Page 54 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 54
Page 2 Scrimshaw Friday, November 12, 1976 Editorial Negritude Poetry IISad Beautyll Thanks, Faculty Nancy l'I1eneft'e negritude as beauty and the desperation. is one This-, of childhood is expressed later This same with Eden". tone Webster feeling and in the defines sorrow In response to a request by this paper, the faculty at WMC recently "the conciousness of Negroes, esp. when translated into English, poem with the line "The kingdom voted in favor of allowing SCRIMSHAW reporters to attend faculty African Negroes, of their cultural becomes an almost violent voice of of childhood lies beyond time." meetings In order to convey the actions that occur at such events to the h"eritage,- together with an at- rebellion. The poems contain a raw Two of Senghor's most famous students on campus. Through this move the SCRIMSHAW feeis that the firmation of the distinctive emotional quality that has great poems are "Pigments" and Instructors and administration have taken a major step toward opening qualities and values of- this power to move the listener. The "Return of the prodigal son". up lines of communications across the chasm that often opens between heritage". Last week on campus, poems written about the ex- Senghor is often given credit for students and faculty. Ellen Conroy Kennedy held a perience of being African are coining the term "ngegritude", but The proposat showed a somewhat strong faculty effort to cross over this reading of negritude poetry. especially effective. The negritude it actually was first used by Aime g_ulfby overriding the more powerful faculty council's recommendations In a short one-hour exposure to poetry concerning love can best be Cesalre in the poem "Notes on a to keep the reporters out. Their suggestron was to send out mInutes from negritude poetry, Ms. Kennedy described in a single word: Return to the native land". each meeting as a substitute to actual attendance by students. This in opened u~ a whole new literary refreshing. Aime Cesaire's poetry is Itself may seem to show a lack of respect toward the studant.repcrferts world. During this hour, she read powerful and moving. Many are responsibility In conveying the news on thIs campus In a truthful and several examples of negritude Ms. Kennedy talked. in parti~ular violent, most are filled with comprehensive manner. We hope that ttils Is not the gist of the poetry, in French and in English. about two of the leading negritude anguish and pain. Those poems in suggestion. She also showed a film about one of poets. Leop?ld Sedar Senghor and which he expresses his feelings on As far as what rights and responslbillties that the reporters that are the most famous negritude poets, ~me Ces.cure. Senghor was ~e prejudice literally leave the sent must conform to, they were not specifically spelled out in the Leopold Sedar Senghor. This film first Pr~ldent of Senegal and IS listener speechless. agreement. The SCRIMSHAW accepts the probabrllty that the' was most effective in setting the .,often hailed as ~he P~t.Laureate Anyone who loves poetry must students will be limited only to the aspects of recording Information mood of the audience. o~ French-speakmgAfn<:a_. Many?f re'3.d· and experience negritude during the meetings. This raises a question In1"iself,however. Negritude poetry is written in his .poems conc_ern chilah~ m poetry. There are many different Would It be proper for the SGA to also ask tor some type of represen- French. When the qualities and Africa. They have quahty of translations of negritude poetry, tettcn to the faculty In the near future? In that all Student Senate values of the Negro heritage are tim~lessness that makes ?ne which makes the reader realize meetings are open to both faculty and administration, It I~ possible that expressed in this poetry, they have realize the great ~ge of Afrl~a. translation is as much an art as the faculty as a whole would be willing to accept a student to attend their a rhythm and flavor that is unlike The~ hav~ a. fragile, dream-like writing itself. Poets such as forums of topical debate. The basic reason behind such an Idea would most English poetry. When is it is quality which IS best Illustrated by Langston Hughes have translated be the usefulness of students to answer questions whenever necessary at read aloud in the original French, a line from one of Senghor's negritude poetry. Penguin Classics the meetings. A better grasp of student opinion may also be forthcoming the words have a sad echoing poems: "I always confuse has translated various poems. if it were to emanate straight from the horses mouth. . . Ellen Conroy Kennedy did a fine f~I!~~~~~ t~:I~~g~r~:it ~o;sn~~~~t~~n~:.r~~~c~!~~t;~~~~h~~:~~ ~~ Letters to the Editor i~~li~~S c~h~~ri~~e t~~e:ea;tiO~~ to accept such a proposal until It has seen tfie reactions from allowing negritude poetry. - ~::~s~rt~~~ I~~~!~~rl~ ~~~~ ~:~h:f~~~~:t~u!~~!.right and simply Dear Editor, D~ aE:~~:i of this school and a ra~: a~r~~O~ayin~r;~S at!:: ~~;~~:a:~~ Sports Reform YO~ep~~n!~~~~~~ me of a book dormmate to many of my friends, I pea~e to violent rebellion. are Yet the always to find many that expresse~ reminds of Jesus senhme~ts appalled am Recently there have been several discussions between students and published some years ago by a ~:.~e~n~~~~~n:sk~:·t~:;eu~! ~:r~e~~~~s~yi~t e:::~~ct:.I\;!n~ administration concerning possibilities of Installing a men's Inter. noted quaker New Testament harbor cats, frogs, gerbils, Paul. Sartre best descnb~d collegiate volleyball team into the WMC sports program. At this time the scholar. It was entitled The Peril of hamsters mice and roaches, a pet negritude poetry when _he said SCRIMSHAW is not prepared to take a ttrrrr standen' this matter, con- Modernizing Jesus. The history of snake is always looked down upon. "this poetry, which at first seems slderlng all of the various and complex facets of Inltlatlng any new sports Ihe interpretation of Jesus is Snakes, although a lot of people racial, is ultimately the song of team on campus. However we would like to propose a suggestion that strewn with examples _jlf those who think that they are slimy and wet, everyone of us and for everyone of may clear up one of the obstacles to such an Idea for the present and the haye attempted 10 use him as a are practically the cleanest us." forseeable future. means for lending some sort of creatures that I have ever known. ir R.L.C. Drive w~~~n~~~~h,:~o;;'~~~::~:~i~I~:;:,~r~'~:~':e::~~nt~:t~o:~~~~~~;:,~~~ ~"~~~~~p~:~f~~os~ to Itr s~~~· ~~;:=~~~e::~v~~e~w~r~ an athletlcpr~ram ..coaches, equipment, travel. etc. On small campuses r:soucsr~%e~~ ~t~:Je~~at;::,n~t~! three weeks_ Plus, they are very The Religious Life Council has ~~~:II~~°t,:sdlt:i~/~~:I:~e::O~O:~ ~:~eaasi~~I:tl~:~:,~~~:u:r;~po~~ necessary 10give serious study to ~~i~\~:~~~t~:~;fe~i~~e;:~:t an answer to Ihe question of what students In the manner of,tHe University of Maryland or other large ~~eab~~~ ~~~~:~I:n~h::r~~orm about pets in dorms. If students ~~z~ot~!thl!~:~ s=~~~eW~!~h :~u; schools. Because of this factor Western Maryland has been forced to limit can bring their fish, which prac· summer diet or with those jeans the scope ofthe athletics that it can provide to Its students. It is not enough, however, simply tically does nothing but float in which are too small because of an What we should like to propose to the students and the administration of to become acquainled with the· water, why can't I have my snake'? expanding waistline. They can be this campus would be an attempt to help make the sporting events more contents of the New Testament This college is very prejudiced donated to a Clothing 'Drive which self·sufflclent. By chargIng an admission to many of the "big drawing" Gospels. Since Jesus himself wrote a~ainst snakes. will be conducted on campus after sports there should be at least some sort of revenue to help defray the nothing. all that we know about his Sincerely yours, Thanksigivng vacation, from malor expenses" Involved. life and leaching comes-to us at Wendy Gross Monday, November 29, to Wed. You hl:~cS~:;':'~I::O~~~~ ~;n~:,II:t::e ~~;~sa~:;of~:~~::~:~~~lleg~~~ ~~~ ~~~co:d Wir~n~e ~:~~~ts a~~u~~. •••••• nesday. December ~~Ol;!~~ ::! can 1. charge must not necessarily be enough to cover the costs of the entire Gtlspels, then, we need to know Dear Editor . ~r~~~e~~e:;~mu~~~: :~~:c~·!u~~~m~~I;~:~C~o~f :~:~~~I~:t~:I:o:::O~ ~~~~~I~~~I:;a:~: ~~~:~no~ t~~~~~~n;s~I~~eqUaO~~ I'm incarcerated in prison and ~~~i~~~h~~i~:tei~ tOt~~e ~~~~~~ average crowd size to be around 300 students). This example and the a saying of Jesus at random is ;o~~~~ 1~~~de~ts.c~~rtsi:::!erW~~ Center. Or arlicles can be possibilities from other crowd·drawlng sports would give a tremendous hardly a way of validating a letters as quick as possible. deposited in boxes to be placed in boost to the athletic department budget. - reliable knowledge about him. WRITE SOON PLEASE. THANK hallways of dormitories. The Some may feel that such an Imposition on the students of this campus Again, as the title of the book YOU. clothine: will be picked up by the could cut down significantly to the attendance at the s~rtlng events that referred 10 above intended to Robert Edwarg; Strozier 131.502 Rescue Mission and St. Vincent de occur throughout the year. To that we reply that the cost Involved may suggesl, Jesus must be understood Southern Ohio Correctional Paul Sociely, Westminster, and ;f~n~!~:g:;hl:!: :~:='w:°rt~~::.~:~~!r~~~n:~h~~:~~:th:~ ~~~~.o~~I~~n!:,c?o~t~~o~~;~S~i: Po~ao~l;~~ ~~:~~er;:c~o f;~~nhe:!~· ~~x n~~ are watching Is more than lust a "freebIe" maybe the attendance af believer there is also the peril of Lucasville,Ohi045648 usable clothing? ~Check your own many ofthe Qames will rise Instead of fall. not modernizing Jesus but all closet while you are al il Whatever happens to the emotions Involved, we feel that charging attempts to make him relevant to ... .;.._ ........ _ .. would not raise or lower attendance ,In any significant numbers. Most our present concerns must begin other schools in the Mlddle'Atlantic Conference make some type of with a serious attempt to un- SCRIMSHAW charge at many of their games. Gettysburg, a school of about our size and dersta'nd him historic'ally. nature, has been known to charge three dottars for their football games. obviously, even after dilig!i!nl Even with such a fee the team conSistently draws large crowds to watch study has been pursued. not all EDITOR IN CHIEF. every Saturday. _ inlerpreters will agree in their John Springer One other consideration that must be made Is that of the income from conclusions but they will agree in visIting fans' tickets. By charging them also, WMC would simply. be Ihe common asswnption that the SPORTS EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR NEWS EDITOR returning their favors at our home games. That Isn't asking too much In olaceto begin in our understanding Meg Hoyle the sports world. of Jesus is with the primary Carlton Harris Jeff Robinson We at the SCRIMSHAW are not asking to revolutionize the athletic sources in the New Testament. program on campus presently. Rather we feel that by making minor I hope Ihese observations will not LAYOUT changes In the system the campus may be able to benefit through a be regarded as an unwarranted BUSINESS MANAGER Paul Hewett- Bill Todd slightly larger program. To that end we make our suggestion. intrusion into a lively student Dave Range WRITERS We're Sorry discussion. Yours truly, The SCRI~SHAW would like to apologize for an Inadvertent error In Charles E. Crain Liefa Hedian Jim Wogsland Mark Katz our editorial of October 22, entitled "WMC Mediocrity In SpecifIes," He Ornry Dianne Jenkins Phil laPadula Unfortunately our research Into the subject of sports championships •••••• Jim Teramani Jim Wright Doug Bowman excluded the fine and successful athletic seasons turned in by many of the Chris Bohaska womens' leamson campus. It was notour Intention to fall to recognizethe More women are having Mark Bayer Nancv Menefee . Mike D'Andrea Sue Coleman ctegla.!e teams here on the HI!I. The SCRIMSHAW trusts that we have not drinking problms today. At least ~ Linda Mann caused ~ any harsh resentment on the part of the female sector of our million American women 8re Nancy Barry Wayne Pierce Joe Golden school. ,Our purpose In the editorial was to comment on some of the alcoholics. This represents a gain problematic phases of sports program. SCRIMSHAW again regrets the of from one-sixth of to 0,.· third. 1- ARTIST Eric Veich ..& the total error and apologizes for It. nwnber of alcoholics ., ----------------------------
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