Page 45 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 45
VOLUME IV, NUMBER 8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1976 Interview Extension of Board Minimum Wage Repeal Backed Carlton Harris Options "not feasible" The following is an interview with Dr. Alton Law of the Meg Hoyle rise, and so would the board costs, Economics department. We asked Recently it was decided that a according to Mrs. MacDonald. his.opinion of a variety of relevant choice of meal plans would not be All colleges that have a com- economic issues, many of which feasible for WMC, at least not at pulsory board plan count on air have application to the national the present time. senteeisrn. However, if individual election. Dr. Law was a willing and In talking with Mrs. Arelene- meal tickets were used instead, the interesting subject and we thank MacDonald, the cafeteria staff would have no idea of how him for his time. The interview manager, she compared Western many students to prepare for. was conducted last Wednesday Md. with area schools, and how a There is a minima] amount of food afternoon. For those who don't meal ticket program would work. waste now, but that would surely understand some of the economic < First of all, the board costs here increase if a partial meal plan terms used here, we suggest a are lower than the University of were installed. There seems to be a course in principles of Economics. Maryland, Towson State, and good deal of waste when chicken is The following words are not direct many other schools nearby. But served, but not that much. quotes, but paraphrases of the the trend in many schools is Appetites tend to be larger in the questions and answers. - leaning back towards 20 or 21 fall than in the spring. But the meals per week. Even Maryland amount eaten in general is rising Scrimshaw: Are you a monetarist has eliminated some of it's choices every year. or a Keynesian? for different plans. The more Western Md. is a member of an LAW: I'd say that I'm more than options open to the students, the organization of small school 50 percent monetarist, but I don't more administrative costs would cafeterias, the MICUA. Their adhere strictly to the monetarist ·an Needs Unmet meeting in November will be held camp. Keynes made great con- Vegetarl "WMC,f,,'hefi"'timeever. tributions to economics which I Several years ago students were recognize. I'm a synthesizer of two given a weekend brunch-dinner economic viewpoints. Joe Golden . option to vote on, but the majority S: Do the monetarist-Keynesian The growing concern of WMC minimize ~r even solve problems Mowbray emphasizes that this didn't like the idea. Sports events labels apply to one political party vegetarians has surfaced in the such as this one. .. doesn't mean he is not open to caused the idea to be overruled for more than the other? past weeks. A problem exists Dean Mowbra~ has indicated alternative plans; however there Saturdays, because of the need for LAW: Generally, Democratic because WMC has compulsory that the vegetarian problem. en- are obstacles which may impede early breakfasts. The donut hour economic advisors are board and some vegetarians don't compasses more t~an one might the success of other options. First, was one of Mrs. MacDonald's first Keynesians, while Republican feel the cafeteria presentf expect. Along With Mrs. Me- the social part of the cafeteria is innovations when she came to advisors are monetarists. This is provides an adequate diet. The Dona.ld, ~lowbray noted that very important according to WMC. According to her, less than certainly not categorical. r know lack of cheese and fish entrees and catering further to the needs of Mowbray. He feels that those who 225 students attend the continental some monetarists who are ardent the abundance of dishes cooked in vegetarians would be unfair to miss this social interaction. are hreakfasts on Monday, Wed- Democrats. meat juices is a problem that those who have diabe~ic, kosh~r deprived of an education that nesday, and Thursday. At the vegetarian Andrea Kline has cited fooc;Ior. health foo<_!~eqUlre~ents In books don't offer. Consequently regular breakfasts, however, there S: Why are labor unions so are about 350 students. Ap- strongly opposed to the repeal of Andrea was denied a no board their diets. In addition he pomts out optional plans would probably proximately 925-1000 attend lunch the minimum wage laws? alternative by Dean Laidlaw. that both the WMC student hand- have to incorporate some type of B LAW: Their feeling on this issue is Another vegetarian denied the no book. and .catalo~ue state ~t no sOcia.1 interaction. Secondly, fire continued on page 5 provided diets tied to their opposition to right-to- board option is Clare Kibler. Clare seeclal B Will be k B contmued on page 5 k C . work laws. It would tend to be feels she must eat chicken (and uy- ac om Ing harmful to union members, in- 00 directly at least, and the unions :~:l~o~e~l~~ro~:~~rn:~:.t~h~~ " are. of course, out to protect their are exceptions she must make Licta Hedian has sent memos to all the faculty memos, they came up With the own interests. A lower minimum while at WMC only. She [eels The bookstore will be purchasing members asking that they have present plan. Mr. Jarcowiecz has wage would mean that in areas cottage cheese, peanut butter and and reselling used textbooks this their requisition lists in by organized similar buy back where there are right-to-work yogurt become boring very coming semester. This new policy November first, giving the systems for other schools, and is laws, employers could hire non- qUickly.. has been desired for some time by bookstore time to set up their buy only a bit cautious about buying too union labor at a lower rate than at ve~:~~;~d~~~:~~'~~:~~oil~V: ~~~enf~a:che~, ~~st at~it~~n~~r;: back lists. many books and. losi~g money. present. Additionally, the existance of a wage base may tend with these s~ ca~led "boring" meal money, or have the privilege of The idea for this money-saving ~~e~ef~~~tec~;;;:~gfi;;::1 :::::,~ to give an upward impetus to all patterns. Mike IS paymg no board books which are already un- scheme came from an editorial income levels, and thus have an on a~ expe~imental basis. After.a derllned. It is being tried this year appearing in this publication last basis. A list will be posted on the indirectly beneficial effecf on meeting With Dea~.Mowbra.y, It through the combined efforts of year on high textbook prices in the student center bulletin board and union members. Economists are in was d~clded t~at Mike, a resident the SGA, Mr. Jarcowiecz, and school store and what could be in the store listing the books being almost universal agreement that of Whiteford flrs.t floor, .",:a.s c1~e Dean McCormick. done. Acting on this idea, J. bought alphabetically by the last the repeal of the minimum wage eno.ugh to cooking .faclhtles (in Rodstein and Jeff Robinson of the name of the author. So, if one laws would have a very favorable Whiteford) to cook his own meals. Some students may remember SGA went to talk with the school wants to avoid trekking all over effect on unemployment, reducing The former Goddard. College selling their used books last year store manager, Mr. Jarcowiecz, campus looking for bargains, the it among those groups-the poor and student feels that the option IS only for ten to twenty per cent of their early in the semester. With Dean school store is the place to get used the young-where this problem is :~id;~;ro;~et;;~le;~ ti~~ai~s: ~!~in~~tpr~~~ne~~:d p~~~as:~: McCormick's help in the way of books. most acute. continued on page -\I drag. Mike's need of an alternate bookstore, but was done by a firm food source is accentuated by the which buys textbooks. This year, Board Visitors Apply Now fact that besides not eating meat the school store will be purchasing WHAT'S he absolutely protein other WMC student's books for one half the Last year the SGA proposed to member will serve through next will not eat fish, a price of a new book and reselling of source INSIDE: ) ~~~~rians seem to be dependent ~~~ 0:0ths:~1S~n~i~!. seventy per allowed onto the college Board be of spring at which time a member of the administration that students class the freshman will be selec- Mrs. McDonald, Director of rne store is trying this system Trustees as special visitors to all ted, beginning their term the Food Services, feels the cafeteria for the first time on campus, so meetings and committees. Just fol!owing fall. All members may does provide food sufficient to the they will be conservative in the recently the request was granted serve through the spring of their LSD; Wonder Drug? needs of vegetarians. She number of books they will buy in and now the student body is being senior years. However, any acknowledges that the vegetarian each subject. They hope to prevent allowed three visitors to serve in member may give up his-her meals may tend to be dull but this buying used books that they will be such a capacity (for more in- position prior to their senior year, Personal Viewpoint is the priee one may have to pay. unable to resell. Also, only those fonn~tion o~ the ~sitions see last at ~he end of a one or two-yeal Mrs. McDonald is very receptive to penod in office. Brian Bowers Review suggestions. She stresses the need ~31ksbew!: i~af~t~l!~:a~l~~ ;::;.~). ;;!~cJ~e;::od t~~ s~:!~: will of application Letters for a student food committee which purchased. In the past, the faculty was left up ~ ~he Student Govern- accepted from now until November be Nonviolence; Gandhi seemingly has been in the starting did not turn in statements of the ment ASSOCiatIOn. 15. Letters should be sent to B-ox blocks for nearly three years. books that they would be using Students Speak. Increased communication would soon enough to be of any use to the Last night, the Student Senate 1078, campus mail. An interview by Council of the SGA the Executive give vegetarians and ambivorous bookstore in selecting what used deciued to select one sophomore, students a chance to make books to buy. In an attempt to one junior, and one senior to fill the may be involved. Selections will be suggestions that would help speed things up, Dean McCormick three spots this fall. The senior made prior to Thanksgiving Break. .,------------------------------------------
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