Page 31 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 31
October 22, 1976 " Scrimshaw Knuckle Rap PAGE 3 Complaeene)J DeniesBightsDrug Laws Reviewed JIm Wright our education ann even our rattns My vision IStnat oi Ine oppressed linda Mann . When we as individuals come to are allowed to so consume our time pushing ahead and manning the The law provides for control by An exception is made in the case a place of satisfaction with the and energies that we create a front lines. But for us to be in- the Department of Justice's of treaty obligations of the United ~orld about us we also very often buffe~ between us and the realities sensitive. to the cries of these Bureau of Narcotics and States. If a drug is required to be fmd ourselves in a position of being of this age. We can not allow people WIll cause a gap between us Dangerous Drugs of problems controlled in accordance to an hard eared and insensitive towards ourselves to become sheltered and and them as they push on towards rela.ted t? drug abuse through international treaty, convention, or those that haven't. My concern in passively complacent. justice. And that gap, if allowed to regtstration of man.ufacturers, protocol in effect on the enactment this article is with the com- But in perspective, there's become large enough will make whole-salers, retailers, and of the bill, the drug will be con- placency of "white middle class another side of the coin. The fight, those heading up the spearhead of ma~~s transactions outside the troled in conformity with the treaty America" and the result of that and please understand I don't the cause vulnerable. Their efforts ~egltImate distribution chain or other international agreement complacency on other groups of mean violence, for basic human will fail. And out of that failure will Illegal. obligations. people. For definitional purposes rights and dignity must be waged come frustration, and from The drugs with respect to which In the case of drugs providing we'll call any inward satisfaction by those that are directly affected. frustration may come violence. these controls are enforced serious addiction or abuse and smugness with the world about not asking white America to Our forefathers picked up the initially are those listed in the law. problems, tighter controls are us complacency. The danger pick up the struggle for the blacks, gun and spilled blood 200 years ago These drugs are those which by provided. These controls include inherent in complacency is that we the Indians, women, the han- so we can be free today. My cry is law or regulation have been placed the establishment of quotas for become intolerant of the struggles dicapped or any number of other that we, through lack of concern, under control by previous law. .This imports and for domestic of these of others who gave not yet come groups. These groups must push don't drive others to similar action includes all hard narcotics and manufacture. Transfers to a place of being at peace with the for themselves. We do not need to against us. Iam not asking for your opiates, marijuana, all drugs may only be made through world. The irony of all this is that join social movements, only lend support towards social rights for hallucinogens (such as L~U), the use of officially prescribed we, as white America, forget that vocal, moral and heart support. To this reason, though. I would hope amphetamines, barbituates, and order forms, with a copy furnished today we enjoy the fruit of many be complacent is to nip these your heart can rise to the cause of tranquilizers subject to abuse. to the Altorney General. successful but bitterly fought causes at the bud, the result being justice for all, even if the_~use reforms. Need we forget the tur- even more frustration. If these does not directly effect you. Yet it A procedure is established for A~l' persons. in the distr~l)ution moil of our forefathers as they people are grieved; let them seems impossible to us that classification of future drugs whic.h ~~~I~f~ =li~~!~!;i~:~~:: labored to bring forth a new initiate the cause of justice;' I violence .eould occur. Maybe, but nation? Don't we often ignore the firmly believe in self help. But let's consider the words of Martin ~~~~e~i~ ~:~~~~~ng:~:~: keep records with respect to all , legacies of these great men and not squelch them through in- Luther King, "Truth crushed to the feels that a drug should be con-. transfers of controlled .drugs women that we enjoy today? Have difference because we happen to be earth will rise again". trolled, he will gather data and' Researchers are ~ot required to keep with we settled in a pattern of com- fat, dumb, and happy. Consider it! request a scientific the and medical of' controlled records .substances respect by to Secretary ~sed evaluation by placency in this age, not feeling any more. the thrill and These "'TTE' 13 HE~. If he determines, on the~~:~k~re::;.:estabhShments ex- -.r citement of just struggle? S on nOV. ~:~s ~~ t~e: as~~~~y n~~~ d:~: The I~W the :::'~~'~:~:''::'~~u~'~~~~tb~~ n ~o~"~, :he ~~orn;y Ge~:al ~ay ~!~ocl~ur:g ~on~~~t:~l d~;~lt~ in anticipating the consequences of 1 the future. How can we justify the Less man two weeks remain for should report. Candidates for the the Att~:::ey C:ner~'may ~~:~~ . providing a consistent method of blood of our forefathers when we prospective teachers planning to Common Examinations will report notice in .the Federal Register and ~~~~oe~. of ~:th~~~s a;~:4:! either through out right OPPOSitiO~ take the National Teacher at 8:30 a.m. on November 13, and :~f:;~;oca~cor~an~~. ~Ith r~!f involving continuing cri!nal ~;e::~ew~o~~;~;e~oc~th~~~ ~ ~:~~~~~~~~~geo~~ove~~~e~3~ ~~~d p~~~~h Mart. W~~:~m~~~~ noti~t; an~ oU;~~tunli~y P~~~I :, :i~~~~~~~ten~~ fr~a~::!~~ ~:r%~~:d~s~~~~ product of past ~~6, t~:::b7:~t~h~~ r~~~~~~~~~ i~~~~~~:ns !~~re~~t atAr;~ hearing, to list the drug for control. enacted laws are eliminated. Our lack of positive response has Testing Service, Princeton, New p.m. and should fir ~h at ap- ~~~: th~;:in~el~i~~ a~~eha~~!~~ ~~~~~~ii~:ra~~:r~a~~~:irseeC~;c:! i:o~~~a~~~e \~~~~~' ~~;o~~:! WMC Billie m~:eSe:i~ni~~~::~~!~~ ~~~!~~ Conference ~:,":"m~ ,:,~~,~~~'~~:.~:~t'J;~;,;,o::~:::,~'::;ft~,Re~'~~"~"'f~~r ~~a~:;'::;::;;'n~h~~,t~~~ ";:;:,,~:' ;~:;,;~~:~~~~:Z~t~'o~':,',,'~~· ~~;~~~;h~at~r~~~ m~~tno\r:: ~~~~egf~~ea~otlfa[::~~a~h~io~;; de~~;il~~;~egiS~~aliO~n;~~~~: sc!~~So~ae~~et~~;':~B~bf:l~n~ ii~:~~~:~~~,f ~~ir::u~~f:;; ~~:~~~: ~~~~rl~a~r\~:al~i~~ a:: %~~~21A~~~~~~:~:;d test session a ~~~i~:cfi;!.~i~~e ~o.:~~el~agy a~ Conference organized by Inter- ~~~~n:r one~~~~a!~0~h~0~~~t07~~: opportunity and justice and see if candidate may take the Common Career Services Offlce at Western Varsity Christian Fellowship. period of probation, the offender the look of pain doesn't cloud his ~xa~;~~~i~s~~II\~~ic:~~c1~:n~:~ Maryland College, or directly from ~~~;~:!~~~l~n~e~~~i~~n~ll f~~::, ha\ n~~ violated the conditions of eyes. But you may rightly protest Education, and one of the 27 Area the National Teacher Ma.r~land will gather. here for ~;~in~tIO~~:n ~~ye ~o~i~~~~d' that you h.avenever raised a finger Examinations, I Educational trammg and teachmg som of in oPPOsition to the rights of ~x:~;~u~~~n~n~~~~~~n~e~~g~~~ Testing Service, Box 9Il, Prin- the .basics of disciplesh~~ of J:sus ;~~~~~~on~ t~:;'oc:~~~Sa~~~in~~ ~:ae:r~;erJeon~ ~ft~e c?v~J ;ao~:s~ subject matter and pedagogical ceton, New Jersey 08540. Christ him may be dismissed without a True, but where is our voice of methods applicable to the can- court adjudication of guilt. Co urse Evo Iuoti 0., Storti n9 ~~~:~~? ~r;~:;i~:t~~~at t~nt~:; dj~~i~'~~~o~f:l~~~n~~a~~~g a::~_ If lhe offender is below the age of from feeling the pain and distress didate will receive an admission 'n when the offense occurs, he may of others? Our jobs, our families., ticket adviSing him of the exact continued from pagll 1 obtain a court order expunging ==";';';';;';';;'';';;'';;;;;;;;;;;;''',!:'OC~'~'~iong"ogf.l:'h~'.:i'::l'n:l;'';:;.r ~'o:.;w::::h~"g,h~he~ have any suggestions or would like The issue of the 876-extension from a~l rec?rds all 1f to volunteer, 350, contact or Jeff Robin- phone was brought Scrimshaw last to ~ec?rdatlon re!atmg and to h~s ~ITest, of up in answer fmding SGA a letter your ext. trial, m~ctment, in son, the representa~ive. week. Contrary to the letter the gUilt. . . . pr~~:n~~tiO~o~~~;itt:tois ~~~ ~~~e~~ailabl~~76-line ill~i~n;r~~~ep:iS~~~~~b~~~p~! possibility of having a varsity theSGA usf~·ae ~pres~n .. une;; m 15 years in prison in the case of Poem of the Week men's Volleyball team under the phone is 0 I~~'n each Vltles 0 Ice serious addicting narc~tic drugs provisions of Title IX. In addition, only by au~hori~s p fneT~r use and by up to 5 years ~n prison in t.he they have talked to Dr. John who.. ofa regular 876 pa ~~n~hase=~ cas.e of non-narcotic .drugs With THERE IS NO MUSIC sees no t_rouble in getting two looked into and ii !ould be eoor- senous abuse potential or .any There is no music in this house-- student V1sitors on the college mous So f th '. other controlled drugs as defmed Only a discordant roar Board of Trustees. been ~SI:ee:~at en:e~~, I~f~ ~:Ie~he o:t~~~~a~::ra~f I!~:~: Subsiding in painful calm after a word storm. The Student Evaluation Com- ~::y ~~~ be ~et ~ and ~ be tranquilizers .would carry a three Wounds lay ripped open- mittee is under full steam now with tim cr:v e h e rest 0 the year sentence for a first offense Strewn, silent, on the kitchen floor. a large group of interested di ~ you ': to ave to pay long and of exempt narcotic drugs students helping out. The purpose 00;" ~~~dra y~ur I,U:lfr?end, would carry a one year sentence. There are no songs in this house-- of the committee is to give an en, or p~ren. It 15 ~n Second offen~es carry double the Only muted complaints behind doors And dull pleas for silence-- ~~~~~~ :~~ f~~~~~~~ti~~ USmu!~I~en~, a~~~~l~po~te~a~;: penalty for a first offense. Quiet pain bubbles in a bloody bathroom sink. aid students in the selection of MacLea, A-3l. Where a person over 18 sells courses and to provide the faculty The delegates for the NEC drugs to a person below 21, the first There is no poetry in'this house-- wi.t~ feedback on students' Convention leave on Sunday. The offense punishment is twice .that Only faIse promises smoking in the air-- tlPI":J0ns. Th~ Senate pa.;;Sed a four delegates are Linda Thomas, otherwise preScribed. Cloudy, stealthy, dispersing in grey streaks. motion. unarumously to give ~e Chris Holmes, Roger Ensminger, Where an individual engages in a Young hopes suffocate Corrumttee $125 to. complete this and Sue Wisher. Hopefully, they continuing criminal enterprise And lay aborted in a slime of lies. goal. If you would like to help out, will come back brimming with involving a continuing series of contact Paul Fulton, ext. 348. good ideas about how to improve violations under-taken by him in I hum a dirge for a home, Forgetting the words. The Social Committee an- social life on campus. ~~:~~~eo~ ;~~ f~~~ :~ic~o~: Marcia Coleman .~~:-~~ su~~ P~~~;~:!m~: The Circle K also announced that derives substantial income, he is last week. Ms. Thomas thanked :~~fi~~:~~;l~~dm~~~f:ti~~ ~;!~~s:~ten:e oTa~!atl~ ti All students, faculty, and staff of the college are welcome to submit works ~ve,thwry~ov~'~r;7~50j~~tu·Tddh,:n"5anhnc~d~gu~es~o~~°N'OVR.'la"rda'nddC,'3· .·'T,nswSGillAbeSehna",de~~f:o!::t~~g~~e~~i~ ~i~fn~i he of poetry, fiction, and art work for the fall issue of Contrast. Pleast: send W' ".... .... 1 ;;;"=',;;;ub;;;m;;;',,;;;';;;ons;;,;;;",;,;,;;;oo;;;n;;;",;,:;pos~";;;b";;;';;,o;;;Na;;n~'Y;,;B;;;a;.;.rri:OY'.;;B;;;OX;.;76;;"'===JIwhile the dance on Saturday night :,:::pod r:ti:nf~~ th~ba tn~_~over ~nit:'Jl~: ~~~lf~~~:~~~:~~: . was a complete from the enterprise '-'"' sell-out. .,---------------------------
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