Page 58 - Scrimshaw1976-77
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Pa912 Scrimshaw' Friday, Nov~mblr 19, 1976 Editoria~ Letters to the Editor BSU Applause Dear Editor We are attempting to reorganize There are many reasons why the music class, and find ourselves Dear Editor; An important point made by both students and faculty In response to music has been entitled the in need of young bright minds, with Usually fraternity parties are recent Surveys conducted on student life Is the need for greater diver- "Universal Language". Let's add .new ideas, to assist us in an ad. events I avoid with warranted sification In racial composition of tlie student body. The Black StUdent one more reason to this already .visory capacity. Please, anyone indifference. Memories of such Union, a's reported by the Scrimshaw In this Issue, has very promptly and long list. Music, in it's varied interested, contact myself at the empty rituals are better left appropriately respondild to this point by presenting to the Studenf Ufe forms, can assist in the fcllnwing address. forgotten, as they tend to be boring subcommittee a specific set of proposals, The aim of these proposals Is to rehabilitation, and self help of repetitions of high-school increase the number of mInority students dt WMC inmates incarcerated in our Very-truly yours, nostalgia. Often one leaves feeling Federal and State prisons. The Scrimshaw would like to support the ceetre. expressed by almost A self help group operating at the Elester H. Nash No. 122.142 as though one has never really ail parties, for a more diversifIed student body. In the areas of race, age, Maryland House of Correction, C/O Country Caravan arrived. Despite the current at- and geographic origIn. An instItutional commlttment to greater dIversIty under the title "Country Caravan", P. O. Box 534 mosphere of bogus enjoyment (felt \. here on campus) at most parties in any or aU of these areas 'would, of course, entail maintenance of was founded in 1971 by a group of Jessup, Maryland 20794 there is hope! I encountered a present academIc standards. A prevalflng misconception seems to be musicians interested in en- that greater diversity means lowering standards. That Is not so, tertaining the surrounding com- spark of hope the past weekend. munities; thus, increasing their This bit of sparkle was the Secondly, on behalf of atl students, the Scrimshaw would like to thank knowledge of the entertainment Dear E!ditor _ • Preacher's open Saturday night both the B5U. and the Student life subcommittee for their work In this field. Since then, Country Caravan I'm incarcerated in prison and party. The magic of its success area, A great deal of time and energy has been given by everyone con. seemed to live in the beaming grins cerned has discovered that by creating an would like to correspond with everyone shared together. To hear interest in music, an inmate's idle college students. I'll answer all the words of "Play us the song The bureaucratic chain which the BSU's proposals will follow Is time is greatly reduced; thus, letters as quick as possible. roughly this; they have gone from the BSU to the StUdent Life Sub. reducing the possibility that the WRITE SOON PLEASE _ THANK you're the piano man ... " from each committee next they will go to the Long Range Planning Commtttee . inmate will become another vic- YOU. voice in unison was something I and then the proposals will reach the Board of Trustees. (The faculty will tum of the recidivist cycle. won't forget. I guess being "in the also be given a chance for response and modification,) At every step In For this purpose, a music class mood for a melody" (as the song the chain Is the chance for rejection,endorsement, or modification of the was formed in 1974, where the goes) and seeing everyone proposals before they are passed upward. reading and writing of music, Robert Edward Strozier 131-502 !lOnestly share that glow is what applying the reading skills to an Southern Ohio Correctional caught my attention. Perhaps I'll The Scrimshaw hopes wIth the BSU that a tlnenclet as well as verbal inst~ument, a~d the history of Facility never see such sincerity happen committment by WMC to a more diversIfied student body wlll be mUSIc were being taught. Though PO Box 787 here again. I'm not holding my reflected by every segment of that chain In their modifications and new and problem plagued, the Lucasville, Ohio 45648 breath. But in any case - here's to recommendations. Hopefully a future Scrimshaw issue may report that desire to learn allowed the crass a the Preachers for that very rare treat! the WMC bureaucracy responded sensitively and decisively to this strong degree ofsuc~~s. U~ortunatel~, a Mr. Strozier's letter Is a serious Thanks for a smile, need expressed by students and faculty. ~ ~r::onti~~::I:;::t~I~~ls~e ruling ~~se~!:~;;n::~te to him let us know Jessica Holhes Faculty: Models? In the Nation According to TIm Weinfeld, director of the latest Dramatic Arts department productIon In White America, fewer than 10 faculty memo The Carter transition staff was has died at the age of 78. The man. For more on Calder and other bers attended the play. For the 2nd time this semester, the Scrimshaw working overtime last week put- American inventor of the moving topics, consult the November 22 would like to use this space to raise the Issue of faculty (non) Support of ting the finishing touuches on sculpture called mobiles, Calder issue of NEWSWEEK cultUral events on campus, stacks of briefing papers and job was loved as an artist and as a This Issue already been discussed at length by various formal and lists. The task of choosing the informal groups. There stili seems to be a problem however. and the cabinet and other adrrlinistration faculty attendence at In White America Is evidence of that. Fundamental officials is the most important London Seminar to thIs problem \s the question, "If faculty members, as examples and facing Carter and his people. It will models for students, seem to be removed from a liberal arts lifestyle, be the only game in town for the Violence plagues the in- will have an opportunity to par- what effect does thIs have on students who are supposedly being made Washington press corps until t ern a t ion a I com m u nit y. ticipate in a number of social and aware of the liberal arts?" January. The tone of Carter's Terroristic attacks, with political cultural activities. Two semester The Scrimshaw would like to call for public response by fat:;ulty presidency will be set by the and ideological ramifications are a hours of college credit can be members to thts question and Its underlying assumptIons. Do faculty persons he chooses as his closest world-wide concern. An in- acquired for participation and m,embers have an obligation to serve as "good" models for students? If advisors. terdisciplinary seminar in London, completion of academic so - are they? Wilf you share with students via the Scrimshaw your .. England, has been arranged by requirements, response (s) to these questions? Those of the Washington social SUNY -College at Oneonta to study Seminar topics will include the Both the Scrimshaw and the studenf body walt with Interest for your scene are waiting expectedly to see this problem, Designed to deal with historical aspects of terrorism as what impact a southern-fried the resurgence and control of in- well as the national and in- President will have on DC. Will ternational terrorism as seen from ternational responses to the there be' square dances, an European perspective, the. problem. The London Seminar will Another Look howdownds, bar-beques on the seminar is open to students from focus on the current situation in Life is ;t\'Ieaningless White House lawn? Time will tell. any college and other individuals Ireland. The victims of terrorism Th~;t;';'k·;;'~;k~i·;';;'i;;';.d·~nd:~;,:~~:~d understanding ~~~~'~f~::~::'d"wetn the in Steve Smith the price of gold rose last w~ as The London seminar, featuring A complete outline of the Nearly everyone . has tried to quite sure what that meaning is, A~encan businessman vlev:ed professors, journalists, diplomats, 'program including costs and make some kind of sense out of life. They feel that anything so all- With uncertamty the forth-commg members of Parliament and other. detailed information is available Millions of . people find nice, encompa!'lsing as life has to have Carter administration. The experts, will be offered three from Professor Y. Alexander, comfortable, philosophical and some kind of meaning. I can see no business cOl_nmunity has f«:ars o.f a times, A one-week period _. International Studies- State religious systems which sup- real reason to assume that this renewed high rate of Inflation December 31, 1976 to January 8, University Collge, Oneonta, New posedly tell them the true meaning· premise is true. I think it is much fueled. by excessive. government 1977; two weeks _ January 1-14, . York 13820, telephone 607-431-3709. of life. Some of them equate the eaSier, if perhaps less comfortable, spendmg on SOCial welfare 1977 and again in March 18-26, 1m. Registration deadline is November value of life with doing "good," to assume that life is completely programs. As part of therprogram, stUdents 10, 1976 ~t~:re~~~ ~:~~~~~~:~~ de~~ds:!,~,~~~ no meaning," Afte~'~'~~b'~~~~ti~~'h,' Palm explained in a book, such as the may sound very pesSimistic, but it ~~I~sF~:J' /:t~~~~ ~~es~~: SCRIMSHAW ~~:~e. ~~es~~~:!:~eisw~obmo~ ~~;~~tm~~e :~~~~r~~~~:House, He has now accepted his biochemical processes, and completely explained by a short ::~ka"1ore:::re ~t :ng~:~ EDITOR IN CHIEF ~~~~~~~~ ~sla~~ ~=':t ~~~~ ::k;t L!fe V:::~:bl~ ~e:!ni:~le:~: household. Wife Betty is ~s glad to John Springer 10 be the most bleak and dismal, it perience, and to say that ex- ~:v:h~:~~~~a~~th..::~ h~:~~~ can actually be very hopeful and perience has to mean something is been re-elected President. Come SPORTS EDITOR MANAGING EOI.TOR NEWS EDITOR Carlton Harris :~:iS~~ I~~ls~~e:~s s~~e~~~~ :ar:~~gl=~t i!:'n :~:~~~ January 2Q,' Palm Springs may Jeff Robinson Meg'Hoyle model of the universe. has value independent of mearung. ~~~~~fn:~a~~~~~~o~: ~:: LAYOUT BUSINESS MANAGER re!;::; ~~~v~~~W~s~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ht~~ n:a~~r:ind=i~t":ne:~~ ~!~::~.the oruy two living ex- Paul Hewett Bill Todd Dave Range ~Sumi!~~~:~ a~~O~anthene;::t 'e~~ }:tS~~I~n~c!V;iV~::~ng totol~~e~ Am~~;~~;~' C'~n;~o~~e'a'ith' of WRITERS l'lCrience another's feelings. He can painting, but why bother. I think it Puerto Rico may someday become o.\t understand the feelings which is better to jUst take what life has. America's 51st s~te if that islands Licia Hedian Jim Wogsland Mark Katz dominate his own existence. He to offer and not be concerned about new governor, Romelo Barcelo, Dianne Jenkins Phil LaPadula can never be sure about morality, what it all means. If love, joy, gets his way. In a startling upset, He Ornry so he is never"certain he is doing sorrow, pleaSUre, pain, ecstacy Barcelotookaverthegovernorship Jim Teramani Jim Wright Doug Bowman the right thing. Whatever he gains and other aspects of human while his party, the New Mark Bayer Chris Bohaska Mike D'Andrea during his life, he loses when he existence cannot justify them- ProgressiveS, swept into power in Linda Mann Nancy Menefee Sue Coleman dies. If life is not absurd, it is selves, no amount of "meaning" both houses of the legislature and Nancy Barry Wayne Pierce' Joe Golden certainly ridiculous. will do the job. Life is meaningless, most local governments. Many people feel that life has but it is the very absurdity of life ...• __ - ARTIST Eric Veich some meaning to it, but they aren't that gives it its value . Famed artist A1exand~r CalderL .;.;;. ... ... .,~-------------------------
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