Page 133 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 133
Volume v, Number 9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE Friday, April 22, 1977 Deaf Olympics Drug BiJsts on WMe Pohl's Goal Karen Pilson us Stir Comment , It is a little known fact on this .--, ;;";·";-";0 on two rooms in State's Attorney. They entered the campus that Therese Pohl, a graduate student in Deaf Rouzer last Thursday rooms with a search warrant in the Education, will be competing this two arrests on charges of afternoon and made the arr~ts at summer in the 1977 Deaf Olympics alleged possession of narcotic that time. The students were later visit surprise The to take place in Bucharest, materials. about a discovery of a set released their recognizance. brought Romania. Fourty-four nations now of plants that were suspected to be participate in the games, which marijuana. In addition to the two date back to 1924 in Paris. Since arrests made already, Dean of When questioned whether there theri, they have been held every would be any administrative action four years. Student Affairs he's Wray "sure Mowbray that taken on the matter Mowbray that asserted The Bucharest Olypmpics this they're gonna make at least one responded, "Certainly, if there was year will not be Therese's first more raid." This statement was any violation of college experience in this unique com- regulations." Upon being asked • petition. Four years ago, she made in an interview with what the action would be participated in the Deaf Olympics Mowbray this past Tuesday. specifically he declined comment held in Malmo, Sweden. An unidentified fraternity pledge rushes ahead into the The raiding force consisted of the by stating, "That's between me and the students," Although suffering rrom a pulled blackness of the night. Is this what initiations are all ab- Carroll County Chief of Police, two This has been the third time that muscle, she was ranked fourth in out? the semi-finals. This year, she will police officers and tne Assistant the police have entered the con- . races run in the 400 and 800 meter Therese Adm.·n.·stration Decries Fra,ternity Rites fines of the WMC campus this year and the 1600 meter relay. on drug-reteted.matteraOne ume a search of the Penn- was made holds a Bachelor of Science degree Jeff Robinson - ..; sylvania House with, no resulting from Galludet College in Physical Education. Currently she is The discovery of a box of in- ac~~!~r ~:. f~~~~r ::~~ni:!at~~: :r~~~u~~ ~~~ i:;;~~~~ u;:~ ~n~ ~~a~~~~ili~~~o~heR~~~~d ~t~ur~!~ working with coach Rick Car- testines from an unknown animal possibility in the future. He rights of others. In such cases he student arrests made as a result. penter here, on Monday, Wed- has caused the clubroom of the estimated that a crackdown might foresaw disciplinary action as Dean Mowbray went on to ex- nesday and Fridays. On other days, she receives a schedule and ~~~~:~ a~n~st~~~~~iZrn!~ th~ be necessary if violence were to be being in order _,_ plain his position on ttie problem of works out on her own. She feels past w~k. Found by mainten~nce Another C. Carroll Feature ~~~i~~e~n ~~1~i~;sH:::ii~~;'~~ that her practices with the coach men a~slgned to A and B sections Publicity Office • impact of the working people in the rules, it's against the law, and I have been beneficial. of Daniel McLea Hall, the <:ontents "The World of the Common Folk Revolution and on the making of won't condone it. The college's The 1977 Deaf Olympics will take ~f.the?oxw7~eal!eg:?Iy.parto~an in Revolutionary Maryland," will our Constitution respect for privacy does not place this July from the 17th to the mttaucn . hazing involving be discussed by Dr. Ronald Hoff- "This lecture is free and open to condone the violation of the law" zstn. Therese tried out for them in pledges ~come members man at Western Maryland College the public and partially funded by In regar?s to the college. policy Apnil, 1976 after being ill for of the fratermty. at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, April 28 in People Projects program of the on administrative searching of several months. She considers , Decker Lecture Hall. Maryland Committee for the rooms, he said, "I could start herself to be extremely lucky to The. matter waslbrou~~ to ~e This lecture, part of a month- Hum.anties and Public Policy, an searching rooms, but I don't feel have suceeded in the preliminaries attention of hco~l~ge Prest e~t . r , long program centered around the affiliate of the National En- that is the answer. That doesn't after only working out lightly. On Ralph C. Jo n y a repr.esen auve historical figure of Charles Carroll. dowment for the Humanities. For mean that I wouldn't sear~h a June 20, Therese will quit training in Washington and fly to the official ~ep!~~me~::~~~lo:~li~~~naa~~~ ;;;ilJt~:p~:t~~en~~:~~:::iv:n~or~~~ :~~~Si~n~o;;ation, call 848-7000, ~=ti~h;~erCeOIl~:~e r~g~~~~:~~ training camp in North Carolina th~ ~Ituab.on. Employe~ In the were being broken." He expanded where she will meet the other building did not feel thatIt--.w'!s SGA CI H on or B oar d ~ on that hy saying this has hap- _ ass, 'athletes their responsibility to cI.ean up I penedin1hepastwilhappropriate Various attempts have been remains and express~ their views disciplinary action accompanying ec Ion made to raise money in order to as such. Upon checking out the EI t· R esu It certain discoveries send Therese to Rumania this matter, persona!ly. Dr. ~ohn 5 Mowbray's personal Feelings on summer. $2,500.00 is needed to closed the clubroom to marijuana is somewhat different finance transportation, clothes, until further administrative notice SGA from his stand on its usage at tnc equipment, and the training camp is given President--Paul Fulton present time. He stated, '"1 per. experience. There has been a bake Dean C. Wray Mowbray said that Vice President ..Chris Holmes sonally would support the sale, sidewalk sale, and a the situation left the area in an Corresponding Secretary--Denise Giangola decriminalization of m,lrijuana television advertisment. Theresf:, unhealthy and unacceptable Recording Secretary--Barbara Cole That, however. doesn·t change m) her roommate-manager Vicki Hall condition. At the same time Treasurer .. Tim Shank attitude toward what is the law and others in the Deaf Education Mowbray denied a rumor that the now" department are relying primarily Preachers had killed a calf or other CLASS OF ·78 upon individual private con, animal to obtain the organs. Women- Two tributions as a means of support. President--George Metz Help is needed. They now have Dr. John brought out the point Vice President--Dawn Reedv Lives to Live? only $240.00. If interested in that this isn't the first incident of Secretary .. Georgeanne Morekas assisting her, please contact the questionable initiation activities in Treasurer--Mike Cottingham The Women's Study
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