Page 53 - Scrimshaw1976-77
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Volume IV. Number 9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1976 $2 Mil. in Aid Urged Scrimshaw to Report further action may be taken by the John Springer public colleges and universities state to aid private colleges and Faculty Meetings The Finance committee of the are, on the average, 20 percent universities having "significant Maryland Board of Higher higher than those in private financial deficits". The aid in- Jim Wright the idea began work to bring it Education recommended on schools. Exluding Johns Hopkins Friday that state aid to private and the University of Maryland at crease to 2Q percent per F'I'E Earlier lhis semester Jeff about. The issue was referred to higher education institutions be College Park this difference in pay probably will not be enough to Robinson, managing editor of the Faculty Council, 'a sub- increased by approximately $2 is true in every rank of the faculty. meet the projected future needsof Scrimshaw, worte an editorial on committee of the full f~culty for million in 1978. The committee's The final reason given by the some schools, One comment made the possibility of having study and recommendation Upon recommendation was made to an committee for its recommendation by committee member Austin representatives from the student consideration, this body decided Annapolis meeting of the Board. was that the $2 million cost of the Penn was, "The time will ~ome body Sit In on faculty meetings not to allow students mto the full Support for increased aid was increased . aid would be when (the Board and the private Thateditonalsetlnm6honasenes faculty meetings but to instead one of five recommendations significantly less than the cost of schools) will have to consider of events which upon ac- give the Scrimshaw the mmutes of which concluded a recent study by absorbing the private schools into whether these schools are public or cumulation 'the W~esday of the those meetings. Their feeling was the committee of state aid to the state. The state recently ab- private." . week past, resulted in the faculty that the purpose of .i~forming private colleges and universities. sorbed the University of Baltimore The committee then recom- permitting two reporters from the students of faculty deCISIOns ~d The study, which was requested by into its higher education system ~ mended a way in which private Scrimshaw attendance rights to actions would be better served this the Maryland General Assembly, partly because· of the school's sCh?01 requ~sts for state funding?f their meetings. However, the way because ,he minut~ would bias surveyed alternative. plans for financial difficulties. capital projects (such as W~C s decision was not passed without exclude any personal individuals th~t Center) be should College might arise towards controversy. con- state aid. Western Maryland and 14 The third major recom- m other private schools were in- mendation given was that the steered by the Board. One essential When the issue was first brought the' faculty. As Dr. John, Chair- cluded. The Board of Higher Board should determine what point was that the state should not up through Robinson's editorial, person of the Facult~ Coun.ciJ put Education did not act on the continued on page 4 several faculty members who liked it, "minutes would gtve actions as recommendations at the Friday opposed to fuzzed up parla,!llentary meeting, but probably will act on The Spirit(s) of Alumni maneuvering." another con- them at its December 3 meeting, sideration was that the faculty would find it hard to be frank and The first recommendation was Llcta Hedian free with students present. One that Maryland's current direct aid On Saturday, October thirtieth, person involved put it this way, program be continued. This three students spent an "unusual" "Faculty should feel free to discuss program of state aid to private kind of night. After the trick-or- every issue without inhibition and schools was validated in the U.S. treaters had gone home, and with complete candor and Supreme Court decision of June, costume parties were in lull swing, representatives from outside 1976 which concluded a long legal three people entered AJumni to groups might make them . feel battle between the ACLU and 'spend the night. Two were limited in this respect." The third several co-defendant private members of the Scrimshaw staff, reason given was that if reporters schools Western Maryland was a and one was just a friend. Iam one from Scrimshaw, as proposed, co-defendant until legal costs of those people and this is the story were given visitation rights then forced an out of court set- of the Alumni ghost in action. - any group, such as "the womens tlement.The Supreme Court ruled The old story about Alumni, volleyball team," could come and 5-4 in Javor of the private which most students have heard of, demand the same. schools. The aid program 'okayed says that a student once committed After much discussion, with by the court is dependent on suicide by hanging himself from these objections in mind, the 'student enrollment. The present the balcony of Alumni or throwing Faculty Council proposed the formula in that program dictates himself off it (versions differ). compromise of no reporters but that 15 percent of the money given From that time there have been instead to permit the minutes to go to public institutions per full time rumours of a ghost which walks the out. This was then placed before equivalent student (FTE) be balcony. Some tales add that the the full faculty meeting and with a available to private colleges student was a music major, and clear majority it was voted down (per FTE). that one may hear ghostly music at thus opening the doors to Scrim- The Finance committee's second late hours in the building. Iwastheoriginalpersonwiththe auditorium out at midnight. shaw reporters. . . recommendation was that the aid When the idea for an in- idea of investigating the ghost, so I leaving on only the lights in the In the eyes of many this IS a figure be increased to 2Q percent vestigation of the ghost was cen- obtained permission to stay in the stairwells and in the first room of .sman but significant ste~ towards per FTE for fiscal year 1978. This ceived, it was clear that no one Hall accompanied by two co- the downstairs (the Green' more student impul into the would raise the amount of state aid person should attempt the stay in investigators, and notified. the Room). The friend started putting decision making process of this to private colleges and universities Alumni alone. The reason for this Security people that we would be up the rows of seasts on the college. Many schools of com- from $5.2 million to $7.2 million in precaution was the result of a there. Therefore, on Saturday balcony to make walking between parable size to this sch~l have the 1978 budget. previous assault on Alumni. Five night, myself, Nancy Meneffee and them easier. However, she left the totally open faculty meetings. As Several factors, according to the years ago, two male students spent a friend packed up our ghost- front row of seats down because one administration offical put it, committee, necessitate the in- the night-on the balcony. Both catching gear and walked over to we did not want to be waiking that this sytem her~ would o~n. the creased aid. One important factor slept, and later one awakened to' Alumni. We entered the building at close to the railing anyway. At doors to "significant contributions is that the. tuition and fee gap find his friend sleepwalking approximately 11:00 PM, carrying 12:08, she suddenly told us to from the students." But as it now between public and private in- towards the railing, He ran to his such necesssary items as: a listen. We held our breath stands Scrimshaw has reporting stitutions continues to widen. friend and managed to prevent him powerful flashlight, blankets, waiting, but heard only a clunking rights only - there is no Currently a great deal of aid to from going over. This actually pillows, notebooks in which to sound that could have been a recognized representation from students from private colleges happened. The students both write our observaucns, some radiator. Yet she said that just the students to the faculty such as WMC is given in response graduated last year and live out of crackers , coins for the Coke before that she 'had heard a meetings which can discuss and to that gap. state now, so they could not be machine, plus a rosary and a silver "swinging, grating noise." At the debate issues, thus givinr, the contacted for this article. crucifix for protection. Of course time that she heard it, she was students a voice. Another important reason why However, they are real people and we weren't expecting the last two approximately thirty feet from us, . but they items to come in handy, She at the far right of the balcony. the aid increase is necessaryjs the they did stay in Alumni one night. • Shots putting use by private schools of "deferred Because of this, it was decided to are standard equipment, so we finished back with us up the seats and felt that it would be best to bring came maintenance" as a money saver. have three investigators, to Private colleges are now being prevent unfortunate accidents. them along. As we waited we sang some, and The Carrol! County Heallh forced to delay needed repairs so The escapade by the three of us When we went in there were talked, yet we spent a lot of the Department will tear» four free building that annual operating costs may be on October thirtieth was planned three people in the rig, and we time Simply looking around the big swine flu clinics »n Nov. 14 from IU from tthe inside Hall. It is beautiful up a lighting finishing met. Approximately "$.90 less per not as a prank or a way to get am unfil 4 pm at five county square foot" is spent by private kicks, but as a good story for the spoke with them- a few minutes. at night, and most of the time we locations: SOUl/I Carroll High institutions for maintenance costs newspaper. We were quite serious One of t.!:lemstayed a little while to were unafraid. We heard the front School, Francis SCioli Kt·y. MI than is spent by public institutions. about avoiding panic or mass show us around the labyrinth - the door of Alumni open at 12:25, and Airy Middle, N"rttl ('
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