Page 140 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 140
Page 4 , - Scrimshaw Friday, April 29, 1977 c,Sp~.!.~~..spring ..l Peace PiI9rim.~ : continued from page 1 ~.. c Seldel Stars value When years ago the Peace her I'll sleep at mght, but I'm a very Cologne, New aerseycana began she Peace Pilgrim I'm not poor [even secure ptlgrunage24 person L acrosse I' K' eeps W··· Pilgrim those three levels and has The Peace Pilgrim _ I'm riCh' Her vow is, until "I shall remain ~as a had passed I though already penniless) also spoke ~ through wanderer mankind Dr. Hartman's of, level and Dr. H?lthaus' steady .. Wlt~ll am given shelte~,and growth in peace fasting \ Inning since been on a fourth and bar- : classes. On Friday mor~g she le~ned the. way of peace, wa~g Paul Fulton' - \ This was the fourth gene m the mony with the divine. will speak to Dr. Ashburn s 8 AM Wlhl 1 am given food. 'This past Wednesday the gamethatthesco~wastied.Doug Peace Pilgrim traces t~e' and9AMciasses in Memorial 1!J:4. ;!liottJe -~~op I ~:':':fte~~h::!:nmol~~;ii,,: ::!'o:d;:r,";'~~:~:~:f~::~~;:'a~e~~::ns':"'':,;Y'a~UC:ve'':.ti:~::::~~t\':~~~p~ Manageria lOpen ing strong Widener team (~l), WMC as they have been recent concern with material values. Religion 101 class at 9 AM. is ~~~,i:':;:;:~stf:~-;:~~c:s!':~~: came up on top of a 12-11 score games. There was tremendous American society, she believes, is Her forwardiqg address, for of th. newspaper. Th. position, which Skip .Seidel scored the winning team work also, with WMC doing a extremely lacking in spiritual anyone who wants to know more or includes potenti.1 individual fin.nci.1 goal, ending not on1y a great day very ggod job of keeping values (such as peace, respect for who 'would like to receive her rewards, m.y be .pplied for through Dr for the team but a great day for - possession of the ball. _ life, love, etc.). A valid and needed newsletter, is; Richwine through the English Dept. himself. Skip scored 3 goals and' Last Saturday the team beat avenue of research which she ' ... '*"'*"'*"'*"'*"'*"'*"'**J;;;:;;:;;;~;;;;;;;;;::;;'** .1 had 6 assists. The game went into Lebanon Valley 11-2 with Skip suggested is the area of Spiritual White Whore, Beard ;,g~:ri:~~~~~~/~~;~~::~v~:~~iJ~=;n::O~e~r~~~ ;Mouse overtime with the score tied at 11. Seidel leading all scorers once searching and quest. She also ~arrd games. The next game IS against Congress, which would 'allow Open Friday Night ~!~~~:tt2~~:.epl~~e~~t;ed:~ :~P::::yt~o~ti~ul=~~h~~ t~:ir Best Discounts of Bee'r, Liquor ~--Carlton Harris effort to get out to Hoffa field to military. _I and Wines in Can~1I County! Two one act plays, The White support the team. In -contrest with "our whole Cox's Barrel, House Cox's Bottle Shop Whore and the Bit Player by Tom society's" insecurity, Peace Eyen and The Beard by Michael i am looking for an apart- Pilgrim described her own deeply 2445 Baltimore Blvd 2B24 L,ttleno ....nP,ke McClure will open Friday night, ment or room to rent or sub. rooted sense of security by saying, Finksburg. Md. 21048 E. Brent Carlisle,nste, Md 21157 April 29, ata: 15p.m. in Understage lease for the months of June, "I walk until I'm given a place to 861-8787 833-2078 Man~r 146-7311 at Alumni Hall. There will be July and August in Westmin- stay at night. I fast until I'm given - additional performances on the ster. any infonnation call food ... I don't Jways know where evenings of April 30 (Saturday) David Range. at 848-9808 or and May 1 (Sunday). , campus extensi~n 209. ~ Central to both plays' is the ?~cd evocative image of the blonde p;),. &'-'Fancy' '~ Holl}'YI9Od sex goddess. In The -lain. / . White Whore and the Bit Player, she is presented as a washed up RECeRD blonde confronting her life and Donuts SYMBOLS OF LOVE suicidal deal!' ina sanitorium; the " ~ GALLERY ~::he~~~:~a;S~a:~~e~~:~~; 140ViUagI death. The White Whore is played by Sandy-MacKenzie, and the N~, I Oo-.n' Aooo,.,..... T_, ~e;y~~h~~~~:Cc~~:~:~t, IS onty 6 minuta ~ &/"U<"':PO'Z'i ..~';',",n. The Beard brings Jean Harlow. Open 24 Houn. DIy I ;=,::~~=,~ , :~~i;~I~y~ebk~~~o~c~:i~hei ~,.,~~,.,~~~",: .':o.:ir::-.::~.n~~:~..8::.:~.~~ ...; face to face in eternity, where the mythologies of stardom, legendary Western Maryland College Department of Dramatic Art fame and divinity are explored presents through their erotic-violent con- TWO ONE ACT PLA YS frontation. The Beard The White Whore and the Bit : by Tom EYen Player and The Beard are pre- : The Whore and the Bit Player sented by the Department of : by Michael McClure Dramatic Act, and are directed : April 29 and 30; May 1 ar 8: 15 pm a~dd~si~ed by Christian Wi.ttwer, ; Undersra.Q(!,Alumni Hall WI~ h~t~;r b~:ru~~~~~~. are :Tickets available in Bookstore f~r Two Dollars: seating limited : aV~~~:ble in the &!ksto~e for two ;Because of the ~anguageand actIon of !hf( plays they are recommended: dollars: because seating is limited '1OE.Il7atIJf(!.~/J(jlfl.f/Cf1$. ••••••••• _. _ ••••••••• __ •••• __ _ , you should buy early. Because of A Keepsake diamond ring " the language and action of the plays, they are recommended for reflects your love in its mature audiences. - beauty and brilliance. \ The Keepsake Guarantee assures a perfect diamond of fine white color College Students: and preCise cut. 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