Page 52 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 52
PageS Scrimshaw Friday, November 5, 1976 Sports , ~ '" "FaU" r/r .J Jl.~~rors Lose 1·0 in"Quiek" SoeeerC~'~~a~sQuiz Last Saturday, o~ soccer team bring out several good scoring lew break-aways. Both goeues, Clower mentioned this and said The following list is of twenty and Washington College par- attempts by our forward line and Ken Lowey and Tom Myers, that the teams seemed to try to f~o~s athletes. Where you see a ticipated in a soccer game with a some good defensive plays by both played well blocking several shots, play a little different, but other- mckname, supply the real name. different set of 'rules. The ruJes, of our goalies (they changed at some at point-blank range. wise he was pleased. with the game. When you enco~ter a na~e, devised by Dr. Clower and Ed halfl and our fu11backs. Jamie The score of the game ended 1-0 Mr. Athey noticed that this style answer WIth a nickname. EIght Athey-AtheJetic Directors of Mosberg took several aced hard as Washington scored with kept the ball in front of the goal, different sports are represented. WMC and Washington College shots, just missing on most. Steve seconds left in the first quarter. thus inviting more goals to be Good luck-it's another toughie! respectively; were designed to Schonberger, played excellent speed up the game and induce fullback especially cutting down a di~h;~~~~~;~r:fb~~~~e~~~ sC:~t·ofthePlayers, however, did 1) "The Y.ankee Clipper" more scoring. notlikethegame Yes they liked it 2) Jack Nicklaus . Basically the rules were such: nrcr a direct kick foul removal of ~~::o~~ge of pace,'but not as a !~':~.I~~~~~e" offending player for three minutes, • Most of the fans loved the new 5)Richard Gonzales for indirect removal for one minute style. Everyone had some 6) "Home RUn." 2)Substitutions may be "Made on suggestions to improve it, though Red. Grange (don't answer 7) the fly," 3lThe goalie box was the they almost all had different ideas. "Red") . only area where he could pick up The idea of kicking in the ball 8) "The Brown Bomber" the ball, instead of the whole instead of throw-ins seemed to be 9)"The Greatest" penalty area, 4)No offsides-four liked by everyone. The biggest rule 10) "Pie" players must remain in offensive everyone was against was the four half and three in the defensive half, men in offensive end and three in Nurmi 5)Playing 15 minute quarters with the defensive end. People said just 11) Paavo Golden Jet" 12)"The the clock running only during to take out the offsides rule. Play 13)Paul Dean (It's noh Dizzyl) actual play. with no offsides, it will increase' 14) "The Stilt" scoring. IS) "Stan The Man" Another rule was that the of- Overall most people enjoyed the fensive player wasn't allowed in game, and was worth the con- 16)Earl Monroe the goalies box-but due to this sideration of higher-ups. Dr. being an experimental game, the Clower and Mr. Athey should be 17) Jim Corbett 18) "The Juice" rule was taken out for the second commended for even trying and to 19} "Whizzer" half. a good degree succeeding in this 20) Luis Firpo experiment. The game was at a much quicker pace than usually and the crowd seemed to get into the game more than they usually did. This could have been due to the fact that there we serve, .. were almost double the number of shots by both teams. There were times when the players seemed confused or WMC's Steve Schonberger (21) attempts a steal from BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER ~~yi~~t:;;iS ~~reo~f ';f!~~B~e;:d:~ unidentified Washington College attacker in Saturday's gante. V'ballers Win 2 Quiz Answers Subs Pizza Wayne Pierce After playing a home tri-match The first game was never close, as Chicken Day - Monday Dinner $1_75 this past week, it was first up, and 00: women won easily 15-5. The Answers to last week's fiasco: 1) Pizza o.y-Tuasday-$.40 off then down, for the women's second was marked by bursts from Curling 2) Spain 3) Polo 4) volleyball team. A large crowd was both teams. Our w?men scored Falconry 5) Cricket 6) 3 7) Hurling Spaghetti Day - W.dnesday Dinner $1.40 ~~nh~~~ ~a;~c~v:: ~:s~~~~~ fourt~r unbroken points. ?ut w~re 8) Field Hockey 9) Biathlon 10) WI11IIN WALKING D1STAIIICE College, only to turn around and ~~%/a e ~~~~~r~;:~ w~~~~~~~~ Barrel Jumping lose two others to a powerful caused the game to end at 15-11. Open 6 a.m. daily except Sundays 7 a.m. UMBC team. In the game against UMBC SCORING: Below iz-sorry, you Against Washington College, however, the women did not fair as lose, ia-sea minus. 13-Sil, 14-see starters Sue Cunningham, Kathy well. In the first game the women plus, Is-be minus, 16-Bea, it-bee NEWLY REMODELED Route 140 Lane, Lynn Glaeser, Fran Cizek, quickly found themselves with a plus, IS-A minus, 19-Ayyyy?, 20-.. WatmUMter 84Mt18 EXPANDEDSEAnNG Cheryl stouter. and Tammy seven-point deficit losing the game r--o;;;:;;-:';--l~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~~~~;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;~;;~~ Med School which they Roebber were quite impressive. never overcame, Hoe.e~ Finish ~~5~!~~e':~i~~a~~;~~~~~ Op:elllin, Jim TeramaniSOOn ~tIOS::~~:i, t~~~~nta~utp~~: Ned Week!! The field hockey team is away to win 15-11. finishing up their season this *** weekend. Coming up is the state And now with the completion of a ~o~~;~ ~~e ~~I!e;l~y ~~u~~~:~ :~~:~~~=~rf~~u~i~ s=~~~~~: Fr" n Nason's Saturday and four on Sunday, as Middle Atlantic Conference finals they a:~ evaluated for further This is a two-day event in which Sports ~~~:!~h~~il:g~ei~a;:!sS:~ ~~Ir:! ~~tomen are likely to do quite times on Saturday are: 9 a.m. vs. World ~ M' S, Mary's: 10 a.m. vs Plain & Fancy .- Presents", and,.. Goucher: 11:15 vs. Hopkins; tl~~5 v:i~~ow~f:y S~tt?~:~un~~~,. iC *** The Internqtional Buffet Every Sunday 1*" « Pi:· .* Harford; 11 a.m. vs.' Loyola; Donuts « Carrolltown t Special this week: Spanish Buffet Mall k·~~:'s. ~~:~~ur~il~n~ ~~ RI. 26 lIear Rf. 32 Beef & Beer Special $1.85 ~f~~c~~i~~* Scg:s~~n:esxda;~e~he Varsity *" 140 Village iC Weekdays 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. played well but lost, 3-1 ~o ~ --fc Of course We still serve the best kosher corned e~~k~;~~~~~;t~O~~ only 5 minutes away iC 79S·9S90 beefs and pastramis daily from 11 :30 a.m. to 10 p.m. 848-1441 Th~ JV team lost a cliffhanger 1-" Open 24 Hours a Day • Cal! For YOllr Sports Needs 310 E. Green St. at Washington Rd. was ~1~:I~~~~i~k~nf~~~i :hh~~f~e *...... ~¥ .. -- ..I Westminster, Maryland .,..-------------------------------------- .....
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