Page 18 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 18
Page 2. SCRIMSHAW Friday, OctobBr 8. 1916 Editorial Cooed Doors Open LeHers to the Editor This edlforlal.has two points. The first 15 that further exploration and Implementation of cooed living options would be beneficial for Individual Dear CoUege, same box numbers sbould be kept 1963 Lime Green Duster, and the students and the WMC community as a whole. Second, cooed dorms are Due to circumstances beyond if possible. frostbite, he was amazed (We're not a ple-In-the-sky Idea void of hope for Implementation. Changing the our control, we have found the Third, we understand that Mr. sorry, Miss Avey, but somebody current set up Is quite poSSlbl" as Dean Mowbray has assured the necessity to write again. decided that Kuntsler did not Scrimshaw. Student Initiative and Interest in the crucial factor. Rodstein is. investigating the warrant a car. It's even worse if Nancy Menef' ee's article printed by Scrlmstwlw last Issue (entitled First, the SGA is selling possiblity of a charge had system in the one was reserved ahead of time.) bookstore. previously We "When Dorms Go Co·Ed") brings to light the value In co-ed living magazines this semester in order contacted in3ividuals at other Sixth, a very serious problem arrangements. Her article Indicated that cooed dOrms "Increase un- to realize a small profit. The sale of coUege institutions, and found that has come to our attention. W.M.C. derstandlng between the sexes" and quotes pSYChologist Joseph Katz, magazines, especially U.S. News & a charge system makes it much is striving for a well rounded who says, "these students (living In co-ed dOrms) tend to form deep In- World Report and Esquire, should more convenient for students, and student body. In a recent interview timate brother-sister type attachments ... you cannot treat the people you make a certain political science maximizes the bookstore profits. with a high school student, we live with as sex cefeete." . professor very happy. We feel that were told that the presentation by Katz's point has a bearing on the apparent polarity between men and the saIe of magazines will be Fourth, we would like to com- the admissions personnel going to women on the WMC campus. This problem is expressed and reinforced beneficial to all involved. Un- pliment the political science the high was very poor. Questions by physical distance - men live on one side of campus while women live on forttmately, this obviously weD department on the upcoming about the campus were answered another. That polarity Is not only physical, however, but is a head trip as read professor has manifested the unsatisfactorily, and the overview well-It helps to make our relationships sexually motivated and sexually' attitude that students will not take campus wide presidential election, of the school was not the least bit to be put on using political dependent. Because that head trip, a person's sex becomes an over- it upon themselves to read these majors as candidates. science motivating to the high school This used criterion for relating to them - too often others are viewed only as magazines. We feel that this at- lrilliant concept will enhance the student to attend. We find this very men or women rather than simply as people who are nice, or strong, or titude is a negative one and that it knowledge of the students about upsetting. Insensitive, or whatever the attribute might be. When this type of Inap· does DOt encourage students to the real candidates, and obviously Sincerely, proprlate judgement occurs sex Is a barrier to frIendship rather than a become more well read. Cosign, Jr. bridge. help them to make a better choice. A natural extensIon of this dlstorfed-vlew-of·others-based-on-sex Is Second, we congratulate the Unfortunately, nobody on campus (name withheld by request) actual sexual exploitation and coercion. Men who pressure women Into campus Post Office on the fine job has any knowledge of the election. Cosign sex do so at the expense of real sharing and relationshIp. Menet ee's that they have done 'and on the Fifth, Mr. William Kunstier sic c/o Scrimshaw article auotes psychologist Jerome Kagan: "(Students In cooed dorms cooperation that they give to (according to this paper) went to WMC have) a reluctance to exploit sexually a person who has become a regular students. One minor point: it might the bathroom on September 'n, Scrimshaw will print anonymous companion". be more convenient not to change 1976 in Alumni Hall. Then, for some letters to the editor provided that Another side of this polarity Is that co-ed livIng might relieve men of box numbers for upper classmen unexplained reason he wanted to a Scrimshaw staff member knows some of the burdens of masculinity. In cooed dorms suggests Menef 'ee, every year. This would make it wash his hands. He was last the identitv of the writer. That "men realize that masculinity Is much more than 'superficial easier to order the above reported at Westminster HosPital knowledge will be held in con- toughness' ... and the need for men to Impress women lessens, which magazines. We realize that for a severe frostbit condition. reduces the artificiality of male-female relatIonships. changes must be made, but the Believe it or not, there is no hot fidence. Scrimshaw invites and Our WMC "community" might be more of a real community complete water in Alumni Hall. Between the will forward all mail to anonv- with sensitivity and caring if Meneft'ee's article were to be Implemented. •••••••••••• mous writer~ mailed clo Scrim- Further exploratIon of cooed options would be a significant sign of growth shaw. and change. Opting tor a floor by floor plan (as In Whltetord now) or a Scrimshaw room by room plan (men and women living In separate rooms on the Dear Editor Apology same floor) or somewhere In between are all possible. In Rouzer, for I was very pleased to attend It is therefore with great sadness example, one side could be male and the other temele . which would William KunsUer's talk, "Law and that I have heard through lin- Scrimshaw would like eliminate shower and bathroom problems. Morality," and to stay for the in- traceable though apparently ac- to apologize to Ms. Barbara Craig There are several means of expression for people Interested In doing teresting question and answer curate rumor (a good reporter of the Admissions Office for con- her or something. The task force on Student Ufe of the college Long Range session that followed. In my view, never discloses his that one or more several distortions in its October 1 article entitled, "Admissions fidential sources) Planning CommIttee is holding a public meeting next Wednesday at 11:20 the event was one of those co- of my fellow professors believes Gains Craig and Murr". While in A.M. in McDanIel Lounge. That meeting Is being held to discuss the curricular performances which results of a questlonalre given to students, faculty, and staff concerning test the quality of our curricular Kunstler should have been denied fact Ms. Craig is highly qualified of the job phrasing the future plans for student life. Folks who are interested In co-ed dorms rehearsing. A knoWledgeable and the right to speak on our campus. I for her was ambiguous and poor on article should attend and make themselves heard. skillfuJ thinker gave his views on hope the rumor is inaccurate, since this point. In addition to her 5 years it seems Another optIon Is the Housing CouncIl. The Council's next meeting Is an important topic, and most of his conveys to me that the message who it of teaching experience in the sender reveals a Wemesday, October 20. Make your voice heard there too . either go questioners, regardless of their would condemn our college's Baltimore City school system, she personally or tell your floor representative how you feel. own views, responded with Dean Mowbray says that there are several mitigating factors In trying tolerance and in an enlightened JitiiosoIiJ_y. IT the rumor's true, I coordinated advising undergraduate student academic and to expand the cooed option. First, If substantial space In a dormitory was sense of academic advocacy. The hope that its originator will come recruitment for the Division of to debate with me publicly to be made cOoed, space must be made available elsewhere for those performance; though perhaps forward proposition "That William Teacher Education at Indiana the students n01' wanting a co-ed arrangement. That might mean that, for imperfect, was quite worthy of our Kunstler should have been denied University. She was also Ad- example, If more men lived In Whiteford, a women's section could be effort, Jroviding as it did a chance the right to speak in the forum of ministrative Assistant at Indiana placed In one the 3 dorms which now belong to rnen . Rouzer, Albert for all of us to develop in ourselves for the Office of Affirmative Ac- College." Norman or Daniel McClea. Parents are another factor which Dean "the qualities of curiosity, Western Maryland political If the tion. Ms. Craig has earned an M.S. occurs, debate sup- Mowbray says must be considered. He has received complaints from criticism, skepticism, open- pression and democratic freedoms from Indiana University in student parents about the extremely minor co-ed arrangement now present In mindedness, tolerance, and in- will be at issue. personnel administration. Whiteford . let alone a room by room system, or expansion of the floor by tellectual courage" that we profess The gauntlet is down either to a Scrimshaw notes as well that Ms. floor arrangement. Nonetheless, the dean IndIcated to ScrImshaw that to foster as a college. (Western colleague or to a ghost. Craig's job here at WMC not only flack from parents would be no.t eliminate the cooed posSibility. Maryland College Catalog, 1975-77, Robert W. Sapora requires her to recruit minority p.13) The decIsive factor, says the Dean, Is the lack of expressed student Department of English students but also requires Interest. He told the Scrimshaw that there has never been a group of From the Editor recruitment of students from wide students who requested from hIm a cooed option. Mowbray wants to hear geographical areas. Finally, Ms. from students who are willing to live In a cooed sttoetrcn . and who are not Dear Alan Zepp; not know how to fix that particular Craig did not comment, as the merely supportive of others rights to do so. Students who will say, "I, In response to your letter in the clock. article indicated, that minority personally, am Interested In moving to a cooed dorm", are the people Oct. 1 Scrimshaw concerning the Mr. Smith said that he is out of students should assume greater Mowbray needs to hear from. tower clock on Big Baker Chapel, ideas on' the subject-and that if involvement in campus social life. Doors are open for an expanded floor by floor system, or for a room by Scrimshaw questioned Mr. Scott anyone knows someone who could She related to Scrimshaw's room system, or for some plan In between. The meeting of task force on Smith in the Maintenance fix the chapel tower clock, he reporter only that a common Student Life Is such a door, as Is the Housing Council. You can go to department. Mr. Smith said that would appreciate their concern of minority students is the people In person - Bill Tribby of the task force, Meg addlck of the the person who used to fix the clock suggestions. "No one", he in- lack of campus social life. Housing Council, or Dean Mowbray - but Its up to students to take the is no longer in the business and that dicated, "would like to fur: that Scrimshaw regrets these Initiative. J.S. a second "clock fixer" simply did clock more than I." - he editor. distortions. - the Editor "eadership by Example? SCRIMSHAW The Long Range Planning Committee's task force on Student Life recently distributed a questionnaire to all faculty and staff - ap Edito, -i~~chjef proximately 160 copies were sent out. The questionnaire attempt to .Jchn Springer gather from both staff and faculty suggestions, InSights, and criticisms MANAGING EDITOR about present and future student life. Only 17 people out of a possible 160 responded to this aHempt. The Individual and collective Irresponsibility Jeff Robinson demonstrated here by the faculty and staff Is obvious. The views of those BUSINESS MANAGER SPORTS EDITOR NEWS EDITOR 17 people may well Influence the college's future actions In reference to Dave Range Meg Hoyle student lite. The vast ma jority of the faculty and staff have forfeited their Carlton Harris Involvement In this planning. LAYOUT There has been a good deal of discussion recently about the (non) Bill Todd Paul HeWitt ~~:n~~~y~~,,:~~~~yv~::~~~:t;t~::n~:~o~:dv:;:~c~~~I~:~~~ Jim Teramani WRITERS Djo~gG~~d~:an the liberal arts and In responsible adulthOOd If the faculty were first In Chris BohaSka Mark Katz wived. The lack of faculty and staff response to the task force's Jim WriW1~t Phil Lapadula Linda Mann qvestionnalre certainly pertains to that discussion. Steve Smith Sue Coleman Susan Burns For those people· faculty, staff, or students· who are Interested In the Nancy Menefef;- Jim Wogsland Cathy Citro results of that questionnaire and in the future of student life, the task Wayne Pierce Mark Bayer Zr:,.~i~~~~:~I; r~~~~e~~;~ng on Wednesday, October 13, at 11 :20 I ___J ---------------------------- ~
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