Page 139 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 139
Friday, April 29, 1977 Scrimshaw Page 3 Student Views Board of Trustees in,Action - ofessors was impossible at this sentiment for discontinuing Phys- chaired by Bill Tribby, told the affalI_"S met .. it was .the first Ca~OI J~mes d f -T tees of ~e because of a low retirement ics as a major because of exteme.lY Trustees that the s~dents of W~C of thl~ very Important T e oar 0 rus t f t f t faculty Mr Phil small enrollment and needs m had stated four major concerns to standing committee of the Board. Western ~arYI~~ ~O~eg~ ~\ or ~~ea:ff:~:Surer of the c~llege other departments. Also, his polls and surveys. They are It's chair-person is Jon Myers, an t!t e fi~t time w~ .~ u e~ Vl~1 ~~ stated tha't tuition although ris4tg' committee is working to improve 'greater diversity among students alumnus of WMC and a Trustee. attending on ri ~y, .pr . . I be ke at a ~oderate level i~ summer school opportunities. and staff 2)expansion of Student The Board of Trustees and the -There were many t~mg~ ~SC~Sed wil . pt wilh other smaU The Committee on Athletics, Activities Office 3) greater Students Affairs committee are that are of meres 0 s u en. comparison headed by Dean Mowbray, told the diversity in housing 4)im- open to suggestions on how they The morning session consisted of colleges. board that they would see a provement of cultural offerings. can make western Maryland a committee reports from the Long The program Committee new sports facility included in the _ Dr. Tribby and Linda. Thomas better college. If any students have Range Plan. Among topiCS. ~at reported that expansion of the next long range plan. The com- eplained the committee's suggestions, particulary about the were mentioned was the POSSibility present offerings would be un· mittee sees an increase. in in- proposals for meeting ....the current project (improvement of of securing a Phi Beta Kappa (an feasible now due to financial tramurals needed and more easily problems with emphasis on social and cultural exchange honorary society for schol~~lY considerations, but there will be accomplished than any increase in meeting the first concern. between the campus and town, attainment in the liberal arts an~ expanded programs in cooperation intercollegiate sports because of The -afternoon session also th~y should be sent to the com- sciences) chapter on campus '. Dr. with other institutions. The financial problems and the limited consisted of discussion that con- mttteec-o Carol James, Box. 6f!l. Law explained that.his committee chairman of the committee also staff. .cerns students. The Buildings and AnyOne of the .c~mmittee mem~rs 0 Life found quotas on women and black -. stated that there was considerable The Student 1') committee, Grounds Committee reported that would be wlihng. to talk With 0ptlons d~the. and will be com- , o,.men: pen or '-' ose •pleted by June Center be completed r students about their concerns --t College ide:::"'=.'C'c:we:_:u::_' planned, 1. 19783' . . -, the cafeteria will Lisa Robeson University Hospital, and the woman of 35 or 40 with a career by the beginning of the 1977-78 i s:koen::- mr::;~~m~ w~:n~&::: Maryland State Dept- of Mental Nho had survived with marriage academ~c year, and ~e exte?sive "Tomol1"OW", and tomorrow, "expressed the tensions oT con- ~:II~Sb~~d w~~~~e; a D~h.~~ intact and children healthy ." :':;l~~:a.ns b~ ~=~fH~~78WI!lIS': and tomorrow:" ~:::tTn~~~~~~~~~t~~stA~~nn~ ~~el~~m~~~ f~~:n~~PI~~ te~~ o~U:e ~:~:;:s;~~:;:g;tal::t~ ;~!nbeth: ;::ti~:~e~ day's panel "Two Lives to Live?" of IBM CorporatlO~ and now of having a career, a marriage, There will bean.~levator for props, Macbeth The panel focused on ways to professo~ of Fr~ch at WMC; andafamiyatthesametime.The andel~va~cellmgoverthestage Pr~parerorll.Th.nr1ier)'ou resolve the- conflict between Betsy Ehne, president o! the ISC; major conflicts cited were the to a;;slst 10 sc~ne c.hanges, new beginalir~imuran~epr"Kr8m,lhe ~f~~~~~ t~~~~~;o~~ ~~d~: ~~or~arga,:et Chenale, WM~ ~~~:e~ ~:~~IT~~wJ~t~':~ !~tm!'a~~~~~~' t~~~~ttin~.o~~ ~,!;~tt:!i:'i:~~tBooullh~ liberation from this old con- .. and;or teaching at the same time, proveme~ts. ~he ~ommlttee '·"~':~;"{:~~::"l~_~,:_:;;~..t." finement in teday's society. The Among the subjects discussed the shortage of spare time, the reports, an their entirety, are flEfDAOBEATS purpose of the panel was, as Aleine were the lack of role mo~ls .for travelling or separation ~ro~ ~vailabl.e in the library £0-: any Austin put it, to help,each woman career women and dlscnm· spouse sometimes involved in a mterested person.,· • "get the information upon which to nination. Most of the women said dual lifestyle, and the fact that D_ur~ng th~ b~ea~ __between base her eventual decision" of they felt the absence of role women who must staJ" home to sessi()Os Ule committee o~----sruaenfs marriage, career, or both. m~ls-people whom they could raise small children_often lag in _ The panel was composed of five set as their standard and try to their fields. Solutions included >~ professional women and two emulat~. Dr. Bowlesby said that working part.time while children students, including: Dr. Gertrude ~of~sslonally, as a wo~an she were young, going back full-time CDllegeM:ister Gross, a psychiatrist who has didn t get the counseling she when they went to school getting Acceptance of this gift in no way worked for among other needed. Dr. Cobb remarked, "I household help from hubby, and obligates me to Fidelity Union Life. organizations, Bellevue Hospi._,-
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