Page 47 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 47
Friday, November 5,1976 Scrimshaw Page 3 Personal Viewpoint Jesus: A Loving Man Gandhi Students" a' Iittle wiser" or a. Powerfu I God? Dianne Jenkins believe in something Autobiography both by Gandhi,; also, challenged to do: gaining strength the and Nonviolent to relate Reslstanee, possibilities of Do you Susan Huey than to believe it? One might reply you've never seen? It seems to be a The Law of Love. edited by Anand from vulnerability, of applying to Gandhi, the T. Hingorani) : Jesus began asking His disciples, that it doesn't matter what you trite question but seriously con- their live\ the principles of love saying, "Who do people say that have faith in as long as you have sidered, could change your life. preeminent leader of Indian that Gandhi applied at a national the Son of Man is?" faith. Consider the man who has Many people have heard, vaguely, nationalism and the 20th century's level. Perhaps, through the looking And they said, "Some say John faith that a chair will hold him up in some obscure way, about prophet of nonviolence, lived from glass the following opinions form, the Baptist; some, Elijah; and when he sits in it and that the chair Mohandas Gandhi, but few on this 1869-1948. Hewas the catalyst if not we can learn for ourselves. others, Jeremiah, or one of the is missing three legs. All the faith campus have had to deal with the the initiator, of three of the major "You may have some degree of prophets." in the world will not hold that man man and his life in depth, and even revolutions of the 20th century: the physical power, and you may use He said to them, "But who do you up when his body expects to be fewer still consider his life as revolutions against colonialism, that power. But after that is ex- say that I am?" supported by that chair. What faith something to look into now as a r~cism and violence. pended, what happens? The other And Simon Peter answered and and trust are placed in, not just pragmatic way of life. Well, 30 man is filled with wrath and in- said, "Thou art the 'Christ, the Son faith itself, is important people, at least, have come face to His principle of nonviolence was dignation and you have made him of the living God." History reveals man is capable face with the man and his life and revolutionary, something com- more angry by matching your And Jesus answered and said to of good actions and horrendous many have emerged a little wiser, pletely alien to our Western violence against his ... " One almost him, "Blessed are you, Simon evils towards his fellow man. IIi the a bit less self-assured, and great mindset, which is why this article unanimous reaction regarding the Barjona, because flesh and blood book, God's Way Out of Futility, by deal more aware. is being written. In other words, use of violence was "if someone hit did not reveal this to You, but My Dr. Richard Halverson, there is the what happens when one is exposed me, I'd be a lot less likely now to hit Father who is in heaven." following quote from General Course number 84-221 code P to a principle of life that negates him back." One student laughed Matt. 16:13-l7 (NAS) Carlos Romulo of the Phillippines: taught by Dean Ira Zepp in what one has previously known? and said that, since his exposure to Who do you say Jesus is? Was he "We have harnessed the atom but "Gandhi & Tagore: Their Impact Gandhi exposed the idea of non- the class, he's found he can't be a a myth, a failure, a great we will never make war obselete on Twentieth Century India", but violence as "passive resistance" to redneck any longer." Gandhi's philospher, a freak of history, or until we find a force to bridle the could well be subtitled "Their evil, revealing it instead to be a practice of loving the man but the actUal son of God? On this passions of men." "Everything Impact on Twentieth Century depth of love achieved through hating the act has shown him that camplh and throughout the world that is wrong with history springs Thought". This article specifically "active, nonviolent resistance". the way to deal with an individual one faces a deluge of information from the heart of man. It is the deals with how Gandhi's un- Love is the supreme Law of life, with different ideas and to un- and opinions about who Jesus touch of human nature that makes derstanding of nonviolence has according to Gandhi. This law is derstand him without em- Christ really was and what the atom a threat. There is nothing touched and changed the lives of obeyed only through living its barrassing or hating him is not significance he has for 20th century wrong with nuclear fission apart those individuals who are sear- creed, a creed that encompasses only difficult but involves making man. Many have taken from the from the way man uses it. The ching - who aren't content with the the worthiness of the individual as yourself vulnerable, willing to record of Christ's life the parts that touch of man upon history infects small corner of life they've been well as the brotherhood of accept his punishment (ridicule or can be accepted easily and history." (R. Halverson) Pleas for exposed to, but are experimenting, mankind, taking into consideration whatever) of you. disregarded any parts that compassion and brotherhood may looking for the reasons why the fact that the means, or the way This, in turn, puts you in a displease them. Throughout continue for many more years, but looking, perhaps, for that a person behaves, is infinitely significant position, according to history, men 'have been wor- until people recognize the Source of something they've never seen. more important than the ends, or shipping their ability to reason as Love and Power in Jesus Christ by what is achieved. Roseanne Liotta. "You have to their god and as truth. Jesus Christ trusting Him to be who He says He A brief sketch to give you an idea understand, not force, others ... " did not teach that truth .was is, those pleas will remain an ideal of who Gandhi is and what non- Sit back and chew that. That's Ms. Liotta could relate Gandhi's relative. In fact, He claimed that instead of a reality. violence is (Refer to Gandhi: An what these students principles of nonviolence to the He was "the way, the truth, and the principles of positive and negative life" (John 14:6). He did not say, "I Dinner at the Ford's reinforcement: either physically am a way, a truth, a life." Ab- or mentally abusing an individual solutes are taboo in our society, in retaliation reinforces his little less absolute truth. Yet, Jesus He Ornery behavior, whereas disciplining Christ spoke in one absolute truth As a reporter for a small, un- From Jerry: THANKS A Liberty; he always acts like that if yourself to refrain from violence that men could know and had the der gr cund, local, bi-monthly WHOLE BUNCH STOP WE he senses that someone is an not only shows a commitment on power to set them free. newsletter, I was fortunate enough WOULD HAVE WON IF IT enemy." your part to esteeming the other The love Jesus manifested in his to gain the friendship of many WERENT FOR ALL THE BAD We sat down at a little breakfast individual's intrinsic self worth. life has been mentioned in articles people during this year's cam- PUBLICITY FROM YOUR nook and Betty served us our meal. but is a practical, psychologically .by Ed Carll in the October 8th issue paign. Wednesday morning I DEGRADING COLUMN WE I couldn't help but notice that the sound means of extinguishing the of Scrimshaw and by John received a pair of telegrams: the WOULD HAVE REALLY SALTED Ford's used "Chinette", the finest unwanted behavior. In this Iighl. Springer in the October 29th issue. first, a thank-you letter and dinner THAT GEORGIA PEANUT paper plate made. I inquired as to vulnerability is strength Truly, Jesus Christ loved men invitation from Jimmy Carter, and PICKER STOP NONETHELESS the whereabouts of the other unconditionally in ways that are the second, a dinner invitation and BEITY SAID I SHOULD INVITE Fords. Jessica Hoiljes appreciated amazing to consider. But Jesus curse you letterfrom Jerry Ford. I YOU FOR DINNER AT 5:30 THIS "Jack went to a little league seeing her feelings expressed in Christ was more than a nice guy would li,ke to take the opportunity AFTERNOON FOR COTTAGE football game, but he should be Gandhi's works. His vision of who died for his philosophy of love to share a few lines from those CHEESE AND HASH BROWNS back before long, and Susan is in complete vulnerability, of and truth. I'd like to elaborate on messages with vou: STOP HOPE TO SEE YOU her room doing something, defenselessness, is challenging 10 John Springer's statement about From Jimmy: THANK YOU THERE STOP probably homework." her because "people are afraid to Jesus "in the midst of ultimate FOR YOUR DELIGHTFUL Needless to say, I was over- I couldn't help but notice as I take a chance on playing the Iocl" defeat ~t ~he hand.s of a state i~- ~~~~~:G STI~P ~~E ~!~~ whelmed by the invitations, ·even looked up that Susan's head was and she isn't-she's seen whal Gandhi has done in affecting lives and it has reinforced her desire 10 2~i~~~:~i~~~~~~~~~e~~~::~~ ~~iiNS:RA:~~g ;OCN~~~oZnH! ~~:e ~h:~t a~~a~I:Sh c~~~w~~~ ~~~t~~:~~r~~~~i~~~hee ~t~:~~~ be stronger in herself just by power seems to lie in the apparent GRUDGE AGAINST ·YOU ·FOR ~::n~~~~:t~ ~~~~~i~nH:a;:a~~ ~~\Ya{~:.inst~tl~~\~gw~~e ':tn~~:. becoming more open, more impotence of _ suffering and ANY UNTRUE THINGS YOU was promptly greeted at the door but she jumped back and ran back vulnerable. I was privileged to talk to Dave ~~Ti:!~;~~~::~r~~~f~est~J~~~:' ~~;JiY!A:J:~~~;Bf~i ~roc~~~~e:~:ans~;eaan~e:~~~ ~~~~rdF~~~ r:~:gf~n·a~~st ::i~ Butter, another student, who is not only married but a grandfather: derstatement of the meaning of ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ~e~: ~s~~~~~. dealt him some ~~~~~ what, Dan, we won, we someone whose life experiences have given him much 10 ponder ~:sr~~ f~~~~a~~~~d ~~: n~~~e: 6~~~~c~S T~~~sg~~N:~E~iN~ a~~:~~gL~~~~~n~:!~c~.r;,~~~~ m~';a~l/'~~ha~fr~~~ ;:~ni~~ over. "People don't really know Him~elf as sudCh. AC~Or?ing ~o ~~s ~?C~tR~~~No;~ s~~~THERN in Mr. Ornry, and don't mind actually took Ne~ York?!!!" what nonviolence is. It doesn't mean sitting back and not taking a ~{if!i:~~0:r::~ti~~~i~e:~~ Poem of the Week g~~~:~,~::;ia~~~n~F:: f:tb:: part in what's happening .... every preaches religion nonviolent ~~~ ~O~~~~ei~e~!S"I~~~~ 1::~r;~ change but not many individuals back down into his seat. plopped live the life they profess to live. down but in raising it up again GREEKS "s:e~~~~ka~':.~~~i~t~:~~~S~~t Individuals always reserve the This i~ beyond h human ~n (to Boynton) cost you the election? You wan't right to violate the precepts (of ~~~~~;~~ ~t~o~tg:; tha~o;eat~S Having arrived in Trojan serenity me to beat him up for you?" their religion) and to rationalize them in certain situations .... It's Many conceive of the ~~o~:~~h~e~~~:~to~\~a:~~hOP priests sot:;~~~~i~:.t ~~~en~: ~~tl~;~ shown me my errors." More im- ~:e~ur~~~.n·'.fha:rteofa~~U~~~; And drink the stagnant wine pressed in the streets Ornry eat his hash browns. I was portantly, Mr. Bufter added that the alternative of active but loving ~:~~~~~~s a~?ar~:r~~: ~~!~ab~~ ~::::~ rhe:%S~~~~e~ ~e~~~~:~f;!~~:.and boards ~ea~~a~a~o~~;~'~~:!, ~~u~f~ participation has given him hope for the future - a hope that sees purpose in life. Jesus said Their Agammenon is contempt for ail ;o:s~sm:odt ~~~tsi~:~:~n~r~;;e-;O~t~ students not rioting or burning down ROTC buildings ("fighting ;;~;:~r~rllt~!~S~e~~~e~?~Jo~nn ;~~~~ l~~.g~~":t~t!~~~ :~~~r q~:~:~:i!l~u~~d halls. tiquete for a guest in the White fire \'}ith fire doesn't work"), but .Jesus was either tellil,~ .he truth, RaVings, hazmgs, chants: "to Hell with you." House, although Ford did spill -persuading through love-"pure or he was a hotorious har, or he Cold defiance turns to capitulation ketchup on his trousers in several love bends the agressor to see was absolutely out of his mind. Order to chaos, sleep to irritation. places. alternatives". How can he be a great philosopher The bulk of us submit towhat we can: Well, I looked at my watch and if he lied most of the time or was A handful go to Rome to start again realized that it was nearly 5:50, "I beli~ve Gandhi helped crazy"! The argument then arises --Keith Appler and I had to hurry home, so I could christianize un-Christian that the Scriptures are distorted catch up on my sleep and get an Christians." Senior Ed Carll records of what Jesus said and can Poem of the Week is being sponsored by Contrast. All faculty, staff, and early start to Georgia in the continued by explaining that the not be trusted. Everyone has faith stu?ents of the college are urged to submit works of art, poetry, and morning. course enabled him to better ap- in something. and 'can there be fictIOn to Nancy K. Barry, Box 76. NEXT WEEK: DINNER WITH preciate Jesus. The moclernity of more proof to disbelieve the Bible L _:__ _:__:_ _J THE CARTERS continued on page 5 ~i ..
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