Page 103 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 103
Page 3 - Friday, February 25, 1977 Scrimshaw In the Nation...- and In the World Recently, citizens and courts in If ex-Black Panther Eldridge median age of a U.S. citizen is Palestinian guerrillas Tuesday for the attack on AI Khyam. a many communities across the U.S. Cleaver comes on your television rising and will continue to rise for were reported to have sent rein- small town of about 5,000 have gotten involved in campaigns set and gives a testimony for 50 years. By the year 2030, there forcements to southern Lebanon Christians and Moslems about against pornography. A recent Jesus, don't be surprised. It's all will be 52 million Americans over where Lebanese right-wing five miles from the Israeli border. case' was the conviction of part of a new attempt to sell the age of 65-which is twice the Christian militiamen captured a "Hustler" publisher Larry Flynt religion to the masses. This week, present number. This rapid change town Sunday. The reinforcements . on charges of peddling obscenity. the 2-million member Baptist is the result of the bulge created by were said to have come Irom ' A repo~t from T~nzama alleges The protesters argue that certain General Convention is launching the postwar baby boom. This large Palestinian camps in three main that President Amm has begun a types of pornography (!Iicj as tjpse an unabashed evangelical and proportion of older Americans will southern towns of Selda, Tyre and purge . of tho~s~nds o~ involving "perverted" acts or campaign called "Gooq. News createstrainsonthegovernmental Nabative. Clashes between the Chrls.han Lan~1 involving minors) are so obviously Texas" which will shower that sa-vices utilized to take care of the Palestinians and their Lebanese and Ach?le tribesmen m Uganda s obscene and objectionable that state with religious messages over aged and the infirm. The problem leftist allies on the one hand and ar~y, alrf~rce, police forces, ru:d -' certain steps need to be taken. the next two months. While some is compounded by the present Christian militiamen on the other prison service. Refug~ have said Others feel that any prosecutions may consider this a rather birthrate drop. Those persons born are reported to have gained in that thousands of tribesmen had are direct violations of the First tasteless approach, its developers now will be the workers in 40 and 50 intensity in the two days since the been massacred and hundreds of Amendment to the Constitution see as another potentiallY effective years-the producers. In other towner Al Khyam was captured by students ~f those tribes had be:n ~~~ ~~~~here is no telling where it way of spreading the word. :rs~p~er~i~g y~:r!e~lck~;I~~ ~~~:~~:~e ~::~ t:~:~e ~~~sl~~~ :~~~~~d ~;SI::,n!~~~p~~rngS~~~ •tt t I" II d F. Last week, nee-Nazi Fred America is growing old. The Christians in the armed forces with I I" Cowan, 33, went berserk in New I d ea s, ",omml men ",a e l\o~oslems and Sudanese loyal to Rochelle New York. Alter a or himself. bloody "blitzkrieg", six persons, _ including Cowan, lay dead with continued from page I United States and Panamanian five others wounded. Cowan held compassion are necessary building considered it tragic that no black determination and effort in sen- negotions are "making progress" an arsenal of weapons in his_home, blocks. history courses are being offered Sitizing WMC to black needs. If all in their current round of talks for a and had an obsession with Nazi Rev. Cooper reflected upon his at the present time, He noted that efforts are exhausted and no new Canal Zone treaty, a State ~ literature and artifacts. A college life at Wesley where he was approximately one third of Morgan progress is made, then black Department spokesman, reprimand from his Jewish the only black student enrolled in State Univ.'s faculty is white, and students should leave the campus. Frederick Brown, said today. The Supervisor at work set off the '1960. It was difficult and lonely for then rebuked the white But he was very optimistic that U.S. negotiations, headed by spree which ended In SUICide Said him, "but he stayed. Enrollment of audience, "See, we are kinder to progress will be made, as long as Ellsworth Bunker' and Sol M. his brother, James, afterwards, blacks at Wesley has grown since, you than you are to us." there is enough determination to Linowitz have been in Panama for "We're all asking 'why? " and it is rewarding to see so many Above all, Rev. Cooper called for succeed. the past two weeks. black faces on the campus now. - Sugal' Fun b1~,ek'~~d:~;~~:'m"::: ~; ! Disruption of Peace Needed? Jim wogsland extremely small minority at WMC. M..att-Uowers , Fifteen WMC students led by The struggle will be difficult for An emphasis on education tor- promoting of either professional properly intellectually prepared. Alan Lesser and Bill Johnson, them, but their presence here is America's black youth was the key athletics or the entertainment He also noted the all-toe-lost. ability ~pent this past Winter Break skiing important just as his presence was point of an informal address given industry alone. as avenues of to say "I love you-." not to blacks In Sugarbush, Vermont. Organized important at Wesley 17 years ago. by Mr. Kip Branch before a small personal advancement, without the or to whites but to people in by the S~udent.Activities ?ffice I~ With enough determination to group in Memorial lOG last benefits of education. Branch general. Branch said he feels a cooperation WIth the United SkI succeed, they can't possibly fail. Thursday night in a BSU- particularly str~ssed the im- personal duty to stop hatred Association, the trip was ex- When asked about how to get sponsored Black History Week pcrtance of the libr-ary, pointing (which he sees as taking more tremely successful and enjoyable. some active help from the ad- activity. out that the. library card is one effort than love) if it will affect his The anxious skiiers set out at ministration, Rev. Cooper Branch, a young black writer thing in our society that is still children or his children's children. 8:00 AM in a bus driven by a super responded that blacks must and educator, noted the relatively free of cost to the user He briefly praised the recent guy (and CB nut) whose handle organize nnd define their needs paradoxical effect of education television dramatization of was Dr. Wacky. The trip took 12 first, then the black caucus must thai, while designed to perpetuate A number of other topics were "Roots" for its depiction of the hours. The tired travelers arrived pressure the administration to deal the aims of society, at the. same touched on in his talk, including the strength of black men and women, at their plush condominium named with the issues. It's a tough job for time creates in people the abliity to frightening reality of the outside especially the women Middle Earth. (which even had such a small minority, so white look at, make decisions about, and world for many young blacks after A brief question-and-answer fireplaces) in tIme to watch the end support from faculty and students question the world around them. college, particularly if they are not period followed the talk of "Roots." is encouraged. Hence they become "disturbers of The slopes were a bit nippy the A qllestion about why some of the the peace,'.' as it we~e, whether first day (-58 degrees wind chill) activities lor BlaCK History Wef'k black or while, and socIety does not CAPITAL CENTRE but the remaining four days were were' open to black students only want that. The Eagles, and Jimmy Buffet 3/21 - 22 excellent skiing. Fresh powder fell stimulated a sharp defense: For blacks, said Branch, this each day. The slopes ranged from "When white folks get together effect is doubled. He sees aU blacks DAR CONSTITUTION HALL - a challenging beginner's slope to a they call it fellowship. When blac.k as inherent "disturbers of the AI Stewart, and Wendy Waldeman 2/26 2 mile downhill winding test of folks get together they call It peace" in this SOCiety; indeed, he Johnny Winter, Muddy Waters, and James Cotton 3/8 endurance. Beginners and experts segregation." Whites can't feels it is a moral duty. Kansas 3/9 Bread 3/16 alike find the Sugarbush vaHey possibly understand what it means Branch also pointed out the enjoyable. to be black-so it's legitimate to necessity for total honesty between NA VAL ACAOEMY When the slopes closed at four exclude them. parents and children in black AI Stewart 2/25 Santanna 3/19 (Cap, Centre) o'clock the WMC students located One of the demands by black families. He feels it is unfair to the Hellen Reddy 3/5 (DAR) the action-from a beer bash on the students is for black history child to be told that he or she can WARNER THE7ITER slopes to a night club named the_ courses to be added to the someday be President of the Robert Palmer, and Gary Wright 2/26 Blue Tooth (where their bus was curriculumandblackprofessorsto United States or even of A.T. & T. jMottll' ~qop I temporarily m_!splaced). be added to the staff. Rev. Cooper He also is against the unfair LYR[CTHEATER RenaissaoyQ 2/27 Menefee's Lost Gnd Found Tired of "Specialfy" ~Ilml ~Olt51' Restaurants'?? Come dine simply Found: A large crater in front of Nothing to d~- on weekends? Best Discounts of Beer, liquor atEngiar's. Develop a taste for the cafeteria. Spoiling scenery and 0: tasteless. Enjoy the same food in m~king noise as well as dirting my ~~~ee ~:~~:ns~~~~~~~,~c~~~ and Wines· in Carroll County! varied colors every night. Gar- room. Will owner please claim? nished with hair:_nd ashes. Contact: Spanish House. ' cast of 5, presented in the gazebo. Cox's Barrel House ~ox's Bottle Shop ~::tYO~~~ickoefts eca;z~~ YO~a~~e~ ~ 2445 8~ltimore Blvd 2824 L,1{lenOW" P,ke Concert: Free seating on Lawn -0' Presented by the Student Activities Fi"ksbw'g. Md. 2104a E. Bre"t Carlisle Westm,,,ster Md 21157 outside of Dr. John's house Office. .. 833-2078 _ 861·8787 346-1311 Mar>ag
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