Page 29 - Scrimshaw1976-77
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Volume IV. Number 6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE Friday. October 2.1976 Americals Tightrope: Liberty vs.Power :!uSingĀ· COD neil Bill Todd Warren court, there has been some "- Last Tuesday evening, October backsliding toward the orginal Survey !,esnIts 19, Dr. Edward Blaustien of views. Blaustien's point was that it Rutgers University and Dr. Gott- was the liberal, or substantive, fried Dietze of John's Hopkins view _!hat led to the most serous JimWogsland University came to WMC. They erosions of our individual liberty. This is the second article in a were here for the first half of a The government concentrated series on the Housing and 'Conduct History symposium, thishaJf being power in its own hands (with the Council's increased activity in titled "Liberty vs. Power: The grudging approval of the courts) college affairs. Two additional Delicate Balance". and substantially realized the surveys have been done, besides Both speakers focused on the welfare state. When the Govern- the one elaborated upon in the last documented aspects of liberty and ment took the right upon itself to issue, in the past few 'weeks to test power, especially those contained . support a sizeable segment of the student's opinions. in the Constitution. Their points of American public they substantially The first of these surveys asked view differed; Dr. Blaustien reduced the freedom of most questions on alternate board plans. coming from the lawyer and citizens to manage their own af- The main question on this philosopher's side and Dr. Dietze . fairs. 'quesuonetre was: "Would you be taking a historian's approach. The The point of all this was his big interested in a partial board two men expressed their mutual question of the evening, namely program such as-breakfast or dissatisfaction with areas of the can the state, through the exercise lunch and dinner (two meals per Constitutiion, saying power has of power and authority, promote day, fourteen meals per weekl. become concentrated in the hands the general welfare and provide Almost everyone answere-d yes to- of a few groups which have used security without seriously im- this question and those who an- that power to stifle the liberties of pairing liberty? He felt the swered no advocated a no-board the American citizen. framers of the Constitution and plan. Another thing asked was- Dianne Jenkins her interest and gave her the Dr. Blaustien spoke first, brief- Declaration of Independance whether an off.t~lard program Last September, a new program freedom that she couldn't find in Iy outlining the genesis of current (especially Jefferson) were as s~uld .be set up. In the an~exes was implemented at Western any established department. Over constitutional interpretation. He wrong on this point as Lenin. The WIth kitchen faciliti~ provided. Maryland that provides students the summer and into the present went from the beginning, w hen a state will not wither' away and die !he support for this was also with the option of designing their semester she has researched and very strict, literal reading. was once its function has been served, heavy. Students also agreed own majors. This idea of a student- con~cted. different departments, called for and actions were limited because once it gets started or- rney snoul~ have to pay more for designed major was adopted as a putting together a clearly defined, to those specifically mentioned, to dering people's lives, it can never these services, but they feel that result of the dissatisfaction of both well though out program with a the New Deal, when President stop. They were also wrong about they should not have t.o pay as 'students and faculty with the lack specific rationale. Roosevelt threatened to stack the government being the only source much more as those living in the of freedom of choice -in selecting A senior who transferred from Supreme Court with more judges if of tyrany. Any group can become apartments ~cause they don'! get undergraduate courses. The Mary Washington College in they did not come across with the so powerful that it begins to OJ)- as much. ThiS. ~urvey definitely program, now in its second year,is Fredericksburg, Va., Kathie freer interpretation required for press the populace. Dr. Blaustien advocates a revision of the present designed to serve academic in- Thornhill is a Theatre-Dance his New Deal legislation. Since that cited as examples corporations, room and board plan terests and goals that cannot be major. co~tinued on page' 4 peak, somewhaLcontinued in the labor unions, and the mass media .The final survey was Involved served by an existing program. It structure. The problem is that With. co-ed housing options -. Men provides an opportunity lor the Board Options Studied these organizations are necessary are In favor ol co-ed .hoUSIng In all student to "take advantage of his- to satisfy our needs. Their powers classes. Senior and Junior women her dreams," to investigate and can be limited only by a .strong are also for co-ed housing while apply the interrelationships of Jim Wogslilnd many schools the same size as ~i~e~~::~~h a~~~l~~ee7:m~nto: freshmen and sophomore women several areas of knowledge. are more content with the present The Student Government met WMC has been away from alter- pressive. He said there is no single situation. These dissenters Relatively few students have Monday in a short, concise Senate nate plans due to financial reasons. solution but that some balance Most of the meeting stressed possible problems with applied for this option (figure meeting. up by committee reports was The Action Committee is open to must be struck among the power- on the cafeteria holding groups. any suggestions taken noise in cooed housing. There was a gravitates somewhere around a which included such topics as problem. Also, a Cafeteria (Food Dr. Dietze, in his time, looked at definite agreement that half dozen) but, according to Dean segregation of the sexes is bad for McCormack, this-is because most possible revised board plans, Services) Subcommittee is going to the revolutionary processes behind social life on the campus. As for students are satisfied with a men's volleyball, the upcoming be set up in the near future. If you the constitution. He stated that the continued on page 3 those who would agree to live in co- conventional major. However, for NEC (National Entertainment and Brady in American Revolution, (not really a ed housing there was definite those that aren't, it enbles them to Committee) convention, revolution, but a rebellion) was dislike for converting Rouzer and structure a solid agendum of ad- ~~~~~t evaluations of depart- Blanche ~~~~v!~se i~h~~ ~~g~S~~~: ~; Whiteford to co-ed mainly because vanced study, integrating different they don't like these two dorms. disciplines to produce what Dean The Action Committee this week Melanie Rogers government. The first occurred in The most agreeable option to these McCormack terms "a zood. bona has been looking into alternate Oneof the many new faces on the 1215, when King John was forced to students is. to put women in the fide program." This program ways of arranging our room and hill this year belongs to twenty-two sign the Magna Carta. The second independent sections of the men's provides Major alternatives board requirements and the year old Patti Brady, the head was the Glorious Revolution in 1688 quad. Whichever option is selected, without adding departments. It feasibility of these plans. Members resident of Blanche Ward Hall. when James I was ridden out of more cooed housing is likely on this involves the combination of a set of of the committee met with Dean Originally from Haddonfield, New town on a rail, and the third was campus in the near future. requirements at the advanced as Mowbray and Mrs. MacDonald of Jersey, Patti is a graduate of our little fracas. None of these well as the introductory level, the cafeteria to determine their Lynchburg College in Virginia, events involved a change in the incorporating Special Studies feelings on this subject. Dean where she majored in political actual from of government, just a courses, January Terms, and, for Mowbray felt that he could not science. She plans to enter the shift of power away from the WHAT'S some, summer It is not a "hodge- support significantly that on the social cut masters of liberal arts program monarchy of transferring strength any This and to the people. plan would programs at other down tradition here; institutions. thrown together, podge" of courses shortcircuit basic aspects isolation now felt by He cited much as she to WMC is pretty to the people found American natural of the cafeteria. Her reaction its Con- the those in the -- "the expected extension nor it does INSIDE: requirements or academic rigor. students now in the apartments. people are friendJy and the campus stitution. Throughout this process, is more is pretty." WMC easy stated the emphasis had been on the ind- Meanwhile, Mrs. McDonald The student most who benefits from this program is the one with that it would be much more ex- going than Lynchburg. As a result, vidual, especially the individual in the incentive to work individually ~:~!V~:!:'~f~:~,:r:~:a::~~~~.feels settled after only' ar-=="'~":,;:ti:,;:""~'d=O~";.:P;;:,gE'=4="II self clearly Dracula Opens to establish goals for him-her objectives. she couldn't plan the amount of School is nota new experience t FLASH!!! and defined Margray Quynn, a sophomore who meals to produce without a lot of Patti, but now she finds herself in as' fl h Is '11 be d has applied for a major in Classical waste.. ... position of authority as a member mi;~~:red 'tti: a~tern:n Frid: - Berserk Politicians Civilizations, began researching The Action Committee IS going to of the school staff, rather than a Oct be 22 1976 f -3 "I k~' and inquiring into this program the continue looking into it, though, student at the school. When asked th ? / . TI/~m I 1 / 0 oc In second semester of her freshman including the pros and cons of the how she views her job, she an- f e~n rrmary. n e ~nocu a l~ns ~re Faculty Survey year. Not content with a major in plans. Some more feas.ible swers, "I'm basicall~ here to a~sist ~~~~en~~~' . ~~no:a~~~~ ;eru% either Psychology or Comparative suggestions at the present li?1e, people. I guess my fIrst ta~k IS to 'Nill be the l~e used and c be Literature, her other interests, she other than total meal separation, meet people and make frIends." jg1. e I t th 'd 55 an and much, had a special interest in' this have bellO a 14-meal.a-week plan Patti "gets off on people, because / n o~: o. os~ un er years particular area of study. With her de~igned for those who usually eat people are really good." H~r other v:~:ble e;o~IS 5 : y ellO~egh::~ much more ... -advisor, M. D. Palmer, she g~~~~m~:'e~~:'y :h~d ~;~~f~;~~:.ts are plants, mUSIC, and !there early if poSSi~.P' g worked out a program that held .,---------------------------- ..........
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