Page 142 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 142
Scrimshaw Friday, May 6, 1917 Part 3 Open Letter to An Letters to the Editor Nuclear The Scrimshaw endorses this letter as a statement of Its editorial Editor: Dear Editor: ...... opinion. / Currently there is a bill before I appreciate your article The following Is an open letter to all students, faculty, administrators, the SGA that would establish a reviewing the .panel discussion family Dilemma on and staff of Western Maryland concerning the overload charge Issue. Board to Monitor Fraternity and women's professional and The following points seem to be the pr.lmary and necessary con. Sorority initiation activities. I roles. I was somewhat puzzled, slderatlons: 1) That all people concerned In this tssue . p.artlcularIY,adm.lnlstrators ~:~s l::~ot~ ~!ens~llth~~~tfo; ~r:e:'a~~ :;s!~i~n~o o~ ~~~~ Pat Holt . should be taken at their word. The sincerity and honesty and absence several reasons. entity. My involvement with IBM In the two previous articles, the of Intrlque and conscious manipulation on the part of every person First, the initiation period is a has been unconscious at best, and terrifying results of one nuclear should be assumed. With this assumption all dialogue. even between bond between all of the members of Peggy has not, to my knowledge, explosion were discussed. For parties and disagree vehemently. should serve to enhance and dignify every person taking part. And of course dialogue Is to be encouraged ~e h~~~~~:~~o~~~~:r~~~:~ ~~~~~eF~~~~h C~~id:r~~ ~~ ~:~~c~~ i~:~er~~n~c~~rc~~~ and applauded. between, for example, the SGA leaders ....Fulton and board would eliminate the small number_of women on the .ts incomprehensible. ,This Holmes and Administration heads McCormick and Mowbray. necessary degree of secrecy that is faculty at WMC, it is particularly destruction could cripple many completely part that Decision Process Very Wrong an important The element of the initiation important our separate we be all d to civilizations others. and For these reasons, a.. n - of secrecy process. entities~we nihilate k~p 2) The present state of the overload Issue appears to be that a WMC was protected by Thomas Jef- Cordially, we must be concerned with the decision making process which was very wrong and undemocratic is not ferson at the University of Virginia Eulalia Benejam Cobb proliferation of nuclear weapons being slgnlflcantiy altered by the administration's decision. Monday to such an extent that even today Assistant Professor of French which is now occurring throughout night at the SGA meeting to hold off Implementatlen of the overload there are some of the -same the world. The issues and numbers charge until 1918 school year. Regardless of the specific question of f al .. th Dr Ccbb . must be examined closely. Only whether the overload charge Is a necessary step, the eecrsrcn making l~~:~:n~=~:th:~;:: _ ::::~o~~:yar:o· ..inthf.".t:~ou"e_to you through the support of a process which resulted In that step excluded the vast majority of f th be kn • .. • knowledgable public can nuclear ~utsi:rs~::pe ~:~l:tra~~n~~ the Editor disarm anent be realized. !:~~~I~~ :fh:h:td~~n~~I~~o;'lrrm=:~~~~no~:.'~~?~~If'aat~~~r al~~e~~~ continues in Its exclusion of students from matters which are of vital importance of this feature. Dear Class of 1978, ;'~!:~~c~e;er:!p:~gi~~:S, n~~ concern. . A second, and perhap;" most We, the class of 1977, would like major figures in the arms race are The following are examples which make us believe that the Ad. :~:~\~)r~c:~en~~ga~~~i~: ~~;_.,~~ t~e wcfa: ~~dI9~~c~r: still the United States and the ministration is operating under the critical assumption that the overload charge wltl be implemented even before a year of 'discussion' deterlOrabo~ ~f the Greek system .. enjoyed the junior-senior banquet, :~:se~fUen1~~' o~~e~:~~r n!:! has begun: a) gean Mowbray made a very strong statement at the SGA_ The Frater~bes an~ Sororities at and just wanted to-voice our ap- are growing steadily. The advent meeting to the effect thet the polley would be carried out 2) the Ad. WMC . are m a penod of g.rowth preciation. Thank you again for a of each year brings with it in- ministration has Inserted In the 1917·79 catalogue (to be mailed this ~~~~~~~::~~~~o~t~alc:~.a~ .great time. ! creased nuclear technology. It is in summer to Incoming freshmen') an announcement that "there Is an believe that any attempt to Cl~~~:~r~:; this era of proliferation that the overload charge of $95 per semester hour for full time students taking more than the normal course load." Dean Mowbray Indicates that the ~;~r~~~:!~ :~~~~~~~~a~i~ Lorri Myers (sceretary) ~:S~!n~~~~~~~i~~v~~~~~ili~i~~ spe.slflc conditions of the overload charge·such as the sss-ere open to charge since the SGA meeting and 3) the Administration's notice to ~~!p~~~~~ ~:i~ld ~~eu;~ The.. Student . Government be~~~~~l~:bl~ost important students' concerning the charge placed In mailboxes Tuesday states, "We believe that the overload ch~rge ... ls necessar.y and do plan to- completion o.f the. College C~nter, :;~o:i.~~;nt:ot~: ~::i~; e:r~~~ ~~~~bUI~~y t~e d~~~~~~e. a~~ Implement It." all open parties w.I11be held m the Robert Lawler on behalf of the term refers to the ability of one The administration's claim (very sincerely made, we believe) that ~l~~~~m~~d Ifbat~:,d ~r:mw:~ld student body. Hi~ ab.sence from the nation to ck.ter another nation from student opinions will be1aken into account next year has no credibility constitute an obstacle to the \\I.M.C. communIty I.Sstrongly feit, attacking for fear of retaliation. as long as the assumption continues that there will be such a charge. Such discussion is empty rhetoric when the decision has already been continu.i?~ success.?f our'~~!r!':te ~~;: ;:s hl::;!~t~e ::~ ::O~d ~~~k!h:ap~~~~ie~i~coa~~ made. ~:~;~~ t~~ :::~:~e~~~ colleges will long be remembered. important. First strike capability Very, Very, Strong Request the- actionS of a board with no -the Student ~:se;~~~;~ refers to the ability of a nation to 3) Therefore we very, very strongly request the following from the ::r~connection to the sy.;tem :~:~~k c::~~~~ ~Sa~~n~b~~~;~t~ admlnistration:~ 1) that the administration drop, as of this school yeo!lr· 1916·17· any ar~~e~t~a~~ich t~s; :~nts f~:: Se".roo. ~~~~~e~f~~~i~~. ~~tfsc~h~::~~~ and all assumptions that there will 'be an overload charge.' Any take place during the initiation ~trlke capability that becomes ~n L.'isumptlon that the decision for an overload charge In 1918 Is mostly finalized should be dropped. ~~~o:s are :~~~i~oa~c~r~~ou~hee S~~ Demonstr"tion ~:~~~t:~fkedce~~~i~~!~~S ~~e ~~:a~ b) that this assumption be dropped on prinCiple and In reference to the destruction of property diredly . enough, then a .natlon may. be declslon.maklng process rather than because of the specific goods and affects a non-pledge, and oc- During the past weekend more deterred from takmg the offenSive. bads of the overload tharge. That principle being that students have not currances of this type are ex. than 2000 poople descended upon Because of the need for deterrence, been given sufficient consultation and therefore no decision, policy, or tremely rare. The pledges have Seabrook, New Hampshire. Their nuclear ~rms are being stoc~piled. assumption of this scope is legitimate or valid. made their own choice to join their purpose: to protest the building of From thIS the ter~ overkill has e) that the administration publicly and strongly state that the fraternity or sorority and I sin· a nuclear power plant at Seabrook. been de~e.loped. ThiS term ref~rs declslon·maklng process was Illegitimate and therefore, that cerely believe that they can take or these 2000, more than 800 were to the ablll.ty to destroy something d) the entire question of the overload charge, and of faculty work care of themselves without being arrested for refusing to end the se~eral times over. ~oth ~he overload be thrown back Into a comllttee,which will consider the very protected by an SGA organization. peaceful sit in. Uruted States and. the SoViet Un~on real problems Involved freshly and without any assumption that an The planned actions of the Board This demonstration had been have large overklil factors. ASIde overload charge· In 1911, '78, or any other year Is the best option are already covered by the IFC planned for quite some time by a from being able to destroy each Perhaps a new committee formed by the SGA . rather than the and ISC. New England organization known other several times (the United Undergraduate Policy and Curriculum Committee which made the Again I urge all senate members as the Clamshell Alliance. This Sta~es ~~n de.stroy eac~ of 219 original recommendations for an overload charge· would be the most to-defeat this proposal, and help alliance had enlisted the aid of SOVIet CIties, w.lth populatIOns over Impartial body possible. preserve a most needed social people throughout the country. 100,.0001.. 35 tlmes)~ these tW9 e) If, at the close of an Impartial review, an overload was chosen as organization that exists for the Those who protested were versed nations gave acqUired en.ough Ihe best option, then It should be Implemented as soon as possible. n 'I,a1 these questions be dealt with this year rather than next 1_ benefit of the entire campus. "':ndt~d ~:i~!:~~sth:r e~r~~::o~~~~: :~~.tonnage to destroy all bfe on because it seems Inconsistent with liberal learning, and with good conscience, to delay questions of principle. Delay until next year entails Roger Ensminger police as they were being arrested. thi~h~e~~l~st~:~:~~~;ct~!~:~o: complicity and compromise w]jh the Illegitimate assumption now held that the United states must con- by the administration. Editorial Extra tinually increase arms so as to gl that any announcement concerning the overload cl\arge In the 1911 remain at the same level as the 19 catalogue. which has already been sent to the printers be sup Soviet Union. They cite that in llemented (perhaps simply by enclosing a dittoed announcement In all "What is a Poem?" order for deterrence to be effective :atalogue mailings) by a very clear statement saying that the overload both nations must have equivalent Issue Is completely open to fresh review, that perhaps It will not occur," There'ls no going home·after having stepped Inslde.and slept here-a stockpiles. Many officials claim and that such a review Is free of t~ assumption outlined above. sleep that goes deep.lnto the flesh. that the Soviets are constantly 4) .we would, In addition, request of the SGA that It function as the The room of sleep.that dizziness of looking IntO'o!In abyss.even If you building with the ideapf imminent headlight and not the tal light of student's efforts to determine their own were able to stand· upon your feet,·there Is no going home nuclear war. The recent increase destinies (to paraphrase Martin luther King Jr.) . which Is to say that Even If you rlse·see the blood on the walL.llke an ancient screo!lm. in Soviet civil defense spending is the SGA should not attempt to act as a compromise buffer between chilling, chillll)g often used as an example (1 billion students and the administration. We request/rather, that the SGA Pushing nard,·even If you rise· there Is stili no going home dollars per year in the Soviet Union assun'e leader~nlp In enlJCtment of these fundamental conc~rns. We Oh, rough road,-a vagabond would·never come here twice. as compared to 80 million dollars request, rather, that the SGA lead the Chapel Committee, the Scrim ... Shaklng my head-Ch, shaking my _beo!ld.that calm silence. Ot those per year in the United States). shaw, the Religious life Council, and the Black Student Union in this effqrt. who suffer) - Is ~~~I~~I~:~~~~:~:~:c;:t'::~u~f~;:~; refuse'a.!1 ties. !O;;~to r:;;:iS~U~~O ~:ers~~ 51 Finally we would like to reiterate our first point. These quite strongly worded concerns are Intended to humanize and dignIfy all g,~~~ :r~!~;:~:~~~:~e~I=~~:.I~~o:~h:l~n~e;~:~y ~~ 7~1~:~;:n~ .. .::its:,;,~a~m~i~",~~"tiO;:;O:,"~;"O"'A"'RD"""_,_", _ concerned In the WMC community· and not simply students. Dignifying his Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate School, Dr. lawler was 39 when he The Honor Board recently found students by Including them In action as well as In word with the decision died Sunday. a student guilty of bringing into a making processes of the school will dignify facl.!lty, administration, and Bob had "a very daring mind and was a very caring friend" who had, statistics test notes which were not .... staff as well. In honest and sincere dialogue founded upon valid similar to his author·favorlte Norman Malle~, "taken on every force to be used. • .usumptlons perhaps the wisest answer to the overload Issue may be that he could find· tackled It emotionally and Intellectually" according The penalty imposed consisted of Jound. to one of those he car~d for, Bob Sapora. He was "one of the bravest forfeiture of all credit on those .Chapel Committee· Scrimshaw - Religious life Council Black itudent Union so~~se~o~sn~.~~: 1~~~:.~.lswlfe Angela and son Danny. ia~:t:~ O! thl~e:st to which the
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