Page 20 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 20
~9~4~"~I.:~~~;;;;~~~~==;:~:;~~ ~S~C~RI~M~S~HA~W!_ , ~~~~~~~ rt Friday, October 8, 1976 Austin; Fulfilling Potential, White House Fast =::~:~':.":iBlone of Sharing Capacities Approximately 50 WMC students rep-esent their communities in mutual respect. I respect students A. In some ways I was fortunate like, authority fJ.gUre, etc. have been involved in some type of appealing to the presidential and am Dot in an authoritarian ~ have gotten my schooling in a Q. I wonder H "authority figure" fasting within the last 3 weeks. The candidates to commit themselves position of an oracle of truth .. .1 girl's high school - and so at a in Itself Is • good metaphor for the following is a press release con- against a nuclear nrst-use policy: don't have the answers to give. crucial stage of identity masculine stereotype? cS-Ding a 30 day water-only fast by Sister Mary Alban, Canadian Q. Why are you beee at WMC' development, I never thought of A. Yes - people in authority are 3 people to be held until the representative of the Sisters of St. A. My impression of Western myself in a comparative way With depended on - they're supposed to Il'esidential election. Jose{il., Toronto, Ontario; Bob Maryland is that it is a community men. I was free to develop my own -have the answers. As a child I Schneider, American represent- _ DOt merely an institution. It potential. I could be President of expected my father to know International Fast For ative of Pacific Life Community, seems possible to have the kind of my student government and could everything. I was disillusioned Peace San Francisco Bay Area; James, relationship spoken about before be a good scholar without any when I discovered for the first time Douglass, Canadian and American ' of Pacific between myself and students and feeling that I would threaten that he was fallible, and had to go Ca~di~,n~y,~~~~ a~'d : representative Vancouver, B.C. Life Community, between myself and faculty. Also _ anyone, It seems that it should be to the dictionary to find out the citizen vi both countries will begin the old buildings here seem mellow that way for all people - blacks and meaning of a word, . a 3O-day fast in Washington, D.C., _ they aren't new and sterile, They women, etc. - they should be able to Q. What are your plans for the appealing to Gerald Ford and Fasting 'and vigils at U.S. con- give me the impression of life fuIflll their potentiality as human near future? Jimmy Carter to renounce any sulates, Canadian government having gone on before, Therefore beings. The problem is the A. The most exciting event on the first use of nuclear weapons. buildings, and presidential cam- Western Maryland s~ human. limitations that roles put us in - horizon is a symposium entitled, paign headquarters will be At UMBC there seemed to me to which deny that women have other "The Ongoing American The fasters will travel to organized by supporting groups in be little respect for the Iltucients on capacities besides being Revolution 1776-1976", which was Washington from three seaprate Toron~o, Vancouver, and San the part of many faculty members. homemakers and mothers, I might inspired by the seminar I men- areas of the continent an~. will Franeiaeo, to accompany the WMC For Thinking that the students had add that being a mother is a great tioned before. It seemed to me to month-long fast and vigil occurring nothing to offer in class, most experience - it's almost a privilege, be valuable to the whole at the White House and at Carter's p-ofessors merely lectured to the That role, however, doesn't community to explore this question campaign headquarters in students who consequently were preclude women having other with leading thinkers. With the Witches Washington. The fasters and their both passive and estranged. In capacities. I thing that roles put cooperation for the four sponsoring today communities are appealing to contrast, at Western Maryland tremendous burdens on people. I'm departments - American Studies, i lost my temper individuals and groups elsewhere students seem to be the faculty's sympathetic with. the roles that Political Science, Economics, and in the U.S. and Canada to [oin them first concern. men are forced into. Being a History - as well as Dean Mc- temper, when one talks of metal during the month prior to the Q. How can students be en- I:readwinner is a great burden - Connick, enough money has been means strong, election in asking Ford and Carter eouraged to enter into the active when women become liberated raised to invite four speakers. On perfect. for an end to the nuclear first-use process of learning rather than perhaps both sexes can' share October 21 the topic will be "Equal policy. n.terely gathering information? . burdens and capacities. Rights 1776-1976". The speakers on temper, for humans, A. This (encouragement toward Q. It seems that we are not only that topic will be Dr. Benjamin means angry active process) means opening up boxed. into occupational roles but Quarles, author of The Negro and irrational goth President Ford and" a new pattern different from the into emotional roles as weD - the American Revolution, and Dr. bad. Governor Carter have stated their peeeent one in which students are. society bas definitions of what it Linda DePauw, who wrote habituated by their previous means in an emotional context to Founding Mothers. today i found my temper. readiness to use nuclear weapons schooling to be passive. be masculine or feminine. And it On October 19 the topic will be i said, ~~s~~/: f:iS~~ s~~:~~~~'ny~~: Q_ How? imposes those definitions on Its "Uberty vs. Power 1776-1976". The you step on my head statement cite this position as "the A.ABlsaidbefore,it'saquestion members. speakers are Dr. Edward J. for Zl years you step on m~ head most dangerous military policy in of inquiry both into the world and A. That's partly what I'm saying Blaustein and Dr. I.bJ 41 Foreaclwilh massive industrial power. The fee, covering tuition, room, turtle, has taken up with one of the crowbar Q. What is your view of the board, one-way group tran- island's .rocks, and that he' 42 RomanrOiid woman's movement'? sportation from New York and all in ~'~~ai~~r" and passionately, course-connected travels .,---------------------------
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