Page 59 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 59
Page 3 Scrimshaw Friday, November 19, 1976 NOWSilkwood Effort Begun ~;~,~~theid~n?n~o~~~~~;~ ca~~~,7ost ~o~nt~embe~a~:o~~~ tp~~rtyalt:/n!~~[~ytY~~~la~~ ~::t~~~~i~n.or any further in- On Tuesday night, November 9, look good on the international o n Se t be -n 197 th AEC Western Md. College was host to scene. Organlza~lon of Women (NOW). ~~~~y A:~~~~~at~~ ~':~~'T) was gi~e~mdet~iled e!;de~ce of Mohamed Samura, a native West In reality, be continued, the The third phase of the KAREN violations that had resulted in 73 African who spoke on the present "racist regime" of South Africa SILKWOOD case is being launched found ? of 4 allegations on workers being contaminated They political situation in South Africa. has continually undermined the by the National Organization for falsification of quality control 'charged Kerr-Mcrjee with failure Mr. Samura is a 1971 graduate of indigenous peoples through its Wo,"?en (NOW) ~d the Supporters records true. to properly educate and train London University, School of' practice of apartheid, and in its of SIlkwood coalition. This slag~ is questions remain unanswered workers on the hazards of Journalism. He worked for two strategy to give independence to marked by the upcoming litigation and people unsatisfied. Why is it radiation' failure to keep ex- years with the BBC African Ser- the homeland continues to exercise filed by ~aren's paren!s, Bill and that the police report and the posures as low as practicable; vices, and is presently the economic and political control. Merle SIlkwood: against Kerr- OCAW hired investigator found failure to take proper hygienic Reporter-Producer of African The likelihood of an arms McGee Corporation charging that two different causes for Silkwood's precautions; and failure to News at WHUR·FM, washington, struggle 'breaking out was the company and Its .unknown death'! Why would Karen fail adequately monitor worker ex- D.C. assented to by Samura, who agents were responsible for asleep when she was minutes from posure. ' Because of the current complex defended the African people's right ~aren's contammation and, very turning over documents she had Karen returned to work and international situation in to true independence by whatever likely, for.her death. They are also been working on for months? What documented the falsification of Southern Africa, Samura's topic means they can achieve it. ~iling against the com~a~y for its happened to her documents? A co- records. (It has since been learned for the evening was The Domestic. In a question and answer period Illegal anti-union activities and worker saw the documents in her that Kerr-McGee knew she was as~dutlhnternAal~o,.~ala,~ImplB;CaanUtoun<'taOnf!OftAlomw~nng.a~;~:~ur"b': ,tnhv'.qt,~..ems~Onnt negligent enforcement of safety handwhenshegotinthecartogo accumulating data). She was U .... " "u ...... "r-""" u ...... standards. . to the meeting. They have never scheduled to present her evidence Program. The lecture, well- in an arms struggle in South Africa November 13 has been set aside been found. Why hasn't Kerr- to the reporter on November 13. researched and thought provoking., was raised, in consideration of its as S~LKWOOD ~EMORIA~ DAY McGee been charged with any of Kerr-Mcrjee workers on October was sparsely attended. but the policy of Manifest Destiny. It Will be a period of nationwide its substantiated violations? 16 voted to keep OCAW audience was interested and tn-' Samura doubted if America Iundraising, organizing, and media NOW launched the second phase On November Sth Karen volved . would become involved on a scale campaigning to educate the pU.blic with a coalition effort in 1975 discovered she had been exposed to anywhere near that of Vietnam, and to raise money for the SUIt., directed to the Attorney General high levels of plutonium con- For the uninformed, Samura's that, he said, was the purpose of WHO WAS KAREN SILK- and the Senate Government lamination. Despite many hours detailed history of colonial to xtssenger's attempts to provide WOOD? Operations Committee asking spent m decontamination present day African history was for a peaceful transition of power Kar~n Silkwood, age 28, tested them to conduct an investigation procedures, she was repeatedly hard to follow but for the informed, Other questions were raised and plutonium fuel rods at the Kerr- into Silkwood's death and the contaminated on three successive it was consistent and well-. fielded by Samura in a relaxed McGee Corporation's plant in safety questions of the plant days. On November 7th she found documented. Nter establishing a atmosphere. Oklahoma The. rods were Despite Senator Metcalf's that her apartment was con- solid historical foundation, he ~~~d~~! ~~=~~d r!~.~to~set~~in~ f~:~i~~x ~~~~~s, p~~~~sn~sun~:; =~~\~~~~~~~::~~h~~ her sl~:~c~ ~Sa~~~I~:~e::~~n:~~ ~u~ God and Tu'rkey ~~~~;~ k~Ow~e an~osetve~~~~ Senate would not participate in the. continued page 5 . African people is merely a farce. anT=~s~:~i7~o~~e ~~:st~~~no~ilw~~~ Deaf Experience Related am:::et:::ac::C::::iC~ver the ~7Z~ol~~lhl~~:~S.::~~~eWh~~h:~i; serious violations of worker's Phil lapadula ~h7c~~red:~~ ~~~~t~~~~s:e jo~a~~ ~~:t~ ~~:;~:~T~:;~j~~]~:~of~:u~eu:t'a~f. t~: ~!d~tr~;;::~~ ~;~ Ci;~sthe ~:~~::t h~ta~!~~ ;~~ ~~eS~y t~~~ l~~k~w~~:[~~ ~~~:~~J~~;~~~~~~~g~~~ec~~i~~ forced back to work with a reduced years old and sustains a serious ~~;~rs~~:' H/::y~l~~, ,,:~~~ r~b~~~kf~~~nc~~~oo~~:c~a~~~ ~~~~~~i~~~~~edv~~~~i~~~s ::~~ :~~~~[~~~~r ~~bsa w:::~~;:d~ ~~~~~ghe~~=i~ean~dr!~Ii;~~ employers are a.fraid.that deal or loud music that makes it im- Monday, November 29, 10 Wed- Karen was elected to the three- f~~~~J~:,o~:u:~~~~~~ ~::~;!~~~nd~~st~~~~~~~ru%J~~;.~, A~~: ~~:::~~ein!~e :i:e~o:ne:: lips or ~~~::y~le~:,ce~~~e ~iot~i'~~ ~~~ ~i~~~:~~~:r~nn~ C:t~:i~t~eo~~~~ hard of hearing person is actually any job that involves answering a blankets from home fir your own (DCAW) local and became one of ~~~~~~.~~:I~~r:t: o~es~::~~ ~haok~e~:~~~:;::s ~~~i~~~~O ~~~ ho~o~h~h~~a~~~~:~t~a~~n:a~~ ~~~i~)i~~h~~i~:lei~I~~~e ~~~~~~ ~~~s union's strongest spokesper· the difficulties hard of hearing or people with hearing impairments. stick together and is somewhat Center. Or articles can be For the year 1974, Kerr-MeGee's deaf people encounter in dealing Other problems that were isolated from the hearing com- deposited in boxes 10 be .placed in return to investors ranked 20 in the with a hearing dominated society. discussed included talking to munity for practical reasons. Deaf hallways .of do~milones. The Fortune 500 list. Yet the company ~o~~~r~I~~Pt~~b:~~~~~C~~i;~ =~!et~e~; :i: ~~t ::~'~:~pl~ ~~~~:~~era!r~~end ~~h~:rrYd~~~ ~~~~~~gM~~~iO~ea~I~~~ ~i~c~~t 1:: ~~~ti~ c::~~~~!~or:i~~ti;~tt~t~~: progl'am of Western Maryland people. Ron told about one deaf Paul Sociely, WC$1l1insler, and cases of worker contamination are College. He talked about the couple who use a lighting device to de~ivered to the needy. Why not known to have occurred program a!1 d explained both its tell them when the baby is crying brmg back .from home a box of Silkwood began to suspect that advantages and shortcomings. or when the door bell is ringing. usable cl~!hmg? Check your own quality control was being First of all, Ron explained that The lights flash in different ways c10sel While you are al It. sacrificed and records falsified to there are basically three types of depending on the sound. Reed Workshop fit standards for plutonium rods, deafness. The first is known as when Kerr-McGee began to speed speech discrimination deafness. The Towson State University up~production to meet contracts. This is when a person is very hard in Music Department will present the of hearing but can hear some Secona American Single Reed The steering committee mem- distinguishable sounds. Ron is a Workshop January 21-January 23, bers met with the Oil, Chemical victim of this type of impairment. 1977. This year the featured artists and Atomic Workers (DCAW) in The second type is non-speech will be Stanley Drucker, solo September 1974 to discuss the discrimination deafness where the clarinetist of the New York increaSing safety problems and to person can hear some sounds, but Philharmonic; Eugene Rousseau, plan strategy for the upcoming they are not at all distinguishable. Finally, Ron explained how the .world renowned saxophone soloist NLBR elections. They decided to: The final type is total deafness life time-table of deaf people is and professor of saxophone at I) file formal charges with the where the person can't hear frequently far behind hearing Indiana University; and Lee Atomic Energy Commission anything. Thus, the hard of people since they have to spend so Konitz, famous jazz recording \ AEC); 2) hold a union meeting hearing person who is not totally much time learning to live with artist. before the NLRB elections to deaf is caught between two worlds. their handicap. For example, he Other members of the workshop present the real facts about Ron has just recently learned sign Ron Burdo 'really ddidn't start dating much will be Alberto Asercion, solo h:n~~y c::; r-...; radiation and plutoniwn; and 3) ~~~!t~:thth~e ....;u:::n:::til:.:a:.:c;::ou:::P:::f':.:o::.f~y"":"':.:.:.~gO~._~l::~~~~t BO:n~~e D~~~rN~i~:: have Silkwood quietly gather documentation of her allegation of community. Before he could only C clarinet professor at Capitol quality control falsification to be communicate with hearing people University; Frederick Schock, presented to a NEW YORK TIMES by using speech-discrimination ontrost acoustical expert from Peabody reporter after the election and methods and lip reading. Conservatory;_ Gerrard Errante, before collective bargaining was WMC is one of three schools with professor of clarinet at Norfolk settled the best deaf-education programs State College and 20th Century Phase one of the campaign in the country. The other two are' Music expert will cover workshop and The University New Yor.k began with OCAW hiring a private GaJludet. Ron said that one everything from doubling firm to investigate the accident. disadvantage of the WMCprogram • techniques and mouthpiece The firm, A.O. Pipkin, found evidence tbat Karen's car had been ~ig~ttA~~~, o:h~~: :::~~~ :nr:u:~ I5 ~:lri~: :~u~y~!hdO;rnt;~~~~~~~ struck from behind by another people in the program and there is and displays by instrument and vehicle. a need for more interpreters accessory companies. The Tony Mazzochi, the Director of However, WMC does allow the deaf C workshop is directed by Joseph the OCAW, made repeated community to mix wiLh the hearing 0m•n9 Briscuso, Ed Hays, and Edward requests to Attorney General that is not and a something Saxbe for a full investigation. He community, in many exclusively deaf I· Palanker. For information American bro.chure- to: write possible received no response. schools. Single Reed Workshop, Depart- Kerr-McGee has never had a To illustrate some of the ment of Music, Towson State charge levied against it. Despite the fact that the AEC found 20 of . problems that deaf people run into, ~~~~r~~t~~l~:i~~~~~e, Maryland .,--------------------------------
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