events at WMC and In the 2. These guidelines are We would follow this policy even if students who do not have all the That possibility Increases the more world of academia. reasonable and are acceptable to paddling was allowed by college facts. Sensationalism runs wild the person In charge Is dlrectiy I appreCiate your understanding both this fraternity and the I.F.C. guidelines. among those who would rather Involved In that election. It Is In this situation. We feel we can work within these 5. There have been no violations, discredit fraternities than look at be,"_U'_'_o_, _'h_,,_,_,o_,e_'h_at_'_h'_' _" --J_e'_'_OO_b_',_",_nguidelines very comfortably. to my knowledge, committed by the facts. Staff Box Want Ads t:ditor-ln-OUer On Temporary Leave Mel Hoyle Jeff Robinson FOR SALE black capri. Sharp car, really One roommate, male purebred stands out. Body fine except for Business Manager Photography Editor Scott Dahna Ad Manager Kathy Harbaugh WASP, brown hair, brown eyes. recent front end collision. Engine News Editor Nancy Mend_ Entertainment IMecto. Charles Estes Never abused, comes with original runs O.K., only needs timing chain, Sports Editor Jim Ter.lmani Mark Katz sneakers. Good disposition, fun- radiator, fan, valve job, and new Feature Editor Phil u.Plidula Music Editor. Tim Windsor loving, housebroken. Asking hoses. Interior is black with foam Arts Editor TheoBrav .. Food Review t.d!tor Joe Brint $53.17, or will trade for luscious rubber trim. Lack of dash will (emale of any variety. Respond- make it easier to fix wiring har- A1otographers uyoutSpecialists Scrimshaw - box 3A - section TJ. ness. Inspected June, 1973. $4000 or Chris! Bo"-k. Dave Cleveland Dave Mayer FOR SALE will trade for bicycle (or even HIli Sc:hmalowitz - Lea IViltxwali Denise Gien!jlOll V_non Crilwford 1973 red, grey, dark grey, and tricycle). Respond-Scrimshaw- box ~A-section SS. sw, Mike D'Andr811 MarkC.B.yet' Von Makino Andi .Junior Follies Phyllis MenschnEtr D.vidZinck Scott DeMaris Dawn Bennett Anit.CroYSe. Jeff Smith ScortSheridin It's only one week to the debut of for this event are $2 and will be Sally Stebbins Dave Langlay- Sergio Zarbin Bill Weeks the greatest show ever to hit the sold at College Activities and in the J.yHohunan Mary Cole Jerry Prophet Lis. Davis campus. Next Thursday, Friday, cafeteria. Tickets go fast so get Jeff Rosenlwrll MIoggieCOstellt Kim Shawbridgs Dave Moskowitz and Sunday the Junior Class will yours early to see one of the tfttKyMeKenzie Bruce Swett present the Junior Follies. Tickets wildest happening in years.
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