Page 112 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 112
",,.8 Friday, Marcb._17. 1978 Senior Recitals· iOCCCc~;;:'haac ac acacccacaa aaaca aaa alXlaaaaacacc aa ccc au ccaa~ Announcements this Weekend caaaaaaaaaaQcQQQQQQQaQQQQQQQQaQaQcacaQQcaaaaaaaQaaaaaaaDO GETSTARTED FOR liFE AFTER CjJIIEGE. Martha You're working for a college degr~e piano on both of these to get you started in life. You can rein- pieces. force that degree and· get a better The recital closes with a modern start through Army ROTC. You'll get jazz compostncn entitled "Suite for management training. Self-discipline Flute and Jazz Piano." Lisa A serise of confidence. You'll earn the Hellstrom will be playing piano for this piece, with Alan Zepp playing extra credentials that will set you drums, and John Chenoweth on apart as a responsible achiever. You'll Bass Guitar. There are four also receive $2500 over your- last two movements--Irlandais, Baroque, years in the Advanced ROTC Pro- and Blue, Sentirnentaie, and gram. No matter whether your career Fugaee. The idea behind this piece plans are civilian or military, Army is to contrast some of the motives ROTC provides opportunities for both of Baroque music with those of we_.,. ... - active duty with a starting salar~ of modern Jazz. The result is an over $11,300, or reserve service exciting and upbeat conclusion to a while employed in the civilian com- • _ f.i.9-8,Sa!.9_!i Wed., SHOP ThufS. !l-1 Subs Pizzo college. Get started in Army ROTC. very enjoyable recital -. BREAKFAST LUNCH . DINNER munity. Get started for life after CALL: .• Tu •• NoAppojnt""""N~ BARBER SPORTSMEN Daily Specials, EXT. 244 848-7000 o.icken Day-Monday Dinners MAJOR CHARLES F. MOLER Pizza Day-Tuesday ARMY ROTC. Spa!lletti Day-Wednesday Dinners SUNNY FLORIDA THE TWO-YEAR PROGRAM. FOR SPRING VACATION WITIDN WALKING DISTANCE Marvland & D.C. College Students FIVlnPersonafP/ane ()pen 6 a.m.. daily except Sundays 7 a.m. Share LowCosl Accommodations Limited NEWLY REMODELED EXPANDED SEATING Write for information: PILOTS & PASSENGERS ASSOC. Route 140 P.O. Box 332 Westminster Columbia,Md.21045 848-9110
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