Page 135 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 135
Friday, April 22, 1977 Scrimshaw Page 3 .~.~,~1"niorFollies to be Bn'o~ed,Not Judged I ve:i:~I~~SJ~~!:8~~~~:~t~t~I:~ T:;;~t'S~~~ ~pe::th~!Scti~i~C~~~ :'r~~~~~il~e~~~::~u~;.Okes ~;~::~~~:~l,:~~~~~!,L~~~~ ~~~i~~ :~esp~~~n:m~~~r. to its "Don't Touch That Dial or setting-the typical WMC "Folli~s" was highlighted by drooping open slightly, and Alan Zepp's arrangement and . _" Everything You Always wentedto bathroom. The highlight of this skit several individual performances. wearing a black Art T-shirt did a direction of the music was con- Know About College But Were was the reply to "how was the One of the best was Bruce Belt as great job as Art Klodstein. Mark sistently good throughout the show. Afraid To Ask" on April 14, 16 & 17 section party last night'!" "Whe the host of "The BoUom of the Randel played Harry Fu, a Although Follies is not meant to in Baker 100 Waldsteins" was a kosher version Barrel Show". Bruce's outfit was professo-r of philosophy. He had be drama, itis meant to be a spoof. The show was built around the of the Waltons. The best part of this nothing short ct-stupendous. and one of the funniest costumes. The My own criticism was that there family viewing T.V. and included skit were the ad1ibs in Sunday the speciat effects with the mock embroidery taped to the was not enough spoofing of the such all-American ctasstcs as night's performance. mustache on Sunday were a great shoulders of his shirt was great. events on campus, and the campus sermonettes, Romper Room, "Charlene's Angels" was sacrifice. His aluminum-siding Don Enterline was the hit of the itself. The choice of television as a Soaps, and News. _ • unquestionably the hit of the show. salesman personality would have final scene. He played a backbone for the script was. goodk, One of the best of these was "The Ata small college, Dr. John Ralph, won the approval of Monty Hall. magnificent bad guy. He had a but it was not applied directly Bottom of the Barrel Show," a the president had been kidnapped Sally Keck, who presented the good swagger, and his line "there enough to life at ¥{MC. funny parody of game stews that Three top .Pinkerton men were typical female co-host, aided' isn't anybody ~y size" was con- ~ollies was attacked by some as even included the Classic line called in to investigate the case.. It Bruce in making game shows seem vincing. Dave DIetrich did well in being slightly crude (well, ther e "Come on Down!" The song, was made tricky by the fact that perfectly obnoxious Terry both his roles. He was Reuben-Boy were a few jokes ... ) and' a certa .. 1 "You'll Know You've Been Used" the incident occurred during Ctaudetl as Sparky Coleman, a in the Waldsteins, studying to be.a lack of dramatic quality, bv (sung to the tune of "It':; All For convocation while everyone was guest was, great, and his facial dermatologist at ZIT. J:Ie also did a Follies should be appreciated for The Best") was brillant. asleep. The conclusion was a great expressions when ~e was inside the passable John Wayne impression :-hat it is. It is not a show to bt:: He OrIJr)! barrel ~ere terrific. the old man in in the last skit I Judged: it is a show to be enjoyed. wogsland, Will Holmes and the whole crew Jim Tom "Chain Saw" Maskell and the Free at -Lastl Romper Room was good, and he a in the Whippo commerical keep were class of 1978 are to be applauded, own Follies in its' had was fun, and the baggiest that pants funny. How Will could Lally ear-to-ear imaginable. Lloyd grin on his face while his way, it was a success. had I thank' you for your Green Stamp munchkin voice that was the best of the show. vocal 'performance As a reporter for a small, un- contributions: 1 can only imagine Suzy and Joey ,were definitely r~;;;;~..~~:;:..~,:;;I:·_·~~:~·.._ derground. local, bi-monthly the joy on the faces of my friends in George Metz and Sandy Evans as newsletter, I am often fortunate government when those stamp the enough to be a prominent figure in books began pouring in. I'd also epitomy of a WMC couple. the national limelight. A few weeks like to thank the thousands of Greg Banks, Phil Watson, and Best Discounts of Beer, tiquer \ ago, I, as the nation knows well, people, especially women and Terry Claudell gave marvelous _ and Wines in CanJIl County! - was kidnapped by the notorious children, who volunteered their performances in their role as national organization known as the services as full time Stamp- Pinkerton men. They were ludicrous, stupid, and highly en- Cox's Barrel House Cox's Bottle Shop ~~~~~l~~' a~~~~~ ~:;;e~:;~;~~ ~i~~~~gh~~!~~rt~~~~~~~~~~~n:,~ tertaining. One of the best actors 24<:5 B~t"mo,e Blvd 2B24 L ttlestownPk" received a great deal .of response tounges working together to lick was Jerry Lynch He played F n~.blJr9 Md 21048 E Brent Carlisle We"monHer Md 21t57 .Irom you. I cannot begin to tell you this thing for me Disco Dean Mulberry, a shady 861 8787 8332078 Manager 346-7311 just how it fe~t to read your warm But most of all." I'd like to thank character with a pompadour, sun- ...........•......... : letters to Time and Newsweek the United States Government for glasses, and a walk that was part magazines; in all sinceri!y, I was supporting me during this entire ~----------~--------------~' deeply touched. I only Wish there tragedy. _ was some way I each But, Dear Readers, the truly Rental season now opening!! and everyone of yo~ individually. glorious thing about this whole Your overwhelming response adventure is. I was released tents beg~n to m~ve my captors. to without ransom being 'paid! It reahzetheserJO~nessofthecrlffie seems that our United States has stoves they had committed.; they grew its own answer to England's 007 very cdgy and tense m these final They sent super-deceiver, super- backpacks days, and began to quarrel ncgouator; and super-lover, Hem-y amongst One of them, Kissenger in after me! sleeping bags a small mustantoed gentleman I don't know what he said to they addressed as "Musk':' ac- those ruthless varmints to make tually lost head a. few l!m~s: them let me go, but it sure worked. ,."v."~S>O"""'.c..,,., 876,67M848:>939 Low weekend rates of solid, and gUtI.t, Within overcome WIth paranoia _ he would hop about the noo~on ?IS negotiating ~2 hrs. my captives non-slop willing:ly haunches, continual~y crokmg Itke let me go'. Mr. Kissinger has Plain & Fancy a frog. Ir~gar~d thIS as some s.ort always had a way with people Free Bicycle Camping Seminar of a reactIOn to the hearsargol~g though, hasn't he? Donuts on amongst the men. A !ittle goss~p If any of my' readers have any ca.n be a dangerou~ thmg, and to questions pertaining to my time in Wednesday, April 27th 7:00 pm at the store thIS case, actually turned a man captivity, write to He Ornry. in 140 Village mlo a Frog. . care of this paper !Box 3A) and I'n At a~y rate. there was a great answer as best I call. Hf'JURS monll-5 to b1: me, its great ~~~:r~~~:t r~~~~e:p~~~asre:d Ms r:;:;::;.-.....,=---- ...... only 5 minult'$' away lue•. wed, Inu",IO-5 t~~ ba.~~? believe release roll'. Manson and Open 24 Houn a Day fro. 10-9 sa19-~ Hearst. but were having a great The .. ~~06~Z~c~~~~;~S~eg~~~J~'~ Very Feminine the SLA. Onc~ again, kind Readers Question of SUN &. EARN CREDITS THIS SUMMER Life Insurance JUNE 6·AUGUST 12. 1977 1.i'nI,....,i'..""'"d'""",""',,d TAKE HOME MORE THAN A TAN ,"'I.fur~c.~.i".lfodh,,'iu."I'i"' "'.m"i"~.j),·',·,'.pi"~~n"""., FROM OCEAN CITY. MARYLAND i""d'''''''."d,~' ..,·''' ..."'iO' ,,,,01,, ~~:u~:~~~:;~~',~,~,:\f;"n~:~"~:7:~i~'~ SALISBURY STATE COLLEGES .~-';;~\i~~~.~;:~":.~h,:~~c",d':~;,~:/ u" ANNOUNCES ITS 3,d SUMMER SESSION ~:~"i:,":;:.~:~~:h,,~iIln'....;"'" ,,{,.....",,~ IN OCEAN CITY. MARYLAND COURSES Summer Session 1 Fundamentals in Painting (Art 246) TWR 9:00-12:45 p.m. .Q[ocuep'!l ~abern Sociology of Leisure (Sociology 300) _M-F ~ 9:30-11 :00 a.m. Summer Session II Folklore and Folklife (English 213) M-F 9:30-11 :00 a.m o~ FidclilJ' Faculty: All courses are taught by regular .full time SSC faculty Ulliollt'ife Place: Atrantic Methodist Church, 4th & Balto. Ave. Ocean City, Md 216 E. Main St. plus a'one.time $25/credit Westminster, Md. 21157 Ac~eptance of this gift in no way • Cos~ Il301/S4~261, hours, ext. 306 or write S 10,QOregistration fee, obligates me to Fidelity Union Life. ofContilluing Call: Office Name Salisbury, 848-4202 Addres~ Education, Salisbury State College, information. Maryland, 21,801 for materials registration and/ol:otber a", State.___Zip ___ _ NOTE: These courses are part of the regular curriculum al SSC Telephone'-:..,-.,.- Employer or S<.:hool.__ Lee-Cambas Date of Birt • Enrolled students at other colleges and universities should I'd like th~: check in advance with their academic deans/advisors 10 insure Perfume Road Atlas Wallet transferability.
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