Page 120 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 120
PAGE 4 SCRIMSHAW FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1977 SGAElections David Toma:Righ on Life Cant. from paqe 1 - Brenda Donovan as well. He Cited the recent WMC views on issues, and consider their faculty-course Conference, differences the as helping. of opinion David Toma is a very unique and drawal and to help him kick his challenged those who favored it to. evaluation by the students (a bala.nce their stands. Listening, dynamic individual. His non-vic- habi.t altogether. This taught Davia think before they made rash, committee which he chaired), and talkmg, and exchanging ideas have lent, humanitarian philosophy is the Importance of a. fellow human apathetic judgements. He was sure the work on the self-scheduled led them to support each other for reflected in his past 20 years as a being's compassion and un- that not one person in the audience exam problems as examples of the their respective campaigns, and cop: throughout 7,000 arrests and derstanding, which he values very would condone his mother or sister SGA reaching into various other they felt that one common plat- 30 till_1es the victim of stabbing or highly. submitting themselves to a "house aspects of student life. form would be stronger and s~otm~, he has never once drawn David be~ame a new man, and of ill repute." He protested, Paul is also interested in the SGA minimize conflict his gun His lecture last Thursday made ~ Me committm.ent. to "Women are not pigs, and they as a means of helping rid the school Again, experience within the evenmg in Big Baker Chapel won preventing others form falling mto shouldn't be treated as if they of a lot of its apathy, and in organization helps them to see and the hearts of many and left a the s~e trap he fell into. He had were. Every woman wants pride, bringing the campus closer feel what the president is about and profound impact on those who something to say and something to dignity, and respect - those who together, a process he feels has how it should function. Linda feels attended give, but "unfortunately, you have want to take this away from them already begun and one which he the SGA should be the sole coor- David reflected upon the ex- to be somebody to get your are sick." would like to continue. He also dinating oody for the students on periences in his. career that m.essageacross," he explained. So, Marijuana is a word that spurs would like to see continued the campus, and the president the ~hanged his life. As a cop, he had With a lot of hard work and violent animosity in David Toma. SGASA-sponsored alternatives for ch~f initiator of activities. little understanding for drug ad- det.ermination,' David went on to He warned pot somkers, both social life on campus. However, both she and Chris feel diets until the traumatic death of write three best-sellers and star in casual and heavy smokers alike to Experience working within the that this is a bigjob, and that the his little boy, whom he desperately a.TV series based on his life. Both stop NOW. He was boldly confident SGA and its executive council plus vice-president should playa big (or tried to save, plunged him into the his books and show were frank and in saying, "You're only fooling contact with a lot of people and bigger) part in this than in the h~avy us~ of drugs as an escape. honest - they portrayed him "not as yourselves-It will destroy you--it organizations through his various past. Linda would like to see both HIS deterioration from a successful a super-cop, but as a human being will get you in the end." In his campus activities are what Paul the president and - tbe vice- policeman into a helpless addict who happened to be a policeman." story-telling style, he followed up c_onsider his strengths. He par- president become more in- who needed up to 80 pills a day It was his way of reaching out. with a string of horrible ex- ticularly emphasizes that he likes strument al in helping with one of took only a pitifully short while. through the .media.. periences with pot that he has to work with people. Chris's goals of the SGA ad- ~:Ph~!s~~at~!rp, t~hnOedw: ars~ asco:er;:~~fs:s ~:tiS,~~~~m~~ :;:~!~~~llYwitnessed during his Linda Thomas is breaking with ministration working up to his full involved in drugs. Ronnie was vehemently against the David advocates getting high on precedent this year by running on a capability. In addition, Linda feels common ticket with Chris Holmes, with the SCAs of that her contact prostitution. with- there to help him . L legalization of F Ik He life instead. He appealed to his a sophomore Political Science- other schools through the NEC during T une In at er 0 S audience to and look inwardly at to Sociology major, as her vice- conventions she has attended of- a reason ourselves find the advantage candidate. C' H . I justify our existence. H, could not presidential of the SGA's Social As fers her points of view. "of alter- native chairpersons alrll~~.~ !~~~SllO home games 01 T~e wOJ?len's .Iacrosse tea~ be outdone in stressing the im- and Publicity Committees', Linda and Chris have a cam- matches in any Spring sports until won t begin their season until- po_rtance and power of love. He respectively, they have had ample paign manager and are planning after Spring Break! Things are Monday, the 11th, when they will strongly suggested that we openly opportunity to work. together in the several activities soon to let the fast and furious after that face Hood at Hood. express our love for each other. past. They hold many silnilar students know their platform On Tuesday, the 5th, Avid ~eball fans may be in- On the whole, the audience there IS a three sch.ool track ~eet terested m knowing of an away seemed to love David as much as out on Hoffa FIeld. Besides baseball game next Friday at 3:00. he loved it, and he encouraged Westt:rn Mar?,land, Juni~ta and This game, the only pre-spring those who needed someone to turn Wash!ngton will be participating in break regular season in- to to write to him at P.O. Box 854 th;~.oo PM event. terccllegiate action, will be at Clark, New Jersey 07066 ' men,~nl~!~~~n:dn'~een~sast~:l~ ~!~~'a mere 50 minute drive ...H...... _ .._._ ..:N__ · ITALIAN CUIc5IN£ teams will all be active. The stick- - t men will be at Loyola. Johns A.nd, REMEMBER, the l~rosse S i Hopkins' neUers and batt(:rs will scr.Immage tomorrow even~g vs. : \ R R -~- be "'.,.iungWMC ..toroundOUl the Ohio Stale. The game Wlll be ~' ! I T.J+O £./()lE."R~}TCWN)M£). days' happenings p1~yed un?er, the li.ghts at West- : ..,... 8~ ~-6'0(' then on Thursday the golf and mmster HIghs stadium. It should • ~~ r: ir----..--.... t women:s tennis team's spring ·nto be a fascinating evening of: " ~ ~ ~. i L___ _ LlV U c_' _j action, both away. In Mi~dle lacrosse. Be there! ~ £! -- --------- -- .. Atlantic Conference matches, uie'------------ ... i w~men will go against Teachers at all levels I ' I HOUSE OF 'IQUO I Eh",beth'own whil, th' putt,,, For,i,n and Dom.. 'ic r,,,her, \ RS engage In a tri-match with.1Box 1063 Vancovers. Wash. 9866~ i({orne!"g tlr i Carroll Plaza Shopping Center I Leb""," Valley sod Dickin" - Bbcrn 11 848·1314 I -~li~::v'w::~;;';~r~~;~~::~r.,:""1,,.1,1 .T.O::;'";~':::;~~ '::•• I Latenightspecian! .~,\,,____ i Special of the Week! :::~,. ;;~~i:;~:~~h~'"~;~.~;;~1;\~.::e~~:::~s 1.. _;)Oi_eenw_dS:c_h~;:_::~;_s~~~_;h2_4 ..I, '""V,,, .... S>o""'",c~,,.. 876.6100 348·3939 ............ H~ ~ {Umit onecouoon per purchase) :**_.************************* WOM:- WARl'lltJG; UP FOR SPRI~Gr? • wcserve_ .. IMc!on~, ,. C.Ot')\E' SEE Ol)~ t-lEI>..l Westmin$ter • BREAKFAST LUNCII DINNER , WARM.-I)? ~UtTS~ Reisterstown only Valid 8:00 pm-11:00 pm Sunday through Thursdayexpi,es 3!'!.4/77· WE \-lAVE · • • CI\I Lbl'1.EtJ '5 · • Piua: DIy-TuesdIV Plain & Fancy • • • • s\<.£s· ,00 \ Spaghftti Day - Wednlsdav Din"" Donuts • • • ~--.~ · • • WITIIIN WALKING DISTANCE \40ViUago • • • HOURS ,:r · • • Opte 6.a.m..daiy Deept Sundays· mon.l2-!} , only 5 mi_ away • • • lues..weod_lhurs..l0-5 so.l.9-5 • • NEWLY REMODELED Route 140 Westminster .. f,i.10-9 t~~ 24 Hou". !loy • • EXP~DED SEATING 848-9110
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