Page 138 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 138
Page 2 Scrimshaw Friday, April 29, 1977 Letters to the Editor 95 Bucks-95 Too Much- The Values of Frat Rites Dear Editor: cerning the animal organs quite dows, for not sweeping the halls, There seem to be, unfortunately, liberal arts philosophy Is put aside' - humorous. There is only one group and for notfixing a busted toilet for ~:;n~g~h~~~i~~st~ti~n~~nec;~ ~~::: ::;~~~~~~;h~9C~~~;;~~ c:ni~~g~~~~t0~tj:~~~I~i~~~ ~h;~shC:p;~:a~ha~:~o:i~;ac~~ ~:~l~alli~:~~!!e n:-:n,,~:~~ aMounced price hike for overload prostitution of learning which may and the Delta Pi Alpha Iraternlf Preachers. Since the Preachers and unacceptable" condition, I credits. The meter points which we be the rule of thumb here and in the April 22 Scrimshaw, I woulc cannot reveal the actual event, invite him to visit any bathroom in think are Important are the which Is only more blatant then, like to take issue with several of .anything told from anyone else is the Preacher section at any time !~~~~~ng~w~I)Chanst~~:~;:or~~: usual In this Instance. Yo;u- ~~~:~~~ryone associated ~e:~~y I 7:0~atC~~seq~~~~~~ during th~ day 0: night. . L '" blamed for). 2) an administrator Point 3) Dr. Sapora Is certainly with this institution will agree that concerns only the Delta Pi Alpha thl~ ~oncl,::iO\let me .PO%t :~ who, in this case at least, corrred In urging that intense ~eS!~r;r~~I:~:g~1l1rea~~:~~ fraternity and should be of no \'~k, :~ts o:!.t~a~~::I~:aterni~y :~~sr~reasn~e:~;;g(lil~r~~r~rSts;; :~~:I~~~~~~';r~en~o~~~!~~;::~I~~ events on campus. We in the co~C~~i~V:~:: e~:intenance~ President and Pledgemaster. At and 3) a professor who argues that and refledlon Is a poor education. Z~tei~~titiaet~:er::~e~:ttsinh~:! department did find some ~~~e~~~~~~l~~~;oa; ~~l~:~~~ ~t;n ~~~f~:.k~ils :~~~~;h s~~~~~~ :.~ w:nu~~~r:g!~~~t st~UI:tt~d!~~! been handed down to us through :~ti~~a~~r:mf:ru;.o~~~~ein~:i~~ feel the Scrimshaw has no need nor even cover the complications for toward adopting "essential In- ~::~~~l:e~e~tu:s~ul~o~ t~~ tenance claims, they also find ~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ :~~rein~:~~~~ - ~:~~nt:s w:uc~~o:a~b~ior~a~~ ~'~~~d~tI~t";~fo~~~~~n,~hs~UI~n~ fraternities to modify any ::~:~~~ t:~~:~::~~:~:does no.! concern ~~~~relYYOurs~ ~~I~r ~~b~~:th:~e~~d e!~~a,:,~o~~ :~~:~~;:p:~t~:~:~~ ~~~~~~ =:~:t~~~~ ~ t~~~~..ft:~~: floors, for not cleaning any win- Warren LoWtharl~ use one semester student members adopt the same policy. is sharing in the initiation Motivation, not 'Money 9; 1.- teaching). The same question, for example, procedures of the brothers that Dear--.Editor: addition, students who want to Point I) There Is no denying that that Dr. Sapora Is asking students, have gone before you. Like many other students, we graduate with 140 hours of course - the faculty may be overworked. (Are you choosing real learnlngi _~ach m~l~ .student is given the are appaUed by the ad- work should be allowed to fully But why should students who are over memorIzation?) might be optlon?f joirung or not jouung a ~ minist.ration's recent decision to explore the educational op- already footing very steep bills, be asked of the Biology department. fraterruty. For .~ose of ~. who . establish an overload. charge, for pertunities open to them, rather m~de scapegoats for a problem Or It might be asked In a great made .the decision to jom a., we feel that it opposes. the goals of than be penalized for their am- with which the administration Is many cresses here. fraterruty, we also accepted the a liberal arts college. How is it bition compllclt and for which students Sapora's question, taken far fact th~t hell we~k was part of our possible to fulfill the ideals of a Although we can sympathize are not solely responsible? The enough (and It should be). Indlct~ fraterruty e~rlence. It has been liberal arts tradition if limits are with the administration's position ~aculty could not be overworked far more than a number Of ~y observation that t.h~. c?n- imposed on the opportWlity to take we feel that the~penalties imposed without the administration's harassed students who take an s~derable debate over Imbahon elective and enrichment co~ses? upon the bright, ambitious student complicity. Why should stUdents, overload. Unfit seen in context rights not come from !he • are Wljustifiable. We suggest that who are initially pressured Into (until there Is no double standard) fraterrutles, b~t fro~. those p~p~e In addition to the ideological the policy is in contradiction with taking difficUlt overloads, be It cannot be a valid defense of eve!"! who made their deCISion not to ~om conflict, this policy wi-ll the liberal arts philosoIily we" ~o;~::ur!~ .f~S:a::lnlt;t~ta"~~~ grfs~tte;:~~~~~s~;a~~~~~ss~~~~~: ::~t Ie:c~;~:v~~e a~:=~~~o~ ~:~~~~~n~:ns:!ai~~~eni:r~~~ claim to emoody as an institutioq., _ ~~hn:t::~~;s :~~at~~:~~y~h~~: :~:!::eer:~!CI~~,~k~~~ef~:a~ :a~= ~:r~~ce~h~el~a~~e:e~~~ f~~i ~~~ l~~~ cr::~~yWh:r ~::~~ NancyE. ~~~~~~~ under a great deal of pressure does beyond explanation and qua)ified to speak against it. Western Maryland's graduation Barbara G. Ernst ;!s:re i~~I~~uC:nt~t~ser ~o~~~:~!~:~~:~io;e:~~;s t:t~:n~:f!t;::! d~:g ~~~ W~k~~:k!a~~!~~ ~~~:~::~nt~:ftf~ a~:\r~:r~ SGA Comm ittee answer a good deal more powerless ... and perhaps not. cerest attempt to not involve our students who, through illness of "- creativity is called for. Perhaps, in fad, the real source pledges with the general college other- unforseen and legitimate Openings Point 2) Dean McCormick's of student powerlessness is their commWlity. Our initiation rights Circumstances, are forced to drop statement that "there Is no such own self.doubt. - Undoubtedly take place in the Preacher one or more courses during a given 'Applications for positions as SGA thing as a free lunch" {and so petltlons·- however complete _ will clubroom and other private areas. semester. Science majors taking Standing Committee Chairpersons overload students should pay carry little Impact (remember the It is my experience that conflict several four hour lab courses can are now being accepted. Positions morel Is very interesting. In that student center petitions?). More arises when independents'attempt exceed the 14·hour fall semester to be filled include Action, Elec- very honest and genuine statement commlttment and more assertion to witness our proceedings. Since limit while carrying only a 4 course tion, and PubliCity Committee lies, perhaps, a key to WMC, 'Have Is necessary If students truly want they are not affiliated with our load. This policy also increases the Chairpersons. According to the SGA Constitution, Chairpersons :,;o::~'k~~' ~~~:'\~a~:~n~e~;~lli~~ _ :~ s:~: t:nelr~~oh~;:. ~hest~~~~~~ ~:;~~~et~~~~~~~~~~ec:~~~;~ !~~~~~ie~~co:~~~ed~~etUt~: are elected by the Senate, upon own Sake is not considered as rather than to the administration. hell week. requirements of two departments. recommendation by the Executive Council on the basis of application Initiation Questions I am of the opinion that each Most importantly, we question letters. The duties of the Com- All forms of social action involve human dignity in the Greek fraternity on this campus is the price of motivation. Why mittees are as follows: controls and guidelines set up by initiation system. responsible and conscious enough should 'a student, willing to pay l. ACTION -- problem-solving the society In which they occur. It seems to us that the greatest not to let any severe harm or dearly in time and foregone social oriented body. concerned' with These guidelines are in no way a complaint toward a' move of this danger come to their pledges. activities be discouraged, if not various aspects of student interest condemnation of the social action. order Is that the SGA has no While I will agree with evidence of prevented, from fully expanding and complaint, with the respon- They are, rather, a means to keep business Is dealing with fraternity "jokes turned bad" throughout the upon' his or her educ.ational op- siblity of investigation, proposal, that a.ctlon Intact and the per· concerns. We take exception to this country, I see no real threat of that portunities? Students willing to and implementation (with Senate formance of It running smoothly point by replying that the Student happening at Western Maryland make the sacrifices necessary to approvai). over the lifetime of the process. Government Association has an College, as these fraternities.FiIl save their own, their parents', or, 2. ELECTION- conducts all Fraternities and sororities are obligation to look out for the best not let that happen. perhaps paradoxically, the campus-wide elections as specified social Institutions, and entry into Interesfs of the entire student body, I find the rumors and alledged school's scholarship money should in the By-Laws. these institutions Involves speCific a group which we believe the actions of the Preachers con- not be prevented from doing so, In 3. PUBLICITV--publicizes all initiation rite:>. SCRIMSHAW is In fraternity pledges are members of student government activities no way condemning fraternities before, during, and after their utilizing all available media to an oj and sororities. To reltterate the Initiation rites. When questions long· Ov~..Ioad, .. extent warranted by the event. thl;lughts of last week's editorial, safety, health, and The Chairpersons serve until we are simply calling for some remembered (and long.regretted) graduation or resignation. Every guidelines concerning initiation lC?sses of human dignity occur, we continued from page 1 be present at the SGA meeting SGA Representative serves on at rites. We are not suggestion feel that it is the governing body's majors, and these courses cannot Monday night to answer any least one committee as part' of ilnything drastic. One fraternity, obi Igatlon to take legislative action be completed in eight semesters questions. He says that the SGA is their duties, and the Chairpersons Phi Delta Theta, already has a as preventive measure In such without an overload. trying to find out what the facts are are ex-officio members of the national set of guidelines to which cases. Dean McCormick said con- before a definite stand is' taken Executive Council they must conform. We are only This does not mean that we are cerning those students who have Chris Holmes, Vice-President of Please submit letters to Paul suggesting that these guidelines, or asking the jraternities and somesortof problem, "I would ask the SGA, stated, "My main Fulton--Box 419; or Denise ones along similar lines be' ex· sororities to give up Hell Week, to that they go ahead and register and concern is that we know all the ins Giangola·-Box 441. tended to Include alt Greek give up embarrassing the pledges, put a request to me in writing and outs of the situation before a societies to qlve up that bit of minor torture about why they would want to take major student. action is taken." He _Homicide! A motion. taking into account that Is so much fun now and then. an overload without an overload would like to see the issue handled individual fraternity rights of We are simply asking that proper charge. We will review the case rationally, not emotionally. He_ A man from Lorain. Ohio has privacy and the associated honor guidelines are prepared (and and very likely will make some said, "Concerning this issue, I hope been arrested and charged with kind of allowance." ___ of being in a lraternity, is presently followed) that. when It's allover, that the students will give the SGA manslaughter for urging another under consideration for proposal at will leave the newly·inducted Dr. Sapora's statement about the a chance to work and to handle the man to die. Police repoEt that John the SGA meeting on Monday night. Greek person healthy enough, both overload charge supports the 4-1-5 situation." Mihalsky and Louis Pastor ac- We are hoping that this type of mentally and physically, to be able system, for reasons that have Action by the students has cidentally crossed paths one day move will be a step toward the to enjoy sitting up all night nothing to do with nioney. He is already occured. Mike Steinmetz. after they had not seen each other securing of greater safety and swapping initiation stories. raising"a question about what the editor of Akimbo. is circulating for three years. An argument f students are getting out of their a petition which says. "This charge IFHEE!FHEE!FHEE!FHEE!FHEE!I Liberal Arts Education. That will impose academic as well as ensued, and in the heat of debate, officers Mihalsky that report ~--~------*-----------. I statement may be found elsewhere financial hardships on almost all screrunsd at Pastor: ·'1 hope you • of this coupon is entitled The holder In this issue. can Pastor I toone/tee SHARK REPELLANT kit I Paul. Fulton, President of the students and and unfair be considered As have a over heart and attack!" moments at best." irrational died keeled I, e >Jpecla . y ' I • SGA. has said that he can see this article goes to print, the .ater of heart failure. Police say • for use. on severallegitinfate reasons for the oetition has been circulating for that Mihalsky. 66. knew that 'II d eSlgned overload charges. Dean Mc- three hours, and has over 700 Pastor had a history of heart !.._:'L~~~E':;:;'H_G:';:'';.~~:~a~! Cormick and Dean Mowbray will Signatures. trouble.
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