Page 50 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 50
Page. Scrimshaw Friday, November 5, 1976 Bowers Sensitive and Bawdy "Boston" Mike D'Andrea Review If you were wondering what you Phil LaPadula or against the left shoulder like Sunday in an old Southern Baptist With this, as well as some other have been hearing around the No, I'm Not talking about your Bowers does it. Church in the south. But this juicy lines which I can't repeat, it campus, it is a very good chance it roommate's T.V. set. I'm talking Bowers gave a brief history of atmosphere soon changed, as became obvious that the ap- is Boston. Boston is capturing the about a strange little instrument the instrument before he.began to Bowers started singing his parentiy pious Bowers also had a ear of music listeners throughout that a drunk lady once thought play. It's inventor, Daniel Zim- humorous barroom songs, most rather unabashed vocabulary! the campus and for that matter the looked like a "sawed-off guitar," It merman, wanted to create a new without musical accompaniment. Bowers' nonaccompaniment songs ac- country. For a first album. has other nicknames such as the more simplified musical notation Bowers followed a gospel version actually don't need Boston has accomplished what "mountain piano". and the "idiot system based on numbers rather of the BeatJes' "Let it be" companiment. The lyrics are the other groups are still trying to do-. box." The latter was attached to it than notes. It was made famous by with, "a song about a girl I Jived whole thing and the inevitable -produce a great album. The album because it's promoters, as a sales the Carter family in the south (no with." This made for an interesting punch line at the end always is r~ally very good and is very easy pitch, raved to everyone about how relation to the President-elect) and contrast between .two very dif- brought enthusiastic responses to listen to. Each song has its own easy it was to play. It's real name was at first used mostly for gospel ferent worlds. He then continued from the audience. . rhythm. My favorite song on the is the Acoustic Auto-Harp. It's- music. This was the type of music with a song that an old wino taught Bowers slipped into the serious album is "Forepl~Y-Longtime." I player, Bryan Bower's was un- that Bowers started off playing on him. and another entitled, "My Get realm a couple of times as well. He hea~d it for the rtrst'ttme on the daunted by broken strings, out of it, and for awhile it seemed like Up and Go, Just Got up and Went." sung an eye opening and shocking radio about a month ago. I liked it tune harps, and crying babies as he song about the ugly realities of life so much I bought the album the entertained and amused the in a jail. Bowers onced served next day. And I am very satisified seventy people in McDaniel three months for a pet charge. Not with It. I would venture to state Lounge on Friday night. In fact, wanting to leave the audience on a that since ~ad Company, Boston is the audience was so intrigued that they insisted he do an encore at the ~~~o:o:t:,so~~. ~o~~o~:~ct ~:~~s ~ ~~~s~~~~' ~~c~~ng a ti~~ t~o su~ end of the hour and a half per- formance. The amazing thing ~!;~~tr::,e:~al~h~~h~/~~W~p~~; ~~~~!uf~ye fl~S:lnalb~v~~~b~~ about Bowers was his versatility and all. Let's just say it had recognition. Boston is Tom Scholz, on the little instrument. He played something to do with hot dogs and Brad Delp. Ba.rry Goudreau, Fran everything from old fashion gospel buns and you take it from their! Sheehan and SIb Hashian. Tom and music to slightly lewd barroom Barry play the lead and rhythm the , song on it and admits that his taste Bowers was once the opening act guitars but Tom also plays in music ranges Cram, "the lilly for a Jefferson Starship concert at keyboards and percussion. Brad white to the bawdy." the Capital Centre. He has also sings the lead vocals, Fran plays Lightfoot. He The instrument roughly backed up Gordon a solo act and is bass and Sib commands the drums. I guess that the major said ~is is strictly question resembles a triangle with squared working on his first album. All in would be "when will Boston be off corners and it's measurements are about a foot and a half by .a all it w~s a pretty interesting and performing in concert'?" My guess hour and a half. would be soont! entertaining foot. It is strung like a harp and more or less resembles a miniature harp except that the Poetry Workshop Nov. 11 hollowed out hole in the middle Minnesota Review, makes it look somewhat like the Roland Flint, a noted poet and west, Tribune, and Washington ~~Z:t~~:~~!:~,~EJ%;I~~~; ~:01:i=y'~~~~::~Illi;f':~ Star. In Grant he in Poetry from a Chicago received 1970 Discovery It seems to represent a pretty Western Maryland College. the National Endowment for the unique sound. It has six keys at the Flint will direct an informal Arts. bottom which push against the poetry workshop on Thursday Completing the day's program will be a "Poets in the Grille" evening. Beginning at 9:00 p.m. ~\:f!:~~~:~~i::T~~:7~;~:a~:!~~ ~l!~l1:£~~~~J::~i~uiLh~!~ students and area poets, as well as the harmony, while the other poetry. He will also give critiques interested individuals, are invited fingers play the melody on the of poems written by several to attend this informal gathering at the college's student center and ,";!P~P'::' ~hi~gh::::'!lr::ing~,:.T;:h~'~ins::;lr~".:::m~'n:.lIL -;;;;;;;;;:::+:5::··':::::c. '=="~;;;;;:::::;::==~ Western Maryland students read their poems, or share their ,can be played on the lap, on a table, LU ..g C .. "'-_........ ro~~ 4~:,Ph~'~~llMr:~~ri~i~ ~~~ ideas. Future poetry readings and poetry, and sponsored D.J. Winners N~ II eramles __book. "And Press. passages from his workshops departrr, nt will by feature the published Mornin~," book of Fhnt's English by Dryad poems centers around themes of Michael Cain, Charles Plymell, A ceramics show featuring the the Baltimore Museum of Art and friendship, fatherhood, death, and and Pamela Beach Plymell Congratulations to the winners of work of Mary Nyburg will open 7-9 the Haystack Mountain School of old men. (January 14 and 15), and Cynthia the D. J. Contest: p.m. on Monday, November B in Crafts in Maine, of her work have His works have appeared in Macdonald (April 13). For further Exhbiitions ist - Anne Dryden Gallery One of the Fine Arts been held in cities allover the many rnagazmes including details, contact Del Palmer or 2nd - Jack Eckles Building, Western _ Maryland Jesse Glass ard -·Audry Flowers College East, including shows at the Atlantic Monthly, Poetry North- Honorable Mention An active member of craft Potters Guild of Baltimore, the John Patrick "Most Like organizations, Mrs. Nyburg is a Reflections Halloween" trustee of the American Crafts ~~~e~~b::~::t~i~~;~r~'~~at~~ ,,~:~ d;~:~~e~ Mark Bayer.- Council and teaches at the ~hil N e7h·YO~k t ~il\~ and M the In education, in marriage, in Maryland lnstiturte College of Art d A women should not be Keith Doney - "Most Unusual" in Baltimore. NYb~r: is. ;:atu~ed ,i,nl~hneC~atio~1I ~~er~t~~~~:aPit~:~ni-!s~: (resident; it's not the way God Claire Kibler - "Most Delicate" ~eog~ap?,IC ~ok Craftsm~n m business of my life to deepen.this intended it to be. Yes, a woman Many thanks to all who helped Mary Nyburg says of her menca which was published disappointment in every woman's could become president, but she'd make the contest a success, and ceramics, "My work in clay is la~hyear. k f M N b heart until she bows down to it no have to become more and more also to all the contest participants. fUnctional. I like to make planters ~ war 0 rs. y urg, a longer like a man to handle the job. One of Thanks. that plants will like and vases that OUT(roblems today is that women flowers will look beautiful in." She ~o~~r~~~nto ~d~x~7~i~~~n~bro:~~ . Lucy Stone (1855) are becoming more like men and College Activities has worked in ceramics for 20 November 20, 10a.mA p.m. week- "A~solu!es are taboo in OUT men are becoming more like '- _' years, having studied originally at days. society, little less absolute truth." women. That's against God's will. Susan Huey Anita Bryant ............-------------------
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