Page 65 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 65
Volume IV, Issue '1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE Friday,· December 3. 1976 .Subeommittee Given Co-Ed Proposal Suggests ANW '. - be Used First Bob Kelley A member of the Subcommittee "strongly favored a pian which on Student Life is submitting a would put more men in with them. proposal on "Co-Ed dorms as a Apparently they are pleas~ with Housing Option at WMC" to the the. co-ed set ".up, which IS now subcommittee. The proposal, limited to ~a'lmg men on the Is! written by committee-member floor of Whiteford. But.the women Jim Wright, calls for more co-ed m Blanch~ and McDa~lel opposed forms starting in school year 1978- a p~an which would bring me-r into 79. It has not yet been accepted their dorms re~~~C:~~~lrhat ::~ion~r20~~~a~ This. presen~s a problem. The of Albert Norman Ward Hall open ~~~~~~~~gAI~~!tC~o;:~n ~:~d ~~ ~:~sfle~orsi~or ~~me~~!~~:~n ~ the men's d~rm to be converted _ Whiteford, and that the 3rd floor or ~:~tOf allo;m~ stu.dents who don't Elderd(c~ have males on one side betwcec:;e two ou~~~~ t~.fchoose of the stairwell and females on the buildings _ cannot /he ~:Je7~ other. The tW? Pennsylvania deciding which womens' dorm to house: and. Forhnes house would convert. Blanche and McDaniel ~;o~~~;rt:~; fr=b~~:~C~ y~~~i ~~e~~~~lia~~~ ~ype and style, but m~i~~~~~sZ~~rn!~: ~~::~~o~~ to allo~n men i:~m~O~o f~~t ~::~ The earth newly, rudely, plowed by this bulldozer, ""';enching not OI~I~oto by Don the first male dorm to go co-ed Wright only re.comme~ds that trees but the college community's sensitiuities as. Mort> photos inside. ~h~aS~e ~~~s ~:i,l~ar wt~n~a~~_e:d ~~rep~oe;o~ruitsm~oc:e~~:~or~·n~ Reporters Allowed into First Faculty Meeting housing will still be able to choose ~~~ct~~~t~~a;c~~ ~d ~~~~aniel Carlton Hartis end Chris Holmes between an older - MacLea - and a dorms a women At the November 3 faculty new business are discussed and the committees also had no reports to newer one - Rouzer, meeting, a motion was proposed by meetings are adjourned after give: _Dr. Panek of the Faculty Aoother important consideration Partly as. a solution tn the above. Drs. Sapora and Seidel allowing announcements are made. _ Council, Dr. Harper of Admissions in choosing _which buildings to problem, Wright proposes a second two representatives of the The following is an account of and Standards, Dr. Coley of the convert is whether the residents III step. This step would be entirely Scrimshaw to attend futrue what happened at the Dec. I Athletic Council, and Dr. Phillips pa~ticular building wo~ld dependent on the .success of the. meetings. The students would be meeting, attended bv ap estimated of Graduate Affairs. mmd.h~vtn~ peop~e of ~e.opposlte main proposal. there only to report on the 60 of the faculty members. The .Calendar and Schedule sex living In their building. The First the men in Whiteford proceedings-;- having 110voting or Dr. John called the assembly to Committee, headed by Dr Housing and Conduct Council would be moved to Blanche. The speaking rights. The motion order at 1I:24 AM the minutes of. Herlocker, offered to clear up any survey~d 177 ~tude~t.;; this fall to advantage of this arrangement is pass~ bya 46-16 vote. As a result the ~ov. 3 meeting having been' questions .concerning the second determine their opnuon on cO:ed obvious. Women who don't want to of this action, Scrimshaw sent two rpeviously distributed. The semester academiC ca1endar. housing. In answer to the questIOn live cooed could choose between students to the -December I minutes were approved after Ms. Colley's Undergraduate "Would you like to see Co-ed Whiteford and McDaniel, two meeting. minor adjustments we~ made. Acade~ic Policy and Currioulum Housing as one of the housing substantially different buildings. The faculty normally meets on Dean McCormick gave his committee recoommended that the options at ~I\:1C? 79 per cent of t~e But to plan on this thange, it must the first Wednesday of every regular report, calling to thf at- move as expeditiously as sample said yes, 10.9 per cent said be assumed that, after the first month, exc~pting January. tenHon of the faculty a proposed poSSible from. a 3.0 to a 4.0 system no, and 10.1 per ce~t didn't care. step of transition, the women in However, special sessions may be change in the taxation of tuition of computmg grade point But when a~ked I.f they would Blanche will not object to having called when a need arises. The credits given to the children of averages. The change, if approved, favor plans mvolvmg the con- male floors or sections in their meetings are held in Decker faculty. If enacted, it could cost would take effect in the Fall of version of t~eir particular dorms, dorm. As of this fall's survey 52.6 au~torium during the assembly faculty with college-age kids as 1977.. . . s~udents in diffe~ent dorms reacted per cent of the women opposed a period. A large proportion of the 85 much asjl000 per son or daughter, At thiS pomt In the meeoog, Dr. differ~ntly. ReSidents .of all three plan which involved housing males facul.t~ members usually attend. Dr, Jone<; moved that the faculty John wel~omed and intr~uced the me?s dorms would hke to have in their building, while 47.7 per Presldmg over the body is the send a fo:mal letter of protest tet two Scrimshaw npontlOueci pa! theIr own dorms changed to co-ed. crnt supported it. The-margin is College PreSident, Dr. Ralph C. the IRS and fo Congressionai Wf're nresent: Both men and women in Whiteford - continued John. The meeting follows the represeniaHves. 'I'he motion W page 7 k pI Off f BSU usuallOrmat. Deans McCormick turned in by Dec. 21. After Dr. . or ays or and Mowbray are allowed time to McCormick then notified the speak, followed by the reports of faculty that class grades were to be nine faculty committees. Old and k~~:~~:i:o?n~~d 2;~t la~~i~~~ Eamonn MCGrea.dY proposal. The whole tl'ling has been the Weslmi" community; and :........................................... not give 311 professors the allowed The Student Life Subcommittee very positive." officf"s for the minorities S 48 hours in which to grade final ~n~~es~~:~nin~a~~~~~;:ee L~ne~ poT!~r~t~e b:~~~~~l f~~fe~j~;~~~~~:~~t:~eo:u~:t~~~S~nAi!~;:~o:! ~Vv"HAT'S ~x::~~~:eDbe:CnkPfo~~ly moved last Sunday, and one of the topeis the Black Student Union· in the HSlI budget to over the new I INSIDE: re~~~·rpersons of submitted no ~!c!~~us:~~~i~:~ ~~eth~ro~sC~ Wi~~ '~~:e7it1:dm~fnjsgi~:;~:/o:: position a~.i~~!!~~ of minority Faculty mem- : plac~d on the emphasis Mowbray Dean . subcommittee Minority This .~ffairs. following the Stude.nt Union. !he hiring .. ~Tom Chapin 'You be the ~;~:~:tt;~~at:;:: ~~~~~~a~~o~: ::~I~:;:i~i!I~:e~~!~~;~ro~a:;:! ::~Sr;s:;d ~~so ~hce~:~~eIO!~ne:r\~: and the camp~s is very th~h co.m~ltte~-mem~rs cultures_ minority students en. uSlas I.C, according to Bill as a whole: counselling minority Sandra Baker, head of.t~e Black !.~ SGA Editor ~:~!rttee\head of '~he sub- :~:i:~;:~iO~n:f ~~!~i~~ nt:~s~d- ~~~~~nc~~~~~~p~~~:~r~:th~: Trib-by In the first 2.) Increa$ed recruitment i .....0 T shaw, we stated issue of the Scrim- to committee related: "We as to a enrollment of minorities. The terms: "The proposal is important and the blacks now ... and in the futUre, our intent are very. favorablt! to the needs of for a gradual calli if nothing is changed responsive ~ •• "I11III rees I remain campus. In line with that the proposal and are positive to the proposal from 4 percent of the in- because school is not offering then spirit the in which presented crease the it was 's Scri~shaw statement, we have prepared a This is something here at Western student body in 1918 to 10 percent in e\'erything that it has to offer to all ,., is not im- that on to say: survey (to be found on page 3J. We students." possible to achieve 1981. She goes ~,: urvey hope you will take the Hme to fill it Maryland in the next few years. 3.) Establishmeul of a Minority "The idea of the proposal is. to ....~at can be done to help ,, out and return in the cafeteria and The whole experience has Cultural House arts and crafts; for .suggest mmority students and to it to us in one of the with facilities boxes ·located exhibition of the pile of recruit of been good because ========:=a'-----:.;,;_ ...J tll.:! task force that dedication up the of classroom students lecture space; of entice them to say page 3 "The proposal Center. work and the great the Student Go.o "........................... and and members tutoring continued drew ..---------------------- ..
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