Page 63 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 63
Friday, November 19 ..1.976 Scrimshaw Page 7 DinneratJimmy's BUY AND SAVE! say that his conscience is much 6-FUNCTION As a reporter for a s~all, un- more at ease nowthat the election derground, local, bi-monthly is over, and he isn't expected to newsletter, I am fortunate enough make so many promises to the L.E.D.WATCH to be allowed to take vacations and people. breaks at my own leisure. It is precisely for this reason that this For desert we had peanut brittle long-awaited article is reaching and Pepsi, and Jimmy closed the my faithful readers one week later evening with a prayer of than I'd promised. I would ap- thanksgiving for the outcomeofthe preciate it greatly if the nasty election. letters and threats onmy life would soon cease, for my colleagues are The Carter's gave me a case of becoming annoyed and surly as of Snicker's candy bars as a parting late. It seems that a few stray gift, and I bid them farewell and bricks have made their way boarded the Greyhound for through the wrong windows, and Washington. As I sat back in my oneman next door even received a seat, I stared longingly at the letter bomb intended for me. generous gift- I'd just been Luckily,however, it seems as if his presented. I couldn't help but wife,in attempt to steam the letter notice that the Snicker's company open, dropped it into a vat of had selected the same motto I'd boiling water she had intended to seen hanging in the Carter dining use for some freshly peeled room: potatoes, thus. neutralizing the "Anywayyousliceit, it comes up destructive potential of the ex- peanuts." plosive. Nothing serious happened this time, but I wouldappreciate it Sports Quiz ifincidents of this nature wouldnot occur any time in the near future. Now, kind readers, here is the Carlton Harris article I promised you: If you.did well in identifying last 1 arrived at the Carter's about weeks list of trophies, then test Teltronics manufactures and se.Hs ex- 5:50 pm, and immediately sat your skill on this weeks batch. clusively these quality-crafted solid state down to dinner. Mrs. Carter Name the sport associated with watches worldwide-over 1 million sbld at MENS WQMENS proudly stated after she said grace each trophy: much higher prices. Now, order direct and that they grew all their own food get tremendous savings, all these features: right there on the plantation. Iwas 1) Vezina Trophy surprised tohear this, for Ithought 2) George Halas Trophy • 6 functions controlled by a single button: that the Carter's grew only 3) Heisman Trophy hour, minutes.cseccnds. month, date, and peanuts. . 4) Wimbleton We began with soup as an ap- 5) Ross Trophy day. Accurate within 2 minutes per year. petizer. It had an oddflavor, -one I 6) Little Brown Jug • full year wananty against defects in wasn't familiar with. I suddenly 7) Outland Award realized the faint aroma of roasted 8} Hunt Cup materials or workmanship, except battery. peanuts, and inquired as to the 9) Grand National Championship We will repair or replace any Teltronics main ingredient of the delicacy. 10) Leonard Brumby, Sr. watch such defect within 1 "It's a recipe I fauna in McCall's. Memorial Trophy year of purchase. Peanut soup." SCORING: 6 equals average, 7.... • .3O-day homB trial, if not completelr sat- As you may guess, the main equals good, 8 equals first class, 9 isfied with your watch, return it within 30 course consisted of peanut butter equals superb, 10 equals im- days for full refund of purchase price, no crackers, and peanut butter and possible Answers to last weeks questions asked. jelly, marshmallow, or banana quiz: 1) tennis-international team sandwiches. We even had the champions, 2) ice hickey-NHL • Ultra-thin eese, with stainless steel back. option of peanut-banana with one champs, 3) bowling-best in tour- All watches shown ace available finished side freshly buttered or Parkayed. ney, 4) golf-teamwinners of USvs. in silver rhodium or gold plate with match- There were large quantities cf milk Great Britain, 5)baseball-best ing bracelets. available, for peanut butter has a pitcher, 6) amateur sport- tendency to stick to the roof of smanship, 7) ice hockey-NHL one's mouth. MVP, 8) football-NFL MVP, 9) All during dinner, Mr. Carter basketball-NBA MVP, 10) soccer- declined to discuss politics, but did international team champs. __ 'l fields - iI few months, or penTlilnent positions. Europe - Japan - Africa - Australia - South Plcifi" - Fir £al1 - South America. The U.S. Govern- ment is the Ilrgll$! cmp!oyer of AmericarlS overS81sl To 111011'1 you the opponunity to ex.plore working for the U.S. Government 0"_, the following book ... ~n r_r"hed Ind _inen. "HOW TO GET A JOB OVERSEAS WiTH THE UNITEOSTATES GOVERNMENT." This book ditCu_ employment requirements Ind activities of 13 different US. Goyernment Agencies in complete detail. Ind you will be told whom to .:ontact It uch one "oncerning Cli.ront oy_.amployment opportunities. Also complete information on: ·TeaehingOpportunities ·Complete information on the Peace COrps - who and where to apply 'Employment on U.S. Government Ships 'Employment at the Panama Canal Zone -'Nhat type of positions thev hire a r--------------------, whomtocontaet. ' 'Career opportunities in the State Department and United States Mall check Of money order to: Information Ageney. TELTRONICS, 2400 E. Devon, Del Plaines, III. 80018 'Opportunities and Qualifications ll'i a Forlign Service Office-r. {SpeCify ehcrce • How and where to apply for Embassy positions - Men - Women - Please send the A thru following watch(es). by ··S·· lor euver your rhOdium 01 10 styles: J. 'ollowed Secretaries - Office Help _ Staff Per1onnel- etc. etc. @116.950r··G··'orgold @117.95.)!underslandthat I will 'What type of positions different Civil Service Departments hire for overseas receive. free. e 'reitrcnrce calculator with every two watches employment and whom to contact. lorde. • List of Federal Job Information Centen: Nation Wide. QUANTITY 'Further Information on Employment in Engineer "Accounting 'Teaching 'Recreational 'library Work 'Maintenance 'Supply 'Management 'Agriculture 'Medica! 'SkilledTrades ·Semi·Skilied and M~B~H MORE!II Send for you copy of "How to Get I Job Overson with the United Swtes Government"-$4.00 (cash, cheek or money orderlpayable to the Overse.s Collegilte R_rch Institute, 1727 Scott ROild, Suite C, Burt.nk~ CA:91504. Add sot for mailing. I L City Stote Zip _ ~ If disNtisfiad with your book for ilny relson within JOdloY$, return it for a full refund. no qUl!Stions·a,ked . •J ..
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