Page 66 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 66
'~". "_. I ._~ ,( ~ Scrimshaw Friday, December 3, 197.6 Editorial-Benefits of .Journalism Letters to the Editor Dear Faculty, hard exams. A student could be put on the student. Might it be Questions have been raised In recent weeks concerning the possibility What ever happened to all those prepared psychologically as well easier for us to get good grades of starting a journalism course here at WMC. Although student Interest self scheduled exams? There once" knowing he has the best possible under more Iiglcal schedules? utve has not, In past years, been sufficient to merit a class, the English wasatimewhen the usror seir scn, exam schedule. us a break!' _ Department has indicated that they will try once again to start such a duled exams was fairlv long. A As it is now, exam week has So why has the self scheduled course. The Scrimshaw supports this effort. student had a pretty good chance of become a "marathon" week for exam list grown smaller with each In order to do this, two things are necessary. First of all, a curriculum scheduling many (perhaps all) of many students. Students have been passing smester: dwindling to a mustbe designed and placed before the Academic Policy and Currlcuturr- his-her exams. With this.situation known to have 4 exams in 2 days mere 26 exams? Are the teachers Committee. If it Is approved there, the cla~1 will be offered by the English he-she could plan out an exam Professors mighT say, "prepare trying to stop cheating? Many Department in the Fall J977 semester. Secondly, there must be enoug~, schedule permitting maximum ahead for them." Do they don't even stay in the room during students enrolled In the course to merit hiring an rnstrvctc, The course study time for each exam Exams remember or even realize how the exam. Are they lazy? whats would necessarlly be taught by someone with ex~er ience as 1 expected to be hard could be much studying is necesarry for a the story? professional journalist. scheduled with more time for study lfinalexam? "All nighters" become What's the latest joke? Self At the present time, the only journalistic experience which WMC easier exams scheduled around the 'part of the high pressure conditions scheduled exams! students may receive credit for is a one semester internship in jour • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • droopy eyed & weary, nensrn and public relations. SCRIMSHAW feels that students par. ·Dear Editor: ' JE'cry:\-111l1-"1 ticipating ill' such a program would benefit from the proposed course b\ .m~~~~~:a~oon=~! ~~~ew ~~~~~~ ~~r:~~i~p~~~7s;~d~~~ni -, De:r t:~to~, ••••••• giving them some background In journalism which would be more recent production of In Wl,tite Amertea, T Its interesting how history "Come to Western Maryland thf~ :~d~ti~~h~~hose students, it would be a chance for those with an feel I might be able to answer your repeats itself. I wondered how long College in beautiful West- interest In news writing, but with no technical knowledge ot it, to try their editorial on facuity as models and often the Alumni ghost fad minster ... out in the country." hand at it. If a student's Interest persists, then he or she might ccnstdet ~~~:~t w~~c~~~~~ ~~e~~i~;g, :~~~~n::r:~t~::~~s:t:~~~: B~~: ~~:~~li~~r~~~de, that un- =~d!~~S~d:~~:s~~o~:. an intern, an alternative which might not ~avr adults is very aware of the experience three years ago when pleasantly surprised many By ooing this, when the student enters' the job market, be-wnt not only possibility that students will model the ghost thing was in full swing. students returning from vacation, hal e a sufficient background in the area, but samples of his work to prove behavior. It's one of the more ~;s~c~i~~e~:a~!~ih a~~e treesv is ~!~;~~~:~e~~~~~;~~i~~~O~hre o~nx~~ ~~~~~t;:~t~~hoe~eO~;ej~b~~~~io~~~ ~::C~i~ng~ I ~~~t~~~we~~r, c~~~1~ evT~:nc~ackco~:ir~7~g ta;:i~~:: :~~~io~~~al~k B~~~m~r:. I:I~ ~:!i~:t~~ i~e~a;~~n~i:\~;I;r;~~s~nOWledge would greatly aro future raOc~t;~:o'~~~~~?~~e~! :fb~~~ ~t~!~~t:d~~:e;;~ IC~~~e~u~o~: in the name of progress. Another A journalism class_would also benefit the SCR_IMSHAW, and thus the "liberal arts lifestyle" you are friends into spending one night in ~~~~~yge~U~~~~:h~oftl~:~~~ .. ~~~ ~:~.~:=::~~~~~1.~!:~'::1.~;:::~~~~~~,::~;i~:;;:~!:~,:2:'::~~~~~:~~:::.::n:::='~;:;,~r~k~~£~~~\~:d~::E~~!~~g,,!%~':~E~~'O~\~-,:;'1~ tbe quality of-the SCR IMSHAW. 1'.11 things ccnstdered, .SC.RIMSI-!A~, potential modeling which are more after dusk without the benefit of McDaniel, which is presently being believes that there is nothing to lose by adding a class ID lo~rnaltstlc serious at Western Maryland than flashlights, pillows, notebooks. wasted on trees and.lawn, could be writing, and much to be qelned, on the part of the students. , the lack of theatre-attending food and vending machine made into a parking lot. Use Those Evaluation~ f~~r:~·:UC:~~s!~~en!rre~;e o~ ~~nb~~~a~?a~~'::sl~~~cf~~~~~~ th~h~~~ ~~~~~~e~g~o~~e~~~~~ At this point in this particular schOOl year, however, lies an opportunity women scholars to model. This is wine to keep us warm. and eyesore for the next two years ~;eS~g~:i~~:;:en:V~I~:tt\:~ s~~!e~ :~~~~:~ei~~ ~~:~~~ ~~~~s~:~ e~~~!cio ~~~~i:~~ng~e~~o~:m~~e ~ol~~~r o! th;:;gh 4th~ b~~k ed~z;et~at~=~ b-~~ess. M-O-D-E-R-N-J-Z-A-T-I- :~ua~~~;~~~i~s~~~~~~ ~tl~~::~I~~n!~~~~~::~Ut~~~~~;eh~~S;~~~;~~~~~;!~ ~:~~et7~n~d~:~i~ p~::;:~:~~~ ;~p\~~ D~17~~0;. i~m~;!n~::o~~~ ~~!m~~u~'B~~~~\~~~~g~?_o ~Jh~ And "ground-breaking" a are also being distributed now. There are no black faculty models knowing the layout of the building! So often student life tends to be a passive existen'ce . students are hare' and very few representatives (_>f must we continue this ground ~~:~~~~ ~~s~:~:~;:~~, rae:~~~l~o a~~ :tl ~:~~~~ea;~: aO:t~~:~t ~~: ~:~ ·o~er~~~~eano~ e~n:~i:i;a~ri~~ an~~!~I~~;~ t~~e t::~u~o:~~~ destroying that has ~come one,of or may not have much influence In the' educational process beyond lifestyle" as a model for :;tudents is stream~ng through windows in the th~u~~~!~Y;~u~r~::s~~~~~ee~: and ch~"lslng courses· beyond choosing whjch test, which paper, or which an interesting idea, but quite audito~1Um. At last! We crept up go home. final, with. Even the choice of courses happens within the confines complex. As much as I Jove 'he the ~talrs to the balcony, sat down of requirements for majors an-d for graduation. theatre I could not judge liberal agamst the wall and relaxed. The With love in my heart, The Scrimshaw urges support by students for both.. of these efforts arts commitment on the basis of bottles were passed and we waited noise in my ears, Assuming a committment on the part of faculty members to sensitivt' theatre attendence. There are - pre_gnant with anticipation /" and tractors on the hill, response- to student evaluations, important changes in course structur~ music and art, as well as scholarly Nothing. Aller a bit c 2, two from • • • • • • ~ic~a:l ~oustle and teaching method can happen lectures and reading. Living a our party ~ent b. t.oa ~~rm be~ Mr. Editor and Concerned Honest reflection and insIghtful probing by students into their worlC! "Ii~ral arts lifestyle" consists of and.1 decld.ed to stick It out til Students o! WMC: benefits students, faculty, and the WMC community as a whole. Passivitr making a variety of choices about daylight. as If on a dare. We Jayed As a concerned student of WMC, ' be gone... the use of one's time and intellect .down With our blankets on the I am appaUea at the fact that this Constitutional Hassles ;r~~~i~~~f ~~nsk~~naITh~~~ ~:;:I ':~:n ~~~:!:h~~~:SI;:, coJ!ege is very prejudiced against During the past several wet"S, the :':';A has found Itself in a pair o· are difficult choices for all of us half awake. Suspended reality. Our ~~on~o::;s~~o:::~ne 0~1~h:g~:~~ constitutional hassles that see::1ed to crop up one right after the other' and in the process of decision· imagi~ations got the bett.. .. of us a beautiful creatures on this earth. one involved the upcoming Christmas Dance tonight, the other making we will develop a variety few but we heard only He is very cuddly!l'hd very furry. yesterday's Freshman Class elections. Both occurred because of over of life patterns which are each rheumatic so.un.cIs com.mon to.80 He has cute little brown eyes and sights and neglect. perfectly acceptable in a liberal year ol.d bUildings still leadIng he can run very fast. This school is Woen the SGA scheduled its Freshman Class elections unexpectedly arts framework. I have not been to active hves. ~o ghosts. paSSing np a good money making this month it unfortunately missed a clause of the constitution whictl an athletic event -all fall, nor do I D.awn's chill woke us and we opportunity. Mongoose races have states that they "shall be held during the second week ot February." B\ swim or jog but I understand and deCided to call an end to an become very popular and ignoring or failing to notice this phrase the Senate found itself in the respec.t m'y colleaguees who u.neventful and uncomf~rtable profitable of!.college campuses in ::i::~S~i~~:::~ri~a~!i~f~i~:.f ~~: ~~et~:i;~e~~i~:; :~;~~:~e~h~:~~~~i:~ :::~~ t~ litf~ea~~o~:~~:~" ~p- ~:~~a?tt~S ;~i~~~:d~a~~m!~~ ~:~:ri~7~~~~:n~~~:!e~~~ :::~~~ ~~~ ~~:~~~:~~ ~:::~I~i9~~~y chose _!he latter method ano in~:~~~er~C~~~y=~:n~e~~~~~!u:~ ~:~~~~re~v;~~ ~~ur~~~~rP::~ r~~son th~~ ~=j~P~etEVo~ry~~: The second mi~hap was the result, once again of not referring fo its student behavior. It would be heard from SInce. mongoose consists of SNAKES. ~~;,~~:u;:~~~~riCg~O~~~~tmt;s, :~a~ ~~~~~e~~n::se at ~::::~ ~:ek:opr~~: r~~~~~nt ~~m~~v~e~at ":o~!! Still curious, Yours t~~~: to th~ date set for each dance." However no mention was ever made ot models the stUdents would be Jane Wetrig R U Kidding; :~~us~:i~~u~t~~~~~i:~~~~;t~e~~~~t::s~:~~e:~;r;:~::~;!~~a~i~h~~~ !~!~~:.Jn~~~~:::t~ly~~t'SCj~~~~:P'------,S~C~R~I":"M":"S~H~A~W":":"'--"";;;.;.~;.;;;:w were two groups planning on putting the activity togethe Chre that simple. Both the Inter-Fraternity Council and the Delta Pi Alpha fraternity had The real value I found in at EDITOR IN CHIEF - reserved dates in the cafeteria for the event. When II finally came before tending the performance of In John Springer the SGA,approximatelythreeweeksbeforethefinal date for the dance, it White America was the op SPORTS EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR NEWS EDITOR turned out that the proposed dates were five days apart and no authorized portuni ty to expand my un Carlton Harris permission to carry out the neceSSary organization had been granted. derstanding of the pain and Jeff Robinson Meg Hoyle courage of over two hundred years Finding Itself in a quandry, the Senate and the Executive Committee of being black in America. It had a BUSINESS MANAGER LAYOUT were willing to leave the decision l:p to two competing groups to settle the- personal reward to me far beyond entire matter. By doing so the SGA gave up some of its responsibility to any possible obligati~n I mightfeel Dave Range Paul Hewett Bill Todd coordinate the student activities of this campus. The SCRIMSHAW does to model a lifestyle. I believe it's WRrlERS not fO'elthat this is a gnod'precedent 10set. personal meaning on one level or We do have hopes that s'uch mishaps and occurrences can be avoided in -another that causes f~~ulty Licia Redian Ji m Wogsland Mark Katz ~:~:~::~e~t~~~I~el~:~ :~n:~~~s~na :~~l~~;~ f~~~e~~~ea:~~~:~:~ ~~f~~~ ~~~I=f:~~~~no~ ~~is~~~~~e He OrnrY Dianne Jenkins Phil LaPadula among b(.th the Executive Council and the SGA as a whole. Personally, that's the way I think It Jim Teramani Jim Wright Doug Bowman Theseexamples are really just I}linor Incidents over the past few weeks should be. Mark Bayer Chris Bohaska Mike D'Andrea thilt havepccurred and they should b_ -rcepted as such. But we should Sincerely, Linda Mann Nancy Menefee Sue Coleman Wayne Pierce Joe Golden ~~f~:~ r::~~i:~:a;i~: ~ea::~ ~~: °S~~ ~~~~~~~i~j:n:~c~~~n;ets~i~~nt~: Our correspond::~ :~~::~:;I:n Nancy Barry St Jdent Government Association get It all or keep it all together for the the Sociology department. _ the ARTIST Eric Veich rest of the year. We hope that the· entire campus will help them in that Editor. endeavor . ................---------------------------------
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