Page 134 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 134
Page 2 ~Scrimshaw Friday, April 22,1977 Editorial .Letters to the Editor Fraternity Controls Needed We would Ilketo draw belated attention to the fraternity "Hell Week" Thank you, Campaigners that passed through this campus two weeks ago, which lett both good- Dear Scrimshaw, Thank you, Juniors natured fun and undue destruction In Its path. The distinctive line bet I would like to take this time to successful organization, one In Dear Editqr, ween these two results appears to be very fine one Indeed. Examples of thank everyone who supported me which the students can be proud. I would like to personally fraternity "[pkes'" turned-bad can-be found aplenty In hospital logs in .the election on Tuesday. I am Thanks again. commend and congratulate the throughout the nation. very grateful to the many students Paul Fulton Junior Class on the production of One example of a questionable initiation requirement may be found In who gave me their time and sup- "Don't Touch That Dial..." I at-" the front page story In this week's newspa~r. While we are not pointing port in making my campaign tended the Sunday night per- our finger specifically at the Pr_eachers, SCRIMSHAW cannot condone successful. I would espcially like to More Thanks formance and found it fantastically activities that use such crude materials as dead animal intestines as a thank Carlton Harris, whose long Dear Editor, funny, artfully acted, and means of br-Inglng new members Into any type of group. And we und- hours and continuous efforts were courageously crude. The Class of derstand that this kind of hazing occurs frequently enough among most the key to my election. It was As just one in the audience of '78 showed their stuff in Follies: fraternities on campus to warrent concern on the-part of responsible tremendous ~o see so many many to have seen the Junior unity, talentt "l, and some great students. Follies, I would like to thank the students concerned with the entire cast and crew of the Follies organization. All this, plus much What SCRIMSHAW WOUld at this time like to- call for Is· a set of election. I Sincerely hope that I really eit- much more, gave the writers, cast lnlflatlon controls that are binding on ell fraternIties and sororities on , interest in the SGA remains high for a well-done show. it,. and crew that repeated applause joyed and appreciated this campus. Presently one fraternity exists which succombs to national and that many students will take which they most certainly norms of what can and cannot be done along the lines of hazing pledges. an active part next year. I 'will do Thank you, deserved. Academy awards to all! It is hoped here that these guidelines can-be broadened to Include not just Phi Delta Theta, but also all other Greek letter societies. the best I can to make the SGA a Mark Katz Sincerely yours, Denise Giangola We are making this recommendation, not because of a wish to break down the fraternity system, but rather to preserve It·-to make it safer Nursing Workshop at U. Md. Attentio~Freshmen Due and more entlc!ng to' the average student. We hope that our advice will "Confl!ct Management" will be . Development. at the Marylan.d myself to an exact tie between and my opponent for the taken seriously by either the Student Gobvernment Association or the the ..subject of a one-day sym- Sch.ool of Nurstng. The wor,kshop IS vice-presidency of next year's Inter-Fraternity Council. Since these are two of the most influential organizations, in regards to posium Tuesday,.May 3 from 8:30 designed to assist nursing ad- SoJilomorec1ass a run-offelection has scheduled student_life, we feel that they have the greatest right, and the greatest a.m. to 4 p.m. at the center for of miministrators to manage work of Tuesday, been April 26. for- this University Adult Education, the application through conflict responslb ility to roox info the rnetter.. Maryland, College Park. A comm.umcatlOn technqiues and I think that 1 am more qualified wD.!~s~op for nursing ser-vice assertiveness. for this position than my opponent A Worthwhile Cause admlmstrators directors, and the course - Freshman class this year for the I r have worked is because staff development and is sponsored by the Universit~ of' Registration will be limited to 30 know what kind of changes need to It has come-to SCRIMSHAW's attentio~ that there is an-exceptional Mar~la.nd School, of Nur-sing participants. A fee of $25 covering be made. Next year, for example, I student here at Western Maryland who is trying to do something that' .Continuing Education Program. registration, lunch and coffee feel that our class should sponsor means very much to her; Therese Pohl wants to go to the Deaf orvm. breaks should be submitted by more activities. Grille parties, pies. Fewpeopleoutside of the Oeaf Educattcn Department know rnuctr Featured faculty will be Dr Apri122. The School of Nursing will mixers, car washes and raffles are about Theresa's efforts, a situation whIch SCRIMSHAW would like to Elizabeth Hughes, R.N., Ph. D., award 0.6 Continuing Education all within our grasp if people are try and rectify. In order to make it all the way to the Olympics, an awful associate professor, Graduate Uniits (six contact hours). For willing to work and I am! lot of money is needed, and this is one way that Western Maryland can Program, Department of Career more information, call 528-7622. Sincerely . • ~: a~~~r~~~~I~~g~ea:~e~~:.};~~~S ancet~~1~s~n!ua~~h~~r~ ti~e~:e~e~~ Po r t Z Mike Cantrell SCRIMSHAWwouldliketouset~isspacetomakeseveralSuggestions The Nuclear Dilemma-Radiation Danger to_;II~stT~;:~~e;'he SGA is fOff~-ing a committee to t~k Into finding a Pat Ho It cancer. Damage can -also be in- requires enormous temperatures worthy student to be the recipient of a specter scholarship. The money In last week's article, the im- meted upon the genetic structure to catalyze it. T~ pr-oduce these comes from a commlslon on magazine sales. Af the SGA meeting on mediate results of a nuclear ex- of a system, caUSing any number temperatures one must use a Apr1l18, It was suggested that thIs money be given to Therese this year, plnsion were discussed. Although of diseases inc-luding cancer. fiss~on oomb. The presence of the an Idea which everyone seemed to like. Although it isn't much, it will the destructiveness is quite' The type and amount of radiation fiSSIOn bomb Will greatly increase surely bewetcomed,Dartlcularlycomjng from the student body. awesome, similar destruction that results from-a nuclear ex- the release of radiation could occur through massiv~ raids plosion is dependent- upon the, Si~ce thl! h~drogen bomb Another suggestion SCRIMSHAW WOUld like to make involves the using conventional bombs. The design of the bomb' The reqlllres an atomIc bomb trigger, Finance Offl~ A Western Maryland alumni died recently, leaving the uniqueness of a nuclear explosive atomic bomb (the type of ~mb two new phr~ses have been in- school a total of $800,000. If a part of this sum could be donated to manifests itself in radiaton. that was dropped on Hiroshima corpora ted lOto the nuclear Therese for the purpose of Send!~ her to the Deaf Olympics, she Radiation is one of the most and Nagasaki) proceeds by a vocabulary. These phrases are the would be sure to make II. 'feared results of a nuclear ex- mechanism known as fission. The "dirty" oomb and the "clean" In addition to helping Therese in a monetary way, by donating to her attempt, Individually, as a student body, and as a school, we would be p1osion because of its devastating ~~':o~~n ~~b ~~:k~~es~!n~r~~ ~~~db'on~y c:~r~~;p~~~ ~~~e;;al: encoura9.!!l_g her; once she gets there, Th'erese will need moral Support, ~~dde~on~~a:~:a ef~~~Yz!~ ctc:; proceeds by a mechanism known "clean" bomb or a --dirly" bomb too. SCRIMSHAW urges the SGA and the administration to consider generations The resulting as fusion these suggestions and how much they will help Therese phYSical anguish and mental In an atomic oomb the starting The atomic bomb trigger is very devastating since in tllis respect Congratulations, Students torment are especially of suffering material may be either a special or important most of the radiation. it If in light of the years (uranium-235l form of uranium produces that occur a special form of plutonium one used a--Very small atomic bomb Scrimsh-aw would Ilketo comment on the number of students who took Those who survived the massive (plulonium-2:l9l. The fission trigger. the radioactivity per area the time t9 vote on Tuesday. A large proportion of the students, 62 rer destruction of the explosion may process occurs when the starling of destruction would- be much into two cent stated a preference In candidates in the S.G.A. elections, Scrim- attempt a to pick up the pieces and material splits or fissions substances smaller and a relatively "clean" Un- completely different normal life again. lead shaw sees thIs as a positive indication of the concern that students have . fortunately, this will not be With this fission an enormous bomb would have been produced. fo"r their say in what goes on possible. The. effects of radiation release of energy OCClli'S, giving Another important aspect is the In a school this small, individual voters do mpke a difference, and a will be apparent within a week thedevicegreat destructive power coating or tamper which surrowld~ few votes can change the outcome of an election. H.opefully, students The entire area will have been Along'\vith this release of energy, the ('Ore of the oomb. This coating will keep this in mtnd, and we will continue to have a large student is designed 10 hold the bomb parf!cip3tlon. co nltaminated by radioactivity. radiation is also released. The by- together so that it reacts longer. will no longer Fooa and water Student officers should be the choice of the majority of the voters, and us·able. -r-.Jany people will starve. be products of this reaction are very However, if the· right Tjlaterial is many radioactive and can replace used as the tamper, it can greatly that should be thes',me as the majority of the studems. J:::lections should many will not care. An apatneJic natUral elements in the en- increase the power of the bomb as not be the result of l'"Jevotes of 01'11)'a few students. attitude will probably develop as a vironment. For example. one well as the radioactivitv. For We- would also like to express a special note of appreciation to Ms: result of the rec~ntly shocking product. strontium-90, can replace -example. if uranium-238 is used as Lorella ThornhilL SGA Elections Committee Chairperson. Loretta has events. Utter chaos will appear calcium in various natural sub- a tamper, the uranium-238 will ~": ;~~~~~lt~:\:::J~~~~~ job throughout the year in keeping up the with many riots and deaths_ Those stances. In the oody it can settle in fission 'increasing the destructive who received strong dosages of the bones_ Because it is insoluable }ield and radioactivity, Another Scrimshaw would like to congradulate all the newly elected officers. radiation will contract radiatio.n in the bloodstream and decays example is that of cobalt-59. Cobalt We would also like to extend our thanks to the outgoing officers who sickness.,This disease begins with very slowly. this substance c~ 'will react to form a radioactive have served - us this past year. that r--------------------, such extreme dosages will live ~~~ti~u:~~e destroying cells ~~: substance gamma releases very \~11Y ~~:/e:i~' ~!:!t~~~~o~:~~f~d~~~ec~~~ rays. energetic The and. particles, radioactive POEM OF THE WEEK normal lives for years only to upsetting various -biological subsequent tha't a bomb Tallout is so containing massive The grass grows. eventually contract cancer pr,ocesses You mow it this substance is capable of there are three Basically, The types The grass grows. oframation. These are alpha, beta, occurs process of fusion bomb which is destro:ying an entire hemisphere in a hydrogen You mow it Although this destructiveness Everyday on a red tractor and gamma radiation. Alpha and the similar to the reaction that occurs has.. yet to pccur in th~ United with in the sun's core, In this process, beta radiation occur through shadows and sunspots release of energetic particles several atoms of hydrogen meld or States. its probability grows with you mow the green grass Gamma radiation is a form of fuse ~ to become helium each passing day. As nuclear thrOUghout as it grows behind you' electromagnetic radiation, similar Simultaneously, an enormous technology increases countries are world, the more --Wayne Patterson to x-rays, only more energetic and release of energy occurs, many developing this capability of thus more destructive. If any of times greater than that which For of the The staff of Contrast is presently conSidering works of poetry, art- these types ofradlation penetrate a occurs in the fission process. destruction. we cannot the sake this to world, allow work and fiction for its third and-final issue of the year. Anyone who system they canupset normal However. the release of radiation proceed. Everyone must become wishes to have a submission considered should send it immediately to biological processes,causing any is not as great. The only problem o.:.;Na;;;n;;;.CY,-B;;;a;:;,ry~, B;;;O;;,X_;;76;;,',;;Ca;;m;;:p:;;"';.:M;;;a;;";;_. .... number of diseases including with this type of bomb is that it aware of the arms race and sup- port its terminatio!__l
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