Page 122 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 122
Pa",2 Scrimshaw Friday. April 8, ~j9n By the summer of next year, the Decker college center will be com. pleted at a cost of over $2 million dollars. Next year, Alumni H~allis Dear Editor' loses that, it loses its raison d'erre. the sake of some statistically beIng renovated to the tune of 112 million clams. Improvements have beef! made allover campus, ranging from new trees in the quad to new "~~cr~!~: a!Othe ~~~~:~ Lif: In order to keep its excellence derived number. Intellectual excellence develops its fans in Maclea. Subcommittee saysz I would hope and improve upon it WM.C needs as diversity. 'Quotas are unjatr own to There Is one small improvement needed here at WMC that should not not. There are sufficient state many students wiU:! first class talent. Furthermore, they even- be overlooked. What we speak of Is the lack of steps leading trcm, institutions that are "microcosms" talents in all fields as it can attract tually work against those C(lrwhom Rouzer parking lot to the Garden Apartments. ' _ of our society. They are not-noted to its applicant pool. I would hope they were originally supposed to All traffic between the apartments and the quad, library, Elderdlce for their excellence. WMC surely that that pool would include a help. Hall, Gill gym, etc. must traverse this route. Any who have passed this has something to recommend that broad cross section of. young WMC can only be a great college way in snowy or rainy weather can testify 10 Us formldabillfy. is different from the state in- Americans. It will not attract these if it selects from a talented pool of The.lack of a-paved route up this hili not only Inconveniences apart. stitutions. What is it'! WMC has students in sufficient numbers if it young people- as well as f~c~ty menl dwe1lers, but also presents a real safety hazard. Many is the butt been noted for many years for its acquires a reputation of not being regardless of their race, religion, that. has bumped lts.way down from the summit. excellence as a private institution. selective in its admissions because complain of getting out of ,- One of the few disadvantages of Apartment living Is Isolation from the- Excellence is all it has to sell. If it of. the establishment of quotas for sex, or geographical location. T rest of the campus. Many Apartment.dwellers would hope that the college would in develop that kind of reputaton touch with the rest of WMC (some may not consrder this a disadvantage all of its disciplines which would at etu. A set of steps, by Increasing access to the Apartments would Dear Editor, regarded as being part of one give it a competitive position with decrease this isolation. They would tie the three unlfs closer to the rest Black may be beautiful ...but it is minority or another. To set a goal-- of the campus no better than any other minority I understand this is not a quota-of respect to a much larger pool of now When Decker center Is completed, it will become the hub of WMC. or majority. What is a minority ten percent for the black student applicants reflect than in it practice has. th.e It should Stili, apartment persons will have to climb "Mt. Rouzer.tot" to reach II • anyway? W.ho qualifies as a population tstc infer that bl~ck American ideal of .retmess. i.e. It (or fake the long route behind the cafeteria.) Let's hope that by that minority'? It seems to me that minority students are more im- time, some action will have been taken on tills matter. there. are many, many different_ portant and in some way better should be color blind and sex blind. minorities. Most people could be than any other minority students. . Its sole concern shRfIld be with No matter how much of a minority quality-abe ability,p,f,the student or how culturally rich any group is, to meet the challenge of its. stan- they are only human, no more and dards. If it succeeds in this en- it will need no crutches deavor, The Housing and Conduct rise in the student body's eye from which perpetuate segregation and Council has lately become oblivion to misinterpreted the efforts following up this energy I "lOT~~~ up goals on a percentage stigmatize; they enjoy the ex- notorious for its supposed high- notoriety: they are the proposal by are deplorable examples of in- oasis is a dangerous step toward perience of intellectual growth handed authoritarian attempts to ,the Room Drawing Committee to vesugatorv reporting. The Hscrlminating against the most which a rigorous college education dupe the student body and sneak use the sum of all four lottery Scrimshaw leveled charges of qualified students. A better way provides '- vital housing issues' into effect. numbers in drawing for apart. improper motives and secrecy, might be to recruit from There will be those who read this This opinion has been advanced by ments. and the proposal by the without contacting" eith~r the everywhere we can reasonably who will immediately respond with several irresponsible articles and Coed HOUSing Committee to in- president of the Council, the afford, but delete all biographical the cry of "Racism!" It was Lenin editorials that have appeared in stitute coed housing in Elderdice chairperson of the subcommittee, information (race, color, national who said that "if you label this newspaper. Claims of secrecy, and Forlines. or any members thereof, relying and ethnic origin, etc.r from all something effectively, you don't vindictive motives, and un- In the case . of the former soley on heresay. Students. are. to applications except for male and have to argue with it." ! trustworthy representation by proposal, the subcommittee first be encouraged to make their VOice female (for housing purposes) Sincerely yours, members of the Council have been met to discuss this issue only three heard in the Housing Council at the These and other _ "practical Ralph B. Price flung about in both Personal weeks ago, not six rnonthsas was open meetings held bi-weekly. and details" make it impossible for me Professor of Economics Viewpoint articles and in sane- erroneously reported in a Scrimshaw can be a valuable tool to look favorably upon the Black tionededitorials. This phenomenon &rimshaw editorial of last week for torcrmattcn. or a dangerous Student Union's proposals. Ac- occurs annually in the early The proposal was considered with weapon of blind partisanship. cepting them because they are SIYing, when students catch bits of a varied assortment o{ other issues The latter proposal mentioned high sounding philosophical To: The Scrimshaw conversations, and heresay concerned with room drawing' above was no less an object of statements, without first carefully Recently a team of mathematics segments of proposals before one squatter's rights, coed housing, misinformation-; although considering the details, is worse- majors participated in the William of the Council's subcommittees ; and several housing options open to somewhat eclipsed by the apart- than signing your name on the Lowcll Putnam Mathematical these flames are fanned by interest campus groups. The ment Issue. Early In the first bottom or a blank piece of paper Competition. This prize exam- growing interest in upcoming room apartment issue was by far the semester of this year, a survey was and giving it to a lawyer. ination. which this year was won drawings, held in early May hottest; debate lasted through conducted by the Housing Council I will gratefully listen to any and by the California Institute of It seems that for the entire first several meetings of the sub- on coed housing at WMC. An all criticism of my opinion except Technology. dr-aws entries' from semester, January term, and the committee and was carried on aggregate total of 79 percent of the the accusation of "narrow- every major college and university first few weeks of the second outside of the meetings. Following population answered yes to the mmdedness." Thfs one seems to be in this country and Canada. Dale semester, the Housing Council is in the dictates of traditiona! Question' :'Would vou like to ~ee the newest emotional resp:.Illse by Brenneman. Jeff Gates, and Sherri . -oblivion. It is during these times, p_arliamentary procedure, the coe.d housmg as one of the hOUSIng people who Ifor one reason .or Scheckler represented Western however, that much of the committee decision was then to be '"OptIOns at WMC'?" But, ,how soon another) are unable to use.lll- Maryland College and scored groundwork for the Council's later reviewed by the entire Housing and we forget. ~a~t week,. more tellectual reasoning to convince sixty-fourth out of the two hundred proposals are based. Surveys are Conduct Council at its next ~~:rr~U~~i:n\~>~:e~I~~:~I.on T~~ ~~~::at their opinion is better th'!_n and sixty-four teams entered. Dale written, taken, and tabulated meeting, which was heJd this past complaints are heard. and the task Wednesday. No attemPf was made survey was elmmed to be Invalid, Y Michael J. Marchese , ~~et~:~~~ \~~~d~~ \~::~c~~~~~~ of maintaining some degree of to ;'ramrod" any of these ~~~~a~ht~~~~r: ~~~~ ~~~~~ Rouzer Hall, No. 103 the highest score in the Putnam order within the housing units is proposals through the Council time P.O. Box No. ROof Competition begun. The long, slow process of without due discussion or allott- lJ might be more apt to say that deliberation on housing options ment of time for assaying con- students here on the Hill' are begins in subcomm1tte~s stituentes. perfeclly willing to be li~!"al especially formed for certain The energy to bring knowledge of concerning housing options when pressuring such an Issue up to purposes. There are two cases-in- these proceedmgs before the surveyed in the Fall. but become Dear Editor; pressure pOint bein, point that illustrate this meteoric student body is commendable: but' suddimly violent when faced with ap~ea~~~~~:stt~,e~~es e7n~lt~~i~: d,~1~t~oo~~~~~'C~:ncf~~;n~w!;; the possibil)ty that these proposals the ScrImshaw there IS .a nee~ to maintained Ihat our function is might become reality in the clarify several misle.adlll.g first to represent the wishes of the Spring sta~ements that were made In thiS students. Personal viewpoin~s A~~;WaJtt;~k~~$ to distinguish History books should .definitely artIcle. Had any one of the edlt.onal have played,') secondary role In The Housing and Conduct staff bothered to check w.ith any decisions that we have made ~~:~enc:~~' r~~igi:~c~~i~~ :~ . ~i:s=r~,~~e:k Th~~;~;~ ~~~ Council is' a viable, functioning Executive Board of the Housmg and will continue to make. Had the wrong! Continually classifying U.S. History. World Hlstory. etc., organization all year long. Student Council, they would have author of this editorial attended people into groups results only in although a course III Afnc~D awareness of the Council's ac- dis~vered that the proposal of but one of our Housing Council more discrimination History would definitely be In- tivities must be maintained totaling 4 numbers for th: a'p~rt- meetings, he would have seen Organizations both on and off teresting and worthwhile. throughout the year also. This job ment draw was a prellmmary Representative Democracy at falls partly onto the shoulders of reco~mendation. coming from a work at Western Mar.yland the individual Council Ho.usIn.gin GounCII subcommltte~. College. • :~}~£.ra~I~~;I:~::~~~i~:~~~~ ~~;~r~~~n~[:~~ct~c~~ ~~~: Representatives, as elected ThiS proposal was not kept In As an additional note, the' excellent. others ridiculous students and people. Trying to delegates; but to keep interest obscurity fo~ six months but rather "Personal ViewpOint'· also ap- But if their .methods are; to be force desegregation is not the alive during the sometimes was kept _In subcommIttee for pea ring in last week's Scrimsh<1w adopted, why be so narrow min- solution, and only leads to more painfully dull months of winter about 2 weeks. T~e Scr_imshaw contained not only personally when the Council's workload is-thir should perhaps c~nslder thiS break slanderous remarks against _ ~t~:~~~~~:~~ a~tt:~~~~~,ap~al ~~ ~~~~i~i:~~~ liinOc~;rec~l~v ~~:~ requires the aid of the Scrimshaw, down. of comm~~lcation as not the several Housing Council the SGA, and th~ entire student Hou.sIng CounCil s fault but rat.her Representatives but also contained , ~~i~~egate by world population ~~a~~~hnerf~~i~~c~~~t~Z::~~~s~ body. It is everyone's duty to in- attributable tg the staff that \>;Tltes misleading and faulty information Specifically, a course in African sure that th'ere are no more sur· for this ne~spaper. - . We.hope that through a clear al_1d I suggest that next year we History would be a welcome ad- prlSes. admit predominantly Mongolians, .diton here. W.M.C. should have a arirc~eo~~~g b~~~~~:nta~f ~h~~ f~;~I~:d~~e~~t~~~~. ~~et~~uJ!~~ followed by a smattering of more widespread recruiting se.niors. ". indlcate.s a. cl.ear of \YMC will be able to see past a Caucasians, a Negro, and a small program. All applications for mlscal~ulahon ~f ~he ImpitcatlOns sensationalized, emotional. fraction of an Indian. Then again, students or faculty should .be All candidates for SGA and class of thl~ prellmInary -rec~m- grandstand performance and some authorities refer to as many devoid of photographs or mention offices who wish to write a cam- mendation .. At the present tIme evaluate this proposal from a as 203 distinct races. Admissions of race therein paign statement for print in the :~i~e~t~~~:nts~~~~~s~p~t~~?! c!earl~ t logical and rational cbuld become even more complex This way all students and faculty SCRIMSHAW. may do so in next if we take religions into account. II would be accepted solely_on his or week's newspaper. Please submit proposal is passed by the Housing Vlewpom. Sincerely, so, we need more Buddhists, her own m'erit. If people are afraid all material for print to Box 3A, or Council. this percentage change Meg Caddick- Hindus, Confucian~ and Muslims of this approach, something is to Jeff Robinson (Rouzer 119) by will be left to the evai!!ation of the Pres. Housing & Conduct Council on campus. wrong! Tuesday evening for publication students at WMC. Barb Meister next Friday -As for the "motives for Vice-President
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