Page 126 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 126
Page 2 SC~lMSHAW Friday. Apri115. 1977 Editorial Stephen R. Kepple Dr. John, Racism Struggle Who Lives in the Water Tower? Give yourself nine years of toes and disseminate about her: ' The Scrimshaw rctes with a mixture of skepticism and hope the You would not think that the loneliness, or nineteen years. until She does not yet know why her initiative taken by Ralph John at last Tuesday's faculty r'Qeetlng con- runner, making swift self-love that time when your wrinkles, now father left her here to swim cerning this Instltutlon's "commitment" to a truly dIversified college down the track of Hoffa Field, is a nascent, hang like blossoms from amongst suspended souls. There is community. John was responding In part to the year long effort made by dying man . But he is dying even as your face. In all those years you only the green light to regard, the Student Life Subcommittee, the Black Student Union. and more the indolent person, whose hips must speak to no one, but listen waving muted from below, and the recent efforts by the SGA, Religious Llfe Council, and the Chapel measure a meter across, is dying. ~ constantly. Listen until you are circles to swim, the dives to make, Committee urging more diversification. He was (we hope) responding Perhaps this is why more and more sick with what you hear! Then one the noises from the past to hear. as well to his own very genuine sensitivity to racism and sense of the of us are exercising: to delude SIK'ing return to this campus, and The steel mushroom is mighty community's crying need for more blacks. He advocated quite strongly ourselves. Yes, there is life in climb the lofty water tower. You and azure in the papery sunlight on Tuesday the hiring of a minority faculty person for 1978·9 and in- muscle and blood and bone, we do can do it now, you are a spirit. Turn without. On spring grass beyond creasing the number of minority students (preferably both faculty and feel the life in us as we violently your eyes to God and vomit over the ugly fence, limber afternoon students would be black). - move. Western Maryland College. Vomit boys play raucously lacrosse; the The WMC community's longstanding commitment to racism Is not, I have heard enough students back all that you have heard, all of hard white ball flies, a lost satellite however. erased by a 2112 page speech given In a faculty meeting. Our bellowing their hollow, tame it, until the students are mired on from Planet Youth, to crash into _ record, as one administrator admitted quite honestly to us this week, Is obscenities, and belching, to the landscape where hitherto they the water tower's wall. Who lives clearly an unacceptable one _.In fact It Is quite dirty. The fallure of the convince me that mental life, at moved so casually - until they are in the water tower'? The beautiful adminIstration to have Its entire 5 year plan ready for the Trustees to least on this campus and in this struck dumb. Let us be a silent blackskinned child swimming out vote on April 15 does not reflect the administration's ostensible time, is largely dead. Our brains the circles of her biding there "ccmmtttment" to progress In "blackening the whole" (Bill Mc- are dead. We stare for precious above. From within she heard the Cormick and Ralph John are ultimately, 'hough not entirely, respon- hours at the television, and then, Then open the hatch and let lacrosse ball hit, and the ball did sible for that failure). The racist comments spat here and there since upon some stimulus, go to the yourself down into the water, not bounce back away for her as it Flo Kennedy's visit (scrawling nigger on a comment sheet) and In window and shout, yell, blare the amongst the drifting lillies of the did for the shouting boys outside, response to the BSU proposal do not reflect the student body's supposed tiresome phrases nobody believes bratne., Inside you will meet who in luck resumed a game she commlttment to education rather than ctosed.msneedness .. anymore. someone who knows not who she is. could not even imagine, in a world Soweall struggle· admInistrators, faculty, and student - with our own But replacing mental life is You did not suspect a child lives in she could not conceive of. The ball racism. When the commitment to that struggle Is fInancial as well as physlcal life. Perhaps this is the water tower, a beautiful child remained stuck against the side; verbal. e~bodled as well as suggested - as we hope John's beginning good. The best that mental life with skin so black her and black hair its sound went on, on, doubling body. flowing She as long step Tuesday wlll be . perhaps there Is hope as well as skepticism. could hope to achieve was a swims in circles at the top amongst from below: the words of her Perhaps there is a posSibility for education in the midst of in beautiful sadness. However much father cryptic aliment for her stltutionallzed racism. . a man might appreciate that the brains, seeking sunlight and hope. feeling, the tears he cries on rainy her father. Always in her eyes, like What happens outside she cannot nights while reading Wolfe, he flies, are massed droplets of water, even imagine, but the lacrosse ball Mandatory Waste cannot revel in it long, I believe, and in her ears is 'the arcane words she heard and kept close, without going mad. Now we shall melody of an inland sea, tappings and they are with her after hope do without the feeling altogether. and ringings and clock-workings. No matter how good, competent, and wetl-Hked protesscrs are, if they Bubbles from the bottom touch her again sinks beneath its limen. are65 years old and employed by Western Maryland College, they must retire. Ideally this would allow teachers who have completed their iobs So now, though all humanity be Volunteers Needed to step down and allow fresh young teachers a chance to ofter their rotting at this instant, we cry with contributions to the school. OUT simian lungs and our sweating Information in this column is County Commission on Aging- However, is teaching a job that can be wrapped up at a certain age? bodies that we are alive, that death obtained through the Voluntary Purpose: To serve the senior Why should good teachers who are competent, informative, and well- is for the flabby or the introverted. Action Center of Carroll County's population of Carroll County liked be forced to retire simply because they are 65 years old? Many of Go Orioles. Go Steelers. Go Jazz. clearinghouse file of volunteer Volunteer Needs: Assist with them stili have an enormous amount of knowledge to communicate to Go Terrapins. On and on. Go opportunities. If you are interested center activities, assist with bus their students. Terrors. Go Butchte. Go me, in doing volunteer work or would trips Mandatory retirement Is a system thet-trwelves a tremendous amount running the roads of the Western ORGANIZATION: Department of waste. Human resources, skill. and knowledge are not utlilzed In a Purgatory. Yes I will forget that I like more information, please of Juvenile Services-Purpose: To system that desperately needs these resources. Fresh Input and new am made for death and silence, I contact the relay office at 848-7023 enhance services to juveniles Ideas are valuable and necessary. But so Is the experience that comes will throw Adam's Curse back into Mon-Thursday 1:30-4:00 or drop in- through the court. Volunteer from years in the classroom dealIng with students. the countenance of God with my We are located behind McDaniel Needs: Counseling, tutoring in Scrimshaw feels that teachers who are good and well-ltked are tn- charging limbs, the javelin, the Hall reading, transportation valuable. There is no justification in losing them because they have 65 ball, the coruscating discus. I will ORGANIZATION: Carroll ORGANIZATIDr'!: Life Enrich- know the hot wet pain of life, not candles· on their birthday cake. To discriminate against teachers the sere chill agony of death. And I Elections Up ment-Purpose Deliver life because of their age is as Immoral as dlscrlmlncotlng against their race enriching services to the residents or sex. Yet, this Is a practice that Is widespread and accepted by many will lobotomize myself before my of seven nursing homes. Volunteer factors of our society. The system of education, a system that is new glass god in order to make Elections for the offices of Needs: Individual volunteers dedicated to teaching and leading people, should be the first to speak out sure, I will sit there and cut out my President and Vice-President of participate on a one-to-one basis, against the practice of mandatory retirement. brain with a Coors beer can pop the Housing and Conduct Council with the elderly top, that Imight excise the damned will be held April st, 1977. ORGANIZATION: Big Brothers for the Step Up for Dr. Jones inner eye that and otherwise focuses Requirements are the candidate office must of and Big Sisters-Purpose: To President years seven four-score on a coffin with my name en- have at least Junior class standing Provide mature adult friendship on A congratulatory note Is In order to Dr. Donald E. Jones, newly ap- graved upon it. I will sever the this year, and have served on the a one to one basis. Volunteer polntedctialrman of the college's Chemistry Department. According to stem and shout my brain out the Council for at least one year. Needs: Big Brothers and Big Jones the position is assigned to a different member of the department window. It goes into the water Requirements for the office of Sisters on three year rotational basis. But the office of department head is no tower where all our bains are Vice-President are the candidate ORGANIZATION: Voluntary less impressive, even when viewed in this light. floating, waiting for another Jesus. - must have at least Sophomore Action Center of Carroll County- What IS.more, Dr. Jones is extremely deserving of the status, having o God the red-eyed water tower! class standing this year and have Purpose: Responsible for the served as an instructor at WMC since 1963. With 14 years of experience I have been inside it with the served on the Council for at least coordtnatton. promotion, and behind him, we foresee the Chemistry Department remaining on course brains, I have seen and felt! one year. Please submit all expansion of voluntarism in and in good hands. Good luck, Doc Horrible, sad, and miraculous! letters of application to Meg Carroll County. Volunteer Needs . . Box 177 or Apt. IF by Typing, receptionist, and general 22. secretarial work Faculty Members Publish Works Staff Two Western Maryland College King after his assassination in his Ph.D. at St. Mary's Seminary Editors faculty members have authored a April of 1968. Although they were and University and joined the John Springer collection of poems on slain civil only across the Western Maryland Western Maryland College faculty Jeff Robinson Jim Wogsland rights leader Martin Luther King, College campus from each other, it in 1963. Meg Hoyle Jr. _ wasn't until the publication of Dr. Dr. Palmer holds a Ph.D. in Business Monager Layout Dr. Ira Zepp, dean of the chapel Zepp's book in 1974, Search for the comparative literature from the and associate professor of religion, Beloved Community: The University of Maryland. He came Dave Range Bill Todd and Dr. Melvin D. Palmer, Thinking of Martin Luther King, to Western Maryland in 1965 and is Paul Hewett professor of comparative Jr., that they discovered each now chairman of the college's literature, are co-authors of other's interest in .King. They comparative literature depart- Contributors "Drum Major for a Dream, decided to combine their collec- ment. He has written numerous Brneda Donovan Joe Golden published by P. La} and Writers tions and approach a possible scholarly and critical articles and Barb Cole Workshop in Calcutta, India. publisher. poems. Theo Braver Poems are included by- each of The new book, distributed in this The book's title, Drum Major for Sue Coleman Mary Cole the authors, by Nikki Giovanni, country by Inter Culture a Dream, comes from a poem Mark Katz Dawn Bennett Lucille Clifton, Gwendolyn Brooks, Associates in Thompson, Conn., is published by Dr. Zepp in the Mark Bayer Nancy Menefee and other noted black poets, and by available at the college and area Baltimore Evening Sun on April 4, Carlton Harris Chris Homes a wide range of individuals from bookstores. 1975. Matt Bowers Phil LaPaduia elementary school to college Dr. Zepp is a graduate of ... -------__. Eamonn McGeady Paul Fulton students. Each poem concerns' Western Maryland College and Steve Bainbridge Mike D'Andrea King and his contributions, and th.e Drew University Theological effects upon our country of hIS School. He has also studied at the Typists death. Universities of Edinburgh, Got- Debbie Priester Julie Ashby He earned ------~J-.I tingen, Harvard and the Center for Barb Cole Carol James Both of the authors began in- Intercultural Documentation at dividual collections or poems ~wut Cuernavaca, Mexico. ....
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