Page 104 - Scrimshaw1976-77
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Page 4 Scrimshaw Friday, February 25, 1977 _____ W_M__C ~S~p~o~r~ts~·..~. '_'VV~i~n~te~r~'_'_ Women's B'ball Whips G'burg Wrestler's Test Begins Today, the Green Terror results of the tournament in next Kathy Shaver The women's varsity basketball with one victory and two losses. position. In another away game wrestlers are traveling to week's Scrimshaw. In the last regularly-scheduled team played three important Tuesday, February 15, the .Saturday afternoon the Terrorettes Elizabethtown College to take part match of the year, the matmen in the Middle Atlantic Conference to were not so lucky, as they were travelled Te.rrorettes games last week, coming away :~~ ~e; Do Ich Named ~~a~~f~Or~~c!~~a:n!~Ugh Penn- ;~~e~~o l~;~~t~~e:kr~~~b:~ with a ~~~S!~~i!~1 :;is!nt~~~~~~~ to ;:tb~o aL~~~~:. ~~ of injuries. and Our team was defeated by a linal in this game high scorer through continue bothered by a number will score of 56 to 41. Good per- total of 8 points. tomorrow evening. Nineteen teams Greg Banks, with a bad knee, sat Coach formances were turned in for WMC Last Tuesday night, our team from Pennsylvania and Maryland out this match in readiness for the will be participating. back Foreman's Becky and Kelly Dargan MAC's. Doug by Westminster, Md.--Senior co- ~i~~~'an~hl~ w~r~ hi~b s~r~rs played a home game against .~O~Chca~e fee~s ~~~ ~e ~1~pr~b~:;S ha::::~ed h~u~~le. at _ ~~~~~i~b~tv~isDO~~o:ra~10~te~i~ ;e~~ds~hO ~~~I~dan do~n a l~ ~:t~;:;~~7:7:1saJ:~~;:~ ~:t~~~~:~~i:~i~~~:!~~:s~~ ~li:nbe!~O~I~' g~fJ~~: ~~~~ Western Maryland College's The Terrorettes had a big game they pressed the opponent, forcing Of the 19 teams in the MAC, ours is football squad will continue. New Thursday night against Johns turnovers and long outside shots. actually one of the best. Despite a head coach Jim Hindman has Hopkins, winning by a scoreof69 to The starting five played an out- 6-11 season record, the Terror Plain & Fancy named Dolch as a graduate 25. Becky Martin was high scorer standing game, with Becky Martin grapplers went 4-4 against the assistant coach for next fall. with 21 points and Sara Kain had 7 scoring 18 points along with 12 cream of the MAC. Specifically, Donuts rebounds, as The 5-foot-lO·inch, 165-pound' on B,.. Ur our women . points each for Nancy Barry and wrestlers such as John Koontz defensive safety was named vigorously outplayed the op- Sara Kain. Sara was also high (who, in the unlimited class, was Defensive Player of the Year "II rebounder. leading winner on the team this 140 Village 1976's team. Dolch intercepted five rnp The Terrorettes wind up the season, 10-&-1), Greg Banks (at 190 passes on a Green Terror squad' season next week with one more lbs.) , Terry Caudell (150), and which posted a 4-4-1 record. His .. horne- game on Tuesday and a Bruce LeFew (167) ha~e good only 5 minu'l'IIS away teammates voted him the winner As another basketball season tournament beginning March 4. chances to place high at ~w~~ "to~re~~::th:~~~~ ~:d ;~tu~~:~d~o~gitsnn,!gne: *****~**********':::;~9**:~~~ni~*** ::.~=~::~::::=:...~::::~ Open 24 Hours a Day desire, dedication, and deter- cr?Ss the. ~ollege community's* Over. the· Hill- Jean Shop * , ~~a~~~ f:tC;:~~~~~~~. of the nunds. ThlS IS one way to try to: Featuring' * ~hi~hthwas not* A 1973 graduate of Northeast ~~e~ ~~cs:~~ Jeans 99t· s 7. 99 Paraphernalia Jewelry High, Dolch is a resident of signs ~f bo~. On1~ ~ree ~:y~~* "'Wealso buy old jeans!! * :: MONTOUR HOUSE Geor * Pasadena, Md. He excelled in are graduating (John o'Connor,: Sale on Shirts & Tops-SO% off * :::ers~:ts !.~~nd (~ei~~ Wayne Coblentz and :: scholastic and athletic ability. in~=~)th:r!a;:r::=::;lrJ:::~: . 861-8776 . * Finest in Foods and the leading rebounder* . Hours .. Tuesda y -Sunda y /2-6.30 In addition to his other ac- (Wayne). The nucleus for a strong* East. on Rt. 140, after light at R~. 91,turn nghtat Finks burg Auction. and Cocktails complishments at Western Maryland, Dolch was cited for ~~!s~r:::ln~o~, nJ~ i:e~ict~·****************~**************t honorable mention on the All-State Bernie Jankowski and Reuben Homemade Pies Football Team as a junior, and is a Turner will continue to improve co-eaptainon this SIring's baseball and veterans Vince Wesley, Brent ISN"I(S~, team. All ,~ Hours: 11 :00 a.m.- He is a physical education major Wolford, Mike Walter, Joe Golden we serve_.. who plans to enter coaching and and Tom Cosgrove will add some t ..niiN KISS- -.I 9:00p.m. teaching upon completion of his depth and experience. 6 days a week masters work at Western This Years' team hasn't had the Sunday: 12:00·8:00 Maryland. winning record of past teams but BRE~KFAST LUNCH DINNER they have hustled and put out 110 they Also, time. Chaperones percm.t every the loyal fan support Bernice Fritz appr~iate Manager faculty and Needed supplied by students, the season. 876·3339 friends throughout ~o~~~:~ C~f~~:ss~~~ti~~. ,.I.!'••••••. 59 West Main Street sponsoring a swimming program • ant .. erson~ senous. Westminster, Md. 21157 for its citizens at the college pool, • about losmgwelght, •. Spagl!mi Day - Wldn.Jdty Oin,_ beginning Wednesday, February • call 635-2970 • ~~~::~~~~'~~~~:e=:••••••••••• W11l11N WALKING DISTANCE in May. The Association is asking "ftimffl;m~"I~'fiijitt Opea 6.a.m...daiy nap. Sundays" •. m_ .:&. :~~::~~w:o di~~!~~i~a~s~ Ii HARBER SHOP They need people to chaperone the 948·23&3 W NEWLY REMODELED ~~;:f::nw~~enre-t~n~~~l!~ would like good swimmers to work -e CARROU. PI.J.ZA wj~ ~e interested in receiving ~E"T""IN.TI!:R.,M";RVI--ANO 21115 swunmmg instruction. Whether Male and Female ;~~nd~:~~r=~~ call Steve Horr Razor Cutting Styling Jreciated. Please r--------. RUSTY a JUOV JOHNSON 848-4124, if at the CCARC office, YOU are interested. 1 HOUSE 'OF UQUORS ,. I Carroll Plaza Shopping Center 1 848.13U Special of the Week! Bring this ad with you for: 1 • SCHUTZ 12-pack HOURS: • 12 oz. cans $2.99 I· mon.12-5 1 Sale ends Thursday, Feb. 24th /. lues .. wed_ Ihurs.. 10- 5 .._------_.1 fri 10-9 sat. 9 - 5 WMC students only
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