Page 123 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 123
Scrimshaw- :~~':~tasmit.~~'!r t: that Is. If he Isn' your speed, you Dear School, Forlines, but not in Iront of _~;I::~::r~~i~~~~g~u::~C~j~g a ~~~~~~t~ej:~~nn~:sb!;il ~';;rjv~~: ~I:~st~nad I think I've had enough mud on For-lines? Are we independents in vigorous game of ping 'pong In the late. Our bunny maker has been f t d (or Gpci) Is running. We my shoes and pants in the last few Rouzer just forgotton? Maybe Dr. Gazebo, one. can avert a kidnapped and Is painting eggs for s~;errthem all 1000 per cent in months- to warrantwriting a letter John and Deans Mowbray and hangoveT ...Word has it that there h:r release. -the future SGA elections, and send -e to Scrimshaw, so this is what I'm Laidlaw o/l0uld try walking in the Is now available a beer more Time and Place them all frog tongues as campaign doing, for what it's worth. (Little mud every time it rains. It does caustic than ev~r the inlamous _ What was It fhat three ot our pins. Good luck. D.Z., LT. and 01' me still had to 'carry a very wonders for your shoes, especially heavy suitcase four flights of stairs if you're in a .hurry. ~~;'~;~"~~ ~~dc:!I:: c~~!l::~~el~' ~::e~i~~~~nfr~~d~~;r!~U~~k ~:~ ;P::_:.F:.:_. ---, thanks to an elevator that is only to is bad! Right, fourth floor Pinkerton that stopped them. on. be used by janitors, when I While I'm on the subject, I have Rouzer? .. Dawson, bylheway, has they stlll have it. returned -rrom Spr-ing Break.) another ,question to bring up. gone out of business, so save those Passing Quotes When are the- construction Walking back from the infirmary bottles ... Stay with us for later taste What is this, a ccmmerctar. ..You workers, or the administratinn, or. Monday, I thought the best route comparisons can tune a mandolin, but you can't whoever's in charge, gonna get a back to my room would be to follow Furry Things and Rings tuna flsh ... There is sex after few brains in their heads (or Uie stone path adjacent to the yard marrlage(! ?J. .. let's go feed the sympathy in'their hearts), and put of Dr. John's house. Most of the Frog wishes to extend congrats machine. down some stones in front of path was walkable, but some of it and that type of stuff to our newly Frogleg5 Forlines on the mud? Then, the was not becaus_e limbs from a and not so newlyweds. Nuptual Old you realize thaf you wrtl be feet of the students who pay some nearby tree were in the' way. bunnies are in order joe Dave able to vote for a man of the of the aforementioned salaries, Maybe the stones could be moved laguement and wlfee ... Jane "cloth"this semester. A Preacher, won't get muddy every time it away from the yard a few feet, or rains. W,hy: is' there gravel the tree could be trimmed a little. ClCochep's ~abern Thanx [%~~~~f~ alongside !be ex-Iaculty parkinz lot, and be:~ween Elderdice and IN THE SPRING ~ MY FRIE-NDS FLY SOUTH . Steak Lobster (Written after the annual exodus to Florida of so-many friends and strangers at WMC.) Campus wide elections will be 4) Corresponding Secretary __ The roads that winter leaves uprooted 216 E. Main St. '~~ held April 19 for SGA offices and sophomore. junior or senior status and gravel-gutted will Jerk you into braking Westminster, Md. 211,57 class offices. Anyone interested in' 5) Treasurer sophomore or soon enough. My mistrust of maps _ running for an SGA office should- junior status- and median strips leaves me behind, 848·4202 submit a letter to Loretta Thornhill watching the sparrows coax the dogwoods "at box 1263 by April 12 Candidates must have at least a into their -first pale flush of spring, ~Your host: Offices are I.J average. t:~~~~r~;flc:i~a~~~::~~t~~~~~ Class nominations will be han- with a summons from the North Lee Cambas U President -- junior or senior dled by the classes. Offices are' to pack your pockets full of sun and disneyworld, status President, Vice rPresident and head for home with eyes wide as grapefruit, 2) Vice President -- sophomore or Secretary, Treasurer. and hands sunburnt and sweating at the palms. junior status- Historian. shoes that will leave sand trails behind them Candidates must have at least a for the rest of summer Plain & Fancy post me homeward !~pho~eocr~~~~~ror O~e~;~i~~r%tatus l~~;:i~aa~~~n; arc due b A r;l 12 The melting birches with my father's aging. ===~=~===-'_-""=""""'-""'-"'''''-'''-''l''''-'4to a house swollen I. T go like a mailman plodding his route Donuts steps along a road to space his walking Nancy Menefee in pin-the-tail-on-the donkey Lost: Two wall clocks from' performancs - a ?ree subscription to without a stop. Nothing save the- 140 Villago cafeteria. Have nofbeen seen since "Hustler" fragile smell of a brittle spring you will come back has me believing 'Monday. If found please place in a Just opened: The Berlin Wall I stretch my eyes beyond these roads conspicuous spot. No questions Cafe. Relive the days of WWTI- that bend in their shallow path, as asked people without ID cards shot on the moon breathes its March-white mist Found: Large obstruction in spot - people with ID cards die center of cafeteria. I don't un- slowly. above the bones of dead and passing strangers. whispering: why does the wheel derstand. Will owner please call Drama Department Pre~nts' curve to your fingers? and expluiri? Frank Lloyd Wright Mudslide '77 The great disaster Why is this road so straight? To the Bachelors: - Are there nick showing actual scenes of the \Vhy are you gotng so fast"? really no strings anecbcd? . entire 12~OO lunch crowd being . •• *******111- . AII"
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