Page 68 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 68
Page 4'" Scrimshaw Friday. December 3, 1976 "In White-America" Poor McCarthyism (Joe Style) Sue Coleman the characters on stage, or respond lights were used to focus 'audience The weekend of November 12, to them emotionally. Readers attention and begin the action of Phil La Padula tente" as well as "detente" is the Dramatic Art Department and theatre is a difficult medium in [he diffen!nl sequences. The small What caused the rise of Me- needed in securing world wide Black Student Union presented which to work because it demands stage was placed close to the ~a~~~~l~:~~~~~~~:~c~~~~ pe,~;~diplomacyrather than ~~~~~~a.DaU~:~:e~'t~e~~re\~~~:~~~~:c~e~~~~h~~~t~i:f~~~e:O~~~~~::~~~~:t~t~~!~~a~;~l~~ of factors including widespread military diplomacy is needed." directed and designed by Tim and gestures. The emphasis on viewers, but the fact that the ac- demagoguery, America's "illusion Also, Clu~b t.hinks that part of !he Weinfeld. vocal dramatization caused some tors remained uninvolved in their of omnipotence," a sense of pro.ble,? hes I~ the fact that fO~~lgn The central idea and objective of actors to Jose all variation in tonal characters distanced those wat- "manifest destiny." .....and general pohcy IS too dispersed."In additJ?n, the play was to relate the history of pitch; they began a scene loud and ,ching and only emphasized the paranoia about the recent com- t stated that .. u.S. foreign blacks in America from a social had nowhere to go, all emphasis or audience awareness of the actor as munistvictory in China. Moreover, policy generally sup~rts" the point of view- starting with the highlighting of important points actor. it was the result of a cold war status quo over revolution. In slave boats through the Civil War was lost This was especially Duberman's play is a sound one foreign policy based on instilling other words, ~he 1!'S, will usuall.y to the racial conflicts of the late evident in the-SOuthern gentleman with many available opportunities fear into the American people. support ~ reg~me III plwe~ even. If 1950's. The authors intent was to ~h~~:" Ste';,nes" wfheie'l?ngg'nVfebeth~n'ge to convey an important message as These were some of the things that regime IS a tyr-annical die- evoke sympathy and empathy for .. ........ u, • well as entertain. This production - that Edmund Clubb. a former State tatorship. . the American blacks as well as overdrawn. of In White America suffered from Department employee during the Clubb also related his ~wn guilt in American whites for the One notable exception to the a lack of internalization on the McCarthy era, talked about for personal experience Of. being actions of their forefathers. The problem of poor characterization actors' part which made the forty-five minutes in Decker on framed as .a pro-comm.ulllst. The playwrights concept is well suited was in the performance of Lisa evening very slow arid a less than Wed" Nov. 17. His comments shed man who t~led to have him framed to a readers theatre design where Pohlhaus, whose interpretation of exciting I black history h lesson a lot of light on the causes and was Whittlk~r Chambers, a man the action' of the play is totally character and delivery were n t e results of McCarthyism, as well as famo~s fo~ his ~ole as ~e govern- psychological and there is no almost spell binding and marked N . American foreign policy in' ment s ~hlef wl.tness I~ the 1~9 physical movement. But for the highlight of the evening. Lisa's atton general. He displayed particular Alger HISS perjury tnals .whlch readers theatre to carry an portrayal of the genteel Southern ~o~~~s:a:~yt.he field of Chinese ~~~~t toth~~t~~.~~~rn~~o~~~c~::. :~~~~~:l~~~~~~~at~ ~!~~~~!!~~:~t~~dfi~~ f:~~~~;t:n~:;i;h~ ~The biggest story out of Capitol Mr. Clubb started off by saying Chambers testified that Hi~s,. a as more then a mere soap box white school, were believable and Hill these days is the large number :le:~{~i;is~~~~~~p~~t~::~ I~~~:~~!ta~:~:~E~n:;J~~'~::~~~~~~~~t~~~, i~:;~~:~n '~~~ r;~~:~~::';;:~~i~t~~~~,t~~~~ I~~~~~~i~~~~~~~ C~~~~;~:ul;;: mean a change in the State ~came "t~e _dispenser of gospel f::;i~~te~~~~~o~a~;;~s o;a~~ terizations are good. each full of new faces, the posts of Department. He also cited' for the Witch-hunters of Me- play. The set, lighting, and costumes House Speaker, House Majority President-elect Jimmy Carter's Carthy's era." Clubb was n~tfou~d The play disintegrated into a ~ee;; ~~!~~~i~~t~r~~~~~~~ ~i~~~rty al~~d!~a::lI~j~~~ta~~~ ~~::~~e~;!~Z~:t:~~~/~~~~~.~~~I\~~t~f :;:~t~~~~;sel~d ~~ ~h: black h~story slide and l~~ct~e approach to the play. The set' -The only sure winner is Tip ~!~~~;2~}'~~;~1~\r~~;;;~~:~~:£::;d}~~;~'~~;~F.1~~~:':~~t~:::tf~;~~! . ~i~~::e::;::::~:.:~~,::::: ~llt';:;~t~i~P.ifHi~:~~i 1940's and early 1950's the United teachlllg: He h~s.wntten a .~~k ~~~~~~~~~i~r~~ts~~l:;~r~~~~ ~~~~i,n~:eSi~~;~t~~t;o~!i~n~~ ~=a~:~tiCfr~e~~:~~: s~atp~~i~ Roll- D. Spn~~~!:;a,sa~e;:_~~!~:1s~f~%ilg'~ ,~~~tw~:=es:x~:~~~~es S entlt - an audience member to believe in also basic but very important, as Burton of Califomia, an _often- In the controversial liberal. policy. This policy included uper Ice lng Senate, the Demo and Repub top strengthening the allies (notably positions are being hard-fought Great Britain and France) with .,', - :-.- Tops for the Demos is Robert Byrd large monetary appropriations for of West Virginia. a moderate. The ::~~~~t~~~ntr~~, their war th~O~!~lg a~~r~~~ ~;~zi~~m§= ~:~~~~t~~~~~nath~i~~~~~~ ~~~~:~;~:~~~~~;f~~:r~~~: ~~~:~~~~~OS:ai!a~~~d thr!~be~its In order to obtain the support Dic~:Coliege students are finding the player back to school for The sets can be ordered for $6.95 hal in the ring but is thought to be they needed for their program, the that thi!Se 12-sided dice more than remedial work. each plus 50 cents postage and trailing Byrd. The Republicans government tended to play on the double the excitement and fun of The three Super Dice colors can handling from Super Dice, P.O will choose between Robert Griffin fears of the American people regular dice and board games represent different things -- again Box 300, Pennington, N.J_ 08534 of Michigan and Howard Baker of towards communism. This Each~ set contains three depending on the game - and N.J. residents should add sales tax Tennessee paranoia obviously grew with the dodecahedrons one red, one should be read in the order: red, ......._ , -Jimmy Carter is closely wal- ~.....PI . & F ~pJ:~~i~;~~~ns~~:~·u~~a~~ ~~~tiO:d f~;e s~ueS~~usDi~~' ~~~~' :~k~~:' ~~ th:a~~~a~~: ching these leadership battles, for to accept current defeats, began games. number on the red die represents a oln ancy :~::in:r:it~:ft:e~et~~e;~l:fict:;: trying to put the blame for foreign specific month (I through 12) of the The President-elect was in policy failures on "conspiracies One advantage of Super Dice year; the number on the white die Donuts Washington last week. After from within." Thus, anyone who over ordinary dice is that each indicates millions of dollars of meeling with President Ford and criticized American foreign policy Super Die TM contains all the revenue booked in advance; and his cabinet, Carter talked to in anyway was viewed as disloyal numbers from 0 to 9. Two Super the number on the blue die shows 140 Village Congressmen of both parlies, '~::::'::~:n::emium put on ~~:~J~'~;:~~E:~~~::~:~~l:~~~~:~~ng:~~~~~~~ );~ only 5 minu ... 1way ~~~~~i~J2~!;~;~~~;~~:f:~~ ~~larC~:t~;m~~y" e~~~edsl~~~I~ :u~~ngga~~y :}~m~~ns C~i~~~~ equals height; white equals width; Ope them to call up any time, deviant ideas were seen as showing beach, the Super Dice game 'pieces an~n~~~:c~~:~o:~~!~ four games n 24 Hours a Day ,J .~~~CX;~~~~ce;:'~~~~ !Ft~~a~~:: :~~i'a~~~ ~~~: ~~;!~~n:en~to;r. ~:/I:~l ~i~~~e~f t~~~h o:n~~~ a r t= ':'h~ ~ ~r~ ~~ ~d. I I had begun ficial who was accused of being a reserved for the numbers through PRE CHRISTMAS SAVINGS!!! rommuni,t fnc meeely "itioi,ing 9. The nthee fnu, ,id" "e wild IIOver' . the· Hill. ................t ,,!~~~!...:~¥!~~;,;~~ww Nationalist China without actually cards that can be used for purposes J S IfALL FADED GLORY supporting Communist China that vary according to the game I ean hop, i 25°11 OFF' According to Clubb, "the idea beingpiay--ed.Oneofthefoursides I SBZ - Ii LEGG'NS 10 was, if you're not with us, you're can bf·read as a 1 ot an ace; the 'I against us." He also told about how second as a 0 or 10; the third as a I - a "China Lobby" was set up in plus or 11; and the fourth as a IWE'RE IN!!! I I f ,M, S Ii JEANS ~~':~tr~~~~t~~al~~te c~~nc~nat~~ minus or 12 Avm ". $1 k • -L EATH-E..R--G"'E -- ~ d .I I revealed South Korean Lobby. The pillS symbol provides the I." lV~r~l!;a£I;:soa(;ri~/~~/O II . Mr. Clubb explained tha' Mc- opportunity for adding or doubling. - G"thyi,m h,d mn" penfnund In the B"eb,1I B,tting g I I WE'RE NOW OPEN·ON SUNDAY 12 6 I effects on American foreign policy TM game, for example, rolling a :~~n;a: ~~I,e ~~~~~~yi~~ ~I~:~f:=~as~n~e ~~~~ af~uS~~: I I FEATURING: ~~~::~a~;~b~~:O:n~~;n:n~~h~;!~ t,acting - or for moving backwards I I Authentic American Indian Jewelry of South Vietnam. Clubb said that • - • - - - - - - - - - - • .. I Unisex tops &. jeans he thought the communist victory - .. '0 ff I Handcrafted leather goods in Viet!lam was partly due to our - ~~~~ ;;!,~R~~~p::ER~P!Ew~~tS':~:~~ ,., I. 0 0 ~any I (beits, bogs, wollets, etc.) :~~:~:~~~t~~!~~~: ~~:~ : ~~~~~i~;:;~;.ci~;.m~~;;:~;~e·p~~:~~'~e: J 10.00 purehasel u w~uld not have been as ~reat. _ hOurs wee~ty. S""" resume.. ,~, jor iOb" Mondal'-Sa£lIrdav I we can dO!!!l design" ~ ~~r;~'i~~~~;~ ~::"8~:~~~~~~n ,':e:s~.. frOIll12.6:JOp.1II I Hours TUES-SAT. 11-9(to Christmas) SUH-12-6 Clubb stressed that American • codingnumber. memb. car", work m8nuet, I 1r ~~:~~h~~~:S ho~S~~~~~.l~~: • ;:;;v:i;:u: :; ::"k~IYw~~~~!SS~:~I.;~~:l861-8776 or 356·5075 I Phone 876-6787 ~~~ry::~~rsaar~~~lctc;:inat~~ : ;~~e:~::~~:I:l~:"ices(NCMS).SOX1J81...EcsloIIRI.140,ajrerUgiIro/ I We're in the annex in the --,- oJ R' 9/, """ ,1,1"" • enl,.-gement of the diplnm'ti' • -_. 1..:::s FiI'''b'''g ..:'- WESTMINSTER SHOPPING CENTER ' channels, and stated that "en- _ •• - ••• - - ••• ., --------------------------~
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