Page 143 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 143
Scrimshaw Soviet Outlooll on Huiles Faculty Wants Impact Perhaps the most expedient way not been innocent of unfriendly sides. An examination of the to understand the arms race is to intentions either. Since the com- nuclear stockpiles of each nation 2) That when a department seeks As to the real effect-of the action, study the issue from the Soviet munist takeover in 1918, the United can only lead one to conclude that a new position or seeks to fill an the outlook is simple. Sapora went Union's point of view. A recent States has promoted many anti- nuclear war is a definite existing position that has become on to elaborate, "The recom- article in The Washington Post communism activities. The Soviets possibility. The growing numbers open, the department involved mendation from the committee is (Feb. 25, 19n) did just that. The can only conclude that they cannot of nuclear weapons only augments must inform the Undergraduate just that-a recommendation. We Soviet Union is looking at the trust th,!l United Stales just as the chance of an accident oc- Academic Policy and Curriculum can't require the president to United States with the same many Americans have concluded curring which might precipitate a Committee so that the committee follow them because he has the suspicions with which the United that they cannot trust the Soviet nuclear war. By looking at the can study I the matter and ultimate responsibility according States is looking at the Soviet Union. nwnbers, one can see that dtsar- recommend to the administration to the charter. What it does do is Union. They see increased defense As one examines the issues on manent is possible. If life on earth suclt allocation of the position as enhance the possibi1ity that the spending and building. The Soviets both sides, it becomes apparent is to survive, disarmanent is the best furthers the stated curricular entire college community can feel that they must build to remain that neither nation is innocent in only answer and this ca.n only be objectives of the College~ govern itself by consensus." at the same level. The increased the proliferation of nuclear arms accomplished through mutual The first motion of the tandem, spending in civil defense is un- A lack of trust is evident on both trust. Poem oj the Week Dr. Sa'pora explained that the :~~t!r~~~~~~~~:'o~!~ :~~~da~~e:hr:st~:a{~~~e: ~\"""'-----------------. second provision allowed the mainly concerned with the effort primitive nuclear threat from =~~~~oO~f~~ian~w bepo~~~:d~: ~;ngp~o~~i,::;ni~~eih:ftii:'y ;:~yP~~,r:i~t~:f~~:~~e~~ doesn't really exist. Nor yours. MY MARYLAND said, "Never before has there been department seeking to fiII a fective against the forces of a an explicit statement giving an position must make sufficient nuclear war. Another theory states As David Brinkley once observed, elected standing committee of attempts to find qualified that increased civil defense the panhandle is properly part of faculty (which is directly minorities and women, before the spending is used as a 'mechanism West Virginia: the "Eastern Shore's"-a corner of responsible to the faculty) the Faculty Advisory Committee and to mobilize the population. In other darkest Carolina; the "northern tier" responsibility for studying the the Comml!tee_ for Affirmative words, it will instill a certain de- is Pennsylvania Dutch, choking eye-deep in scrapple allocation of faculty positions." He Action will approve filling the-slot gree of fear lrito them and cause and shoe fly pie; "Bait-Wash" remains, ~ feels that the study will exemplify with a white male. If insufficient them to sur-port the goverrunent merely a New York-Richmond "corridor." a very effective political process effort is found to be the case then One must realize that although But I'm happy to be stateless. ~n~~c~~in~~ d~:'~tW~s~~~: -r~~u!~~t~~t f~~ :: !.l~e t: the Soviet's attitude towards the I can look around 'and see what isn't. 'faculty consensus. ~tronger search. ~::~~~e~~~~~~e:'~~~e~n~~! Snow here slides off tin roofs like pffft Review -tnto the purest nothingness; sea beneath creeks leak to an underground Profanit~ Undoes Talent Theater Havre de Grace, really do say nothing; known only to the residents; here politicians and we are just an inexplicable we. Bill Jenkins _ with a grace that immediately be. As 1 watched the seduction This past weekend, the Dramatic caught my eye. As for the script, I scene come to a close, culminating Art Department put on two one-act would have been more pleased if it in "success," I wondered how two Maryland is like poems, too, and like America. plays directed by Christian Witt- had never been written. Excessive friends could perform this, let Where it joins with the rest of the world. wer. The White Whore and the Bit vulgarity was its undoing. Shining alone rehearse it. I couldn't bear to New Jersey, say, you can always tell Player, and The Beard were what through the alliteration and dialog look on as people that 1 knew - the difference: barns change color, one may call new forms in ex- were epithets that were I?urely they could not be seen as the birds fly ass-backwards and upside down perimental theater. We were objectionable, though deliverred in characters, - exploited them fetus-like, you curl around a river, warned on the posters, that were such a way as to make the selves simply for the sake of what a capitol in your mouth-Somehow, placed in strategic locations baseness seem funny. All in all, I some would call art. There is a you can't quite get it down. Or up. around campus, that the language was pleased with the talents time and a place for everything and actions in the plays may not displayed, but the script ruined two This was neither thet time nor the 'you must be the great anti-interstate system _ have been suitable for sensitive fine performances. I'm sorry to place for two people to become we've all been waiting for: Northless, audiences. I can assure all that say. 'involved in this manner. It did not Southless, East but frontier, moody and didn't go that this was defiriltely The Beard, the second show on please the audience, it couldn't most shapeless of all the fifty sisters, squeezed, the case. In addition to extreme the bill, made The White Whore have pleased the performers. I can poked, and pregnant, filthy hair desheveled, profanity and strong language, and the Bit Player sound like now see how so many actors can be your fancy dress spoiled by much fast stepping. therewasa very disturbing closing child's play. Bobby Smith and having so many problems with If Itweak your tail will you bite D.C. scene in the latter play during Sandy McKenzie put in slightly less their lives, doing this type of. show ( and cause commotion in the seats of po~r? which everyone held their breath Satisfactory performances than repeatedly can kill you. to see- just what was going to the previous play. I suspect that '
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