Page 48 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 48
Page 4 . Scrimshaw Friday, November 5, 1976 . Law: Balaneed' Budget :~I~~I~V~~~;:m:~t~s~~rE~;~~~~::S=T!l contmued from page I .s:: Do you favor the establishment creased and production is in- Europe - Japan":' AfriCil - Australia U.S. - South Pacific The Govern- AmeriCil. - South Far East - s: What is the economist's solution of a Consumer Protection Agency? creasing. Inventories which were mentisthelargestemployerofAmericansoverseasl to the problems of the Postal LAW: I am doubtful that we need excessivein1974havebeenworked To allow you the opportunity to explore working Service? an agency of any significant size or off. for the U.S. Government overseas, the following book LAW: Well, we've tried total scope. Once we start in this S: Both major parties have has been researched and written. '"HOW TO GET government control and, for the direction we might as well protect mentioned a balanced budget as a A JOB OVERSEAS WITH THE UNITEOSTATES GOVERNMENT.'" past ten years, semi- consumers from all potential desireable goal in the near future. This book discuues employment requirements lind activities independance. By both methods, dangers, for example, against What do you think of this? of 13 different U.S. Government AgencieSin complete detail. the postal service has lost bundles government and union price in- LAW: It's a Holy Grail. I wish and you will be told whom 10 contact .t eooch one concerning current overseoosemployment of money and has been forced by fluences. We can go too far. them luck, but I think they'll be .inforlTliltionon: opportunities. Alsocomplele Congress to get a quick -fix. The S:: Why is it that such sound able to do it The national budget -TeachingOpportuniti!ls solution may be to look to com- 'economic ideas as "effluent needn't be balanced every year, "Complete information on the Peace Corps - who and where to applv petition. Atfirst, one would suspect charges" and the "negative in- but I believe it's healthy to have "Employment on U.S. Government Ships that economies of scale would come tax" have gotten nowhere in periodic surpluses. I'm not terribly 'Employment at the Panama Canal Zone -'A'hat type of positions theV hire an prevent this approach. But there's 'Congress? concerned about the size of the whom to contact. 810t to be said for competition. The national debt. I am very much -Career opportunities in the State Department and Untted'Sratee Fed could allow firms to bid for LAW: They both sound bad first of concerned about related problems, Information Agency. contracts to deliver mail in a given all. Effluent charges are viewed by such as what financing of the "OpportunitieS and Qualifications as a For~ignServiceOfficer. area. Mter a bid was accepted it the body politic as a license to deficit has done to inflation and -How and where to apply for Embassy pos'tlons - Men - Women - would be up to the firm to keep its pollute if your company is rich how federal borrowing affects Secretaries - Office Help - Staff Personnel - etc. etc. costs down and efficiency high if it enough to afford the cost. So it private borrowing. Past ex- -What type of positions different Civil Service Departments hire for overseas wished to make a profit. There sounds as if it favors the rich and perience has shown that if ad • list empJoyment and Job whom to contact. Centers Nation Wide. of Federal Information would be no running off and crying powerful. Economists see th~e ditional revenues come in, ex. "Further Information on Employment in EnQineer "Accounting 'Teaching to Congress to bail them out This pollution taxes as merely 10- penditures will go up accordingly. "Recreational 'Library Work "Maintenance 'Supply "Management is no panacea, but it is something ternalization of these costs, with no and the goal of a balanced budget "AgricultUre 'Medical 'Skille,,_dTrades 'Semi-Skilled and M~B~HMORE!!! which should be considered. favoritism to large companies will never be reached. It is naive to involved. Now the negative income believe otherwise. From what I S: I heard once'that economists tax has two strikes against it know of the candidates, Carter is Send for you copy of "How to Get II Job Overseas tended to support McGovern over already. Anything negative sounds more likely to respond to an in- with the United States Government"-$4.00 Nixon in the 1972 election. Why was bad and anything to do with income crease in revenues by raising !Cilsh,check or money order)payable to the overseas this? tax sounds bad. Extreme con- expenditures. Ford is more likely Collegiate Research Institute, 1727 Scott Road, LAW: I'm not sure this is true. servatives oppose it because they to cut taxes. In either case, there is Suite C, Burbank, CA. 91504. Add SOt! for m,iling. Among the academia, it probably disdain guaranteed minimum no balanced budget. If diSSiltisfied with your book for any reason within 30 days, ....................... was, but this was probably due to incomes. Extreme liberals con- S: Alot has been said in this return it for a full refund,noquestions·asked. anti-Vietnam feeling as much as slder'It to be not generous enough. campaign. The candidates more .or anything to do with economics. The administrators and less make their own economic Among business-oriented benefactors of the present system issues. In your opinion, what im- Hi economists it was a different story. will work against ~nything which portant issues have been glossed If a poll had been taken of their threatens their position. over, and alternatively, what has feelings, I would guess that Nixon would have been their choice. S: Is the present economic ~Ae~:o~~~;~ra:S!~~d~en enough People Helping People S: Was there much support for situation a plus for Ford or a discussion about how to get the Th U . d W Nixon's "Phases", spectnceny liability? more I-"iiiiiiiii ~~e~n1ii=lt=e~=.,;:..!l;;,..y.~."'=.."'"'"'"'"'"'..d... ms use or wege anc prtce controrst .LAW: Politically, he would be in economy to grow and create after 1 jobs and goods and services LAW: I was' personally always a better shape if the momentum of Thank little hesitant about-them. I think the recovery had continued. The ~i:::V~~~~~~i:fo~:~di~~~~~ Poetry Contest this was true of economists in pause we are now in is somewhat general. Some hoped that they politically damaging ~~~i~e~~~~!v:7~!i~~~tf~nd:~ Y00 THE ARTS JOURNAL might provide some help. This Economically, the recovery is well discredit their opponents, yet tell The Health Services would like to announces its annual proved wrong of course. After under way and will continue into only part of the story. For hank the Student volunteers that National Poetry Competition controls were removed, prices shot next yearno matter who is elected example, take the unemployment ssisted us during the swine flu Judging by John Beecher up faster than ever. That occurred president. situation. Ford will note the linics at the infirmary: Lori CONTEST RULES beca.use monetary and fis~al S: Why is there a recovery? What number of jobs which have been ~~imes, Rebecca Morris, Keith 1. Entry fee of $1.00 per poem policies h~d been neglected With got the economy back on its feet? created since early 1975, the depths Metzler, Gabrielle Carll, Charles
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