Page 60 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 60
Page 4 Scrimshaw Friday, November 19, 1976 SGA Podium Jan Term Daneers Diseo over $%,600 Petition Doug Bowman $Hi3a.03. The money will be marathon at nine o'clock on Friday Pretty. The second annual Dance donated to the Maryland night, in Room 101 of Baker. Contests were also held Begun Marathon, sponsored success, raising K, Association couples started Citizens. the Chapel. at nine o'clock on Saturday throughout and Jamer marathon. Tony by Circle for Retarded the By the time the marathon was Fifteen a complete Chamberlain ended, Gaetano JimWogsland night, only eight couples were left won the Limbo Contest. Susan dancing. The winning couple was Burgess and James Chamberlain TheSGA Senate met Monday in a Jon Franks and Leslie Bullock, won the Bubble-Gum Blowing brief but important meeting. who raised $31B. Second place went Contest, and John Cochran and Issues such as revision of January to Robert Lycett and Carol Jung Linda J. Stocksdale won the Term, freshman ejections, the for raising $306.25. Third place was contest for the best bumpers. upcoming faculty evaluations, the national lSEC convention, and the shared by two couples: Sue Gilson The Dance Marathon was Christmas dance were discussed. and Jamer Chamberlain, and organized by Gregg Mason, The Undergraduate Academic Cindy Olga and Jim Martin. Both president of the Circle K club. Policy and Curriculum Committee . couples raised $237.30. The four Obviously pleased with the results, is now reviewing the present pail'S will now get a chance to Gregg wanted to thank everyone January Term and is looking for compete for a $1000 prize against who helped organize the marathon. suggestions. Bob Heer, one of the copples from all over Ma.ryland. Gregg also wanted to thank the student representatives to this This Dance Marathon, which lasts bands that performed, especially committee, urged the Senate to ~~;!,""!_l: bewhee;~e:~ praising Sitting Pretty. About the give him some student input in this ~!d, ;:r~~~~ area to bring before the com- Maryland College the winners i::i~ci~:;h~s~~~g mittee. The Senate followed his received trophies, dinner tickets, would not have been so sue- suggestion by passing a proposal and liquor. The other four couples cesstul." that the SGA support some kind of that finished were Keith Metzler One dancer, second place change or revision in the current and Susan Burgess, John Springer finisher Rob Lycett, said that the Jan Term curriculum, providing and Rosanne Liotta, John Cochran marathon was a good experience. more alternatives in learning and and Linda J. Stocksdale, and "The organizers seemed a little creative experience. Sally Keck Rebecca Morris and Charles unorganized and the pledging then proposed that theSGA do even Zener system was confusing," Rob more than that. A resolution was so The participants in the Dance commented, "but they didn't push passed that the Senate will put Marathon danced for three hour us too bard and the whole thing was forth active effort to find out if intervals, broken by half-hour a lot of fun." there is a consensus for aJan Term breaks and two three-hour breaks- revision within the student body from 3:00 to 6:00 on Saturday John Springer, another par- (namely through a petition). So morning and from 12·3 Saturday ticipant who lasted twenty-four when your representative asks you afternoon. Music was provided by hours, commented on the to sign this petition, please do. tapes, Fifties records, and three marathon's worth when he said, Petitions can also be the bands that worked on a volunteer "The high point for me was dan- SGA office or by contacting Sally basis. The bands that performed cing with a retarded boy. The and His One-Man Keck. Letter Home were Al Sullivan Road, and Sitting marathon was really a great thing Band, Stone The NEC national convention to take part in." will be held in San Antonio in Dear Mom,\and Dad, doesn't it? Last year they erected Bones. Uncovered February. Considering the great Is Grandma feeling any better? I hand rails on the steps of the a medical student who lived in the amount of information obtained know she was wondering what the chapel for our safety. Funny thing Vince Tumbarello was home in the 1920's. He used the from the regional convention in campus was like so I thought I'd is, you'll never make it to the remodeling his house when a dog skeletal parts in his homework, October, the Senate decided to write and rill her in on it. handrails because you'll break scampered into the basement and then disposed of them in the send one representative to the your neck tripping over the busted dug up some old bones-human basement national convention. The Senate At the far end of the campus is up slate in the patio that sits in ribcages, two human Iegbones, two "You mean you found that old chose Linda Thomas as the our gym. I think it's as old as front of the church. It is a real human jawbones and assorted bagofbones?"askedAlphaBerry, representative because of her Grandma. Inside are all these mess. It looks like ROTC had hand- other skeletal remains. 75 Karl's widow. "Gee I wish Mr. experience at these conventions team photos of years gone by. grenade practice there. Tumbarello called homicide Berry was here so I could tell him and her knowledge of WMC's Sometimes I stand there and try to . detectives, who found that the there are two cops that are asking needs. Her social committee fIre.reI O~:Sh~~~~e y:~:~ G~I~:'~tt~ar:b~li[;~n:: ~:!~r ;~~~ boner' _ha_d_·be_IO_"_ged_to_K_acod_B_"_'Y_'_a-,bo::-u_';;'h;:em=."===--, ~::~~;::~l~~:~:~~~;:~:t ~~:~'fik~~i~t,;}l:u:y~n:~~ ~:ss'a\~~i~~d ~f~~:e~~~nit~~~~! e:l:~£~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~Fi~~~~~:;::l~~~~~:~ notist next semester. She also ;~~\~~rt!~ aO~~~e~!~~n~l:~~~-~~itg~~-~~~~~l~f~~O~~ 6 bird I \l\'itlieiom (Scod ~~;::~~m::~~~~~g~~j~!1: 5 Fold 7 Edibloroa, ,~ ~o~d.~ 8 :a~~;,~~ng :~e$~ ~~~c:;! ~~ Z~~i~'th~c;~~ tour. Next is an area knows as the "student center". It sounds more 9lnoni""lInl
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