Page 128 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 128
Page 4 SCRIMSHAW Friday, April 15, 1917 SGA Campaign Platform Statements President b. A hired secretary {possibly on Vice President ministration, coordination through body, I see its Importance in Office, etc.), program)- Paul Fulton the school there work are many dirty- Chris Holmes the College Activities familiar with se'rving the students' needs as a co- of ordinator as well: a coordinator I am also now more Presently, Dear Students, work details, such as typing, that Rather obviously r am unop- and aware of parliamentary opinions, activities, conflicts, On Aprill9th the students of this are not delegated to any of the posed for Vice-President of the procedure. I realize the necessity solutions, and always--ACTION! campus will have the opportunity elected officers. Paying a person to SGA, but there is still something of organization and com- Optimistic action through in- to decide who will be the next of- efficiently fulfill these obligations important that I would like to say. munication on .fhe campus: creased communication and ficers of the SGA. For someĀ· would free the officials and Linda Thomas and I have been among the students and faculty as reliable information is my goal as students this will mean little. committee chairpersons to better working closely together all year well as with various branches of SGA Corresponding Secretary There will always be people going fulfill their roles. and several months ago we decided the administration. I met many Being SGA Corresponding through WMC not caring about Concerning the Honor System to run together on a ticket for people of varying opinions and Secretary is more than typing and anything, especially the SGA. But, 2. We will take a serious look at President and Vice-President of goals through this experience. This filing. The key words are, perhaps, for many it will be the chance to the functioning or non-functioning the SGA. This decision was made is invaluable, and combined with efficiency, organization and ex- - assure the continued movement of of the Honor System on this only after sitting down on several the diversity of groups in which I pediency. I have experienced the the SGA in a positive direction. I campus. {Chris has already begun occasions and talking through our participate, I believe I will aid in a time and energy that the pesitlon am asking you to support me for Ihls.) ideologies concerning the SGA better representation of the entails, as well as the satisfaction president of this organization. Concerning Student Ufe At that time our ideas in general Student Body. and accomplishment it provides. I What do 1 have to offer'? Over the 3. We give full support to the and specific concerning the future am most certain that I will serve past three years I have had the proposal drawn up by the Task seemed remarkabley similar, so I am very optimistic about some the Student Body responsibly and' opportunity to work with and ex- Force on Student Life from the we agreed to mutually support innovations created this past year, efficiently again, if re-elected. perience many aspects of WMC. Long Range Planning Committee. each other. Since then, Linda and I in which I'm glad I played a part. I have many more ideas and This past year I held the office of Their recommendations concern: have spent a tremendous amount These incl ude the Course enumerations of experience that secretary in the SGA. This has a) diversification of students and of time together planning and Evaluations, which will be a great could never all be crammed into an given me the chance to fmd out faculty, b) expansion of College organizing our campaign and asset to the eritire college com- eight-page paper-so if you've got first hand what the SGA does and Activities Office, and c) more talking about the future of the SGA. munity; the proposal of a Student questions, don't hesitate to call: how it operates. I have also been housing options. (Linda is a What I wou1d like to say to you is Directory; the importance of in- ext. 342. the Chairman of the Student member of this comrmttee.) that during these last few months creasing efficiency and success of Evaluation Committee, which has Concerning a student Diredory of working very closely with her, the Student-Faculty committees: Thank you (and I know you can't evaluated over fifty courses and 4. We plan to follow through with my faith and support of her as a the approval and selection of miss this name on the ballot!) proresscrs. This evaluation will pl
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