Page 137 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 137
Volume V, Number 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE Friday, April 29, 1977 Administration Imposes '95/hr Overload Charge . Nancy Menefee Western Maryland College has semester tstudent teaching) within that there will be a $95 Non-violence announced for every overload credit this framework." charge He also said that he discussed with the upcoming Stressed by hour, starting This-pellcy was first this problem with the head of the He was fall semester. Music Department. told to im- 'Peace Pilgrim announced at the Monday evening that it "would be possible without plement FAC meeting program and then publicized this campus wide in the 1977-78 Course imposing real hardships on the John Springer Instruction Book1et. The major, students." However, SVimshaw The Peace Pilgrim -, a gray-- function of the overload charge is obtained a copy of a proposed haired woman woo has walked to encourage students to adhere to . schedule of courses for Music over 25,000 miles for peace since the 4-1-5 program now in effect. Education majors, prepared by the 1953 spoke in several WMC This program consists of a student department. This schedule clearly classes this week. On her 6th cross- taking four courses in the fall, one indicates that students must take a , country pilgrimage, she is on her during Jan term, and five in the total of 5 hours overload. This 5th visit to WMC. spring. works out to $475 extra for Music In Dean Zepp's Christian ethics Dean McCormick stated, "The Education majors. This is a class on Tuesday she stressed the purpose is to provide a real im- syllabus' with the minimum primacy of spiritual over material pediment to students taking required courses for Music Ed values - nonviolence over violence, overloads." The charge is not . continued on page 2 and other-centered over self- f~ Statement centered living. Long ago she gave Peace Pilgrim visits WMC. 'rwentv-uve thousand miles and still going ~~en~~~e~~, p~~~~e ~~:~-:~ up her family name in order that ,~~!~.:.~e:Sapor~ Backs attention might focus on her cause ;:::n:llier-eenteredness. Concern believes, for exall!P!e, that those ~~~~~~~ea~~J:5 rather than her self. for all of life for the whole is ho th th eedk operating under a 5-1-5system, and . Her pilgrimage is, "a gentle contradictor;, she say$, - to ~i~w~::~~ir ~eal~: wr~:~~:f:~~f~e:n: ~a~~~t~:~-~ Increase ~ i~ a journey ... (pointing to the truth by) prayer and example." In such a ~~~~~~e~Ys~v:;~~n a~~~:~ ~~g~;. ~~ :~~r -m~~da s~a:~; 1-5, I'm willing to do it. But that's - I think it's one of the best things journey there "is no kind of may be found. _ millionaire," she says. not the program we claim to the administration could have violence involved" and is to en- The pilgrim described several A third level of consciousness ha~~~' of the problems with ~~~~!i~Sa~i:!:,~~a!~~~rpI~~ courage the world to "overcome evil with good, falsehood with ~~:~tiar ~~~it:~ ;rr::~o ~~ ~,:!:=:~~c~e: !i~h~~hal~' ~~~~ overload charges is the amount of The most crucial ingredient of a truth, and hatred with love." There I B d th fi t I I f money that students with dual good college education is leisure. is nothing new in those -words, ::n~:;n ;;.~ fo~ s~~f ~:~icoh ~:~i:~~~s~n~~:,I:~~ majors will have to pay. Dean To ~et the most from liberal Peace Pilgrim says, "except the ch~racte~izes our mater-ialist way she decribed it. At this stage in McCormick added that these learning, a student must have practice. " society) IS the .seccnd level of sp.rituaJ growth working for "the students are making greater ample time to ref1~t at pis or her An important theme of her talk vacillation between concer.n ~or good of the whole" is the highest demands on the institution and own rate on tbe eubject meuer end replacing self-centeredness others and for self. Peace Pilgrim continued on page 4 they ought to expect to pa'y for met~d of ~e intellectuals he or " these damands. He quoted an she IS meeting from semester ~ $8QO,O~~ Gift Pays Center Costs ~j;ee::~:sh~:a~h~e;dlo~:~~~ ~~~~e~n~::;~'i:~il~~.~!'li~~ Brenda Donovan Once'these projects have been probably cost at least $3 million. ~~;r!~:n:~~'i!~~',~ no such go: :t~dent needs time for in- A short time ago, Ms. Ella completed, third priority goes to a But without a doubt, ne~ resources There are problems with several tellectual play as well as for in- Frederick died and bequeathed desperately needed new will have to be tapped to finance other departments. Dean Mc- tellectual piano-moving, so we as $826,000 to WMC, without any Iieldhcuse. An architect has been that expense, since the $826,000will Cormick said that he had talked an institution should make our specific designation as to where hired to calculate the plans and have long siqce been exhausted. with the head of the Education message in this regard clear-. the money should be allocated. Ms. design,butckm'tholdyourbreath- Hopefully, WMC will continue to Department, Dr.\Bowlsby. Dean "Student, slow down long enough Frederick willed approximately actual groundwork probably won't have the good fortune in the future McCormick says, "He indicates to to refl~ct and play. It's em- _ one half of her estate to WMC and . begin until long after the present to be the beneficiary of generous me that it will be possible for barrassmg for you and us when you one hall to Lutheran Hospital in freshman class have become bequests like that made by Ms. students to complete their zip through our academic maze in Baltimore, although she was not an alumni. The new gym will Frederick. education, including the Education three year:> with scads of in- alumni of the college. Josha W. continued on page 3 ~:t~,:~;o:;::a~Oll~~~rn:~di~;May Concert Tickets to Go Fast parently it was at his recom- mendation that whe made her Meg Hoyle decision. Currently the money is Plans are beihg finalized for the the May carnival, which sounds invested in stocks, and will be used upcoming May Weekend, which like it is going to be one of the most to help finance construction costs will consist mainly of a concert, successful carnivals yet. In ad- of the new student center. carnival and dance, aU during the dition to the usual game boothes Although the Capital Campaign first weekend in May. and concession stands,'this year's Fund has received enough pledges The concert, featuring the well- carnival will include a full day of to finance the new Decker Center, known group Orleans, will "be on the performing arts. A-portable these pledges are stretched out Friday night, May 6. It will be held stage has been rented for the over three year terms and in Alumni HaJJ at 8:00 PM. Tickets "venous shows, and will be set'up in payments are not made im- have been on sale-just for students front of Big Baker Chapel. Per- mediately. But construction ex- during this week, for $4.00 apiece. formances will be given by a penses must be paid now, and the They will go on sale next week for variety of groups; a a mime $826,000 will be used to pay them. ~uests 'so well as students, Guest troupe, a puppeteer, the Free State Otherwise it might have been : tickets Will cost $5.00. Troupe during Jan. necessary to contract loans to Social Chairwoman Linda Term, and a two woman show on ~r'e/ns, nationally known rock band, will appear at WMC Friday, :~~rm~:nic:~tsbyW~i~h ~~~e~e~ ~~mJ:n U:-og~~ya~ic:e~Cs:~:t~~~ ;~zr~~~s :~:;:~~;S~;:~~gM~~ . ay 6, at 8:00 pm. Tix are $4 for students, $5 for quests. rates, and the cost of the new . before !he concert to do so as soon concert band will be playing in the ~:t~ t~ur :~t~ned~a~~e~, :!~a~ ~~;:2go outside, under the student center woulClhave spiraled as POssl~le. Offers have been made quad for a part of the day. The Art free to s~~ ~ll afternoon and enjoy The last big event of the day will even higher. Ms. Frederick's I~ outside groups to buy 1200 Department is -organizing an art the activIties. Ms. Avey has be the May Dance sponsored b generous gift helps make the tickets. How~ver, Alumni only show to be exhibited in front of the esti~ated that there will be ap- ~e FreShman-So~~more class:' financial burden a little less seats ProXlIll~tely 900 people. library. prmamately 2500-3000 peopl ... on It will be held from 9-1' in the st~yer~gilie remaining bequest fr~~ds ~;:r~~~i~~g ~:~;r~~ex!~~de~at1is c;~::t ~~sth~i~~ C~ft~~~~ ~~~, like it did last cafeteria. Tickets ar.e $5.00 a .will be spent on the next project, loa<_iand·-unload th~ four. t~ns. 'of creased number of people expected year, the carnival won't be post- couple, $6.00 at the door. The band the renovation of the interior of ~Ulpment Orleans Will be brmgmg to attend. The festivities will begin' poned. Plans have been made for i~e~a~~~f ~:: ~~~:ss~~r..~:~~ Alumni Hall, which is e_xpected to WIth the~.. at 11:00, and last until 5:00. the whole show to be moved into improved. cost approximately $1.3 million. According to Lmda Thomas, the Ma!, ~ is ilie day chosen by t!'e Lewis Hall, says Ms. Avey. The ~~ ~~::::d ~ ~:~e ~~~;%t s:~a~~o::.~tly =~~Sl~:. D=~::n~::e H;~~ ~a~~~~nO:~~~a:~:!:se~:~~ All of those involved seem to year project will begin this sum- J~~ A~ey, director of college fo_urhundredn;tembersoftheClass side. The performances would be ~~:~~h~! ~:ii:g ~a~~~eM:ir mer,.. actIVIties, ISalso the coordinator of of 1981and their parents have been . held in Decker, and the dunking . better than in years past.
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