Page 67 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 67
Friday, December 3,1976 Scrimshaw Knuckle Rap Educational Malpractice Should Not Go Unchallenged Jim Wright· instructor. But to watch the go. We. as students have got to and doing a good job I'd like to in the institution oC learning the change- our mentality. If a A certain gentleman once en- professor should be held ac- professors reaction to my department, running on our commend you. But to the rest tered a large hospital for a countable to the student for the questioning would leave one with money, is not doing its job well, you are out there, I'd like to relatively Simple operation. While classroom and what happens the impression that "the King's then maybe its personnel should suggest that you move on. Maybe on the operating table the surgeon, there. But somehow these men and throne was being challenged. Yet be replaced. It's our money and this isn't your field. And if some either through inexperience, women are placed on an un- each year our tuition continues to they are not gods untouchable. day I question your skill or prac- neglect or just plain carelessness, touchable pinnacle _. far removed go up and we wonder why. Maybe I believe-we as students need to tices, you have no valid reason to made a mistake- that caused the from evaluation and criticism. it's because accountability does continually challenge classroom react to me. It's my money in your natient difficulties later on. The Find it hard to believe? Then try to not seem to exist. practices that are not up to par. paycheck and I expect to squeeze gentleman consequently sued the challenge a prof.essors corn- In a very real way we pay the However,l'dliketo balance all the the best education T can out of it. doctor for malpractice. petency; it's as though God salary of our instructors. It is our preceeding with this observation. As a closing, I'd like to ask the Himself has. been challenged This scene is repeated daily, not money putting bread in their I've spent a year at the University students of this institution to only in hosptials but in many other There are many students who mouths. If r was anemployer who of Maryland and have also worked change their mentality and areas where services paid for are make great sacrifices to attend was paying an incompetent at a community college for a demand the best for their dollar. not delivered up to par. Almost college. It is u{l.~li~.v:able to me worker, I'd either transfer him or suinmer and no-where have I been To challenge the teaching skills or- every major institution in this that they do not hold professors her to another department where as pleased with the general quality others is not to challenge God country is accountable for their accountable, more than they do, they could better function or fire of instruction as I am here. On the Almighty. We've gottostop putting paid for services. But in the safe for the level of instruction given them. Yet in the classroom the whole, we have excellent teachers our professors on some pinnacle seclusion' of academic un- and the amount of their hard. professor sits untouchable, even and they should be encouraged just Good teaching, efficient depart- touch ability many professors earned money an instructor uses though we pay him to deliver good, as strongly as the bad are ments and meaningful courses are today are raping the minds and on useless mat.erial. For example, efficient instruction. If that r-hallenged. To those instructors not a privilege that is bestowed then can't, they' should professor pocketbooks of countless students I once questioned. the wisdom ~'Vnnf: reading this who are trying hard upon us, but a paid-for right. . through professional incompetence behind placing, by itself, a three ~;so~~~:.gJhustS!~i~l~he ~n~~\:ti~~ worg title, alone, on a ditto that ~eJlocieties Defended 7;5 p~~:en~r !~~ of physical health the physjcan can ;~~1t~~lyto be held accountable to the patient,. paper to satisfy the whims of an Dianne-Moorehead Soronues ana rratemittes have now those stated have been largely year as it does annually after BSUWorks been declared, with both pleasure n.egative. So, in the name is in order Sorority Hell Week. The opinion of equal retraction major contempt, and social tune, and "dressing-up" the per- was that this force?n our campus. Whether the Sororities and Fraternities do forming comical s~unts were a continued from page r force IS pos.itive or negative, the~e se~ve a function that justifies their waste .of valuable. tJm~. Perha~s, ~~~l~~~~~~;sd~oO~~wo; ~~o~~~ ~~dnc~e t~:tn~~e t::~~si:l :iITOOt! ~ n~~f:rbt ;~r~~~e~~~~:n~~a~~lll~ existence. :~d~afl~~r:~~:e ~~s ~u~o/h~Vh~n~ Important things about the brought before the board at their Western Maryland's Fraternities The most common complaint of .etse can a person dress up like a proposal is that someone, meeting this April. and Sororities are split, but until non-members surfaced again this r~bbit and serenade the Dean somewhere realized that there is a When Dean McCormick he made W __ without being locked up? Hell was problem and that something can asked about the proposal H E the Week tends to teach the a and will be done about it." -these replied: "I am favorable to e ave very In9 ticipants'nottotakethemselve:t~ Withpassageofthispropos~lby the basic goals of the proposal seriously, and that's nota frivolous the Student Life Subcommittee However, I am not sure about the Cheryl Walter 'lesson. Some of the events ot this ;;;~:~[a~~:~rebd~f~~: n~~; S~~ni: z~a~~~s:g~~~:ti~t~':;~i~U~: eq~~~entU~~~;e:~;m ~~~p!~~ BankAmericard, checks, and of t~~~fu~a:rn~~ll o~v~~~er~ll~~r~ Range Planning Committee. Dean for any group. I believe also that UNLIMITED smiles can ali be co~rse, CA~H, are accepted. they were real classics! Members McCormick will make a report on any special studies should arise found iii the recently moved super. Prices ~n all Items are kept as low within these organizations will tell the proposal to the committee as ·through the independent stocked, great-place .. to~-shop, as possible. ·you that the purpose of Hell Week part of his job as chairman. The disciplines." He also stated that, Outfitters Ltd. Owned and run by Perhaps t~e ,mos~ exciting plans is to bring the ffi!!mbers closer proposal, if passed by the com· the administration was trying to two naturally vivacious women, that Rosalie, LOIS, and their 'together, but the "slap·stick" tun mittee would then go on for faculty find inroads along the lines of this Lois Berg and Rosalie B;eeding, husban~s, Paul and Don of it is almost purpose enough ~~ro;:!t u~~~at~~e th~o~~~Si~~ ~;o::~:d~~:: c~~e~~.e ~:ar~:~: ~~!~~~~t;t~~p~::e,a i~~~g ~~~ g~~~~~~~7d.inh~~eco~m~~~~:~: ~;;~ael~e:a~~;a~~nt i:hat~a~as Trustees, and Dean McCormick Craig to the Admissions office. browser as well as the serious the organIzmg of groups for spring Sororities and Fraternies are .. ~~~~r to slay a ~hlle and look ,:~:e~I~io~:ie~:ssr~ngB~OrgSWZ~~ :~;,~l~~~~::! ~~:af~~ti~~y ~: I I LOIS and Rosalie opened Out IBreedings would hke to take 'negative connotations. One of the SCRIMSHAW SURVEY I fitters Ltd. I~st Mayas a specialty college groups on white water raft ,major purposes of :hese Isho~ unique In camping trips, canoe and hiking ex- :organizations is social. It's what . _ I ~~;.~~:~~iS~~d .~~o:~In~a~s ~~~ :~:~~~~ p~;f:·~~~~tinth::~nS~ ;:;~~~~~~O~~lIF:!~!~~~~i~~ :~~ r 11. Class (Circle one). JUnior Senior 1 reahzed when they do not own a~d about learning. Even now you can .Sororities gotx! provide the goocl times opened their Istore ~hat wo~en Sophomore sign up for .hang_-gliding add that les.sons and me~ories Freshman I - .run thIS type of store, or rather, It and mountaineering excursIons. another dimensl~n to ~ollege life, dlmenSLon .. between balance 1 1 2. What do you think of the present c) more opinion news ane oprniOn?was When uncommo~ for wom.en to do so. When you go into their new and 3nd a v~luable and transportatIOn. contactmg Ltd. d OutfItters . b) more news a) good counsehng Applications are oor being ,I iabout orders, suppliers would ask SpaclO~S store (located next c~n 3ccepted for the Intern now Program. former ~o thel~ Lois and Rosalie (who would an· one), y~u I 3. Doyou feel the Scrimshaw reports the news fairly and accurately? . swer the phone) if they could talk ~m~e.dIate:;;'d u~dersta.n d "":. y >\pplicants must have successfully 1 a) yes b) no ~e~h~h~U%!~e;,h~%~~a~~'ev~~~ m~n~~;:pulari·ty.~iS~~~~OS~~ dO~,~m~~st~~~~~~:I~~gan~~~~:! that Lois and Rosalie are all threel establish personal rapport With ddt h th Th I 4. Comment on the Scrimshaw's editorials. The women knew that they had their customers ~nd try to ac· ·~~t"fo~~eit~~ei~ai~diV~due;iity a~~ 1 "made it" in their business when co":,odate patrons n~~ by or- more than one might in the Boy 1 ~they no longer had to call suppliers denng goods that aren t I~ stoc~. Scouts or a chess club. Mem- I ~~:Pli~~~~~~te~~~ c~~~~u~i~~ee~ ~~:!:p~~;~ :i~~ll;,u~:ii~ie~~~~c:~~ ,bers, hli P pr?vides the °rport~ity d'O ? . . are giad to share with others what ge coser.{''1groupo peope,an, 5. What do you read most regularly, How many pages? Ltd. and ask for LOIS and Rosahe. contrary to some misconceptions ~ Clothmg racks Ime the sides. of ~~e~heav:al~~~~d'e~~i~~~~~~~~~ . service .projects and other ac: I Jthe store bearing a ~ood selectIOn t1Jey sell (of which much is im. tivities do ~la~ a major part in 16. What could the Scrimshaw add to its format? What could it drop? lof men and. women s s~rtswear. ported) is set up and customers are these orga~l~atlOns. . . 1 'I ~:;u:~e~~i~~d ~~~~~~ ~a?~~ encouraged to inspect the mer. pr~~~~er~!~~r~n~~t~S~;::'I~~~~ 1 _ I fitters Ltd., there IS a hml~ed chandise. Keewaydin canoes, "ha.nce to act like a kId '. ~.f~re 17. Within the context of our Liberal Arts college, is Scrimshaw a source Of' ~umber of each type of clothmg White Stag tents, packs, and .Ikm~ on all of the responslblhtles 1discu!!.slon and vitality on issues here and elsewhere? lItem. So y?U be.tter buy wha.t you sleeping bags, and Rich-.more ',1.<1 Job. The members value the 1 .. want the fIrst tIme you see It. '.dehydrat~d f~od are just a few of ,h,mce to loosen up I 1 ;tric~ed to camping the campmg It,:ms stocked. . Sororities and Fra' ~rnities • and clothing Outfitters Soon, there WIll.also be .avatla.ble aren't for everyone. No B. If this is not your first semester here at WMC how do you think the' ~_. Lies natural' material, ~OkS on mount~m clim~mg, ~~ld- organization can serve the wants IScrin shaw compares overall with previous sem~sters? I ld·crafted Kiersch jewelry. ?~er.s'. c~n;PI~I~" an coo mg and purposes of the collective I -, . I ,eces have been coll~cted from WI lmlte aClltles. ~~~~~~, ;~e~an~r~s t~er::~~ 1 .. j ,round the world givmg an ex· h' . . !~j~y ~~o~~~ f:P1~';~:~:n01e~Oi!~;a;~0~lt~;~~~ s~~ea!~ stuffers stocking such around terrific 9. Would you be wiLlmg to work on the SCrimshaw to help make it a better ~~~~~~~~;;c~~os~,t~~~~~~o~l~rfi~~ as fit;ea~\~~~ and talking with Lois and group for another. All that remains ! paper? If so, please include your name and box number. _ Ilambskin puppets and hand- ~~~,li!hi~~n~~II~~;~~t~a;'B~~~ ~~o~c: o~~at~i~iO~~r~h~~I:::n~e~f 1 I ~~~~~~f~;Sth!O c~:~~~~c:a~~ny~ Street, will be open daily from 10 ving our neighbor's wants ant .... • away plan is available. am -9 pm purposes. - .J ..
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