Page 30 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 30
PAGE 2, Scrimshaw October 22, 1976 EDITORIA.L: ANOTHER .,OOK. . Honesty brings Integration Stow Smith WMC Me-dioerity in Speeifies w~;~;::e: ~~a:~eerog~;s~~ ~~V~g~P~e:,h~h:;ad'::' U:~~~;:ei~:::,a!~~t:~;:~ ~ri~ -beep In the heartland of a nation most widely known as rcentcere. because we are uncomfortable acting "nice," which is something way is going to make a lot of people nestled snugly between two huge elevations known as good and awful, with them. Society has taught us entirely different. They do all unhapoy .. lies a fUlzy little region oftlmes called as the Grand Dutchy of that these feelings are uncool, so kinds of things to help people they A lot of people will try to cover up Mediocrity. This area, although unnotlcable to most people, even those we try to disguise them or light don't know very well. They say, feelings of fear, an_ger, sorrow, or within the Immediate vicinity, encompasses vast amounts of talents and against them. Society has rules "look how unselfish I am," which any of the so-called "bad" resources within its tiny perimeter. concerning these irrational is really nothing more than a form emotions. They often do so because UnfOrtunately the quality of life In this small medieval-type community emotions over which we have no of egotism. In trying to act as if they feel that these emotions are . will never reach a higher plateau. The way that the people within the control. they do .Iove, they are being undesirable and must be fought Dutchy survive Is based upon a system whereby forces of change are One good example is Jesus' dishonest and therefore limiting against. But they forget that these looked upon with great disdain, or worse yet, completely Ignored.-For you Second and Great Commandment: their ability to actually love. feelings are important parts of the must see, as readers of this short scenario, Mediocrity Is completely self- "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as While some people pretend to whole person; to fight them would sustaining. thyself." Some people think that show love that doesn't exist, others be to fight one's self, and that At this point one may be wondering what possIble ~Int this editorial ~~~e~el~,~~te ~~1l~0:S~~~~:~es:f!y07: c~e:eli~!~h~~I~:i~~ :~~~s. results in anxiety and may be trying to get across. First In order to understand the meanIng one If he was actually telling us to do for anoth~r is sometimes con. Whatever our feelings are, they must strip away the fictionalized setting described abov.e and try to ~pply this he was giving an impossible sidereda weakness Most people in make up a big part of our per. its atmosphere to the ca~~us surrounding us all. Wlthl?, WMC lies a command. We cannot love one our society are basically unsure of sonality. To deny that they exist stigmatlsm··the stigma of not really being all that bad. This fact of another merely because were told themselves and are equally un- lessens our ability to communicate reality hasoftlmes been repeated as the reason for any student to remain to do so We cannot try to love' sure that ~hat they feel is right and gives us an untrue picture of In attendance at this ccueae. However, the SCRIMSHAW would like to a others any more than we can try to Many of us are afraid to show o~ ourselves. If we can learn to position AGAINST ttns conce~t. . relax. Love must be spontaneous, real feelings for others for a recognize our love, fear, hope, What we are trying to !ead to ISthat many aspects of Ilvmg--exlstlng·-on and no amount of trying can number of reasons, not the least of pain, sorrow and all our irratio~al' this campus are not qutte up to the standards that could be. Many ac- produce even the smallest amount which is the potential for being emotions, we can all become In- uvrttee. programs, and services wIthin the overall college format ha~e of love. hurt. Whatever inhibitions there tegrated, complete, and happy been found to be lacking in the quality that may be expected of the~. T~ls Some people try to act as if they are to love, they are destructive. h uhm,n E· dO beings editorial cIoes not Intend to cast blame but rather to start some thinking ,gOing on how to overcome a consistent problem. Housing Letters to tel tor Let us start with a particularly vulnerable area, the sports program Complaint? Dear Editor, Dear Editor' presently In effect. Although not expected to be the UCLA of the East, Have you ever felt that the As an interested bystander, I Once again, we wish to call your Western ~aryland, aside from last ~ear'~ golf team placement In the sovereignty of your room has been would like to express my astonish- attention to the fact that voters of national finals, and baseball's seven ttttes In eleven years, WMC has not transgressed by unwanted ment at the Jack of consideration the State of Maryland will have the picked upany major championships In the past 16years. visitors? Have you ever been afforded the Terror Soccer team opportunity on Election Day, That's a long time. It is the caliber of the sports ~eam members? The startled' from your sleep by the this past Saturday. After playing a November 2, to vote FOR or coaches? The other teams within the Middl~ AtlantiC Conference are all pound of fists against your door, grueling game against Muhlenberg Against a State Constitutional in the same boat that we ere-smelt. liberal art~, undergraduate trying to gain entrance, at two which lasted almost three hours, Amendment which is important to programs. The SCRIMSHAW would welcome any replies from students, o'clock in the morning? Do you feel half of the team was locked out of the citizens of Howard County. On faculty, coaches, and administratIon on the matter. there is recourse available to you the cafeteria. This team has not the ballot, it is Question 4. The gymnasium Is another subject altogether. Inadequate locker room to stop such activity directed been granted the courtesy it Question 4 is "An Act providing space {two fall teams get lockers, three do not), poorly constructed for against your property and person? , deserves and Ifeel that had it been for the election of the members of todays sporting uses, and a small capacity for the number of activities If so- let it here by be known that one of our other fall sports teams, the County Council of Howard that are held within Its confines, all have become evident over the ~ears. there are ways to stop this ob- this incident would never have County by councilmanic districts. We realize that a proposal has been included for a new gymnasium In the trustee activity. The Housing and occurred or by the voters of the entire college's Long Range Plan. We hope that the time for such construction Conduct Council has the respon- On this same evening. the county, or by a combination of may begin sometime within the next decade. sihility of acting on your com- Muhlenberg team payed $3.50 per these methods of election". The outside physical facilities also leave some to be desired. It Is plaints If, as has happened before head to eat a meal which simply Four years ago. every county in Maryland did this generally agreed upon that the track does not exist following any type of alter a particularly wild beer bash, was not worth the effort not it took to County. They have for Baltimore ~:::~~~~~~~~:~~~:~::;:~~~:~~:~:::::'~:~~::~::'~1~;~}:;EF'£~~\~tn~:~~~:,~~¥'\h:::In: :1::~';:~~7~:::~};p:~:w~i~:'~~~~~?~E='li~ was to exist, team chew it. One could be very go wandering has a group of males downpour. found coun- substantial softball Even If a girl's trying to exemplify a condition that permeates the collegefate at- it's rot, then those girls affected admonish this paper on its lack of cuestton r" mcsphere. have a right to seek action against coverage of the soccer team as The citizens of Howard County such acts. You don't need to sluff it well. As soccer is an up and coming will greatly appreciate your Now, one may ask what else could possible be "mediocre" about this off. sport favorite in this country, it is cooperation. I school. Ooe conceptual factor that never seems to meet up to par is the Last year about ~ncases were disheartening to see the small communications process among both students and faculty. In many in- Drought before u.e Housing and degree of acknowledgement given Yours truly, stances the wires just never seem to connect, meetings go unattended, Conduct Council. In those cases, a this hard working team. Marie B. Zimmer. Treasurer and projects are left going undone, or In a haphazard, IneffIcient manner student or group of students A disconcerted fan of the The Committee for Councilmanic The factors hahlnd this phenomenon are numerous. "disregarded regulations against "Sack Pack" Districts Signs, announcements, and flyers are never placed in extremely visible the destruction of property and positions or are completely unutllized. Worse yet. actrvtttes are given entering, uninvited, the rooms of proper publicity, and then completely Ignored by the "enthusiastic" others. In most instances a Dear Editor, so because those doors at Levine pulbic in order to attend to""more important" matters. And sowe stand in Housing Council Warning was I am a music major and I realize were locked. If they were locked at a position where organization strength capacities are underutillzed, and issued which went on the student's that the only way to get anywhere a later time, 11:30 perhaps, music those who do contribute to the system areover·taxed. Stude~t Mfairs record. The scope with music is to spend some time students such as myself could get a of the warning is less than that of practicing. The doors at Levine lot more work done. I have talked The social life here, although improving over the past year, still has a an Administration Warning yet Hall, however, are locked at 10 pm, to a number of music students on· ways to go before It can be tumed to be in top form. This leads to other still carries some weight. Usually and it is difficult to get in at any this subject who feel the same way breakdowl ~ommunicatlons centered around the way students tend to when damage has been done the later time. There have been many that I do. group them5elves into non·offensive cliques. Without a real, strong mode one responsible is required to times alter 10:00 when I have Sincerely yours, ~::"~~k~:~n~;::v!~~:thOen~et~~::s ~;;~;:ui:;:~ila;i;~S~~PU;S~~th tth~: m~~~::~~r~~~'have a legitimate .w_,n_,_,d_to_P_,,_,_tic_,_,b_u_t'_'U_ldn_'t_d' s_"_vo_S_m_it,h addition of the College ActlvitlesOffice and ~he rejuvenating of the SGA's complaint, what you should do is to Social Committee, things are looking up for the prospects of doing away go to the Housing and Conduct SCRIMSHAW with "blah" social situation of the past. Council representative on your floor and get a violation card. Fill This is not to say that this paper itself does not add to this break-down in it out and return it to your EDITOR IN CHIEF communications. Through improper coverage of campus events, in· representative. The complaint will correct intormation, and impractical writing styles (the .Iength of this then be lodged with the council and John Springer editorial is much too wordy) the SCRIMSHAW has had ItS. faults with a lrial dateseL If your grievance is SPORTS EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR NEWS EDITOR getting the point across. We feel that our sites should be _raised toward 'well founded actions will be taken ~~~~:~d!I~~~aa;: t~il~hS:~V:~:~p~.edIcOre level. We hope that the ~0a!~n~~cc:;~~:::de~~~n Carlton Harris Jeff Robinson Meg Hoyle So what cIoes one do with a college that seems to excell In being just so- Ad Warning be given. For those BUSINESS MANAGER .AYOUT so in many areas. The whole situation can just be accepted at face value that are brought before the council, Paul HeWlltt Bill Todd by everyone involved, left to rot within its own apathetic state( please an appeal can be filed within 24 Dave Range excuse the inclUSion of the word apathy In this editorial but it appears to hours and a new trial heard. If that WRITERS describe the art of not carIng quite adequately). However, John F. is not satisfactory the appeal can Kennedy once said, "The mere absence of war Is not peace. The mere then be taken to the Student Jim Wogsland absence of recession is not growth." To that we should like to add: The Personal Problems Committee, Steve Schonberger Mark Katz mere absence of decay Is not progress. which takes the problem out of the He Ornry Dianne Jenkins Phil LaPadula The SCRIMSHAW feels that Western Maryland College has the hands of the students. The only Jim Teramani Jim Wright Doug Bowman potential for large measures of progress. To that end we request of way crude rampages can be Mark Bayer Chris Bohaska Mike D'Andrea students, faculty and administration: Wake up to the mediocrity around stopped is to take action Nancy Menefee Sue Coleman you. its effects are not notlcable now and will not be in the future. But by Remember, chances are you're not Phil LaPadula allowing It to exist, and to hold the advantage that It does over this the ftrst person whose sense of Linda Mann Wayne Pierce Joe Golden college's very real possibilities, is a crying shame. dignity has been will not be the last L ,;.. Eric Yeich ~... and affronted, ARTIST •••••••• ~en~~:~ea~~~ Ji __
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