Page 19 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 19
Friday, October 8, 1976 SCRIMSHAW Page 3 ANOTHER .,OOK What is This Christianity Stuff? SIeve Smith G,"'W,i'" Live Now Ed Carll Guest Writer All too often we are living in the have set more for ourselves. We From the time I was able to think "comfortable" and thought that pastor living in the future. It would are never satisfied. Sometimes we about God, the Church, and my making money and keeping jobs is at this point I find Jesus the most make more sense to be here now. get so wrapped' up in what will own relationship to them, I have was the most important thing in unique and personal truth crazy that we The present, after all, is the only happen to us that we forget what is and for in this can hope been doing so. These thoughts have life. Instead, he went to people in instant that is real; to get away happening to us. taken me to great heights and need of answers-answers to suf- unjust society that is ours. from. the present would be to get I'm not suggesting that we drawn me to the depths of my fering, hurting, and lonliness. He Jesus gives us the strength, by away from reality. shouldn't think about the future at psyche. The important questions I met people in their time of need. his loving example, to go after the all. We should definitely have plans have tried to answer are these: WeseeJesusasa person who takes "evil" in our society while keeping Many of us dwell on the past" for ourselves. We lese a lot What is this "Christ-likeness" that care of others and who is totally a in mind that the "evil-doer" must nostalgically remember-ing our bowever 'when we are so con: I pursue, and how can I maintain a "man for others" He sacrificed his be loved and cared for. This love he good experiences. But, of course, cerned ~ith our destination that we constant faith in that pursuit? precious time for his brothers and had was strong enough to forgive to .re":lember ?ur past i.s not to can't enjoy the ride. The future is The Christianity I search for is, sisters when they needed it most. the men who slit his side, yet gentle ~~~~~s~~~~:e~:~ew:~dre:-~ 00 more real than the 'past is. above all, not a doctrine or creed, enough to bring tears to his eyes but an example which Jesus left, When the New Testament says over the apparent loss of Lazarus. I ~bout how good it would have been There are some times, however, according to scripture. It seems that Jesus was devoted to the will feel that this love is the same love if we had acted differently. But when almost everyone is here now. quiet unfortunate to me that Jesus I of God, and he is an excell~nt we should be searching for on our thinking about the past will not When we are totally involved with had no time to sit down and write exampJe to follow, I believe itl He spiritual journeys. The change it. The past does not really an experience, such as television, some books and literature on which was one of the few who really Christianity which I pursue must exist, except in our memories. The sex, art, sports or almost anything, we could base our modern practiced what he preached. He necessarily contain the "Com- only reality is the present. we are living in the present. There Christianity. Perhaps it would was able to love because he was pleteness" lived by our Lord. It Young people tend to live in the is no reason why we can't be this have made our lives much easier to open, risking, and loving to the contains compassion, con- future more than in the past. We involved in everything we do. The live. (But who ever said life would uttermost. It is in this total solation, and consideration for look forward to the day when we present gives us experience that be easy? ... Certainly not Jesus-he "losing" of ourselves to God and to individuals while demanding, at graduate. We worry about the neither the past nor the future can had some of the roughest times others that we truly find ourselves the same time, justice for, and exam we are taking next week and offer, and life is little more than a I've everheardof,as evidenced by and gain Love. liberation and equality of, all are eager for the minute it is over collection of experiences .. Don't his persecution, ridicule, and people. We set goals for ourselves, but by live in the past or the future. Be death.j We must rely on the We can see that Jesus was a 'he time we reach these goals, we here now. exampJes of Jesus in the New person who knew how to deal on a Testament, as protrayed by the personal level, and many see this This "light at the end of the Synoptic Gospels and S1. Paul, as the most important ideal that he path" is burning in many dark among others. represents. I would like to say that comers of the world ... the path' Human Ideas These writers tell of a Jesus who Jesus offers another side which is le~ds to the hungry, naked, and was sensitive to people who were especially intriguing and im- dyrng people all over our world, as poor and unwanted, outcast and portant, and which many people well as right down here in West- oppressed, ignorant and unloved, fail to see. This is the criticl stance minster where people are just as Co~~n~:~i~~~~~~f!;o~Cilt~~ I~aay:~~t~: D~ '~ryl!~t~~~ as well as a Jesus who challenged which he took against the in- hungry for the love of God. These Professional Schools of the.Dtrector on Aging; William. the educated and rich, upper- justices of individuals and are a few lights which we should University of Maryland atlwetntraub, M.D., Fairfax Family echelon and middle-class. We read govenunents and establishments follow. I maintain that a constant Baltimore (uMAB) and University IPractice Program, Medical of a person who realized that the who "use" peopJe as means to their faith comes to us when we stay on power he received from God, the encs. Jesus, at this point, becomes the look-out for these lights, ~~::n~~~~~~~"a ~~:; 1~~~::~k,OfR~~~~k.,a~~re~~:~e Father (of Mother ... TiUe IX), unreal in a sense-that is, people watching and praying for a chance and Friday, October 28 and 29 on' Aging Programs, Baltimore City came in the form of love, and that don't know what to do with to reveal the love we have from the UMAB campus. Health Department. his most "power-full" moments someone who declares that God. It comes when we realize that This conference will bring The conference is being held in were with people who sought the everyone is to be equaL.they can't Jesus demands no more of us than together as registrants and.cooperation with the American warmth and sincerity that radiated pcture anyone who is serious what he was called by God to do presenters the leading providers of Geriatric Society and the Center on from his life. enough about justice and Jove that and when we give as much as he services to the aging-the prac-: Aging at College Park. Financial It is interesting to find that Jesus he would even give his life for that was willing to give ... tit~6ners, representatives of the support is provided by Merck, had little to do with the Scribes and cause ... most can't comprehend aging, teachers, and gcvermental- Sharp & Dohme Postgraduate Pharisees who had the religion of what Jesus was saying when he I hope the "completeness c; officials. . Programs and the Maryland State their day all boundup in a neat spoke these words; "Love your Christ" wll be talked about less, The program will present an Office on Aging. little package, and that he spent enemies and pray for those who and lived more in this world that overview of institutional end! Continuing education units will little time with the rich, who were persecute you." (Matthew 5:44) It seems so unloving and unjust. community-based programs be awarded in all the professional being implemented;·areas--dentistry, KnueJrle Rap currently needs in services which nursing, pharmacy, law and medicine, highlight social addressed; A Declaration of Greatness should the concept and promotion in-: work and community planning. write and be further information, For troduce Jim Wright of interprofessional continuing"'Aging", c-o Charles Cacace, In thiS age, in our time, we are tellect against the reason of the Two things are needed, and education for the human services University of Maryland at faced with a challenge gone un- sprn. We convince ourselves that lacking, in this age. Two things are provider. Baltimore, 525 W. Redwood Street, matched in days gone by. Never we are strong, that we will stand, lacking from the human heart. The In addition to university faculty" Baltimore, Md. 21202, or call (301) has the race of man faced such a but our neglect has signed the first is that quality that we all guest participants will include: 5~. necessity for strength of character, death warrent of our own souls. We admire and yet, paradoxically, Thomas Hickey, D.P.H., president, Fatten Up for greatness in spirit. We, who are lazy, we are hungry and we are also resent and are afraid of. That National Association for Geron-Sweets oow have the capability to an- poor. No, not in the material, not in :w;::n~~:~. ~e ~~~r~ob;~d ~o~~::ri~n J~~~~~rn, E~~~~i~~:HOW SWEET IT IS! Barron's, nihilate ourselves in the passing of the temporal, but in the very a second, we who produce and reap source and wellspring of true the courage needed to be exposed director, Nursing Home Interests the national business weekly, vast bounties from the earth, we strength; the human heart and to what we invision to be a cruel Staff, Administration on Aging, reports that candy bars, which who are strong in might, fearsome spir-it. But we are such masters of world. Perhaps we are justified in HEW; Sol Kamen, D.D.S., Jewish suffered a severe weight loss in arms are in reality weak. deceit that we ignore the writting our fear, in our perception of the Institute for Geriatric Care, New during the so-called sugar shortage We have propelled ourselves into on the wall. Yes, weare spiritually world as cruel. But to stop there Hyde Park, N.Y.,; Julian L. last year, are now beginning to put the brink of a new fearsome day, lazy and we do hunger-all of us-for and accept that judgement is to ~~::~,Ma11:~oSr~,te Se;:.t~: ~';;c~n~:aa!a~'1~5et~:':ee~ ~~~ an age out of which we may not personal greatness, for spiritual emerge. We have asked for, and renewal. ~~e~~~v:r~~ ~~~~:l~e:::~ .1X'0fessor of .medi~l sociolog~, ounc~, up to 1.2 ounces. The obtained, the lives we now lead and The second prerequisite of though it may well be is to make it Duke untverstry Medi- Tcctsie Roll has added more than we have reaped its bitter fruit. greatness is security. If you are to crueler yet and to bec~me part of a cal School ; W~lliam Reic.hel, half an o~ce of chocolate and Look at ourselves, myself. What is stand up to the forces that may try cycle. For the want of a few brave M.~., ~ce P!eslCient, Amencan Peter Paul s ~oun~ and Almond seen is the rebellion of mans in- to sweep you away you must be souls that cycle can, and must, be Geriatric SocIety;. Herbe:t Sem- Joys. are again being m~d~ with sure of yourself, your God, your brok Stepout take the chance mel, Esq., associate director, genwne chocolate, not Imitation convictions. They must stand tall and :ime YO~elf. Chances are ~~w and Social Policy, cocoa. Need a Ride(r)? and sure in your hearts, always Poem of the Week there as a source of strength !~~::~!~i~fthoe:nOCin~g!f[y~~ against the onslaught. Openness is quickly snuffed out. But at least die Flash a weakness without the balance of for something worth dying for. At In accordance with Scrimshaw's security. Without it we will loose least die for greatness! More honor the calendar turns policy of service to the student heart and sink back in the face or is found in dying in a grand, of its own accord body, we are initiating a "Rides the majority who, because they glorious assult on the enemy than and pulls behind it Needed" column, to last as long as won't understand, will feel in withering away 'in the safe we can I the need does. At press time, we threatened and oppose yoU. This is seclusion of a damp cave. Take the laughing had not been able to contact people the ingredient that many lack, yet chance, may be together with signs up around campus, so is so vital for our lives. stand. Yet I want to be honest with the shrill grey their names will not be listed. If you are in need of a ride home for Earlier I spoke of being ~deh~~~ ~:v:a~~!~W have ~~eo:e~ :ne:s: !~~ed Thanksgiving (or anywhere else at vulnerable. Yet a man or woman of quite so close to home . .. any time) or if you can provide ,integrity, openness and security is Use the SGA's someone with this service, please untouchable. The flesh may die but Poem of the Week'is being sponsored by Contrast, the WMC literary contact any member of the their lives will stand on and on, a 876 Line in ~agazine. The staff would like very much to publish a fall issue; whether Scrimshaw staff, giving us your beckon to those that follow. r not this will be possible depends, more than anything else, upon sub- Rou%er Students, faculty, and number, to send But what are the prerequisites and staff of the college are welcome missions. name, phone This is for you, so take greatness? but of a people. you, of a of Basement ~anuscripts Brlx 76. of fiction, poetry, and art work, as soon as possible to Nancy .,------------ .. mind Not, destination. advantage of it. Barry, nationality
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