Page 46 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 46
Page 2 Scrimshaw Friday, November 5,1976 Edlt ° I Another Look St~d:n:t Behavior Immature. LSD: The WonderDrug: Steve Smith are convinced that all the world's the mystical state, IS there any Two of the least understood religions are based on the mystical special. relationship between .the The Scrimshaw would like to comment on certain student behavior states of consciousness are the experience. psychotic state and the mystical occurrIng wIthin the past week. That behavIor, bearing remarkable psychotic state and the mystical Even though the mystical state state! .Are the visi~ns .of the resemblance to that exper-ienced by us all In tenter hIgh, requires both state. Psychotic or severely and the psychotic state may seem mystic .like. the hall~c~natlons of labeling and chal1englng. We at the Scrimshaw take this chance to label mentally disordered people are to contrast very sharply, variously the psychotic'? Is a religious J~der that behavIor Immature and wasteful, and to refute Its place both In our often institutionalized because authorities have equated either any more than a psychotic With a ~ 'individual lives and In cur community. they cannot cope with society. state with the state produced by d- foU~wing? !IT_e all the world's The specific incidents which the Scrimshaw would like to address are People laugh at them because they lysergic acid diethylamide, better maJor. religions found~d by three; 11 smashed, wasted pumpkins on the sidewalks near Rouzer 2) perceive reality differently from known as LSD or acid. This drug psychotlc~'? Are ~~ locking up food throwing In the cafeteria durIng dinner and 3) costumed sororIty most of us. People who have had has been the subject of con- great spiritual VISionaries, and pledges parading on campus as if In a circus. mystical experiences are also sjderable controversy in the past calling. them "psychotics"? Do All three spring from an extremely wasteful lifestyle. The assumption often laughed at for their different few years, and it is almost irn- psych~bcs have an inside view of basIc to that lifestyle Is that the pumpkins and thrown food are are not perception of reality. Sometimes, possible to take an objective view the universe? I don'tknow. If more needed. We seem to believe, moreover, that the time and energy spent by however, they are revered as of it. We are confused by the research were done on LSD, we pledges during initiation Is not needed elsewhere. prophets, heroes or gods. Most of hopeful romantics who believe that may be able to answer these kinds The Scrimshaw would, In fact, like to thank the sisters, the food the really important religious LSD is the answer to all the world's of questions. We could learn a lot throwers, and the pumpkin destroyers for bringing home so vividly a leaders seem to have had ex- problems. We are just as perplexed about how the human mind works truth that most of us live here at WMC. Thetruth Is that we are concerned periences of this type, including, by the government agencies, The government, however, makes primarily with ourselves and our fun. and that our selfish concern acco.rding to one source, St. Paul, educators, legislators, and parents it almost impossible for any necessarily Includes waste of precious resources. FOOd Is a resource _ william Blake, Mohammed, who are so afraid of the drug that private experim-enter to study _ wasting It is a slap in the face to the hungry. Our time and energy are also Ramakrishan, Gautama Buddha, they confuse much of the in- LSD. By imposing such restnc- preclous resources . when they are channeled into sett-centered-concerns, and Jesus Christ. Some authorities formation on it in order to tions, they are putting an obstacle ~:~~~;:~::~':'~'::'~;'Ofd~;:~;,;;'h:t::~"~:h:ri~'~:~~'~~';~~i,~;India dj~~~"g~a~" U~:~ncalled a onthvi~';;,n;;di;'t ~~~e~~r:U~~e~i~;t:~~:~,~n~=~o~~ltt~~t~~~wofthe world which includes Cred i11 ~n~~~~=~~g~;;t~~t~:~~Ut~ee Response Thete is not tIme to smash pumpkins, or join a sorority, or party to the state produced by the drug and the exclusion of other, more fundamental, needs. There is not time to go to s;~:o;i!let:r~~~:::~P'w~~~· :~~ psych.otic state. Researc?ers ~ed Rt'."your "Personal Viewpoint" of :~,~o~~ o,~:~ '::~ !~~eOr~e~~f~~! ~:~I~;o:i~v; f~;,~:he~~;:~ ~a~~: '~:e:~ study seminar in India from ;~~~~~~~~dth::p:~~:~~nti~~~ ~:~~~~~~,:'w~rs, q~~~~o~SY, haOn~ operating assumption. Let's live'. J.S. ~ ~~s~~ar~e~l~~s~i;~ Si;~:g~~3!s n;~LSD m o.rder to. psychotics. Most of LaPadula can quote with effect the very human relations Editorial: international promote peace and t~e subjects .behaved :he~re:e:rit~~ much eloquent .thcugh certainly have helped ~:~~~~~ss z: e~~~:c~~~~~Z ~:~~U~iS%~~~~~~. Good Job SGA ~~~~s~m:!ing for peoples in 91, and a loss of t~e s.ense of eighteeneth century documents Academic credit may be granted ~~a~~ ~~i::~~' t~a~~~~I~~~S~ta~~: ~~~~~~ti~n s:~:!y ot~~e ~~tf~;r~ The SGA course-evaluation committee headed by Paul Fulton has been through. prior arr~ngeme.nts with are different,. bu~ very st~ongly their authors, or how he can hope meeting regularly this fall. A course evaluation drawn up by the com_ appropflate coll~glate ?fflces. related. One big differe~ce IS that to jar us into reform by invoking mittee and sponsored by the entire SGA will be carried out sometime Total cost (lDcludlng room, the ~D user kno~s he IS?rug.ged Mosaic law. To judge these times within the sc~ool year. The Scrimshaw would like to· commend and board,. fees [or tO~1 land trans- ,and l.nterpreets hiS halluclflatlOns. with the Decalogue is surely an support both the committee and the SGA as a whole In thIs effort. portatlOn-but excludi~g t~avel to as bemgcau~ed. by the drug, whe~ epic pursuit, transporting an Certainly the SGA has, with some justification, been criticized by some and from .New Y?rk ~Ity) IS $1100 the psychotic IS unaware of hiS Hebraic ethos three thousand as being irrelevant and powerless in attempting to meet student needs. The India Semmar IS open to the condition. • years through history to the In this instance, however, the SGA is responsibly assuming a task which first .15 ~rson who apply. For .an "Some peop.le,~refer to call. LSD a present--certainly more than the could be a very potent avenue of student comment on WMC. PrOViding applic~tlOn and fu~ther I~· psychedeilc be~ause It. can founders of the Christian Church such an avenue, of course, is the legitimate function of the SGA. , for~atlOn, plea~e write, In~la produce a state of mmd seemmgly ever attempted He states the Sixth There is a place In liberal arts education for student evaluation of Semm~r, c-o Lisle FellowS?IP, Identical to the. mystical state. Commandment~ hoping the ac. courses which Is done in a very serious, and very searchIng way. The Inc., .;,11 Meadow Hall Dflve, ~Ian Watts, a phIlosopher and an companying boom will echo off our Scrimshaw, on behalf of all sfudents, would like to thank the SGA for Rockvllle, Md. 20851, or call 301- m~erpreterof Eas~ern thou~h.t, has Judaic foundations, assuming the beginning that search. J.S. 424-4805. said t.hat LSI? .IS a leglt~mate previous inculcation of all ten in ~e;i~~~~~oa: ~=~ means to religIOUS experience.' our mora] attitude. But moral Letters to the Editor John. Lillr, a. researcher in absolutes engraved in Sinaitic rock ~~!~~~~ndl~~:ohna~ ~~~~ed ~~~; ~;ev~i~~s~;~~ all the states desCribed m HI~du ost-Constantine Church. There are Dear Editor; "Whalis necessary is the ability the dormitory kitchen. literature can be reached by numerous very good reasons why Loud songs, cute costumes, to call the shots exactly as they are toilet-papered trees, and funny being played;~to see our life in all refused, claiming that ~~~ ~~~ Br~~o;i!:t u~~~i~;d v7~~~~~ ~~~~~:y ~f;tt~~~a~r~~~le:~1~~~ little animals - it seems that there its complexity: to recognize that dergraduates.are no~ responsible f~ling that they. are one with the were born with, the greatest being was quite a bit of enthusiasm last sometimes we are the victims and enough to care fo~ a kitchen. It h<.ts umven;;e, ·or feeh~g that they are that no political power can justly week for sisterhood. The parties sometimes men are the victims, co~~ to m.y atten~ton that a student one With ~e umverse. None. of compel its citizens to fight in a and the togetherness may last for but neither of us is always the res](fing m Whiteford does not them can find words to deSCribe foreign conflict that it will not another year or two or three. But victim .., What has made men our board. ~e acquired. ~rmission the e~erience: There is little recognize its own involvement in _ when the time comes to leave this oppressors .is their inability to face from a diHere.nt .adm~mstrator. I doubt m my mmd L.SD can with a declaration of war. But to sheltered life, where do we want to the contradictions, but what will would h~pe .thiS IS eVldence of a pr~uce a state I~ very morally measure these last two go'? What do we as individuals allow us to become strong is our com~~mcatlOn gap, rather !;'iwilar, ~aybe ev~n Identical, to decades with Hebraic moral want to be'? What do we hope and increased ability to face the con- 1~~~~1~:-~enaJon:~ent, an m- the mystical expenence. standards is to f?rget our two expect for ourselves as women? tradictions. That, to me, is CI K·bl If the psychotic state is very thousand year heritage of moral Are we growing and maturing in feminism carried to Us Dear Editor: are I er similar to !he .LSD sta.te, a?d the equivocation and rationalization. our attitudes about the sexes and magnificent conclusion." I found Nancy Barry's review of LSD state IS Virtually Identical to Keith Appler about ourselves? Will our Vivian Gornick (Ms. July 1972) Dracula most interesting. For the education here be a waste of Sincerely, womanpower? most part, her account of the play SCRIMSHAW We live in a male-dominated M.Cheniae was very accurate. I agree that J. Horne society. We live and study on a I. Val!mitjana "the characters developed in male-dominated campus. This is a themselves as much as with each EDITOR I~ CHIEF state of affairs that touches every Dear Editor, other, which created a syn- Single one of us here at this school One day last spring, Virginia chronized, even production.", as John Springer And, unlike other social problems Diehl and I made an appointment that seem distant or too im· to see Dean Laidlaw. We had ~~tnc~~~~~~ ~~~~~ia~eN~~~r~~ SPORTS EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR NEWS EDITOR personal to fight. this problem is planned to discuss the possibilities was an asset. I was and still am Carlton Harris Jeff RObinson Meg Hoyle me that we, the student body. can of off-campus housing. However, unaware of the technical problems immediately deal with. In the the discussion drifted to the we were to notice. Perhaps it is LAYOUT games that we play with women mandatory boarding policy of the because the fear in Renfield's eyes BUSINESS MANAGER and men. and in our attitudes school towards dormitory was real to me. The closeness Dave Range Paul Hewett Bill Todd toward each other. we are residents. I am a vegetarian and added to the effectiveness of other WRIT_ERS responsible for creating either a find it impossible to get the points in the play. The screams of free, supportive human com- necessary protein in the cafeteria Renfield, the fluttering of the bat munily or one that divides us, without eating the meat. My and sudden, heart-stopping ap- Jim Wogsland Mark Katz forcing us to play restricting sex finances are not such that I can Dianne Jenkins Phil LaPadula roles afford to supplement my diet as ~=:~~;:~s ~~e D~~~:~~iO~Ui~k~~ He Ornry In view of the situation on this well as pay board. I realize that my emotions of the audience. The Jim Teramani Jim Wright Doug Bowman campus and in our society, we need diet is unusual and the school is impact of the entire was enhanced - Mark Bayer Chris 80haska Mike D'Andrea to take an honest and critical look under no obligation to meet my by the almost partiCipatory role I linda Mann Nancy Menefee Sue Coleman at ourselves and our attitudes. personal needs. I, however, am felt I was playing. Of course, I may Wayne Pierce Joe Golden Real sisterhood requires some capable of doing so. Rather than have bet!n too involved in the play serious thought. not just fun and board, I. asked Dean LaIdlaw for to adequately review it. But then __ ~ ARTIST Eric Veich " again, isn't that the ~J~~:fden.1 games permiSSIon to prepare my meals in .,
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