Page 125 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 125
Volume V, Number 8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE Friday, April 15, 1977 Carroll Honored Dr. John Clear on Racism Here Chris Holmes the appointment of a permanent The most important aspect of the Charles Carroll ot"Carrollton was April 5 faculty meeting was Dr. minority faculty member for 1978- the oliIy Catholic signer of the John's statement to the faculty 79 in the Political Science or - . Declaration of Independence and concerning plans for minority American Studies department, if the last surviving signer of this development. As stated by Dr. such a person can be found. Ad- historical document. Two Western John, "The priorities of the ad- ditionally, the President Maryland College events will ministration are as 'follows: 1) proclaimed a total college com- analyze his contributions to our Intensify efforts to recruit more mitment to the Affirmative Action- country's development. minority students through the type approach in recruitment of Father Thomas O'Brien Hanley, admissions office. 2) Increase minority students and faculty. resident scholar and lecturer at student aid within the resources of In the following discussion of the Dr. John made this effort it very Loyola College, will speak in the the college to reinforce a community statement, that he knew what he was clear 3) Work to achieve first event on "Charles Carroll and commitment to the recruitment of doing and was honest with the the American Republic" at 7:30 p.m., on Monday, April 18 at more minority faculty, with faculty about the implications of (such as the break of Western Maryland College's special emphasis at the- present his statement hiring freeze). the faculty lime on black faculty. 4) Continue Decker Lecture Hall. to seek minority persons for staff According to Dr. Hanley, and administrative positions. 5) Another subject which Dr. John Charles Carroll was a powerful Hanley will appear This coming Monday Urge faculty to're-rationalize discussed at the beginning of the force in stirring up the Revolution night in Decker Lecture Hall. His Topic of discussion will curricula in the black and minority meeting was the renovation of and a dedicated and efficient be "Charles Carroll and.the American Republic." studies areas and' evaluate in- Alumni Hall. He said that this servant of the Revolutionary cause clusion of minority culture con- renovation will mean that more in Maryland. Dr. Hanley has edited Are You Mr. Flab? tributions in other courses." emphasis will be placed on the the Charles Carroll of Carollton Also, two specific moves were Dramatic Arts Department. The Papers for the Maryland Historical Je~h~rbk~8:0f physical c~nditon ~:~a~~ :~';:t~ci~~.ed to pass the, proposed, the first being the Hall however, will be available for Society and is the author, among assignment of a graduate assistant lectures and special events other works, of "Charles Carroll of ~~~r::eu? ~~. ~~~~~~~~. R~~6 The big draw for ".1 Did ~t" to work with minority students in The Admissions Committee Carrollton: The Making of a and' Physcial Education depart- appears to be the prizes being 1977-78, through Dean Mowbray's reported that there have been Revolutionary Gentleman." ments will be giving the Western awarded at the end of the day. The office. This will be a temporary approximately 150 more ap- Maryland College community its top male .and fe~ale scorers for position subject to yearly olications received this year than Following the lecture, members chance to show its stuff this Sunday ~1~\f;uVer~~ r~~;vi awards and a evaluation. The second proposal is continued on page 7 of the Western Maryland faculty on Hoffa Field. Both departments . will discuss the political and ~~gr~;:;o~";;~~/~~\,~id,,;'~M"HOy$GA Checks Exam Schedule philosophical questions raised by Dr. Hanley and the audience will be invited to participate. Sunday afternoon at 2:00 pm. cone in two basic parts. First of all, professors listed this as a major The whole idea centers- around Much consideration has been Then, on Friday, April 22, an five tests that have been stan- given to the rise and fall of the sen- 25 faculty members were in- reason, while 85 per cent of the architectural historian, Dr. dar-dized over years of use by the scheduled exam lately, which is terviewed by the committee entire faculty cited this reason. Phoebe Stanton, will discuss" Arts, U.S. military to find out how well due in part to the formation of an members. Of those 25, six The other half of the survey was Architecture and Marylanders' their troops measure up in com- SGA subcommittee on self- professors have never given a self- devoted to those teachers who Tastes in the Age of Charies parison to others. These consist of scheduled exams. scheduled exam; eight continue to continue to administer self- Carroll," at 7:30 p.m., in Decker the inverted crawl, the "run, The basic purposes of this administer them; and eleven have scheduled exams. Both groups Lecture HalJ. dodge, and jump," the horizontal committee have been to look into stopped for one reason or another. agreed unanimously that the Dr. Stanton, a faculty meniber of ladder, the two-mile run, and a set the reasons behind the sharp The results of these interviews benefit of the students is a major . the art department at Johns of bent leg situps for the men to decline in the number given, to have been compiled by the com- reason. The other two questions Hopkins University, will show a attempt. The women are given a research the many pros and cons of mittee members, and will be were slightly contradictory. Three- slide presentation and analyze the slightly different set of trials to the present system, and make any summarized later in the article. fourths of the selected teachers artistic achievements of the attempt, including the so-meter recommendations deemed The second half of their research said the self-scheduled were easier Colonial, Revolutionary and shuttle run, modified pushups, the necessary in the improvement of was in the form of a written survey to administrate, while 65 per cent Federal periods from a humanistic "run, dodge, and jump," modified the current self-scheduled exam distributed to the entire faculty, of the entire faculty said that they point of view. silups, and a one-mile run. situation. the results of which were also were more trouble to give than a Both lectures are part of the Upon completion of the "1 Did The committee, co-chaired by tabulated. 53 per cent of the faculty registrar scheduled. Everyone month-long program centering on It" course each participant will Chris Holmes and Jeff Palkovitz, returned them. agreed that the ease of grading and the life of Charles Carroll. All receive a special button and T-shirt was formed last January, and In addition to these interviews, staggered work load were not events are free and open to the iron on at no cost. The test is open began researching at the beginning several committee members met reasons to give them. public. They are partially funded toallfaculty,staff,andstudentson of second semester. Other com- with the Registrar's office. Drs. After studying the results, the by People Projects program of the campus, so you shouldn't be sur- mittee members are Chuck Bar- Stevens and Boner were also committee drew up it's con- Maryland Committee for the prised if you find yourself com- bour, Meg Hoyle, and Barb consulted in an advisory capacity. clusions. They made no specific Humanities and-Public Policy, an peting with one of your very own Llewelyn. According to Chris, The two surveys given, both to recommendations on Im- affiliate of the National En- professors (the scoring will be whose idea it was originally, the selected professors and to the provements to the Honor Board, dowment for the Humanities. For graduated according to age and SGA readily approved the for- entire faculty, asked the same but did state that "faculty concern more information, call 848-7000, sex.j There are minimum stan- mation of the committee. questio-ns. The results were over honor violations" as a large reason the extension 308. dards set for each test with 60 per The committee's research was tabulated separately, resulting in part of of self-scheduled behmd exams. the decline some between N,",~"y'hn:"What Great ~W~!!'h~~g,!~Caway contradictions the section the for Many professors that give self- two groups. Under exams did say that they scheduled those who do not currently give or un Apru 11 at 8:00 p.m., sociology at 'Temple Umvet:>lly is mandatory refirement." 31 have never given self-scheduled onJy give them to upper-classes. them being more inclined to trust Margaret "Maggie" Kuhn, and at Union Theological million Americans are between the exams, 75 per cent of each group One of the recommendations founder of the Gray Panthers Seminary. . ages of 60-65, and another 23 stated that they wished to stay in made to the Registrar's office was spoke at Western Maryland She has received several awards million are over 65 years of age. the class to answer any questions that stricter control be maintained College. for her work: The Fr~~ Award Removing them from the work or personally proctor the exam. 69 in the testing center as far as who Ms. Kuhn was brought to campus from Roosevelt Ijniversity; the force solely because of age is an per cent of the selected faculty can and can't bring in reference by Dean Zepp's class on liberation. Award for Con~umer Advocacy enormous waste of manpower, member-s gave Honor Code materials. Sheis best known for her work with from the American Speech and skill and resources. It is also a violations as a reason, while only It was suggested by many the Gray Panthers, an activist Hearing Association; and the tremendous drain on programs 59 per cent of the entire faculty racutjy members that the group of older and younger adults Award for Ministry to Women, such as Social Security. She asked named that. "Difficulty in Registrar take a more neutral view working for social change. She is from the Unitarian Universalist if faculty members at WMC1Yere grading procedure due to of self-scheduled exams; a letter also involved in several groups and Woman's Federation. forced to retire at 65 and received staggering of returns" was was sent out by that office with a coalitions of elders in action Ms. Kuhn recently testified an affirmative answer. checked by 62 per cent of the very discouraging attitude. It programs, and she serves on the before the House Select Committee She went on to speak about the selected survey, and 67 per cent of might also prove helpful to send a boards of the Memorial Society of on Aging. This committee, headed attitude of Agism, which she the general survey. The biggest memo to all faculty members Philadelphia, the Philadelphia by Congressman Pepper, has described as, "stereotyping and gap between the two groups on any stating the self-scheduled exam Hearing Society, and the People's launched hearings on mandatory discrimination and isolation of part of the questionnaire was on process exactly. There are quite a Fund. 'retirement. groups solely on the basis of age." the "administrative difficulty" few professors who don't have all Ms. Kuhn is a graduate of Flora Ms. Kuhn began her talk by It is a common problem of young category. This included turning of the right facts on self-scheduled Stone Mather College of Case- pointing out what "an enormously and old. But as Ms. Kuhn pointed exams in early to the registrar, exams, such as a four, not two day Western Reserve University, and wasteful society" we are. She out, groups fighting agism have "a putting together the test packets, gradin~ period she has done graduate work in stated, "the old people we throw continued on page 7 etc. Only 47 per cent of the selected continued on page 7
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