Page 62 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 62
Friday. November 19;1976 Scrimshaw . Page 6 Tom Chapin, "Unusual", in Alumni Nov 30 MikeO'Andrea New Don Kirshner Rock Concert Tom Chapin is that he is my Tom's unusualness starts with the 'tom Chapin will be appearing on on television very soon. Air dates brother, and we are in todays fact that he is perhaps the most audience lines," campus the 30th of November. are scheduled to begin November music scene. That is a sort of ~ well-known "new" recording artist Concurrently With Make A Wish, Tom's first album-c.'Life Is Like 20th in most major markets. Make natural-we both come from an around. Tom has been playing with some of That'-has just been released on sure you don't miss himlHe will be arts-oriented family, our father the most prestigious underground Fantasy.Hisbrandnewalbumhas on the show with his 2' brothers, played jazz with Tommy Dorsey, What Harry means is that a groups in the East, Mt. Airy, the received a great response from the Harry and Steve. Harry wrote an Woody Herman and the like, and whole generation of kids has grown heavy weight session band in- radio and- press alike. He did a article about Tom and revealed the' even our brother, Steve, is up to his Emmy and Peabody cluding Bob Hinkle and Eric guest performance at the NEe following: producing for me and Weissberg (of Deliverance fame). east and west (student booking) , musicals. Award winning 'Make A Wish' He also starred and sang in the conventions this fall, and was the ABC networks series. Five years of first Great White Shark flick, Blue only artist to receive a standing , network TV time playing the Water, White Death. Along with ovation. That's kind of hard to do in guitar. If you've ever watched these musical exploits, he has front of an audience of people who Make A Wish, you know it's a very found time to become "The Sun- book talent! Tom has booked a tour difficult show to describe. Each dance Kid", the legendary "have- of 100 colleges and clubs around the half hour is divided into two parts ball-will-travel" basketball star of United States and Canada. There exploring everyday words and N.Y.'s incredible street basketball are four months of a long series of . concepts like time, stamp, or subculture. A former college All- absolute one-rughters, just Tom Circle, illustrated by a startling American from Plattsburgh State and his guitar. "I felt I had to go combination nf animation, quick College, Tom has played and out by myself to get some kind of cut still photography, and old and become friends with the likes of feel for who I am. It's terrific to be new motion picture footage. The Tiny Archibald and Doctor "J" along on stage with a guitar and a past and future are intermingled (Julius Erving). Tom Chapin is mike. The directness and total before your eyes with clever word sounding really unusual, here' a responsibility are refreshing." One plays in staccato-like fashion. guy who can do damn near night in early October Chapin's Usually, after this visual assault,! _ concert tour took him back to there is e-calmer, on-location in- His album, "Life Is Like That", Plattsburg, N.Y., where he was terview with an expert relating to really is beautiful; Tom is blessed joined by his brothers, Harry and the word. And finally, there is a with a clear tenor voice, and he Steve Chapin (it was the first time song written by Harry and per- writes mighty fine songs too. His the three brothers had performed formed by Tom. The end result first album is very good. His together in three years). After the comprises the hippest children's melody is very pleasing and concert, Tom and his brothers show on network television. It's an relaxing. Believe me, when he donned their basketball gear to Emmy Winner and Peabody comes to campus, he will acquire play with the N.Y. All-Stars Award Winner, but, make no many ovations and new fans. One against the Harlem Wizards (a mistake about it, Tom Chapin, is of his songs, 'Ain't It Simple', is the Globetrotter spin-off team). the glue that holds Make A Wish best..look for it in his show. A great together. Tom will be appearing on the WNEW-FM, Peter N.Y. Pcme tal "His of beat is prevalent through this song wrote: Dftl,·,·ez··'" Wo"''''at Rop"',·ns good looks, easy manner, and and and as well as his others. For those who don't enjoy the loud rock r.. No K • K K mu'icalexcellencehav~madehim music or the music of the previous a presold superstar With a coun- Thea 8ravi!H" tless audience of millions--and not campus group, Atlantic Rhythmn Section, you will be very pleased. Now on exhibit at the Turner own, and yet with a certain degree straight forehead. He has used just with kids, but also with their Auditorium of Baltimore's Johns of restraint imposed by the artist. white and sepia-colored conti parents, older brothers and sisters, Even for those who enjoy loud hard Hopkins Hospital is a joint art show "The Fishermen," done in crayons as highlights, bringing out and grandfathers too! Tom's rock or whatever, such as I, the of plastic sdilpture by Winni monochromatic blue, illustrates the chocolate color of the subject's appeal crosses all age and change in tempo will surprise you greatly! Hendler and paintings by Wasyl this flow of color. Among the skin. Sweeping lines and splashes UMBI'1S h of F Palijczuk, instructor of art at slowly bubbling blues is integrated of color give the effect a ree '-' ymp ony Western Maryland. Winni, as she the weathered face of a strong, ~eatheredhead-?ress.AI~~getherit prefers to be called has attended simple man. Almost hidden are the IS an extremely sensitive ren- ;:~~oeu:_~~~yfahn~ISa~~a,th~a~~~ :=~st; ~~~~~ ~~~~ir~~i~ge i~s~~: ~:~::r;ffa~:~t could be a very The UM~C Co~munity first .. ranks ~f pr~fessional privately and in workshops, and life: "T~e P~ac.e" is ano.ther per- ~inni, likewis~ in he~ sculpture, ~~~t:lh:n~o;tl~~~o~~~!:~~e~o~~' ~~~~~:~al~~~:n ~~~7~'w~ exhibited in over 80 shows. Her trait-fhis painting, done I~ shades brings a certain feehng to the professional orchestras in the has soloed with over 100 symphony work is represented in many of purple, sho~s the hills and viewer. What she provides us with region, will offer a free' public orchestras in this country and collections in the U.S. and abroad. hollows of a Plec~ of land. ~all is an integral part of nature: the concert 8 p.m. Sunday, December abroad, will perform the Palijczuk has earned his M.Ao:- trees, the emphasis on crawling behavior of light and thus of color. 12 at the Lyric Theatre on Mount Tchaikovsky selection. "from' the University of Maryland roots,. balance themselves To display her sculptures she Royal Avenue in Baltimore. and his M.F.A. from the Rinehart precarlously?n a ledge of ~ol.or. needs a sufficient amount of light; Now beginning its fifth concert School of Sculpture. He has had The ground Itself I~ ~ SWirling the colors they take on depend season, the Symphony has The Symphony, which is spon- over 70 one-man, group, and in- m~ss of color, and slmllarl~, ~e upon light as well as on their scheduled the Beethoven overture sored by t-he University of vitational shows, and teaches at skies envelop the upper hml~. physical placement. USing heat "Fidelio," the Brahms Third Maryland Baltimore County, has the Baltimore Museum of Art as folds Of. col.or ar: used In and cutting implements she has Symphony, and Tchaikovky's First successfully played the most well as at WMC. paintings rangmg. m subJec.t from formed interesting shapes from Piano Concerto for the Lyric ap- challenging and artisticaiIy land~cape. to family portrait, and dyed plastics. EnclOSing these pearance. A performance last year demanding programs both here in The Hopkins show is set up in the varying m ~olor scheme from forms within cubes and cylinders at the same theatre by the Sym- the Baltimore region and by attractively-lighted open lobby just monochromatic to analogous to of different colors, Winni has co~e jXlony drew unanimouscr:itical and special invitation at the John F. outside the auditoriwn, Wasyl's complementary. up with exciting arrangements of audience praise. Kennedy Center for the Per- paintings occupying the walls, and light and color. \ forming Arts in Washngton, and Winni's acrylic forms resting on Palijczuk also has numerous . Composed of profesSional, semi- Drexel University in Philadelphia. their own stands near the floor- paintings done at. an. earlier date . B.esides being ~u~~tional? ar-. professional, and student _Iength windows. Most of Palijc- and therefore earher 10 style. One, tisbcally and .sclentiflcallr, her musiCians, the 90-member Seating for the December~ 12 'zuk's paintings are oils-the l!lter entitled "Afrikaner" was my pieces are qwte decorative-all University ensemble is under the concert at the Lyric Theatre is on a one~ exhibiting his very distinctive favorite. The ar:us~ has ~iven us an things considered, v.ery pleasant to direction (If RObert Gerle, the non-reserved basis as there is no style. On the canvas, his folds of elegant portrait In hiS smooth, watch_ For those mterested, the noted violin virtuoso and conductor admission charge. The public is paint ooze much like yesterday's curvilinear face with protruding show will be on exhibition through whose performances around the invited to the full concert and is lava lamps, free to flow on their lips, gently bulging eyes, and a November 29. world have established him !n the urged to arrive early for the best seating. ~I.. ------~----------------------------------
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