Page 51 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 51
Friday, November 5, 1976 Scrimshaw Page 7 Library in Elderdice Want to learn about a summer information for tests such as the visit it. And remember, materials job? Or about' a specific career GRE's and LSAT's is prominently may be signed out ot the library for goal? Or grad school in geology? displayed. overnight study. Medicine? Law? Business? After settling into the grind at The Career Library is open Perhaps you want to find out about WMC, it's easy to become com- Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to career oportunities with Shell Oil piacent about one's own future. But 4:00 p.m. Answers to questions Company. the time will come, for all of us, to about the library or about your Well, all this and more is at your leave college. In preparing for that specific career goals can be found fingertips in the Career Library. moment, the Career Library can by Jerald Wrubel, room 203, h Af . invaluable but This little-known on the 2nd floor of S useful. Go on up and Elderdice R be extremely room is located out nca eports ~1~~~~ffi~:Il,in the Student It I~s n~m~i~::~~~ i~;~~t~~: Thur~day - November 9 - 8PM - doctorate ~n Political Science rrom formation. A file cabinet contains McDamel Loun~e the same institution. pamphlets a~d flyers abo~t jobs U:~~~~t~~~fr~:~a~~~s i:r:::~~ The turmoil of South Africa has from accounting to z~keepmg and will be giving a lecture to the definite effects in the international sever~l f h~.n~ed l~ b~:;een. campus concerning "South Africa ;~~~ede- f:o~~maedpa~~~au;aOf~: ~ ~e i~a all !~u~rsbr:~~~~ o~ ~~ ~~e~~a ~:~~n~~~~~~~~a.3"~iS~~ derstanding and insight into the armed servrces plus the c~st Mr. Samura is well travelled and foundations and growing pains of guard and the merchant marine. acquainted with the homeland of equality! t!p-to-date graduate catalogs from South Africa and its position in the History is being made around us, ::~~:~~ a~~~~~: s~e~~~~~~ :~: ~~;:~~~eS~~i~~rnf~~~ d~~~:;~ within us, due to us - we are ~~~ar:~e s~~~~~~s :;p~~:tliOS:::~ University and is pursuin~ a ~~~ponsible whether we like it or "George Washington Keith Berger transfixes cafeteria Slept Here" nrues NEEDED - To Pittsburgh, any weekend _ The perfect gift DOl1I!a Shapiro x319. - To Parkersburg, W. Va. (or for the one you love. anywhere along I-77): Cathy Long x353. - To Morgantown, W. Va., Oct. A perfect Keepsake diamond says it all, reflecting 22-24: Annette or Patti; x343. To Durham, N.Car., your love in its brilliance and beauty. And you can Thanksgiving break: Donna, choose with confidence because the Keepsake guar- Blanche 3rd. antee assures perfect clarity, fine white color and - To Gettysburg, any weekend: Amy x293. precise modern cut. There is no finer diamond ring. -To Long Island, NY, for Thanksgiving break: Nancy Kortvelesy, McDaniel 2nd. - To southwestern Michigan (Kalamazoo, or anywhere in that general direction), Thanksgiving break: Jeff, Blanche 3rd. To N.Y. ~ Conn. area (Rye, N.Y.), Thanksgiving Break: Rita Mutino, Apt. 2H, 848-0068. - To Towson, any wk. end, esp. needed Thanksgiving Break: John This Saturday and Sunday night, comedy about their trials and Seifert, Rouzer, 2nd floor. November 6 and 7, the Carroll tribulations fixing up this house RIDE OFFERED ~~~~~~s :~I ~~e:~n: \~~:i~in:o~ ~::t~n~~~~w~~d~~:~~~~~nCe;~I~ NEED A RIDE? Going to Boston Slept Here. The play is to be held at uncle, a dull-witted caretaker, a -will take 1 or 2 people over the Church of the Ascension on nasty neighbor and many other Thanksgiving Break - shared Court St. in Westminster. The amusing characters. In typical expenses. Contact Neal curtain goes up at 8 pm Saturday Kaufman and Hart style, the play Copenhauer in Rouzer 208. night with a 2:30 pm Sunday is fast, furious, and funny. -if you can provide a ride for any _ matinee following. Tickets will be The Carroll Players (formerly of these people, please contact sold at the door the New Windsor Community them. Also, if you can take riders The story concerns Newton and Theatre) are a non-profit wherever you go on weekends, let Annabelle Fuller who have bought organization to promot~ quality us know: contact Dianne Jenkins, a 200 year Old farm house in Bucks non-professional theatre In Carroll x356. :::;~~~:: coun;ty_. =::::::::::::::::==11 K~ \jc:o_, ~Y\_-t'S OV\. ~~ This Is We've. 3'?tIc\ =lhlAfS and custom printed t-shirts. 10"\0;:; Good prices. P,dil!:)lo"\oq r----------------------- , Sa'\un15 q~') IHow to Plan Your Engagement and Wedding I Send a 13¢ stamp for full _Lj -") : Every,hing.hoUl planningynuren~a~emen'and wedd'n~1(, a n...aullful 20 I',,~,.I details. I}:c~~P~;:'4~·!~:~lB,:d~~;K~~~:k;.&:,~';~JJ;i~n~uf~III·~(:;I~:I;~~~~~A(I;'~:';'~~~'1 COSMIC , I RAINBOW IName \ 167 West 21st Street 200ndStreet :-- : New York NY lOOll . Westminster .Maryland 21157 \ City ~ I 301-m6-2966 IS.a,e . Z,I' I ********* I Keepsake DIamOnd Rings, Box 90, Syracuse. New York 13201 I L!~!..~.~'!.::.e.:?~~~I:::~~2!.'!!!I.!;_e!!~.~3~~~~::.~..!~6.:_OOJ .J _
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