Page 124 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 124
Page 4 Scrimshaw Friday, April 8, 1917 Alan Zepp It was quite an impressive what's. next?" Chording would Consequently he waited most of the Either Max messed up the words I feel gyped having to pay for a turnout for the wandering minstrel continue until the guitar decided he evening. The fact that he had his or didn't cue Linda in or slip-shod performance when I of W.M.C. Townspeople who had a might as well do a little solo line, eyes closed most of the time didn't something. -know it could have been a lot hankering for country music. but invariably the harp player students whb had seen the abun- would decide the same thing at the help matters either. A little j>ne thing that really bothers me,' better. The talent was there. The dant advertising or heard the same time. So no one really got a communication on stage goes a and is no substitue for performer. equipment was there. The musical lilting strains of a slide guitar chance to take off. long way. Especially when audience conversation. are the juggler was there to warm up the during lunch, a wide cross-section" I ten that most of the songs that everyone knows that the tunes little comments made by the band audience that came to see a show of faculty interested in seeing if the Max wrote himself combined weren't rehearsed that intensly. away from the microphone so that Everything was there; irs just a drama teacher really could make lyrics, melody, chords, and rhythm And then there's Linda Van Hart. the audience can't hear them shame that the music wasn't. good outside Of. his field, and very nicely. 1 whish I had the talent What was she doing up there? She Everyone else en-stage thought BecaUSE: of space I have had to various alumni and friends who to do that. But when they were put sang a little back-up on three they were funny as hell. We never limit my comments. I would be wanted to see Max Dixon on stage into a group format they fell apart. songs. but in 2 out of 3 of them Max got let in on any of the jokes and glad to talk to anyone further about instead of in their living rooms or "The Prince of the Memphis High- and Linda couldn't get it together this creates a barrier right aw~y. the concert. en Christian Wittwer's front lawn. way" was a well written ballad The concert was sure to be a hit. The three children's tunes were .now could Max miss with three catchy little ditties and had more Mike D'Andrea Limit" put the sell-out crowd on Eagles contain very good outstanding musicians from Nash- meaning for the audience because The Eagles performed a fine their feet. Suddenly Walsh came musicians. Walsh, Meisner and ville backing him up? Earl he lold a little bit about how the show on the 21st of March at back into the spotlight to perform Felder are very good. Frey and Spielman on fiddle, Kerry Me· songs came to be. The same for the Washington's Capital Centre. the lead guitar in "Turn to Stone," Henley aren't up to par as the Millan on harmonica. and Boomer ballad. But 'all these good songs Nearly 20,000 people had a very "Already Gone," "Love In the others, but their 'musical leader. Castleman on guitar. Not to lose their eimpact when they're good time as they heard their The Fast Lane," Victim. of ship qualities are comensible. The mention W.M.C.'s own Tom Payne filled with careless mistakes and group play for nearly 2 hours with Love," and his greatest "Rocky Eagles have grown musically, on drums and Linda Rickel! 'on technical details that were never 18 songs. Even though there were Mountain Way." Walsh's guitar incorporating new strands of bass. The concert was sure to be a quite together. 'Phis is what weak spots, it was a fine affair duels with Don Feller on "Turn to cuougnr ana styre Into tneu- music hit. It was not separates the professional groups equal to raost of the better per' Stone" were great. And the and lyrics. The Eagles are going to Fer someone being involved for from their amateur competitors formances.. around. I evening closed out with some of the be around for still a while longer. 15 months in professional music, in Sut that's what we paid about Their newest 'album, 'Hotel group's biggest-. "Witchy They will have achieved what most ~~rl~~~t?es~U:i~~~~~~~ ~J!~~~ ~!l=~at~o:r- ;~rf:~~~ndca: ~m~~rtic~Pi;:.c~~~te~Pc~7f~~ia'~ ~~~~~' S~':r~::.',1t Easy," and ~~~~i~~ a~eeaX~~~iV~ pe~fOdt~~ ~!~.~pors~~~m:~r~on~7~~n::~~r~~~ . ~~:,OfJ~~~;i~1eC~i~:~~~:~~~t ~~~. i~t:~twi~~nr~~h~:;~c~~~ pr~~~e:sag;~s t~:ir h~;vee s;:~ ,cti=m~',-- , on-stage product that he was out-He was a great talent but the of Joe Walsh, he followed with formances. There was definitely no trying to deliver least capable of taking a ride on his "Walk Away." "Ouelin' Dalton,' Ian Anderson or Rod Stewart on Os & Ginny's No one was sure exactly how the own. He was ail"'ays waiting for an "Try and Love Again," and "Lyin' stage. A~d t~ere were no unusual songs were supposed to get started affirmative look from Earl or Max. Eyes" were fine but "Take It to the special lighting effec~ But the Beer- Pizza-Sandwiches :,:~~e~h~~~:r w:~~e~o~:s ~~; •..···DAR· ··..· ·..·..···..··..······..· ·· . 3:30 pm-l:00 am posed to take a little guitar lick to AI Stewart 4/27 I am looking for an apart. Happy Hours!! get them into it, or whether the Jeue Collin Young, and Jonathan Edwards 4/30 ment or room to rent or sub. fiddle player was to give the beat John Prine 5/2 . lease for the months of June, 3:30·6:00 None of the back-up musicians Leo Kottke, and Leon Redbone 5/6 July and August in Westniin_ reduced drinks knew when they were supposed to Heart 5/10 ster, any information call .free snacks solo. Being the front man in a WARNER THEATRE David Range. at 848-9808 or 848-9848 ~=JH::tbe~no~~ t!i~axt~:giV~ Chuck Mangione 4/16 campus extension 209. a nod to the instrumentalist"who: Little Feat 5/8- 11 (6 shows) was next in line.Jor a solo. It's not i CAPITAL CENTRE DAVIS SHOE ~EPAIR Attention groups!! amateur to do this. How many times have you heard, "Hit it, : Led Zeppelin 5/25, 26, 28, 30 Booking of white water U.OFMD. Offering a complete raft trips on Potomac and ~:r~·;t:n~i~~u:r~~s:~~~~ ~o;:::! i line of men's shoes Shenandoah Rivers now . Billy Joel 4/30 available at Outfitters limited ltd and work boots! ~~:;:;~~f::t~l~~:~:J~~;~=~i LYRIC THEATER minimum group size· 20 remember the order of the solos in ~ AI Stewart 4/26 Agent for Knapp shoes, :!e;~~aJsongs ;ilter one day's I LOYOLA COLLEGE _;.,..;i!i. HOURS Along the same lines as not .......... Qi/.IK.Jacl 1it.4 __ l <61 East Main Street 1I~)'!le I mOr"lr2-.') starting together and not knowing Westminster, Md. 2T157 tues .. wecL.thu,,; ..lO-5 when the breaks came, Max Dixon Phone 8484232 r".10-9 I s.at9-.') and his Nashville Friends couldn't Find out how YOU measure up! end togeUier either. This is where a r' " little stage presence could go a Take the Army Physical 711lnrrel ~ou~e <>i h longway.AllM"would ha" 'odo C" , c"'" • 0"'IOP ~i~k:,,~h:~f~,a~~::;;.;.:":"~ Fitn,,, Test Best Discounts of Beer, Liquor' " ~~ct:e song." He never did. ~o! ~~~~~;'i~~r~i~~~m and Wines in Can,,11 County! I(.started to work out well a Cox's Barrel House Cox's Bottle Shop :~f!eo~\~~~~~:~~:;so~~~os:~e~ If you measure up, YOU CAN i 24~5 Balt,mo,,, Blvd 2824 L,ttleuown Pike the fiddle player Usually in. He would finish his ride IF~::'~~~~1~1-~Iiii--iiliiiil-~1;1:::..:;:1:;:87:;:87=8J:;:3=:20=:7=8=~M~";_;';;~~~34;~~73;'~'==i SAY: jumped E Brent Carlisle 21157 Md F,nkob"'9 Md Wenm,nUer 21048 g right and'everyone a tense kind of "Well, 'around with would start lookin .***** •• ** * ***************.: ,;--------~- LatenightspeciafJI iFr~e Coupon 800'pm·11.00pm MONTOUR HOUSE I Professor's': FREE!! we serve ... Spring I 'Clearance sale, , Double , and Cocktails Finest in Foods I · Drastic Price .Cheeseburger Homemade Pies BREAKFAST LUNCIi DINNER with this coupon Slash! Doubte Cheeseburger Chi• ."~!'t!!yi~li~n.: I t\. was '20 i when you purchase a Subs Pizza DOW '.0 per purchase) Hours: 11 :00 a,m .. I i (L.imit one coupon 9:00 Get a~"A". On your next quizI I B was '.0 6 days a week p.m. Piza DIy. Tuesdly , DOW'S t SunDay: 12:00·8:00 $paghmi Day - Wlldn.sdw OifflM. ~r~e' "e" wjjh • WJ11I1N WALKING DISTANCE ,every purchase' Bernice Fritz ~ 6-LDW1aiy n:c~t Sundays 7 A,m. 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