Page 132 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 132
Page 8. SCRIMSHAW Friday, April 15, 1917 Sumptuous Music Recital Strike Resolved by Dawn Bennett Those who found themselves in discovery of sounds, the feeling by All in all, the recital was not only the Recital Hall Qf Levine on the poet that the sounds dominated an enjoyable experience but an Bill Todd Friday, March 18, experienced a and controlled her, and finally the educational one. Even those who Last Thursday, April 7, the upper echelons of management very unusual musical feast, when ~ acceptance of these sounds by fhe went in with "closed ears" towards SCRIMSHAW's headline writers and not shared with the common James Ostryniec, assistant poet. Ms. Becker used many contemporary music came out at went on a one-day strike, workers. Leaders of the strike, principal oboist with the Baltimore unusual voice Inflections to present least tolerating and even liking the protesting long working hours, low P~u,1 (Muskratl. Hewett and Symphony, presented an oboe these ideas. new music. wages, and benefits enjoyed by the William Todd, said their specific Doc:u~et~~!~~n:~~n fM:1o~~I I;~~t:~:r :!rl~~e:~~th~=~~ recital. r---------------:::=----~;;=;;;;;:;;;;;:;:;::=_--:-·___, complaints were that headline Oboe and Piano," for an appetizer. that continued performance of This was a very 'pleasant classical Th their duties would severely restrict work. The main course of the meal e their opportunities for cultural began with "Four Pieces for Oboe enrichment (i.e. attending the and Piano" by Ernst Krenek. -Mr. Orioles's opening game). Ostryniec warned us to expect some unusual sounds, such as two When questioned about the notes being played at the same strike, Scrimshaw Managing time. (This procedure is quite Editor Jon J. Robinson replied, unusual for an oboe, I still haven't "Can't do nuttin' about it. Editor determined how he did it!) "Piri ain't gonna be here for two-tree for Oboe 8010"- by Isang Yun weeks. Buzz off." Co-strike leader " followed. This was even more Todd said he personally didn't unusual and disconcerting to the "like the idea of a strike, but what unprepered ear. It seemed to be an else could the workers do to gain arrangement of sounds merely for the attention of an unresponsive sound's sake. MY FAVORITE MOWBRAY'? management?" This does not seem After a brief intermission Mr It must be the weather. Or Frock's. FROG will gladly to be a common work slowdown, Ostryniec assisted by 'John maybe the FROG was tabulate your wishes. Send them to but instead a sincere effort to Soroka, pe~cUSSionist, and Rheda ~~~Cin~ting because of the food _ORGY ON THE SEVENTH the address mentioned above. And remedy what the strikers saw as Becker, narrator, gave us a . as orced to eat. H~ looked GREEN! to you who vote no, may the Fleas of unconscionable working con- preview of the premiere per- over to where D~an Mowbray was Rumor is spreading on the •00 camels infest your armpits ditions . formance of Robert Hall Lewis' seated, and notlced. a new set?f proposal of a mass sleep-in back (original version unprintable). Robinson has said that the "Conbinazione III", which will be appendages growmg from his campus by the senior class. FOURTH FLOOR ROUZER Editor-in-Chief's absence he would pres~ted in Carnegie ~a~l March ~:!n!~~!?e~e:: ~e~:w ~eta?J Imagine the sight of 300 bodies on (AGAIN) temporarily meet the workers 26. This work was not originally on hi' t bin '1 do ? 0 .. the golf course to the first tour- FROG wonders what is wrong demands of immediate wage the program for the recital here, so ~1':ucaCt gd e ; e~s .. r,I~lt some through. Imagine the sur- with the residents of that building. payments and one day off a month. !p;~s an especially appreciated ~pla:SSo:Wi~suits~t ~l!: rh~~ ~is~ Of:~ first se:;iO~ ~o~~ ~n First they bring us "Milwaukeee He felt this was necessary because Premium." Now they find a beer the headline writers also layout Th~ third performer, Ms. ~cause we noticed ~~eteria help m:nt~:n ~ea ~~rro~ . of 0 th~ that is made with the same pure the paper and a continued strike Becker, narrated a poem by Jean With t~e. same arnlc.bon, FROG Pinkertons as they try to remove artesian. well water, Another would have meant that n6 paper Rubin. This concerned the hopes It IS not contagious. 300 people from back campus winner from Hammonton, N.J. Try would_ be printed this week. because they don't belong there it. It is called "Old Bohemian (the gate is closed, don't you Bock." His dark, heavy, and sits in Plain & Fancy know?) All those in favor write to: your stomach. You know what they _m ACROSS ';~:~ :~~!~~~e THE FROG, SCRIMSHAW, . BOX say about New Jersey; there is no Donuts 3A, CAMPUS MAIL. for taste. AG, the sweet accounting 5·i~:~:;o~opI ~nd..._m.n' ,~~=n:ed Remember freshman year class Wootton's ~~~=~ 8Stll'o"..;;....'00 44FI""lcoll.1 SERVICE =" 24 ....nlll"" JO·_Khon 45Sullix"um<>r Best Discounts of Beer, Liquor :l5Coun,orfoi. 31 Or~nk.,d ~;:~;:'cl>'ld SPECIALIZING IN VOL VO'S 21Conlf""',on ~:.~:::;'YPI."" and Wines in CanJIl County! 28Auig .. 3OStupHlpe .. "n 35 ~':IE"III'nd .~~ Cox's Barrel House Cox's Bottle Shop ~~:e:~m."1 c..., ~ 848-6393 24<:58altimoreBlvd 282d L lIieotownP,ke 38:,:';..."'::n~=:nt 36L"mpol.""h Cars d9lj~erl'd open 8 a,m. to 5 p.m. Fink5burg, Md. 21048 E. Brent Carlisle Wes,m,n.ter Md 21157 39 Hor.. ·.""'. hrl-++-f\".,_H-+ a.t-H ',0WashinliltonRd.,rea, ~ 861·8787 833-2078 Miln~r 346-7311 W~tminuer, Md. ~ ~~,5~a~R;'.~nl ;••***************~**~****************: 43CI",hing .bo,;gi ... 1 48;u~~:,"'··i •• Late night specian! 8:oopm·fT:OOpm 50-··-.nd ndy we serve ... 51 Bas_I m 52E.plosi •• FREE 53 Mo"hol Dill" .. Coke!! BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER 2H"ckey".r U6-oz. size) -" !~:~i;:;::~~· with this coupon when you purchase ~M=- any sandwich Free _. ,i\. (UmitonecoupOnper pUrchase) Pita Dry·Tu.., . Wet;ln.ldlv Day Din_ Coupon REC.RDI ~Itti WI11IIN WALKING DISTANCE This free coupon GALLERY) is good for Westmimter Opn 6-a.m...daiy n.cept Sundays-' 1I.m. exactly '"d one free coupon Oi"""n' A""",,,, .... To ... Reinentown only NEWLY REMODELED Route 140 pm--l1:oo pm Sunday Absolutely no refunds :.::::::~::::::~ ~alid 8:00 Thursday e"piras·412tn7 Westminster hroUgh oreKchiingeson thiso"8f O,_""oc .. d. .... ,_!' EXPANDED SEATING 848-11110 CourteiY of SCRIMSHAW ••av;".g",,,,,,"~C ..''',
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