Page 102 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 102
Page 2. Scrimshaw Friday, February 25, 1977 EDITORIAL Worst Values on Gridiron Ridenour and Center Funds Eugene Bianchi service of one purpose: domination on his ability to please. A sign of ,~ The following is reprinted fcom a of other men. . .. approval from this campus deity is We note that James Ridenour, the vtce-Presreent for Development in WMC's Office of Development, and the Otttce has performed what 1972 issue of Christianity and The patron saint o! the pigskin worui all the adulation heaped on formulated Cowan, appears to be a good lob of fund raising for the College Center. Given Crisis. Wayne WMC, edits a 1948 ~ult, V~ce Lombardi, "Winning is not him. That this attitude persists in professional Its clas~lc dogma: that of graduate football can be seen in only a brief two years or so, and a significant number of skeptical magazine. Eugene Bianch:, author e~~hlDg;. it is the only thing." Jerry Kramer's Instant Replay. onlookers toward the drive's posslbllity for reaching Its goal. Ridenour o£thearticle, was then a professor Wmmng.' m the temples of Kramer lives for Lombardi's et at performed admIrably In raising, on schedule, almost SJ million to date. ' of religion at Emory University. prcresstonet football, doesn't acceptance. outcome We would, however, add a precaUtionary note to the well.deserved This is the first of a series .• the connote the satisfying in sport. of It Autocratic control is aided by the friendly Editor competition pr alse. The posslblilty for abuse In this Institutional search for money personality types of coaches who was, of course, present. The Scrimshaw concludes from Its Information More than 25 million Americans mea.ns,. rather, the brutal frequently epitomize jockdom's that app.arently there was not undue or unethical pressure put upon fostered their own dehumanization domination of the weekly enemy. highest traits: narrowness of potential gIft-givers, While the College Center fund does not reveal each weekend last fall as fans of While ~ certain degree of vision, intolerance of diversity, abuse, however, watchdoggIng remains important. The alertness of big-time footba1l. Fixed to TV sets roughness IS a by-product of many and utter loyalty to the meager everyone - particularly those In 'watchdog positions- such as the SGA or or huddled in the great arenas American sports, sheer ~ut?lity is wisdom of their guild. The absolute Scrimshaw. focusing on poor mixtures of money and ethics Is Im- across the land, the spectators. theessenceoffootball.lnJune~are authority of the super-coach does portant for Institutional health. reinforced in themselves the worst com~onp.lace, and serious not contribute to character- Again· our congratulations to Mr. Rtdencur and the Office of values of our culture. Through physical disabilities resulting from building in the players, but rather the and their to infantilization Development. these autumnal rites of passage, ~ralD and concussions, torn we avidly introduce our young to ligaments, broken ?ones. and stunting of their development as the saving knowledge of adult life: severe,brUlses t_ake their toll 10 the self-directed persons. authority totalitarian Football's competition, life. - Religious Services brutality, aggressive chauvinism, player s later football is an enterprise structure also reflects the profit-gr-eed, male Big-time and the discipline of dull con- of intended violence; its purpose is militarism prevalent. in our The game's How very striking that the Christian Lenten season of penltance and formity to the status QUO. As the to inflict wjury on opponents culture. the language terminology It is of war. mirrors self-denial would begin thts past week on a warmly Spring-like Ash frenzy of the gridiron season through vicious physical contact, basically a battle in which astute Wednesday. As the BSU's speaker Rev. Quincy Cooper pointed out last reaches paroxysmal proportions often subtly aimed at another field generals maneuver their week discIpline and celebration, freedom and responsibility are too with the bowl games, football player's previous wounds. Out- forces for victory. Bomb squads often not a coherent whole but Instead are allen to each other. affords an excellent opportunity to scoring the opposition entails, to a are sent down field on kickoffs and From the Cathol1c Ash Wednesday service in Chapel; "Go in peace, study the dark side of America. great extent, relentless physical punts. Crushing blocks and tackles have courage, hold on to what Is good. Return no man evil for evil Collegiate and especially pounding. To excuse the brutal are aimed at putting the enemy out Strengthen the fainthearted, support the weak, help the sufferIng: professional. football reveal the core of this game by saying the of action. As the struggle rages Honor all men and all women and all children. Love and serve each fascist streak in our SOCiety. Of players are well-protected or in around offensive and defensive other rejoicing In the power ofthe splrltthat we share." course, the fascist penchant is no shape is to blind oneself to foot- operations, the quarterback oc- Andthe Protestant Chapel service last Sunday; "We are overcome by more American than it is Chinese ball's cruel dynamic. Moreover, .casionally "throws the bomb." theglftof life, faith, courage and dreams. Hear our prayer for those who or Russian. Yet it takes on peculiar there is psychological evidence to Just c as it' is important to are indifferent to Thee, those who do not know you, those caught in nuances in our heritage. Fascism affirm that spectators experience tragedy, and those.threatened by properlty. Lead us in a plain path means the control and domination vicarious reinforcement of violent propagandize soldiers Cor intense today toward the accomplishment of the dream which Is over us." of others by a forceful repression of tendencies rather than their levels of belligerence, so players Words ... and more words ... and more words - we have few models of personal and communal freedom healthful release. must be "psyched get up" to defeat the "high" enemy. Some for embodying responsible celebration or of extending our verbalized Football in the most blatant way Football's brutality-for-gain combat on drugs, while others can .teeeocm to others. We have few models of partying which is Inclusive of manifests this tyranny by brute demands a high level of be sufficiently motivated by money secret concern, or of Integrating spring sun and Lenten services. force over the wills of others. And I authoritarian control. To achieve services. am denying neither the disciplined this regimentation, the hero-cult is and ego-prestige. Training fields There Is verbalized social concern In the religiOUS community on artistry of the players nor the inculcated early in the high school are isolated and guarded like Beret campus. Perhaps what the rest of us - no matter how religious we may computerized science of the apotheosis of the coach. His word is Green obedience encampments. Ab- is solute to commands or may not be . are In need of most is leadership In living whatever coaches. But all this finesse and absolute law; the youthful player's imperative, and nonconformity is reality may lie behind those words. technology are the self-identity depends in large part totally discouraged. Little wonder Nixon that Richard is a football Cafeteria Watergate (SieJ Aid Program Cut? freak. The game provides a way of yet not being both relaxing and President Carter has recently distracted from the hard qualities by Stephen R. Kepple year, not on1y by this institution petty a detail as whether or not put before Congress a budget needed for geopolitical control and When the day began, I was jolly but by the thousands across the there is a free table next a window propo-sal which involves the manipulation. enough to write this: - nation. Then does one begin to see or a Wall, that I may direct myself elimination of the National Direct Big-timeJootball also manifests There is a quaint relationship the enormity of this energy away from the crowd. Those faces! Student Loan Program (NDSL), an and strengthens the ideal of between national security and waste. - brutal, delicate; cruel, kind; action which, if approved, would masculine identity in the United overcooked vegetables. Let us Late that night, I wrote this: vapid, alert; selfish, "oceanic;" have an adverse affect on much or States. The true male is consider, by way of example, It is not because of the broccoli bloated, thin; hating, loving; Western Maryland's student aggressively competitive and broccoli. We all know what hap- that I despise EngJar Dining Hall. prematurely old, smooth; population. Through this program, dominant in all situations. The pens to a piece of broccoli between The food has nothing to do with it at beautiful, plain, hideous; laughing, aid is made available to students at weekend trek to the areas is not its arrival, relatively fresh and all- no, not even the corned fat. I but not crying! Their chewing low interest rates. an escape from the real world of green, at the kitchens of Western fear and loathe EngJar because corporate America; rather it is a Maryland College, and its ap- there I must encounter the ~~~ ~~~~!~h:~: Ia: ~~~oJ This action has been publicly weekly pilgrimage to the national pearance, grey and disintegrating, population of the school. I am no hide away from them forever, but critlzed by the chairman of the shrines where the virtues of toughness and insensitivity Committee, on the algid plates of dinner. The better than my stomach, you see- for this stomach. House Education C~~t D byp~~~~: can be defenseless vegetable is cooked. it forces me from my lonely, lofty Names, names! Who also is ~~~~,nt:~~:d renewed. <\nd then it is cooked some more. room, seeking its own level. The offended to the core of soul by a such a program, thousands of In the football spectacle, the role In the process, energy is eaten Fence has made my route cit- belch, a slammed door, an arhyth- students from lower-income homes of woman in our society is clearly (stoves do it too, of course) - that cuitous, but always I am moving mic song of filthy shouts, a stupid will be-forced to culminate 'thelr defined against the masculine same precious energy which down, over dead grass, leached criteria. The important action is President Carter implores that we soil, and stairs stained with ket- ~~ l:~~~~~~~klika:~ t~r~~:i education. There are $800 million male-dominated: women can conserve. America needs all the chup and gum and saliva. Then I Who also, to the core of soul? .. ~C:~ro~~~e:~ o~~ ~e~nw:~ share only from a distance in a energy she can get to keep her emerge from a tunnel, furtive 1gulp my food and hurry out onto million to work with. man's world. They can shout and economy eagle-bouyant. Russia apprehensive - and there through the dead, darkling fields. And I am Founded In 1958, the pr.ogram squeal from afar, but their roles waits. Would it not be patriotic, the glass ahead are the human are accessory to the male event. then, to cook the vegetables a little beings from whom I have hidden ~~k~:I~,r:~rnf:~~~ ;~~~~e ~~ h~. smce ruded more one The can show their thighs at half less long? Forget entirely, please, like-a fool. The ubiquitous crowd of the ghost. But there are on1y the mIlh~~ needy stude~ts, srud Rep. time in the various pageants or that our meals would be more the evening Englar. Babbling, tr~ regarding me staunchly Perkms. ApprOXimately 57 leap about as cheerleaders in palatable and nutritious. multicolored. Feeding non- holding their hands up to the star~ perc~t Of. the recipie~~s come emotional dependence on men. For The skeptic may say, well, what chalantly on filtl_l. weather. The ghost goes lonely and from workmg class families. ultimately they are his "bunnies," is one load of broccoli - it requires lost on the landscape too, then. If his possessions for pleasure and very little extra energy to overcook I would turn away. But I am no only I could find her. Sr. Recital/ service. it. But Iwould point to all the other better than my stomach, I am no The next morning, thank G-od, I This critique of big-time football vegetables which are overcooked., better than you. Indeed, I am was iollv a2ain. - Ms. Beverly Gandolfo will (and other games, in as much as dinner after dinner, year after worse, for I must worry about so Staff present her senior piano recital at 8 they share the same charac- Editors p.m., Feb. 25, in Levine Hall, teristics) is not a blanket con- To sports. demnation of organized John POEM OF THE WEEK C~rlton Harrl. Springer Meg Hoyle Western Maryland College. the degree that the latter mainfest MOTHERHOOD Jeff RObinso~ One Range The recital program will in- the qualities of creative play, they never a moment Layout clude: Sonata, Op. 26, by: constitute healthy and important BlII TOdd alone Paul Hewett Contributors Beethoven; Papillons, Op. 2, by hwnan rituals, Games become in the home, Nancy Barry M,l
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