Page 55 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 55
Friday, November 12, 1976 Serimshaw a-age ;j Alumni Spirits ~~~~.....-.. _ Saturday contmued rrem page I felt a growing horror and a sense of seperate from the others when head against the walilike Nancy's Concert - After Uris there were other an evil presence. there was really something to be was, and I didn't hear ·it but I think ~~sorted c.reaks, thunks, and We started back up, using the scared of...I picked up my pillow from what Nancy said that the S i:s:.:· ~:~:~!l~~:eh~~ ~r:i:a~~ ~,~~i~;~~ t!~~~:st wefr~r::d ~~~ and moved up with the others." music had stopped by the time at ~~OO a~%~~~ ~~~~~f~~:~~~~Il~ ~n ol~ dorm, and could therefore checked it recently. Nancy wrote, During this whole time, I had I put my head against the wall. will host Scott Wesley Brown in ldentlfy certain noises as "We were walking upstairs and we been feeling increasingly concert. The evening promises radiators, boards contracting, chose the OPPOsite set of stairs- frightened - almost terrified. When In teling me about this, Nancy to be quite special, for Scott windows rattling, etc. All the ...and we all just had a really bad I finally mentioned it, I did so said that it could possibly have possesses a unique type of dynamic noises we heard continued to be of moment.. And none of us told each because I wanted the others to been a car accerlerating. The musical talent never before ex- this explainable type, until just other! For the first time I really know that I felt our safety was friend said that she had been perienced on the Western before2:00. That is when things got wanted to be distracted from being threatened - that we were in scared then, but that she figured if Maryland campus. He plays frightening. Alumni." Our friend also wrote danger. This fear was unlike any it got as ban as it had been at professionally around the country At quarter of two we heard what do~n some things about her tha~ I experienced at other times around 2:00, I would either wake and has recorded several albums. sounded like footsteps - thumps feelings at the time. She notes during the night, being much up or have a nightmare. Many of his songs are his own and creaks in a, regular rhythm "Still feeling dissatisfied, we went stronger. The important thing is orgtnels, an extraordinary blend of :hat seemed to progress down- upstairs ... Wrapping myself up in that we all felt some apprehension From that time on, our stay was folk-rock and lyrical elements. He stairs. We listened Ior a few the quilt, not even taking off my before I said anything. Our friend ~1~~~~~~Ul~~i~?h~oof~i~~~ ~~~~ a~ also sings current popular songs. ;!nS~:~ida~/,:~:;~o~~uf:?~: ~a~:S~~J~;.o~::s b:~~~~~~~ ~~sa~~ty~~eS~!nfe~r~t~~~t~~~:~~ talkea about how there had been ~~~;iza~~e s~n~eri::~~~~a~~~ answered that" she would feel Ieet from the others, between two not merely scaring each other. -hese swings during the night that speaks through his music. He oetter if we went downstairs and rows of seats. I was; feeling really Though ~efelt varying degrees of between great fear and great is an excellent musician with really investigated instead. We scared, but I didn't want to say fear, we all as Nancy noted in her ~!i~~~g~~~e~l~~o~~~:dda:~,w~~ something to say. A lifetime of ;o%~n:\i!~ a~~~~i;g t:~~~~~~: ~::J"!~~~~~ed ~af~l~~~~u:! ~~U:s~l.::e~::i~e~~::~~ s;~~f~ were very happy to leave. ~an~g ~h:n~W:i:SI~fe~:ri~~~: locked. We did go down, looked in ."silly. After a bit, when I still just - all agree that this unease was not Idon't know what conclusion can produced a strong musical per- :~ f~h::;k~~d ~~h~~~::m~b~t :~~~t hr;;a~~ ~I~i~:~~e:h!f f:l~ like ordinary fear. ~O:a:hna/~~~ t~~eth~~ ~\~h:'~~~~~~~o~ ~!?:sr:l~~~Jo~ saw no. one. While w~ were in the anything, and Nancy and I almost A little bit after three, I fell Nancy writes "I definately would made baked goods will be provided. foyer I.started .feehng. very ap- sh0l!ted 'yes!' At .that point,. I asleep, so ~ will have to continue not recomme~d this to anyone Of..:.:',.:;ee;,;-o::.'.:;'ha~,g;e....... • prehenslve. I said nothmg, but I deCided what was Silly was bem!._ with the notes of the other two., questionable mental stability." My KWES NEEDED ; " Nancy's jour?al reads, . "I was friend and I agree. It is not a - To Pi~~burgh, . Thanksgiving: ~ Poem of the Week ~~m~~~~~~f[I~~~:~ ~~:~r~h~~.g~~~;~~~i~~~~~h~ D~~~S::~~~~~~~, w. Va. (or : . felt the we·were just scaring ourselves, but anywhere along 1-77): Cathy Long ~ of my even she, who takes it the lightest, x353. i we melt becoming liquid left me admits that she would not do it _ To Morgantown, W. Va., Oct. : we pour into each other as not again. When we went in, we did not 22-24: Annette or Patti: x343. ! filling apparently it was a know half of the stories about To Durham·, N.Car., ! the empty hollows arm." My friend's people's experiences ~n Alumni. :Thanksgiving break: Donna, : the dark crevices "Nancy heard what Knowing w.hat we might ex- Blanche 3rd. ! of our hunger musical .scales .. I perience if .we went in a .~ond - To Getty~burg, any weekend· ~~ when we are full didn't hear it. so I tried putting my time,· we would not go ·back. Amy x293. ~ : we smile draining back into ourselves -:'To Long Island, NY, for ! we leave each other Thanksgiving break: Nancy i with Kortvelesy, McDaniel 2nd. E the sweet _ To southwestern Michiga,n E sticky residue (Kalamazoo, or anywhere in that ! of our love general direction); Thanksgiving : break: Jeff, Blanche 3rd E _ To N.Y - Conn. area
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