Page 141 - Scrimshaw1976-77
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Volume V. Number 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE Friday, May 6, 1977 Administration Pressed by Students in-SGA Meeting cerncn Harris . Last Monday, the Senate of the There was committee who have at least a 1.0 GPA. This The next business of the evening the overload charge was being Student Government Association report of any length; that of the year the recipient will be chosen by was the presentation By the Deans deferred until Fall, 1978, and that held their first meeting with their Social Committee. Linda Thomas commtttee.cjn subsequent years, of the purpose for the $95 overload alternate action was to be taken for newly elected officers. The big reported that Valerie Carter will they will be chosen by Scrimshaw charge. Dean Mccormack- first this coming year. For more on this, event of the evening was the ex- not be the warm-up for Orleans at poll. . addressed himself to a number of see the article on the overload planation of.the rational behind the .thisFridays' Spring Concert. At ..The next order of business was concerns raised by Paul Fulton charge meeting held prior tothe $95 overload charge by Dean Fraternity's bid to set up the the validation of class election and Chris Holmes. Why not a 5-1-5 SGA meeting. McCormacK and Dean Mowbray. Concert was accepted. The total results by the Senate. All officers academicprogram? (We can't do The .floor then opened for- In anticipation of a large crowd of . cost of the concert" will be ap- were approved without objection. it without increasing the number of questions. A number-of concerns concerned students, the proximately $8,000! ($5,000 Paul read the letters from faculty); Did the faculty approve were expressed, notably by Mike festivities were not held in Mc-. outright, $2,000 lights, $1000 persons wishing appointment to of the 95 $ charge'? (No, but they Steinmetz, organizer of the Daniel Lounge but rather in the mise). Linda told the Senate to commiUeechairmanships. Chosen knew of the strong possibility of the overload charge resistance. Daryl more spacious Big Baker chapel. remind their constituents that the were> Karen Laue and Barb charge being instituted); Why was Neighhors made the point that if Paul Fulton called the meeting to concert will be general admission - Llewellyn as co-chairpersons of the not an alternative to the overload Dean McCormack would just not order at 8:07 p.m. and began by first come, first seated, and that Publicity. Comm.; Rick Roecker charge chosen? (" ... because the approve overloads under the introducing himself and the other only 250 tickets remained. for Election Comm; and) Alice overload charge was chosen ... ") present guidelines there would be ne\" officers to t~e 120 member Denise Giangola reported that Pascal for Action Comm. Linda Will not GPA's be lowered since no problem, therefore, no need for gathering (Chris Holmes- V.P., the SGA will be giving $25 Thomas will continue next year as students will drop less courses? the charge. Tim Shank-Treasurer, Barb Cole- scholarships yearly from money chairperson of the Social Comm. (No, if anything they will be raised The last business before ad- Recording Secretary, Denise raised by the sale of magazine Several announcements were because students will be taking journment was the introduction of Giangola - Corresponding subscrtpttons. The award will be made. A leadership conference less hours). Dean McCormack a resolution calling for the SGA to Secretary). given to deseving active students will be held next Fall. Persons touched on a number of other monitor /fraternity and sorority interested in helping plan the areas. initiation rites. The resolution was Faculty Wants Impact_ conference after were asked to speak to the gathering by announcing P that tabled until the May 16 meeting then surprised Dean. Mowbray B to sponsor Ch meeting.' when' it will be fully discussed. the Paul Organizations wishing - arge rotest egin Jeff Robinson next Fall's homecoming Dance fa~~~y~~~:;;:n~f ~h:f~~~g~~ :nx::::st:;e r:~:i~ ~~no~~t~ b=~~ ~~~:n~:~e;fti~: ~~ :::Je~~~ . Matt Bo~ers present affirmative action plan, women faculty, it is required to faculty committees are open. A surprise announcement at ~tei.nmetz, Jim wright, and the other guaranteeing faculty recommend-to the Academic Dean Students desiring 'consideration Monday's Student Government' oblDso~, se~ed to air m?ny ~~~~~tyo~~~onas~~~~~ i:{r~~~~ ~:~~::t::~e~:te~~ t~i~:e!t~eI~o~~~; should see Paul.., ~S:~~~fenme~t~e~~~ octn~er~onn~ -:~~et~~u~~o:~~n:m:r~a~~~ and passed at the Facu1ty Meeting, t.'nndg.,'h,,".,p.'oe...., ·b'.·I·Iew'·'hi~,'.nwdM'Co (J .5. Myth.::>~ troversial $95.00 overload charge the rationale .for, the .ov~rload- ~~~h th~e~st i~~C;:~ ~~~~~ students- will ~e served best by a Doug Bowman • ~~~!t~~~nt~~iP:te gr~~pPl~~ni~ ~:.~~t;:ge :;~~o~~i~~l~~;:e~~ president of the WMC chapter of faculty of diverse ethnic and "Let us not go on blindly terested students who met in a action concermng th~ charge In the the American Association of cultural background, a~d "our believing in the myth of the sp eeia l ly-ca lled preliminary ho.p~s o~ postponing any ad- • University Professors, Dr. Robert resolve that an effective af- American freedom" related Joan meeting. mmls.trative action for at least a Sapora. It was generally un- firm.ative action program is Burds in her talk, "Spirituality and The revelation that any charges year m order to allow for a more derstood that they were presented requrred to help us move toward Resistance." "We must realize will be deferred to the fall of 1978, c om.p ~ete . stu den t- f a c ul ty- as a reaction to President John's diversity. that we have been wounded. We and that permissive registration adn.llOistrahve ~t~dy of the _ affirmative action move that was Since the charter of the College must heal these wounds." Ms. allowances will exist this coming avaIlable aiternattves. ~e an- made last month. gives t~~ faculty res~onsibility (or Burds spoke to the Interpretating fall, became cause for a major noun~ements at ~e fo~owmg SGA Dr. John's controversial supervIsing the curriculum ~(the Religious Experience class on -reR'Ovb••mn,Po'nngonOh'o'wP'to0be"','""hfmeetmg made thiS pomt moot. statement, which included the College, and sl~ce the allocation of Friday, April 29. She is a member addition of a minOrity professor in fac?lty positIOns among the oftheJonah House, a non-violence, the situation. Planned methods of . Several students' were at least the political Statement deparbnent varIOus departments of the College resistance community in protesting the charge, later deleted equally c~ncerned .that the ch.arge and a minority graduate student to has unaVOidable consequences for Baltimore. She also was a nun for from the proposal, included a letter compromIsed the liberal ar~ Ideal work with minority affairs, has curriculum, we move sixteen years, and has served time campaign aimed at parents. of knowledge for knowle~e s sake, caused a bit of consternation over for her resistance activities The meeting attended by over 30 and. thus were agamst t~e ~err[:~~%'S r~~a~~e:cade~~ Housing Counei I, th~~~;!~~l~r ~~ ~~~~nf:~~l:~'~ \ ~~c;:::~,a~~d~thl::~!don~/a:~~ ;~~~Ii~\i:e nature of the policy In discussion was no!Pertaining to the . said Ms. Burds. "This underlying .,. I111 I111 ~l concept of a minority professor, SGA AI igned spirituality binds us together." She. but it questioned the addition of w,ent on to explain that this action personnel at all at this La~t week's Housing Co~cil f::in:!sf:~~:iO~~~e~~!~~~~ May Weekend The two motions, which balanced ~eebng saw only a few top~cs Burds cited how Jesus was "a the AAUP's stand on the Jolm;!!~~~i~:~Sm:~~~ chal.len~e to power. and Performingt\rts ~:~! ~~:; ~~ ~ec~ed~o~ ~he '77-'78 SC~O:1~ear. :C~~La~~ti~~, :~~~~~~~~ ;~~ 11:00-11.:45 .Free State Troupe ::~:~ i~oor~r ~~~::~~i~n th~; pra:Siden~lsa~~ J:~; ~:~k~vit~~ w:! re~~eousa:~~~~:~~:~' how the 11:50-12:20 .Roger Uarmon-Iutist satisfaction. Hut the new motions ele~ted to fill the vice preslde!lt educated middle class is 12:25-12:40 .Sandy and Jeannie-Guerilla Theater Pieces 12:45-1:55. Danceteller ~~~~ti~:t:ff~! ~~li~~:at~::~~~ PO~~~n Laidlaw was present to ~a~~:;~e~ I~~kt~d~~:~t!:!~~ 2:00- 2:55. David.Geyer and Carol Warebime-Mime 3:00- 3:40 .. Concert Band . department. In an interview after ~xpl:: b~~sth;:;.m i~~te~:o~~~ ceed, and to ~ear failure. "People 3:45-.4:15 .. Pierre Pathelin. Debbie Pferdeort the meeting, Sapora stated, "We nounced that Rouzer and Blanche mus~ reco~lIze th~ cost on the 4:20- 4:50 .. Roger Harmon-Iutist' Rob Gardner-puppeteer cannot write a retroactive law." Ward halls are scheduled to be hwnan family ~at IS made by ~ur h c1:a rein s~!~mi~~!~t. ~e~ r~~~:er r:integ, and th~ ~~d:nats ~~ng i~ ~:r:~~ye:':"~t~~7~Sh~~~:I~~ . Booths Since ~e believe that l.he College th~s~ol:;.m:h: wo~d li~eOl~~e~ our limited vision." Faculty Pie Throw Chocolale·cpyeredbananas commumty muU actively and to be Y ti aJ Ms. Burds told how we have to Darts lor Dollars co.nsistently i~ple~ent i~s co~- ~~s~ in r~~~:Sto°:t~:~eso~~ reject the use of p?wer over others. Painting Lemon Sticks Concert Tacos ~~:~n\~ a~!~~::tl~~:o~\~Oy~ ::: ;~e~~~i~talt~: ~u:~~~~ o~et:~ ~~~naa~e, ~e s~~~~ us~o;~er ~~ Concert w~~e;,!:~ul~~~ w~ ~teand the ~idla",: said she would check into ~~~~~:ers a:: 1c;t,e s~:e~~~: Bix Six Wheel Snowcones Balloon Ascension College'S" Committee for AI- this: FI!1ally, pl~ns were ~~de to "All of us worship power over love, Three Stooges Movies Subs firmative Action be charged jointly. reVlSe t:: HOUSing t~O~n~il s by- death over life." She told how Ice-Cream Cones with the responsibility for aws n~. y~ar.~ lh a SG;y T~e religion has become part of the Flea Market Raffle-Races inusuringthat theyrocedures used mor~ a I~e ;1 H e. C· ~ oppressing system: "We have lost for filling each new faculty opening wo~ t:a ;GA e ousmg hO~c the god of love and justice, we are Back Rubs Beat the Clock co~form .to the ~ighest ~tanda!ds of ~;ganizaetions and ~:::en~~o~~ ~~ terrified of real love, and w~ doubt Car Game Dunking Booths ::::.:~a~~~~:e~t~o:~~'m~t:e~ c~;:: ~ turghmloil~haft could co~et about ~~t'::~:.~~:~I~~~ eludes that a sincere' and ou ac 0 communlca on. justice, and liberation. Crafts
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