Page 127 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 127
Friday, April 15, 1977 SCRIMSHAW Page 3 Grateful for the Different College Life Barb Cole I hear the cries of injustice For love is that which multiplies altitude and knowledge have love your neighbor as yourself." once said that love doesn't hurt. It Reverberating through the land What better resource could there changed. The more I see, the He wasn't telling us to go on a big hurts very much when we try to "We have ravaged our resources- be. harder it becomes to look. ego trip but merely expressing the love those around us and they Total destruction is at hand." The more we use, the more we We all know that the people of simple fact that unless you are able throw it back in our faces. But even ch-aw to accept yourself for what you are this is a sweet pain compared to But we have a far more precious And never a waste would we see. this world are each destroying daily them- by and believe that as God's creation that of watching people you love selves and other Resource than just our earth. you are a beautiful and worthwhile ruining themselves because they The greatest human potential I often hear people outside the lying, cheati~g, hating, steali~g, person, it will be very difficult for really don't care. Is ours to claim at each new birth. campus community remark about fighting-the list goes on. But It's you to accept others and love them I've found that love can ve a very how different it is to live on a easy to ignore this. Don't read the for what they are. Love is such an powerful force in changing people. college campus from the "real newspaper and turn off the Instead of earth as reservoir essential part of everyone's David t'cma posed an interesting Each living soul would play the world." They say this is a com- television. It is virtually im- existence. Henry Higgins, in My question to his audience. I almost pact pletely unrealistic situation possible, however, to ignore the Fair Lady, said of women, wish he had asked for a show of Hallelujah! I don't care whether incredible waste of human lives "Straightening up their hair is all hands. In essence he asked how --"1' ~n~h:~rfl:::tfr~~:dr~~::s~:;~t~ living on the outside will be better here on this campus. I wish I could they ever do, why don't they many of us had ever gone up to our or worse, harder or easier, I'm just shut my eyes to it sometimes. It str-aighten up the mess that's in- neighbor or roommate or grateful it's d:fferent. can really hurt ~6 see hew students side." J think there's a message whomever and simply said. "I love here at Western Maryland treat If we would just release our love here for all of us you." This isn't easy but I've seen To people 'round us every day 1 started school here last year themselves and each other through As I look around the campus, it produce dramatic results among We'd find that in our breasts would with all the optimism and an- a grievous lack of love and respect particularly at night, things those who thought it important Wow ticipation of a freshman. I am for themselves and the people sometimes seem so hopeless. How enough to shove aside their pride More love than we could force to constantly amazed at how things around them. . can people who spend hours every and selfish desires and let someone stay appear to me now and how my Jesus commanded us "You shall week drinking and smoking pot know how much he really means to really care about themselves them. If everyone tried harder to M"YC:P. Lal on Ecs_tasy of the East Don't they realize how and other remember just how worthwhile valuable they really are and made a sincere they are to themselves people and how much potential effort to let those around them The ~est is turning toward the Through his choice of examples, request might just be granted. He they hold simply by being healthy, know they are loved and ap- East. It IS as natural as the sunrise P. Lal showed his modest audience was told to say. before going to each morning. Poets such at Yeats how the West is realizing, in.many sleep, "1 have been a king, I have vital human beings'? Don't they preciated, this campus would be a and Eliot felt the impact of truth ways, tfie ecstasy that is found in been a slave, I nave peen know that with every drink, every nicer place for all of us this on their lives. Contemporary Eastern culture. everything. I don't want anything" cigarette they are destroying bodies, Sure it's easier to harden our their potential, wasting musicians wri.te lyrics concerning By using examples such as because desire, in Eastern beliefs, their time, their energies which hearts to our own and others' need Ea~tern mysticism and religious Yates, P. Lal showed the profound is rebirth. 43 years later, Yates still should be precious to us all and for love but I seriously question beliefs. F_'or~e proper effec~, they impact Eastern philosophy has believed in his desire, Maud which are very precious to God? how long we can exist if we con- _._ play Indian mstrum.ents, b.rmgmg upon the Western man who will Gonne, and realized that this tinue to do this. 1 think it's about to the West an entirely different listen. Yates listened to the idea desire would lead him through Man wasn't created and given time the people on our campus ~~:!C~i!~:\n~~!~e~~c~a:: ~~~~ that prayer is wrong because the centuries of searching. sound, healthy ~dies merely so he realize and accept the respon- sibility we all have as God's ~~~~i~~~~~r:~~ io'tf.eT~C:~flt~e:~M 1'•. FIG b 01' Superma n1 ~a~ r~~~ ~!~~r~~ ~~e~rf;~t::t~ children to unconditionally love and accept ourselves and each of another life is spreading. c::r~!~n~oerdl~~~;:n~~rur:llance _onthe to come to enjoy the exercise and ~~: ::~es~s~~~ ~,~e~~ tfo~~v~~r~ other and stop destroying the life P. Lal, honored translator of tests. There are two additional the refreshments. selves and everyone around us. In I that He has so wonderously many Hindu sacred documents, awards for male and female When asked whether he felt that Corinthians Paul defined love created in each of us. It's not visited WMC for several days and "teams" of six persons each. Any "I Did It" would be of benefit to Paul was a smart man. He never impossible. second week in April. At present, group of students may form a team those who participated in it Moler he is working on a 15 year project, to enter (individual scorers within replied, "Sure. There are not too translating into ~nglish the the teams will be counted on their many physical fitness thmgs in Bellhops, Waitresses to Earn remaining 53 vOlumes Jof the own, alsol, but the only request is which you can compare yourself to Mahabharala, having completed that they remain all girl or guy, set standards. And these are Hourly Wages the first 92. While he was here, he whichever the case may be. standards that have accumulated spent his visit giving lectures to According to Captain Moler of over a long period of time so you Tipped employees such as cerrung the Wage and Hour Law 10 classes, working on his- project, the Military Science Department, know that they will be reliable." waiters. waitresses. and bellhops Maryland. please contact: Ken- and giving a lecture to the general he has had no feedback on how So the question still remains. who regularly and customarily neth Golberg. Em.ployment public concerning Eastern in- many students will show up for the next Monday, will you be able to receive more than 20 dollars a Standards Service. Division of fluences on the West on Aoril12 event.He does encourage evervone say, "I did it'?" month ten tips. must earn the Labor and Industry. 20:1 East minimum hourly wage in Baltimore Street. Baltimorc. SGA Allotments' for 1977-78 1 Campus Queen Maryland of $2.30. provided the :'Ilar}"land 21202, or call :lII:I-U:)\J. establishment for which they work Fr. Class 150.00 is covered under the Maryland I'm Not Here So. Class 150.00 In a departure trom traditional Wage and Hour Law Jr. Class 875.00 methods of selecting the campus An employer of tipped em- Sr. Class 150.00 homecoming queen, the University ployces is allowed a credit up to 50 Walla Walla High School officials Scrimshaw 6000.00, of Minnesota's competition for its per cent of his employees wages apparently were rig'ht un target Contrast 1000.00 homecoming queen will include This means an employee must be when they picked 12 students 10 Yearbook 8000.00 athletic skill and endurance, as paid st.ts per hour. and his tips participate in a panel discussion on BSU 450.00 well as physical appearance must average out to at least $1.15 absenteeism Housing Council \ 10.00 per hour in order to meet the The panel was part or a school Total Allotments 16785.00 Football throwing and running required minimum hourly wage of project on dropout problems and Homecoming 150.00 the half mile will be the pre- student absences for a Scars NEe lWOO liminary contests, with the final If the employee averages less Foundation study. But only rtvo of Publicity Co. 125.00 test being an appearance before than $l.l;i per hour in tips, the the students showed up for the SodalCo. 13130.00 Coach Cal Stoll and the football employer must make up the dif- seminar. at which mn[ives f01 Operating Expenses . team, where finalists will give ference to )$2.30 per hour in cash class-cutting were to be dis("uss{'d Telephone 100.00 their names, classification, and tell However. if the employee earns A quick check ;;howl'd lhal most Xerox 80.00 why they want to be queen. One more than $1.15 per hour in tips, of the other seven were ahsenC Office Supplies 25.00 other intangible enters into the the employer still must pay $J .I.'j from school. ··Il looked likc we Stamps 75.00 competition. "We will no.t ignore per hour in cash picked the right kids.'· .~aid !llnert Total 3{)620.00 physical beauty," said BIll. Paul, If you have any questions COIl- Hoherts, an assistant prinCipal. <:t.udent coordinator of the contest.
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