Page 61 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 61
Friday, November 19,1'976 Scrimshaw : Page 5 Center Construction Soon continued from page 1 cannot be used for parking. As way around Elderdice and in the .ENTERTAlNMENT roa~ a turnaroUl}d loop for alternatives, drivers will have to front of Rouzer, or around the back CAPITAL CENTRE deh~erles and ab~u.t eleven use the parking lots behind the of Me~ori~l to the lower door near John Denver, and the Star/and Vocal Band 11/24.25 parking spaces for VISlto~. The water tower and Harrison House. thesWlmmmgpool,togetfromthe Aerosmith, and R.E.O. Speedwagon 12/5 :r~~ ~~ i~7r~n~0; :ecl~6~~ry ~~ S?on ~fte~n~~~tore;::bP:~f~ ~:r:~:r\a.S~~~:ni~C;:~!:en~~!~ Black Sabbath, and Ted Nugent 12/9 to be planted in gra~s and trees. ~~~~~' offe ~e construction area. last until the new center is com- Linda Ronstadt 12/12 ~hen construction. actually This means the north door of pleted. begins, most students will have to M lal will be closed and there This Is the first of two articles CIVIC CENTER their campus. comings .and w~~o~ no pathways 'between dealing with WMC's capital fun- Earth, Wind, and Fire 12/4 goings greatly. The library I~t IS ~o Memorial, Rouzer, and Elderdice. ding projects. The second will ~:P~i~sgl~~:r:~:m~~tb~I~~rs~ People must either walk all thelecceer in the next Issue. DAR CONSTITUTION HALL Melissa Manchester 11/21' Rhoebe Snow, and Ritchie Havens 11/27 Hall and Oates 11/30 KENNEDY CENTRE Gino Vannelli 12/7 LYRIC THEATER Gino Vannelfi 11/28 PAINTERS MILL Climax Blues Band, and Styx 11/19 Atlanta Rhythm Section, and Ruth Copeland 11/20 George Benson, and Stanley Clarke 11/27 CIA Illegality ... continued from page 1 Yet both have used a type of espionage program. Through .this overkill on this matter in dealing the CIA would have native vtet- with liberalism and political namese carrying out the dissent according to Osborne. The assassination attempts. national security scare and the This WMC vision is only a construction trailer now-June, 1978 is scheduled completion The gist of the matter was to ' political thought -during the Nixon train other peoples to do dirty administration both led to some Groundbreaking for New Student Center December 2 tricks. This, combined with an very dangerous possibilities which become a real continuing by the CIA to centrally could attempt index populations over entire threat. The ex-agent expressed a on Thursday, December 2, Decker Manufacturing Company. daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo' regions of the country, was w~at need for more common sense in the gruundbreaking ceremonies for Attending the ceremonies for the G. Decker, Jr. The architect, Mr_, comprised the 'project. To him surveillance decision-making Western Maryland's new college college, will be Dr. Ralph C. John, Peter Christie, and the builder, Mr . intelligenc.e beca~e a com- process. center will be held in front 01 Western Maryland's president, Elderdice Hall. This marks the Mr. Wilbur Preston, Chairman of Charles Frank, will also attend. :~~~n,~~edri~~C~~d O~::'~,~ The late 60's and early 70's left a official beginning of the long- the Board of Trustees, and other awaited project. The Decker representatives of the Board of A.~e ~~r~of%~illla'::~tk;~~~ really know what the left is doing." ~~e:~c ~:S;:~~f ~ess~~~~c:: College Center is named for the Trustees. Decker family members dice. For the actual ground- ha~:I;O~n!~~~:~=e~~e ~~~~ events as the Anit-war movement late Alonzo G. Decker, Sr., a for- present will include Mrs. Fanny ~~:;!x~ 70~:':~:~ mer trustee of Western Maryland Decker (Alonzo's widow), Mrs. ~::k::sD~~~h~:i~:oS~:rSh:c~ powers on domestic affairs in its ~~v: l~~ and co- founder of Black and Jane Decker Asmis, their event nearly twenty years ago. ,;::~y !:a~~~:~ii~~en~~~~~vi(t: working to down grade -.rOW an d Selk od covered in 1974) have shown the disagreements of ideology from However 1~ I W0 ••• occurrences of massive domestic of 'outside groups. this slow-down Osborne possibilities Surveillance and also felt that may continued from page 3 ~ioi~~:'Vl~2~,~~~:~~i~:~r.~tfs:f~i~~r.~~!:~~~:t:2 On November 13, Silkwood set wheel. OCA W union. Dingle and the out 'to meet Dave Burnham of The Although the Senate backed out subcommittee have done a com- cies, the Rockefeller Commission, general state of events. Oc- New York Times and Steve Wodka of the agreed joint hearings, the mendable job. They will continue Osborne felt that there is no curences like Kent State and the Irom her union. Karen was killed House Committee on Small their work in the third set of guarantee of domestic operations ~r:oc~~~ ~e~e efr:: t movement instantly when her Honda Civic Business, Subcommittee on hearings this fall. Testimony will having ceased. . crashed just down the road from Energy and the Environment, be heard from the FBI, the NRC, the Kerr-McGee plant. Kerr- headed by John Dingle, began and ERDA. Both the FBI and the CIA have Upon departure from the CIA McGee officials were first on the hearings on April 26, 1976. Much of Sara Nelson, NOW Labor Task taken action in the past toward Osborne founded the Intelligence from the scene. The police report stated that the testimony substantiated the Force co-chair. slated that "In a perceived threats of such political left. Documentation Center in order as to to Harrassment Karen had fallen asleep at the ..slu!m,es ma~i1kwood and the sense Karen Silkwood died, figures as Martin Luther King was inform the American public • ---- E perhaps unknowingly, for all of us, performed in the name of the goings on in the intelligence :: because in the course of her union "national security." But no covert field. He feels that there has been work she was trying to tell the domestic operations are allowed little intimidation on the part of the public about quality control agencies involved since the -c Tn Fenwood, N.J., (near falsification on nuclear fuel rods. for the CIA and absolutely no origination of the organization ield), or Indianola, Iowa. from the Wash. ~rea Wehavea collective responsibility police power in the U.S. was ever Although there may have been a Des Moines). Thanksgiving Spring) everyday: Diane- to get to the bottom of this· not only granted. The FBI is charged with few problems with letting out some Call Munzer Qutub Rouzer, Ride to Long for Karen's sake, but for our own." finding potential domestic dangers of the information uncovered in the loar, by Tuesday, Nov 16 will ThanksgIVIng Tern x352 Join with us then in supporting instigated from outside. past, Osborne feels that there may trouble more involved gas costs. -Any~her~ headmg So.uth ithe quest for truth about Silkwood Rllve to do be covering it up consistently. in :0 A~~~:en~~w~~t~:· ~~3..oct. ~~~~~~~:o ~i~y ~~~ ~~ : ~~~h th~o~:et~n~~;;c1~:d PI~~ on For · To Durham NCar ·Iowa City, Christmas break i tributions Money is desparately No.3? subject more information information, the of intelligence hanksgiving break: D~nn~: '(needs ride or will take riders): !needed f~r the court suit in the Mr. Osborne suggested the lanche 3rd. IVicki x318. '"'I batt1e against KelT' McGee. A top In these days of following organization: .. b . . . To Parkersburg, W. Va. (or legal team ha$ volunteered its discrimination suits, Lake · To ~::aLS.~'19Thanksgtvmg: .anywhere along I-n): Cathy Long services to Karen's parents, but it Superior State College officials, in Center for National S~urity Michigan, weren't 'taking any ~~~ Geti~~u:.g ~ny weekend' x353. is estimated that over $100,000 will Studies Amy X293.' . -Charlottesville: M~t~ ~51. . be needed to win. Contributions, of chances with their new $lO·million 122 Maryland Ave., NE ·To Long Island, NY, .for -Richmond, Va. or vlclmty: Patti any.amount, may be sent to .th.e jilysical education complex. Washington, D.C. 20002 anksgiving break: Nancy Brady or Steffi ~bert ~302. NatIOnal Eme;gency CIVil That's why they labeled the 2Q2-544-5680 locker rooms 1,2, and 3 instead of ortvelesy, McDaniel 2nd. ~~~e;;ror;n!fc~rt;l,s ~~\' :; ~:=~esN~~~:~:.n, ;\~,as~:~ Love ·~~o:::~~~,.t~~i~~~ ~~~:n~'ft~~Turtle Mike, apt. llB 848--6319. Donations should be earmarked to · To southwestern Michigan ·Trenton, _N.J. (exit 7 off N.J ... the SILKWOOD CASE and are tax wading through volumes of , or anywhere in that Turnpike) Thanksgiving: Jennifel', deductibJe. federal regulations governing sex T Scientists at the Charles Darwin tion), Thanksgiving Apt. IG 848-6399. We need help to get Silkwood's .jiscrimination and equal op- Research Station report the Jeff, Blanche 3rd. story to the public. Write your ilJrlunities that they were afraid island's only turtle has fallen in · To N.Y. - ~~nn. area (R~e, NEEDARIDE?GoingtoBoston ~egisl~to~ and ~ll them to keep labeling the locker rooms by sex love with a medium-sized boulck!r. .Y.), Thanksglvmg Break: Rita .will take 1 or 2 people over lI1vestigabng thiS case. Contact might trigger a lawsuit unless the A researcher says ~t Onan, the turtle, has taken up With one of the . ,Apt. 2H, 848-0068. Thanksgiving Break _ shared Christine Yost, loc~ NOW chapter facilities were identical. are using island's rocks, and that he Right now, the women Towson, ~~y wk. end, esp. expenses. Contact Neal ?onve~or, to get lI1~~lved locally No.1 and the men NO.2. Nobody is "regularly, and passionately, ThanksglVlng Break: John Copenhauer in Rouzer 208. ill actions and coahtJOns at 843- .~ 0571 . sure :.vho is supposed to use No.3. !attacks it" •~i ~ ...
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